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Esther Goes MAD! #132



GC Nights.bar2.jpg

The bartender hands Vandalynn and Noah their drinks.

Noah_zps73cfbcec.pngNoah: So tell me about you?

thCAVCMY3I.jpgVan: I’m new here in Genoa City. I came here so I can put my family back together. I also need to find a good job. The job market where I come from sucks.

Noah: So you have family here?

Van: Uhmm I guess you can say that.

Noah: Where did you move from?

Van: Verdon Lou. It’s not far from here just a small shabby town. What about you sexy tell me about you.

Noah: Born and raised right here in GC. Just out tonight looking for a good time.

Van: Me too. Maybe we can give each other that good time.

Noah: Oh really?

Van: Of Course” She says kissing him on the cheek. “I’m hungry you mind going to grab me a bite to eat from the kitchen?

Noah: Of course not.” Noah leaves the bar. Meanwhile Van pulls out a vial from her purse and drop the contents in Noah’s drink.

imagesCA3MTMVG_zpseec6324d.jpgEpisode 132: Esther Goes MAD!

Written by ML Cooks

Creative Consults: C Nate Richardson and Martin Saenz

Rafe gets a knock on his door. He puts the book down he was reading to see who is at the other end of the door. He is not too pleased when he sees Scotty.

soctty2.jpgScotty: Not happy to see me?

Rafe: Not really, and I’m kind of busy so-

Scotty: Uhm no.” Scotty then barges into Rafe’s apt.

Rafe: That’s rather rude. So you are here what do you want?

Scotty: You.” Scotty walks over and plants a kiss on Rafe’s lips.


Jill and Keemo are having a drink. Jill can only stares at her drink. She then looks up at Keemo

“So it is true you and Gloria are engaged… or were engaged?

keemo_zps42afdf4a.pngKeemo: Yes. But she is not very happy with me.

imagesCA946KAL_zps27ce0620.jpgJill: How did you go from me to her? I know Jack is not happy with you and Gloria.

Keemo: No he’s not but Jack doesn’t control my life.

Jill: If that is so then why did you cut our little romance short when he objected?

Keemo: That was a mistake. I should have manned up to him.

Jill: A mistake? What does that mean? How is it a mistake when you are engaged to Gloria?

Keemo: Jill I’m attracted to you. I often wonder what could have been.

Jill: I don’t know what to say. You are a very handsome fellow. But just like Gloria, I share a lot of history with the Abbotts so I really don’t know if we could have worked out. You took my mind of this tragic day so I at least thank you for that.

Keemo smiles at her. “We need to do this more often.”

Jill: Do we? How would Gloria feel about us doing this more often?

GC Nights Bar. Noah comes back with a plate of chicken fingers and French fries. Van smiles at him and thanks him. Van takes a sip of her drink to try and encourage Noah to do the same. He follows suit and gulps down his beer with the contents Van poured into it. Van smiles when the tainted beer is gone.

“This is going better than I could have imagined. Momma Bear will be so happy.”

Noah: Damn I feel woozy.

Van: I bet you are after you just threw away that beer.Oh I insist I drive you home. I can’t let a friend drive drunk.

Noah: I don’t want to go home.” He looks at her then kisses her. He pulls back.

Van: You’re horny huh?

Noah: I’m feeling some type of way.

Van: We can go back to my suite at the Genoa City Athletic Club. I’ll take care of you.

Van takes his hand and pulls him outside the bar so they can get in her car.

Rafe’s Apt. Rafe pulls out of Scotty’s kiss.

Scotty: What is the matter? Don’t you want me?

Rafe: You’re childish Scotty. I think our age gap is going to put an end to this. Your behavior is unacceptable. I’m too old to be hiding who I am or who I love. If you can’t be open with your sexuality then we can’t be together. I’m simply not going to deal with that.

Scotty: I’m sorry for putting you through that. I’m just not ready to tell my mother or the world I like,.. no… I love men. Rafe I need you. I think of you every day and night. Please give me a chance. Give us a chance. So say the word I’ll spread my wings like a bird and fly right into your nest my king I’ll try my best.

Rafe: Scotty I don’t know.

Scotty: I do. Let’s go away for the weekend. You can take us to the Caribbean and then we can really set this relationship off right. I want to be with you Rafe. You’re everything I’ve always wanted in a man. Your extremely handsome, your eyes say sex to me every time I look at you, they are so dreamy. I can make you happy Rafe. I know I can.

thumbnailCAO2YMGR.jpgRafe takes a deep breath. “I like you too Scotty but I just don’t know if I can do the undercover lover thing with you. I told you I been there done that a long time ago. I’m trying to be with a man that is sure of himself.

Scotty: I’m not taking no for an answer. I want you Rafe. Make love to me.” Scotty walks over with intentions on seducing Rafe by starting with a passionate kiss. Scotty grabs Rafe’s manhood and Rafe is turned on and returns Scotty’s passionate embrace. Scotty unzips Rafe’s pants to pull out his erected pole. Scotty plays with it. Scotty is aroused by the nice size and takes his own pants off and leads Rafe over to the couch. They make love.tn_alexis-arquette_06.jpg

Chancellor Estate. Nina and Chance are sitting in the living room.

Nina: So tell me honey what have you been doing since you been in Germany?

imagesCAOQR7ZL_zpsd2881e6d.jpgChance: After my physical therapy I was sent to Afghanistan.

Nina: Again? Why didn’t you tell me?

Chance: I really couldn’t. It was a classified mission.

Nina: How did it go? I’m glad you made it back. It’s so bad over there.

Chance: I was one of the lucky ones. But-“He chokes up and stands up so he won’t have to show his mother the pain he’s hiding.

Nina: But what honey talk to me what happened?

Chance: I lost some one I loved very deeply. And it’s my fault.” Then Chance hears a woman scream in his head. Screaming his name saying “Chance help ME!!!”

Chance: I failed her. She was kidnapped by the Taliban and I was unable to save her.

Nina is hurting that her son is hurting. She holds him.Nina2_zpse9517a22.png

Nina: It’s going to be ok. Have faith. This woman is safe and she will return.

Chance: I pray for that every day. Mom there is something you don’t know though.

Nina: What is that? It’s about the missing woman?

Chance: Yes. She’s from right here in Genoa City.

Nina is surprised.

The Jail. Esther walks in to meet with Victor.

Victor smiles at Esther as she walks in. Esther walks up to Victor and slaps him across the face. Victor was unable to prepare for a slap from a house keeper as he was not anticipating Esther would have the gumption to do such a thing. Esther then sits down.

imagesCAJ5SL8T_zps33fb5933.jpgVictor: Have you gone mad?

Esther: Yesa894db85_zpsc0dd912f.jpg

Victor: I can see that. You hit me. You hit Victor Newman. Never ever in your life will you hit me again! GOT THAT!? No character hits me. Its in my contract!thCAVP9ANB.jpg

Esther: Contract? You're the one who's mad now just listen, I’m sick of your family that you created. Your daughter killed my grandchild and got away with it.

Victor: I’m sorry for you loss. What happened was tragic but Victoria never meant to kill that baby. It was an accident. Let me remind you that she caught Chloe in bed with her husband. How would you react? You would be pretty damned mad too right?

Esther: I suppose I would be. I’m just tired of you and your family thinking they can do whatever to whomever and get away with it.

Victor: I’ll tell you what I won’t let people get away with. That’s Katherine Chancellor. That’s why I asked you down here. Esther we have something in common. I want to know right now who was involved in Katherine’s death and how did all this come about?

Outside the bar. Noah gets in Van’s car. He looks at her.

Van: What’s the matter?

Noah: I want you so bad right now? I never felt this way before. I just have to have you.”

He leans in and kisses her.

Van: Noah wait no!” He covers her mouth with his lips by kissing her. He then whispers in her ear

“I want you so bad. I need you. Give it to me.” Van likes Noah aggressive state and stops any hesitation she had before. The plan was to get Noah to her hotel room but she will settle for hot car sex. Noah rips open her blouse and grabs her breast.

Noah: So beautiful.” He kisses them as she leans her seat back so they can have more room. He gets on top of her on her side of the car and then puts her right leg over his shoulder. He leans down and kisses her and the windows begin to steam up. They make love on the spot both enjoying each other. Van takes out her cell phone and text Sheila. “Home run.” Van then takes pictures of Noah who doesn’t realize what she is doing since he is so out of it and the only thing on his mind is wet satisfaction.car.jpg

hauntedpic1.jpgIn Verdon Lou. Sheila reads her text. She smiles. She then walks to Sharon.

Sharon: Now what?

sheila.jpgSheila: My baby girl just seduced your son. I’m hoping for a Newman baby soon.”

Sharon screams out in horror.0soapoprahsharon.jpg


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  • Members

Well there's some envelope-pushing. Hah. I'm enjoying Sheila so much right now. Can't wait to see what happens next.

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