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Bereavement #130



The Hosptial. Keemo is still trying to appeal to Gloria.

imagesCARL5UFA_zps494bc611.jpgKeemo: So you love me?

thCAN2HQJP.jpgGloria: Yes damn it! And damn you for making me love you. If I’d known you were an Abbott I would have cut this relationship off a long time ago. Now I’m stuck. You see your dad, he’s not going for us being together. Besides, it’s not right. I respect your granddad too much to be with you. I loved him dearly and no one can replace him.

Keemo: I’m not trying to replace him. But what I feel for you is real. I love you.

Gloria: We cannot do this.

A reporter then flashes a camera in their face and begins to hammer away at the duo

“Gloria are you keeping it in the family with John Abbott grandson Keemo?”

Gloria is appalled and walks away. Keemo shoves the reporter and camera man off. Keemo is very frustrated as he walks past Jack.

Jack: So now what?

Keemo: What do you mean?

imagesCACOGM06_zps86515432.jpgJack: You are the face of McCall. Good luck handling all the blowback. You made a huge mistake working for Tucker.

Keemo: This is not the time Jack. Let’s think about Kay.

Jack: I am trust me.” Jack then walks away. Keemo wonders what was in between the lines of Jack’s conversation. He brushes it off and sees Jill off in a distance sitting by her lonesome. He decides to walk over to her.

Michael arrives at the hospital and approaches Lauren.

“Is it true, Tucker is dead?”

Lauren: Yes and so is Mrs. Chancellor.” She says with tears in her eyes.

Michael: Mrs. Chancellor? My goodness. How did all this happen?

Lauren: We still don’t know anything. Paul has been hovering around waiting on Murphy to speak with him. He’s just giving him space.

Michael: Where is Fenmore?

Lauren: At a friend’s. So what about you? When did you get out of jail?

Michael: You mean after you betrayed me?

Lauren: I never asked you to commit perjury for Victor Newman.

Michael: We are married, we share a son. We are a family. Why would you sell me out like that?

Lauren: I don’t like who you are as a person any more. You became Victor’s Bitch. I told that over and over again. And look at what it got you? I did the right thing by turning you in. I did it for our son. I want to teach him to do the right thing. Something his father cannot do any longer. And by the way you can expect divorce papers very soon. I finally filed.” She then walks away leaving Michael feeling frustrated.sabrina_victor_wed_11.jpg

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I5esA39JvCkEpisode 130: Bereavement!

Written and Produced by ML Cooks

Creative Consults: C. Nate Richardson and Marin Saenz

Leslie opens her door after hearing a knock. She sees Rafe.

17401366.jpgLeslie: Rafe it’s good to see you how you been?” She says motioning him to come in.

thumbnailCAO2YMGR.jpgRafe: I been ok. A little stunned at the news about Tucker and Kay. Just laying low after the Newman trial fiasco. Our law firm collapse. I cannot get ahold of Avery.

Leslie: I bet. She’s scared. You wait till I see her. And oh yes. Just shocking about Mrs. Chancellor

Rafe: So you haven’t seen Avery either. This is unlike her. Something is so off about her. Why would she betray you and expose your secret the way she did?

Leslie: It’s no problem Rafe. I’m going to handle Miss Avery. You gone read about it in the newspaper and say damn why did Leslie do that to that poor girl.

Rafe laughs. “So how are things with you and Roxanne?”

Leslie: They aren’t. She is so damn angry. She reminds me of myself when I was her age. I was an angry woman. I was angry I had to strip my way through college. It was hard. Then to have it expose at Gloria’s gala. Spencer lost his career. It’s been all bad.

Rafe: I’m sorry to hear.

Leslie: What’s up with you? Any more on that guy you were telling me about it?

Rafe: Scotty, yea he’s childish and unsure of himself. I’m not trying to deal with that.

Leslie: I understand that. Spencer tried to get back with me right after he lost his job. I’m like no deals. That’s not happening. Not trying to take care of a broke man. I got other issues. Too many to be dealing with him. I mean what we had once before was good but I’m not that same person. I’m trying to put my life back together.

Meanwhile back at the hospital. Scotty Is still watching Philip’s every move and the more he sees the more he admires him.philip_zpse4fb4fbf.png

He holds his phone up to take a picture. He then saves it and sends a text to Kirkland over in Bay City. “Look at who that is? I have to make a move on him. I like the more I watch him. What do you think?” Scotty hits send. He waits for a response and finally gets one.

It reads “People are dying in your city and all you can think about is men? What about Rafe?” Scotty thinks about Rafe not expecting his good friend to respond with that. Scotty has his reply “Wow you heard about Mrs. Chancellor already?

Kirkland: Who hasn’t? This is thee Katherine Chancellor.”

soctty2.jpgScotty: Yea yea ok. But about Rafe…I want Rafe too.” Scotty hits send. He now awaits his first chance to go speak to Philip.

Victoria stops hugging Nikki and calls out to Reed. Nikki and Nick turn around to see JT standing there with Reed. They smile. Victoria embraces Reed in a hug while Nikki hugs JT.

JT: I got on the first flight when I heard about Kay. Is she ok?

imagesCADOJX4K_zpsf59708be.jpgNikki: No. Kay didn’t make it. Nikki gets weak in the knees as Nick catches her.

imagesCA7YSUMZ_zps9b31c4a4.jpgNick: Mom you ok?

Nikki thinks on her last encounter with Kay at her suite. She feels guilty as hell.

“No Nicholas. I’ll never be ok again. Excuse me I need some time” She walks away.

Nick: She’s taking this very hard.

JT: I imagine she would

Reed: Mommy what’s going on why is everyone so sad?

thCA4YVP36.jpgAvery looks in a personal mirror to make sure she is ok before she walks into the Jail to meet with Victor who has summoned her. She enters the meeting area where Victor is already awaiting her.

Victor: I want you to tell me what the hell is going on?

Avery: About what?

Victor: What the hell do you mean about what? Tucker McCall is dead and Katherine had a stroke.

Avery: Oh wow I had no idea.

Victor: What do you mean you had no idea? What the hell have you been doing?

Avery has a flashback of snorting lines of cocaine with Cane.

Avery: I got so much on my plate. So many cases.

Victor: Well what the hell am I paying you for? You are supposed to be on top of things. You are really slipping Avery Clark. I’m not liking the direction your character is going in. I’m not sure what’s the matter with you but you damn well better figure it out. Now go get me some damn news now!thCAVP9ANB.jpg

Back at the hospital. Mac walks out of Kay’s room. Brock holds her.

Brock_zps7b0c07c7.pngBrock: You ok honey?

Mac_zps228e274b.jpgMac: It’s so hard to believe. Katherine is actually gone.

Brock: I know Mackenzie. It’s hard for me to. I have no words to express” He says as he holds in tears. JT walks over to them

thumbnailCAX3ZVTO.jpgJT: Mac I’m very sorry for your loss. You to Brock.

Mac: JT thank you and it’s good to see you.” They hug as Victoria watches her ex-husband embrace his first true love. She smiles at the sweet embrace. She sees Chance and decides to give her condolences. She walks Reed over to him.

thCAPO8O6U.jpgVictoria: Chance I’m so sorry for your loss.

imagesCA8IBN36_zps7f36daea.jpgChance: Thank you Victoria. My goodness you are so beautiful. You look so different from the last time I saw you.

Victoria: Well thank you. I had to get plastic surgery on my face after that explosion at Glo Worm’s first gala last winter.

Chance: Well you look stunning. Good to see such a pretty face amongst this old crowd.

Victoria chuckles.

Reed tugs on Victoria’s arm and ask her who Chance is.

Chance bending down to be eye level with Reed

Chance: Hey little guy. I’m Chance. It’s nice to meet you.

Reed laughs.” You have a funny name Chance.”

Victoria: That’s not very nice Reed. Anyway Chance if there is anything I or my family can do for you or your family please don’t hesitate to ask. It’s nice to see you but so unfortunate under these circumstances.

Chance smiles at her and then turns to his dad.

DougDavidson-PaulWilliams-1.jpgPaul approaches Murphy who is sitting with Esther holding her.imagesCAKVWJL0_zpsb2de2051.jpg

Paul: Alright Patrick Murphy. I waited long enough. I need you to come with me down to the station. And this is not a gesture I’m ordering you too. I need to question you about Tucker’s death.

Devon walks on the scene overhearing Paul.

Devon: Why do you need to question Murphy about Tucker’s death?imagesCADG303N_zpsb12cae10.jpg


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  • Members

This was a very good episode...You hit on a lot of stories that you let lag previously (Keemo and Gloria, Scotty, Rafe), and moved others. (Avery, Murphy) and old faves (Brock, Chance, Philip, Mac, JT)...


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  • Members

That was a great episode. You've got Victor down perfectly! And Scotty is probably the most realistic little dumb twink I've ever seen in soap. Loving it!

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