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Harmonious Goodbye! #125



A new day begins in Genoa City, but sadly for some it will be their last….

Genoa City Courthouse. Victoria is pacing the common area as Nick arrives and gives her a hug.

thCAQPHNOC.jpgNick: How you holding up?

thCACDIPI0.jpgVictoria: Well I could be going to jail today for killing Chloe and Billy’s baby.

Nick: Have faith Vic. It’s going to be alright. Billy was cheating on you. It was a crime of passion.

Victoria: You know I haven’t seen Sharon since I’ve been back. Where is she?

Nick: That’s what I can’t figure out. She’s missing. That’s something I need to work on. I haven’t heard from her in weeks and that’s not like her. Especially with Faith needing her so much.

Then Nikki arrives. She hugs both her children.imagesCADOJX4K_zpsf59708be.jpg

Nick: Mom how are you?

Nikki: I’m ok Nicholas. Just hoping for the best for Victoria today.

thCAF4RD4D.jpgThen Avery comes storming in. Her hair is a bit frazzled and clothes a bit wrinkly. The Newman’s notice how dishelved Avery looks and they are surprised.

Avery: I have some incredible news!

The_Young_and_the_Restless_logo_on_CBS_1973_zps969ce30d.pngEpisode 125: Harmonious Goodbye!

Written and Produced by ML Cooks

Creative Consult: C Nate Richardson

Story Editor: Martin Saenz

Neil’s House.

imagesCAHTD0UC_zpsa39fd494.jpgNeil is sitting in bed with a neck brace on. He is reading the Genoa City Business Section out of the local newspaper. He reads a report on Chancellor and their fracking issue in Briar Texas. His phone rings. He reaches over for it but it becomes a struggle for him as he is in pain from the choking death grip from his brother last night. He finally reaches it

Neil: Hello

“Dad. It’s me Lily!”thumbnailndgedvicki.jpg

Neil: Baby girl. Good to hear your voice. How are you?

Lily: I’m ok. How are the twins? I miss them so much.

Neil: Cane is keeping them away from me. I have not seen them much sweetie I’m sorry.

Lily: Bastard! Dad I swear to you when I get back to Genoa City, I’m going to get my kids from Cane and keep them from him.

Neil: I thought you’d be home by now. Victoria came home.

Lily: Their are some complications with my plastic surgery. They are treating an infection from the surgery.

Neil: Honey why didn’t you let me know? I’m on the next flight to Japan.

Lily: No dad really it’s ok. I’m making excellent progress and I should be home soon. I want you to try and see Maddie and Charlie. I need to know they are ok. I’m going crazy not being able to be with them.

Neil: Ok baby girl. I’ll check up on them. You get home soon.

Lily: I will and tell the family I send my love. Dad I got to go, its time for my treatment.

Neil: Ok honey call me later.” They hang up. Neil has a smile on his face hearing from his daughter. He realizes she is right though he needs to make more of an effort to see what Cane is up to with Maddie and Charlie. He tries to get out of bed but it’s a little tough as his neck is killing him. He thinks about the rage and fire he saw in his brother’s eyes the night he almost choked him to death.

At Malcolm’s

thCAL1ASUN.jpgMalcolm is taking a shower while Cane looks around in disgust. He sees empty pizza boxes, crushed beer cans, dishes, clothes all strewn through the apartment. He sees a bug crawling up the wall and wonders if it’s a roach. He pulls out his cell phone and browses the internet for some information. Then he dials a number.

thCAH7C2JM.jpgCane: Genoa City Maid Services?

Operator: Yes’em

Cane: Good. I need a few maids over here at my friend’s apartment. 5512 Miller Street Apt 107.… You can bill it to me. Can you spray for bugs in here also? It’s like the Australian outback in here….And bring some fragrances too it smells like kangaroo dung in here. Good thank you.” He hangs up his phone as Malcolm walks out the bedroom.

Malcolm: You ready to grab some drinks?

Cane: Malcolm bro, this place is just nasty. Don’t you think we ought to clean up?

Malcolm: I don’t care about this place. I don’t care about nothing. Let’s go. I need a beer. Malcolm grabs Cane and they head out the door.

The Courthouse

Nikki: My God Avery are you ok? You look horrible.

Avery: Yea, no, never mind about that. I got news.

Victoria: What is it?

Chloe, Billy and Esther walk up to them.

Avery: Not only did I get the charges reduced to assault, I got them dropped altogether. The new acting DA is a very nice person.

thumbnailCAXRLFRZ.jpgChloe: So that’s it? Now you all celebrate?

The Newman’s and Avery look at Chloe as their moods changes from celebratory to a mix of anger, compassion and sadness.

Chloe: I lost a baby. An unborn child. Doesn’t that account for anything?

Avery: Chloe I’m so sorry.

Chloe: Save it Avery! Damn all you Newman’s! You get away with everything.

Victoria: It was you who brought this upon yourself. You slept with my husband! Don’t forget that! You put yourself in this situation. Now I’m truly sorry about your baby with my husband.

Chloe: Is that supposed to make it better?

Nikki: Chloe my daughter is right. You were in the wrong. You were having an affair with a married man.

KateLinder-EstherValentine.jpgEsther: Shut the hell up Nikki! It was you and your Victoria here who had a few rounds with Brad Carlton. Don’t you dare turn your nose up at my daughter.

Nick: See what you did Billy? You’re a loser man.

yr_get_familiar_with_billy_mille-12.jpgBilly: Yea ok.” Billy hands Victoria her divorce papers.

He grabs Chloe and escorts her out the courthouse.

Esther: They may be leaving town but I will not let this go. Someone is going to pay for hurting my Kate.

Nikki: Go clean a bathroom Esther my God you are so annoying. “ The Newman’s leave the courthouse.

Esther watches them. “ This is not over Newman’s.” Esther pledges.

Chancellor Estate.

167f.jpgHarmony walks down stairs with her luggage. Kay gets up and walks over to her.

thCABGTG1S-1.jpgKay: What is the meaning of this?

Harmony: I’m so sorry Mrs. Chancellor. My daughter needs me. My little girl is pregnant. I have to be there for her. I let this happen by being here in Genoa City and not being close to her.” Harmony is in tears. Kay holds her.

Kay: I understand darling. I will miss you and you did a wonderful job here at Chancellor. I’m very proud of you turning your life around here. Your position at Chancellor is always open and if you need a good reference you can count on me.” They hug.

Harmony: Thank you Mrs. Chancellor. Thank you for everything. You take care of our Devon.”

Kay: I will.” Harmony waves good bye to Murphy, grabs her luggage and leaves the Chancellor Estate and Genoa City. Kay turns to look at Murphy. She walks towards him.

“So it appears you were right. My son is out to get me. Take everything from me. He has not changed and has made me to believe he has. He is trying to play me for a fool.”

imagesCAKVWJL0_zpsb2de2051.jpgMurphy: Yes my love. That’s what I’ve been trying to get you to see. Now you do. I went to Victor and he is aware of what is going on and he came up with a plan to stop Tucker dead in his tracks. I’m a Vietnam Veteran and this plan, this counter attack on the enemy is very damn good. This plan will really give Tucker a taste of his own medicine.

Kay: For heaven’s sake Murph we are not fighting a war here.

Murphy: I love you with all my heart and if someone is trying to hurt you , you better believe I’ll launch my own kind of war to save you Katherine.” He walks over to her and hugs her.

Katherine: Alright alright alright! Tell me this plan to stop Tucker from taking me out. I’ll show him I’m no old fool. I am Katherine Chancellor and no one gets the best of me……


Recommended Comments

  • Members

Yeah, can't say I'll miss Harmony much.

I love what you're doing with Lily. I have a feeling I know what'll happen after her surgery. Hehe.

I agree with Cary, Murphy's plan's gonna backfire and the aftermath is gonna be HUGE. love it!

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