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Did Victoria kill Chloe?



Genoa City Memorial.

Esther is over the moon with grief abut the news of Chloe not making it.

Olivia: I’m sorry let me be more clear. Chloe is alive. But she was pregnant and lost the baby.

Billy is stunned. He walks over to Olivia “ Pregnant? We lost the baby?”

Olivia: I’m so sorry Billy.

Esther walks over towards the Newman but is dead set on Victoria.

“Are you happy? You killed an innocent child. I just want to know what Chloe’s baby did to you for you to kill it?.

Nikki: Esther get a hold of yourself. Vicki is not a killer. No one knew she was pregnant. Looks like Billy didn’t know either. And let me remind you none of this would be taking place if your daughter and Billy would have used some common sense.

Esther: That child Chloe was carrying didn’t ask for any of this. I know my Chloe messed up but that baby didn’t deserve this. And I swear to God I’m going to make you pay Victoria. Your last name and big money won’t get you out of this. The almighty Newman‘s. You can join your father in jail“. Kay comes over and consoles Esther.

Nikki turns to Victoria: Are you ok?

Victoria: Mother no.” She says with a tear in her eye.

“I killed a baby. I killed an innocent baby.”

The Young and the Restless

Episode 112: Did Victoria kill Chloe?

Written by ML Cooks

Creative Consults: C Nate Richardson and Martin Saenz

Jack pulls Billy aside.

How are you holding up? I know this is rough.”

Billy: It’s all surreal. Jack I swear I never meant for any of this to happen. And of all things Chloe was pregnant again. What have I done? I knew it was wrong to sleep with her while my wife was in Japan. I’ve really made a mess of things.

Jack: It’s ok Billy we are going to get though this as a family.

Billy: Jack tell me how do I tell my daughter that daddy’s wife killed her baby brother or sister?” Billy’s eyes water up. Jack embraces him.

Meanwhile Tucker arrives at the hospital but keeps a distance from everyone. He sees Jack and Billy hugged up. He then sees Nikki huddling with Victoria.

Tucker: Lets keep Jacko busy.” He pulls out his cell phone.

“Hello Paul. Its me Tucker man. Listen I know this is out the blue but listen, there’s been an accident and I think Nikki could really use you right now. Why don’t you get down here and show her your support.”

Paul: Thank you Tucker. I’ll be right there.” Tucker smiles and makes another call.

“Iris its me Tucker. I got a huge scoop regarding the Newman’s Abbot’s and Chancellor’s. Why don’t you send a team over here and get in Kay’s face. Its perfect timing.

Iris: Damn! I haven’t fully staffed my Genoa City office yet. I can send a team out with in the hour.

Tucker: Ok you better hurry. If you make it here on time it will be an exclusive for Cory Publishing. No other media is here yet and I gave you the first heads up.

Iris: Thank you. This is turning into a great partner ship.

Tucker: Agreed. “ He hangs up.

“Let’s see how Kay and Jack handle what I throw at them.”

Rafe’s Penthouse. Rafe takes a sip of his scotch he’s poured himself and sits at his desk. He’s bummed out he’s been lied to by Scotty. He shakes his head. Then he hears a pounding at his door.

“Rafe open this door its Scotty. I’m not leaving until We talk!” Scotty then bashes his door even harder. So hard neighbors have to open up their doors to see all the commotion.

Rafe: Damn it Scotty. “ He swings open the door.

Rafe: What the hell is the matter with you I have neighbors?

Scotty: I know. I knew if I was loud enough you would let me in.

Rafe: Well you are here what? What do you want? To keep lying to me Ted and or Scotty.

Scotty: Look I’m sorry I lied. No wait. I’m really not. I don’t want my mother to know my business. I don’t want her to know I sleep with men too.

Rafe:” Too” What does that mean?

Scotty puts his head down.

“I have a girlfriend back in Paris.”

Rafe: Unbelievable. Not only did you lie to me about your name now you are cheating on your girlfriend with me. What did I do to you for you to do this to me Scotty? I’ve never lied to you about anything about me. All I get from you is lies. This is over Scotty. This is going no where. I don’t want to share my bed or heart with a liar. Get the hell out!”

Scotty: No Rafe. I’m not going any where. I love you and you are going to hear me out.

Back at the Hospital.

Esther( to Olivia):Can I see my daughter Please?

Olivia: Esther I must warn you she’s in a coma. She lost a lot of blood after she fell. The head trauma is severe.

Kay: But she is going to make it right?

Olivia: I don’t know. We have been unable to detect brain activity. It’s still early. We are hoping for a full recovery.

Esther: Oh my God. Esther” gets weak in the knees and Kay grabs her.

Olivia: You can go in and see her.

Esther walks over to Chloe’s room. The sight of Chloe on the hospital machines breaks Esther’s heart. She walks over to her and holds her hand.

Esther; You feel so cold.” She pulls up some covers over Chloe’s arms.

Kay walks over to Chloe’s other side. She holds her other hand.

“You fight Chloe. You have a little girl that is waiting on you to come home. You snap out of this coma you hear!”

Out side the room.

Victoria: Mom what do I do now?

Nikki: Darling we just need to pray. I wish your father was here. Have you seen him since you arrived back in town?

Victoria: No. I left Glo Worm and began to look for Billy. Mom I never meant to kill anyone.

Nikki( holding her) I know. We didn’t know Chloe was pregnant.

Back at Rafe’s

Rafe: Ok talk. The floor is yours.

Scotty: I don’t want my mother to know I like to sleep with men. I don’t want to make it a big deal out of it. And I left Paris to get away from Vandalynn. She’s super annoying and clingy.

Rafe; So you rather string her along and play with peoples emotion for your personal gain?

Scotty: No. I’ve fallen in love with you.

Rafe: You’re a joke You don’t now what love is. You use that word to smooth things over. I’m no fool Scotty and certainly older and much more mature than you. We have nothing. I will never trust you.

Scotty walks up to him and kisses him. Rafe pushes Scotty of him.

Rafe: Get the hell out NOW!” Rafe walks over to his door and opens it.

Scotty: Please Rafe. Don’t throw me out. Don’t give up on us. I’m not going to. I refuse to. I’m going to show you how much you mean to me.”

Rafe: Then do it from the other side of this door.

Scotty finally leaves Rafe’s penthouse.

Paul arrives at the hospital. He walks over to Nikki.

Nikki: Paul so nice to see you. How did you know I was here?

Paul; Tucker called me. Said you might need a shoulder to cry on.

Nikki: Oh I do. Something terrible happened.” Paul holds Nikki.

Jack sees the scene of embrace and is not to thrilled as he remembers Paul and Nikki hugging at the party as well. Tucker then approaches Jack.

Tucker: You don’t like that do you?

Jack: What are you talking about?

Tucker: Me calling Paul down here for Nikki. Nikki looks like she could use a friend and I doubt it will be you.

Jack: You called Paul down here for Nikki?

Tucker: This is war Jack. I’m going to destroy you and the beauty of it all your going to help me do it.

Jack: I’ll see you at the gates of hell first.

Tucker: As you wish.

Then media out lets arrive in the waiting area and head over to Kay whom just emerged from Chloe’s room. Kay is over whelmed by question by Fox, CNN, and Cory Publishing to name just a few.

Murphy watches Tucker watching the media surround Kay.

He walks over to him.

Murphy: You look almost thrilled that Kay is being bombarded by the media.

Tucker: What gives you that impression old man?

Murphy: Its written all over your face. The smirk on your face. I don’t now what your up to Tucker but I smell a rat. And I’m going to be watching you like a hawk. You better not try to hurt Katherine.

Tucker: You might want to relax. That old age is giving you dementia.

Tucker walks off.

Billy walks into Chloe’s room. He sees Esther holding her hand.

Billy: How is she doing?

Esther: She’s fighting. My Kate is fighting.

Billy: Esther I want you to know I love Chloe with all my heart and I never meant for any of this to happen.

Esther: She lost a child Billy. Who is going to replace or repair that? How do you get past this? That wife of yours has got to pay. And I’m going to make sure she pays for hurting Chloe. Victoria Newman will not get away with this!

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Esther vowing vengeance! doesn't seem like Esther.

I don't think Scotty loves Rafe either...he's using the word Love because Rafe is the only person he can be himself around.

Tucker is spitting out a lot of jokes these days...

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