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Victoria walks in on Billy and Chloe Having SEX!!



thCAPO8O6U.jpgVictoria is looking at Chloe riding her husband in her bed. Chloe stops and turns around to look at the door way and is stunned to see an extra beautiful Victoria. Billy pops his head around Chloe’s breast which obstructed his view and is also stunned to see his wife. Billy is still tied to the bed from Chloe’s sex game.penthouse5.png

Billy: Vicki, your home. And your face.

Vicki : I come home to this! This is the reason why I’ve barely heard from you!?”

Chloe slowly gets off of Billy taking the cover with her exposing Billy who is wearing a superman costume with his manhood exposed half hard and still wet.

Victoria: You have got to be kidding. In our home! Our bed.!" Vicki reaches behind the door and grabs a baseball bat. She begins to walk over toward Billy and Chloe.

Victoria: Chloe, you are low class. Second class is more like it. What kind of mother are you? Having an affair with a married man. Where is Delia by the way? What is she doing while your hear being a cow slut with my husband? Soon to be ex husband. You a terrible mother shame on you whore!

Chloe: Billy loves me. He’s’ going to leave you for me. Billy tell her.

Billy: Maybe this is not right the time. Please untie me.” Chloe walks over towards Billy but Victoria takes a swing of her bat and knocks off a bed pole to prove to the cheating duo she is serious.

Victoria: Don’t move you disgusting slut.

Billy: Vicki just calm down

Vicki then swings that bat at Billy and it lands right in his stomach. Billy cries out in pain. Chloe is horrified as she realizes Victoria is not playing games. She decides to creep towards the door way to make a safe exit. Victoria sees this and drops the bat.

“Oh no you don’t you trampy home wrecker!" Victoria runs after Chloe as Chloe dashes out the door. Chloe trips on the sheets she had covering her. Victoria catches up to her and begins to punch her in the face. She then sits on top of her and keeps on punching her with right and left hooks to the face. Chloe’s face begins to bleed. She is screaming for her life. “STOP IT! STOP THIS MADNESS!!” Chloe yanks Victoria’s hair so hard it causes a creek in Vicki’s neck. Chloe takes her hands and pushes Victoria off of her. She gets back up to try and run down the stairs but Vickie on the ground grabs her foot and Chloe falls back to the ground.

Vicki: I’m going to kill you, then Billy! “ She says crawling back on top of a naked Chloe.

thumbnailCAUJVEFZ.jpgEpisode 109: Victoria walks in on Billy and Chloe having SEX!!!!

Written by ML Cooks

Creative Consults: C. Nate Richardson, and Martin Saenz


The Ball.

thumbnailCATYS74J.jpgKatherine walks up to Devon and Roxanne. Katherine and Devon hug.

Devon:imagesCAMMDZHMsoapoprah.jpg It’s good to see you grandma.

Kay smiles at him. “ You look lovely this evening Roxanne.:"

thumbnailCAR0INVH.jpgRoxanne: Thank you Mrs. Chancellor but you know I couldn’t out do you.”

Katherine: Oh stop it. Things going ok for the two of you? Devon how is the music label coming along?

Devon: It’s going a lot better since I found America’s next super star.

Kay: You don’t say. Don’t keep me in suspense who is it?

Devon: Your looking at her.

Kay: You mean Roxanne here?

Devon: yes.

Kay; I had no idea you had a voice young lady.

Roxanne: I don’t think I do. But Devon seems to think so I guess we will see.

Kay: I wish you two all the luck in the world and if you need anything you let me know.

Roxanne: Thank you Mrs. Chancellor.

Meanwhile, Neil and Harmony catch up to a fuming Ashley who was intent on confronting Roxanne.

Neil: Ashley excuse me. I’m just trying to figure out why did you confront me about Roxanne.

Ashley: Neil I know it’s Devon that is related to you. But Roxanne and Devon are having relations. And as Devon’s father I came to you. I don’t appreciate my daughter being assaulted by your son‘s girlfriend. I’m sure you would feel the same way about any of your children. Now if you will please excuse me.

Harmony: No Ashley can you wait a minute please?

Ashley is stunned Harmony stopped her She turns around and gives a disgusted look.

Ashley: Yes what is it?

Harmony: I just wanted to remind you that Devon is my son. Not at one point in our conversation did you acknowledge that fact and or even look at me when talking about my son. It’s obvious you have a problem with me. I want to know what it is.

Ashley: Ask Tucker. He seems so found of you these days Harmony. Neil did you know that?

Neil: No I didn’t.

Ashley turns around and continues with her intent on confronting Roxanne with Abby in tow.

Lauren with Scotty by her side arrives at the ball. Rafe spots him and is stunned to see “Ted” with his client Lauren. Scotty spots Rafe looking at him.

Codylongoasscotty.jpg“Damn it. Nosey ass. He’s going to figure everything out tonight.” Rafe gets up and walks over to Scotty. Fenmore also witnesses what is going on with Scotty and Rafe. Gloria approaches the two.

Gloria: Lauren its good to see you again.

Lauren: Gloria nice place you have here. I’m happy for you.

Gloria: Do you know what will make me even happier?

Lauren: If your going to start about Michael please Gloria I don’t want to hear it I don’t have time. We are going to divorce and that’s it. Nothing will change that.

Gloria: You never know. But any who. I have some great news.

Lauren: Do tell.

Gloria: Not now. Later. I have a big announcement. Make sure you are here for that.

Lauren: I’m intrigued, I will.

Gloria: If you will excuse me I have to make sure the party is going ok.” Gloria walks away. Rafe walks up to them.

Lauren: Rafe nice to see you. Meet my sons Scotty and Fenmore.”

Rafe: Scotty?

Ted/Scotty is speechless.

thumbnailCA8MGVE2.jpgRafe: Nice to meet you both. Excuse me Lauren I have a call to make” Rafe leaves abruptly leaves. Scotty knows Rafe is mad.

Lauren: That was really weird of Rafe.” Scotty wants to run off and explain things to Rafe but Scotty doesn’t want his mother to now he is carrying on a secret relationship with him.

Ashley arrives to Roxanne and Devon.

Ashley: Roxanne I want to know why you assaulted my daughter?

Roxanne: Miss Abbott, how nice of you to come speak to me.You look lovely. You want to know what now?

Ashley: Save the pleasantries.So obvious how phony you are. Why did you attack my daughter!?”

Roxanne: Because Abby is a hating ass bitch who is plotting to destroy my life. She wants my man and now she wants to destroy my future.

Ashley: This isn’t the first I’ve heard about you harassing my daughter.!"

A crowd begins to form around the scene.

Roxanne: I bet. I don’t hide how I feel about any one and I can’t stand your daughter. She’s a liar and a loser. She’s not innocent you know.

Ashley: How dare you talk bout my daughter like this?

Roxanne: Its easy. Ask her. She is the one that brought Harmony here in the first place to stop Devon from proposing to me. She wants Devon. I’m supposed to stand by and let her take what is mine. I love Devon so I will fight to be with him. Your daughter is a loser and I’m sorry you have to find out like this.

Ashley: Where is your self respect and class talking to me like this. I’m going to press charges on you. You will not assault my child. You are going to jail.

Leslie: I’m sorry Ashley that won’t be happening.18853527.jpg

Everyone is confused especially Malcolm.

Ashley: Excuse me?

Leslie: I cannot allow you to put Roxanne in jail. Its not going to work.

Ashley: And why is that?

Leslie: Roxanne is my daughter and Spencer is her father. No way in hell are you putting our child in jail!” Everyone is stunned having just learned Roxanne is the daughter of Leslie and Spencer. The ball comes to a complete halt.



Back at Billy’s. Victoria is choking Chloe. Chloe spits in Victoria’s face.

Chloe: How about that for your new face Bitch! You look like you needed moisture.” Chloe says after Victoria release Chloe’s neck to wipe her face. Chloe then decks Victoria in her face. Victoria gets off of Chloe to stand back up after being dizzy from the punch to the mouth. Chloe stands up too.

“Such a shame Victoria. Look at that face. You just had it done. Now it’s a bloody mess.”

Victoria wipes blood from her mouth. Vicki charges at Chloe again and grabs her head and begins to bash it into the wall. The force of the head crushing from Chloe’s head to the wall causes Chloe’s head to eventually crack the dry wall and bust her head through the wall. Chloe sinks her nails into Victoria’s face. Vicki scrams out.

Vicki: Stupid Bitch! Why would you do that!? It took months for this face!

Chloe: I’m just trying to defend myself. You’ve gone mad.

Victoria: No Pig Slut, just trying to take the trash out of my house.

Chloe: Billy is coming too. I got your man Bitch! Keep your hands off me or I’m going to press charges almighty Miss Newman. That’s what you’ll be again.” Chloe walks off. Victoria is still mad and runs up behind Chloe and chokes her from behind.

“ Your going to pay for sleeping with my husband.” Then Victoria lets go of Chloe. Chloe begins to lose her balance near the top of the stairwell. Victoria gives a little push and Chloe falls, rolls and then tumbles down the stairs until she lands face down at the bottom. Blood immediately begins form a puddle underneath her head.




Recommended Comments

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Victoria's return is A PLUS....with a BANG!!

Ashley is being messy....she must be drunk lol

Uh Oh Scotty...is the jig up? Ol' hoe lol

DANG!!! Leslie just told it all!!! BOMBSHELL!!!

THE VIOLENCE!! Viewer discretion advised!!! Victoria and Chloe!!


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LOL TY NATE I should have put an adult rating on this ep.

It took for ever to writet this as I knew it would be a maaive one. U motivated me to wirte it Nate. I got lots more coming lol ty Bro!

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Another good episode.

Ashley is just all over the place. Confronting folks left and right and irrational to boot. I see her back in a padded cell before it is all over with. I wonder if she will be sniffing that stuff Tucker has for Mrs C.

Victoria about to kill Chloe. Was it intentional. I can't tell. But either way it is going to be a problem. Hope she doesn't die.

And Leslie...really...just tell the secret out like that. I knew it was coming as she was to ansty and stalkerish to keep it much longer.

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