The Truth Shall Set You Free PT 3 FINAL

Reva, holding Colin, and Trista sit on the sofa in silence. Reva is somewhat still befuddled over the news she just received.
Trista: Look, I wanted to ease into the situation and not just pop declaring that I am a Shayne.
Reva: I understand but how?
Trista: Through sex. I mean how else--
Reva: No. I mean how do you know that you are Rusty's child for sure?
Trista digs into her satchel bag and pulls out a tattered photo album. She hands it to Reva. Reva opens the photo album to the portion that she has bookmarked. On that marked page lies a photo of Rusty and Trista's mother, Laurel. Both have that late 80s, early 90s hair that will make you cringe.
Trista: I stumbled upon it years ago. My mom had it hidden in the attic. I guess she didn't want me to find it anytime soon and start asking questions.
Reva: So I am suppose to assume that you are my niece because of a photo of your mom and brother?
Trista: Yes but no. I just want you to be open to the possiblity that I might be a Shayne.
Reva: Look, honey... There is no way. You've said that you were born and raised in Atlanta. My brother has never lived in Atlanta. After he left Springfield back in '89 he went back to Tulsa. And I don't remember my brother mentioning a Laurel to me.
Trista: How would you know? Weren't you declared "dead" in 1990?
Reva sits on the thought.
Reva: You are right.
Trista: And what brother tells his sister all his escapades?
Reva: True.
Trista: Mrs. O'Neill --
Reva: Call me, Reva. Maybe Aunt Reva, eventually.
A slight smile comes over Trista's face.
Reva: Anyone else knows about this?
The doorbell rings.
Reva: Hold that thought.
Reva hands Colin over to Trista and goes and answers the door.
Reva (O.S.): Hey, Pop!
Hawk (O.S): Hey, Sister -- (running into the living room discovering Trista) Am I interrupting something?
Reva reenters standing behind Hawk.
Reva: I think we need to have a chat...
Hawk: About what?
Trista: Maybe I should go...
Reva: No, sweetheart. It's better if you are here.
Hawk: Reva, girl, what are you going on about?
Reva: Trista seems to think that Rusty might be her father.
Hawk: What do you mean think? She is.
Reva: She is?!
Trista (overlapping): I am?!
Hawk: Why yes.
Reva: You knew?!
Hawk: Yep. So did Sarah. Her mother, Laurel, went to school at OSU getting her master's degree in medicine. Nice, bright girl. They dated for about a year, and she breathed new life into him -- the life he so desperately needed after Rose died. He met her at the Dirty PussyCat, where she stripping at. Too nice of a girl to be a stripper but she did it to put herself through college. The two somewhat drifted apart after your death, Sister. Rusty was so grief stricken that he kept to himself. She understood his situation and gave him space, but realized she was pregnant. She came and told Sarah and I that she was pregnant with Rusty's child and even got a DNA to show that she was compatible with me even though we knew the child was no one else's.
Reva: But why didn't you tell, Rusty?
Hawk: He was so wrapped up in his career that Laurel just thought it was best to leave him alone. She left Tulsa, had Trista, and finished her schooling at --
Trista: At Emory.
Hawk: Yep. Sarah and I would check in every Christmas, birthday, and Thanksgiving, send money all the time. Laurel would send us pictures and cards that Trista made for us.
Trista & Reva: Huh?
Hawk: The cards that you use to make for Auntie and Uncle O'Neal -- the presents that you got from us every Christmas and Birthday -- that was me and your Grandmother, my child.
And on Trista verklempt

Blake and Clarissa sit at the table glancing over the menu when Kevin drags himself over to the table and plops down. Blake looks up from the menu, noticing her son down in the depths.
Blake: Kevin? Honey, are you alright?
Kevin (coming to): Huh? Oh yeah. I'm fine...
Blake: You sure?
Kevin: I said I was OK.
Blake: Alright. (on a tangent, gleefully) But all will be well soon when you win the award that the college established in your father's name. I'm gonna be so proud. Your father would be too.
Kevin (mumbles): I'm sure he would...
Clarissa interjects diverting the conversation:
Clarissa: Oh, Mom!
Blake: What?
Clarissa: You have lipstick on your teeth.
Blake: I do?
Clarissa: Yep.
Blake goes for her fork, and Clarissa grabs her by the hand.
Clarissa: Mom, not at the table! That's trashy. People will think you were raised by animals.
Blake (joking): I was. My father was a viper.
Clarissa: Well you need to go to the bathroom and get it off.
Blake (laughs): Alright, alright. I'll be right back. Go ahead and order. I want the usual. Oh and order the usual for your grandmother as well. She'll be joining us.
Clarissa: OK!
Blake walks off. Clarissa looks at Kevin, who is studying the menu.
Clarissa: Still haven't told, Mom, have you?
Kevin (looking up, lost): What are you talking about?
Clarissa: Let's see, you moping around, the medical magazines you hide under your mattress along with the Playboy mags, and your F- papers that you crumble up and trash --
Kevin gasps.
Kevin: What the hell?!
Clarissa: C'mon now. If you are going to get rid of your failing papers then actually take the time to shred them.
Kevin (holding back): Clarissa...
Clarissa: Look, why don't you tell the truth? You want to study medicine. It's not a crime.
Kevin: And why don't you stay in your place and worry about thing that a 12 year old should worry about!
Clarissa: Like what?
Kevin: Like padded or unpadded.
Clarissa gasps, covering her chest, and
Holly: Hope? What are you saying?
Hope: I'm saying that I don't want to be Hope Bauer anymore! She is DEAD.
Holly goes for the door when Hope grabs her by the arm.
Holly (eyeing Hope): Let me go.
Hope: I can't. (panicking) I can't. Holly, please.
Holly: I can't keep this from Ed.
Hope: It wouldn't be the first time.
Holly: But there won't be another.
A-M: Enough!
Holly and Hope look over at a pissed off Alan Michael.
A-M: You wanna be Caroline then be her because you are not my mother. My mother NEVER lied. She was a drunk and over protective but she was NEVER a liar.
Hope takes this in, wounded.
A-M: Just know that it is going to come out and when it does, I'm gonna sit back and watch. YOU SELFISH BITCH!
Off a reflex, Hope smacks Alan Michael in the face. Holly gasps. Alan Michael wipes the blood off his busted lip. This amuses him.
A-M: The truth hurts, huh?
Alan Michael snatches the door open and storms out. And on Hope, a total wreck...
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