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The 2nd Mystery Woman Reveals herself as Things Get Worse for Dru and Sharon!!



At Sharon’s. Dru and Sharon are stunned as the second mystery woman is holding them at gun point.

thumbnailCAJVCBE3-1.jpgDru: Stop playing games. Dru came to far and went through to much to let things end like this.

MW2 The games have just begun. “ The second mystery person takes her veil off and it’s inl.jpg

Sharon begins to scream.0soapoprahsharon.jpg

thumbnailCABUFLIV.jpgAt Jabot, Ashley is in her office when she is interrupted when Roxanne walks in. Ashley frowns up as she is confused.

Ashley: Roxanne is it?

thumbnailCAERFBK3-1.jpgRoxanne: It is Miss Abbott.

Ashley: I’ve heard a lot about you.

Roxanne: I bet you did from your daughter and I can tell you now they are all lies.

Ashley: Why would my daughter lie to me?

Roxanne: She will do anything to take Devon away from me.

Ashley: Like what?

Roxanne: Did you know Harmony is back in town?

Ashley: Harmony Hamilton? Devon’s mother?

Roxanne: That means no. I bet you didn’t. I think Abby is the one who brought her here to stop Devon from taking me on a trip and proposing to me.

Ashley: I need proof Roxanne. Do you have that?

Roxanne: Right now I don’t. But I promise you I know it’s true and I will prove it.

Ashley: You do that and get back to me. Now if you don’t mind I got a million things to do.

Roxanne is not surprised at how rude Abby’s mother is.

Ashley: Oh Roseanne is it? I’m sorry I forgot your name already.

Roxanne gives her a sarcastic smile and nods her head.

Ashley: Good. Next time make sure you have an appointment before walking in here.

Roxanne raises her eyebrows, having respect for her elders she decides to refrain from a further confrontation. She decides she’ll choose her battles wisely and she’ll just take it out on Abby. As Roxanne leaves, Ashley gets on the phone to Abby

Ashley: Abby I don’t care what it is I want to see you now in my office!” Ashley slams the phone down as Roxanne smiles at her semi revenge on Abby. She leaves.


Episode 84: The 2nd Mystery Person Identity Revealed and it’s downhill from here!!

Written by ML Cooks

Creative Consult: Nate Richardson

At Sharon’s

Sheila: It’s me. The original Sheila Carter. Not some Phyllis imitation.

Dru: Sheila stop playing with us girl. We have no beef with you. I can help you kill Phyllis. Just please don’t do this.

Sheila: You’re the one who did it Drucilla. Using my identity to make Genoa City think its me stalking Phyllis. You see I’ve been watching you for a very long time and you are going to pay for what you did.

Sharon: I thought you were dead. You had Phyllis’ face.

Sheila: No you dumb blonde. That was my sister. Laruen shot her not me. It was Sarah who got the ugly Bitches face and now Phyllis will have to pay for getting my sister killed.

Dru: Now you talking girl. I can help you. I want the ugly Bitch dead too.

Sheila: No Dru. You messed up. You caused Sophia to die. You were sloppy with your plan. Allow me to show you what I can do. Let’s go.

Dru: Excuse Me?

Sheila: You heard me let’s go. Don’t get me angry. You won’t like it when Sheila gets angry.

Dru: I’m not going anywhere. I don’t know who you think I am but I am no Lauren. You better ask somebody Sheila Carters. I’m not the one today. You got the right one.

Sheila: Is that right? You think you’re a bad ass. Let’s see.” Sheila locks the door.

Sharon: My daughter is sleep. Please Sheila don’t do this.

Sheila walks up to Dru and pistol whips her with her gun. Sharon is stunned and horrified as Dru collapses to the ground.

GCAC. Avery knocks on Cane’s Suite door.

Cane: Avery, its about time I heard from you . Tell me what is going on. Did I do something wrong?

Avery: No I did. Cane. We made love. You are a married man with twins. What kind of woman am I for doing something like that? I was weak. I’m sorry but that cannot happen again. And that’s not why I here.

Cane: Then what’s the problem? Why are you here?

Avery: There’s been a terrible accident. Sophia is dead. I think you should drop the kidnapping charges on Neil. He does not need to be in jail right now.

Cane is stunned. “ I can’t believe Sophia is dead.”

Avery: Yes it’s a tragedy

Cane: How is Moses?

Avery: Well Thankfully Moses was with the sitter at the time.

Cane: Well Thanks for coming by. I’ll go down to see Spencer.’ They stare at each other. She knows it’s time to leave before feelings for him creep in . She tries to leave but he grabs her.

Cane: I’m not going to hurt you.

Avery: Cane you are married and have kids. I can’t do this with you I’m sorry.’ She leaves.

Roxanne enters Devon’s studio. He turns around from his sound mixer equipment and is surprised to see her.

Devon: Roxanne, I’ve missed you. You haven’t returned any of my calls or text.

Roxanne: I know daddy. I’m sorry. I was being stupid. I was letting that little Bitch Abby get the better of me.

Devon: Can we not talk about Abby?

Roxanne: Of course. She gives him a kiss and a hug.

Roxanne: I’ve missed you so much. I’m sorry Devon.

Devon: I’m sorry too. Where do we go from here?

Roxanne: What do you mean?

Devon: I proposed to you. You said no then ignored me for days. What is that Roxanne?

At Jabot, Abby walks in her mothers office.

Abby: Mom what’s the matter? Why are you so upset?

Ashley: You’re friend paid me a visit today.

Abby: My friend?

Ashley: That Roxxie character.

Abby gets nervous: Roxanne was here why?

Ashley: She thinks you brought Harmony back to town to stop Devon from proposing to her.

Abby: Mom come on that’s silly. Why would I bring Tucker’s ex back to town?

Ashley: That’s what I want to know Abigail! I better not find out you brought her back here. “Abby leaves with an attitude feeling kind of bad and finally realizing that brining Harmony back to town might not been a good idea.

Back at Devon’s Studio

Roxanne: Look daddy I said I was sorry. I love you and the only thing I want to do is be with you. So I promise no more Abby talk for from me. Unless it comes out she brought Harmony to town. And when I find that out that Bitch will be very sorry. She kisses Devon. He pulls back.

Devon: What about my marriage proposal?

Roxanne: Just save it. When the time is right again you will know when to ask.” He smiles at her.

Devon: I’ve really missed you too you know. I really haven’t been able to sleep, eat for that matter think. Just talk to me next time we can work things out.” She smiles at him and kisses once again.

Back At Sharon’s

Dru is wiping her bloody mouth. “ Bitch you gone regret that.”

Sheila: No time soon so get your asses in the car.

Sharon: What about my daughter?

Sheila: Don’t worry Nick will be by here or the many men you slept with in the last few years you nasty slut.

Sharon: Sheila please don’t do this.

Sheila pushes Sharon towards the door. She then looks at Dru and aims the gun at her.

Dru: I’m moving.” Sharon and Dru get into the car. Sheila makes Sharon drive and puts Dru in the front seat so she can sit in the back and keep an eye on them.

Sharon: Where are we going?

Sheila: Well this seems to be a back from the dead party and I thought I introduce or shall I say reintroduce you to two dumb bitches to some one from your past. It’s going to blow your mind.

Dru and Sharon both look at each other and wonder what or who Sheila is talking about…..


Recommended Comments

  • Members

Dru and Sheila are cracking me up.

So is Roxanne trying to smear Abby's rep around town? Just trying to figure out why she's going around talking about her.

I could definitely see Ashley being the ice queen in that scene you wrote.

Now who is the "MW3"? I'm looking forward to this reveal...

You keep me wanting more with this story

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