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episode 459 pt.1



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Carrie, Brandon, Eric, Sami, John, Rex, Cassie, Belle, Will, Faye, Abe, and Nicole are all down at the Brady Pub. Carrie and Brandon have called them all there to make an announcement.


So, you've got us all here. What's this all about? Is something wrong?


No, Mom, not at all. We have...good news.


Carrie, please don't tell me you're pregnant already!

Carrie, shocked

Sami! That's not it!


Jealous, Sami? It's too bad that it's not you sinking your claws into my brother.


Shut up, Nicole.


So, what is it? What's this good news, son?


Well, this is sudden, but we wanted to tell all of you at the same time. I've gotten a nice job offer in Colorado; it's really great. I'm going to be able to counsel a lot of kids down there, and it'll give my charity work a big boost. I've taken it, and I'm moving immediately.

Everyone in the room is stunned and amazed.


Wow, Brandon, I can't believe it! That's great!


And I'm going with him.


What?! Wow! I suppose I shouldn't be surprised, but whoa. That's great, Carrie!


It feels like you two just got back to Salem, and now you're leaving again. You can never stay long, can you?


Well, we've been here a while, and we're going to miss everyone, but this is a job offer that I can't pass up.


I understand, Brandon. I'm going to miss you, though; I could've really used my son to stand with me when I get married.


Yeah, I know, and I really wanted to be there. I know that Maggie is the love of your life, and your day is going to be great, with or without me; but we're still family, no matter what. I'll be there in spirit.

Faye is touched as father and son talk, feeling remorse for depriving them of this for so many years.


He gave me a choice, and I wanted to come with him; I love Salem, and it's my home, but I love Brandon, too. I couldn't let him get away from me.

She looks at John, who is sitting in a wheelchair. She crouches down.


Is this okay with you?


What do you mean? Of course it is.


Well, it's so sudden, and you just woke up; you just found out about Marlena. And here I am deserting you.


No, no, that's not true. You need to do what you feel is right; never let love escape you, Carrie. Life is too short to pass up things like that; like Brandon said, we're still family. And I'm not helpless. I can get past all of this on my own. I know that all of my children have their own lives.

Carrie feels tears coming to her eyes at her father's maturity and strength. She hugs him.


I'm sorry. I really am...every time something like this happens, I rush out of town.


That's not true. Not one bit.

Eric steps forward, sighing.


I guess this is as good of a time as any to make my own announcement.


Ah crap; I knew by the look on your face that this was coming.


I'm leaving Salem, too. It was really sudden, but I've been thinking about it for a while. I need a break, at least; I don't know where I'm going, but I'll get there somehow. I know that I'm doing this at the totally wrong time, but I feel like I need to do it.

Nicole stares at her first true love for a moment; they haven't been together in years, but that connection is still there. It always would be.


I understand, Eric. I think we all need a break from here sometimes.

Eric, smiling

Thanks, Nicole.

He looks to John.


But, Dad, if you need me to stay, just say the word. I feel bad about this, and if you want me here in Salem, I'll stay for however long you need me. If you don't want me to leave, then I won't. Just speak up.


Yeah, same here. Just tell us.

John, smiling

No, all of you are grown. I'm glad that you care about me, and that you've been here for me like you have, but I am grown, too. You have your own lives, and I have mine. We'll always be family, we'll always love each other, but that doesn't mean you have to stand by my side every minute of every day. You don't even have to be in Salem; both of you go and live your lives. Do whatever you need to do to be happy, and know that I'm happy and fine, right here. If you need me, you know that I'm always right here. And this time, I'm not going anywhere.


Thanks. It means a lot to me; it really does.


I'll miss you. I'll miss both of you. I know that we've all had our spats and disagreements-

Nicole, interrupting

Understatement of the century.

Sami, glaring at her

But we are family. No matter what, we are all family.

Brandon, smiling

You're right, Samantha.

Sami looks at her ex-husband for a moment, remembering all of their good times and bad times.


Thanks for everything, Brandon. Take care of my older sister...and take care of yourself.


Unfortunately, we have to get a move on; there's no time to waste.


Yeah, same here. I know I'm darting out the door, but it's kinda what I have to do.


Don't worry, we understand.

Everyone begins to hug as they say their goodbyes; Eric hugs his twin sister, then he hugs his father, before hugging both Rex and Cassie. He then hugs Nicole.


Stay safe out there, okay? Don't go the route that Greta did.


Bad joke, Nicole.


Okay, okay, I'll lay off the insults for you. But seriously, be careful out there in the world. And...don't forget about me, okay? I know you and I are over, but I've never forgotten you. And I never will.


I don't think I could forget you if I wanted to. And I don't want to.

Nicole smiles at him as they hug one last time, and across the room, Brandon leans in to hug Sami.


Like I told you earlier, thanks for everything. You've been my rock more than once; I fell in love with you. You helped prove my innocence. The list goes on and on, even if I haven't returned the favor too much.


Don't worry about it, Samantha. Thanks for being a friend...and a wife.

The two share a tight embrace, and Nicole walks over to Carrie.


I know you and I aren't exactly friends, because of the whole thing with Austin, but I'm really glad you're with my brother. You two make a great couple.


Thanks, Nicole. Everything with Austin is in the past, and it should stay that way. Who knows? You and I may even be family one day?

The goodbyes continue, and Brandon hugs both of his parents.


Stay safe, Mom. Watch over Nikki, especially in this trying time for her.


You know I will. I love you.


I love you, too.

He turns to Abe.


Have a great wedding day, Dad. I know you'll be a great husband; you always were. And can you do me one favor?


For my own son? Anything.


Make peace with Lexie. Somehow convince her to let my brother back into your life.

Brandon walks off, and Abe doesn't say or do anything for a moment, in thought. He simply nods his head.

Carrie and Sami tightly hug.


Take care of Dad, okay? He really needs it; thanks so much for stepping up and taking charge of your family like this. My little sister really has grown up.


Yeah, I'm trying; thanks. I'm sorry for everything that I've put you through over the years.


It's okay. We're over it now, and it's in the past. Now it's time to look forward to the future.

Everyone says their final goodbyes, and Eric, Carrie, and Brandon all leave the Brady Pub, leaving their families and friends behind. All of them move on to their next phase in life, saying goodbye to Salem.


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