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Ria's Big Mouth! Episode 130(Pt. 1)



Huntington Memorial Hospitalbig_hospital_pic.jpg

Kiko walk into Alexis's room.


"Thank goodness you are here, I need my release papers."


"What happen?"


"I was jumped. I was attacked by two of Pasadena's biggest losers "


"Okay…. I heard about it."


"You did? From whom?"

"From me Bitch and if you ain't careful I'ma whoop that ass again. I told you I'm the head bitch round Pasadena. And don't you forget it."

Kiko and Alexis look at the door and see Ria.victoria-rowell-2006-clive-davis-pr.jpg


"I don't believe this. Kiko please call the zoo, they've lost a wild and untamed animal. In fact call the CIA they forgeot to kill Ria like they just killed Osama Bin Laden"

Ria, walking over toward Alexis but Kiko jumps in and uses his body weight to push her back out the room

"Bitch you don't know me like that! You not gone talk to me like you crazy bitch! I know that!"


"You two have to stop this! Alexis is pregnant. You can't be fighting!"


"What did you just say?"


"That's what I am here to tell you Alexis. You're pregnant."


"Ooh hell naw."


"I can't believe this."

Kiko turns around and pushes Ria out the door.


"What the hell is the matter with you?"


"What you talking? The white girl was about to get that ass beat one mo' gen. She don't know who she talking to. She better ask somebody about me. I'm not the one"


"Just when I feel sorry for you, you go and do something this! You have no control over your behavior. You're a beast. You should be in a chapel praying to God that you don't have breast cancer, not berating and harassing a pregnant woman. I see why you don't have a man." And with that he storms off. Ria is absolutely dumbfounded.

"No he didn't" she thinks as she then walks into Ladonna's Room.


"Donna girl you up?"

Donna, opening her eyes who was napping1821242892.jpg

"Hey Ria. Thanks for coming to the rescue."


"Uhm hmm girl. I must say I am very disappointed in you?"


"Disappointed? Why? Alexis attacked me."


"Girl, you was letting that white tramp work you out. She was having her way with you. Girl she was beating yo ass."


"Oh Ria please. You sound like you're in high school."


"Uhm hmm, well I don't know what that's supposed to mean. But I am here to tell you girl, that the white girls is pregnant. How about them apples?"


"Alexis is pregnant? How do you know?"


"Dr. Whitfield told us."

"Told you what?" They hear, seeing it's Kiko himself.


"Oh nothing. I just gave her the latest news. The goings on of Pasadena."


"You didn't?"


"Yes I know. Alexis is pregnant."

Kiko grabs Ria's arm and pulls her out the room as Ladonna digest the news that Alexis is pregnant.


"Once again. Do you have no shame? What was the point in telling Ladonna what you did?"


"She was going to find out any way. What does it matter?"


"I have to get you out of here. Follow me to my office I have the results of your breast examination."

Ria takes a deep breath praying for the best as she follows Kiko. She sits down and Kiko takes his seat at his desk. He opens a file

He looks at her.

"Ria, I'm sorry but yes, you have breast cancer."


Episode 130: Ria's Big Mouth!

Written by ML Cooks

For the Birds Mental Rehabilitation Centrepeoplesoftbuilding.jpg

4294_1094052723068_1579052125_20328.jpgJasmine walks over to a receptionist desk.

"How may I help you?"


"Yes I am here to see the facility administrator, Mr. Watkins. I'm Jasmine Winters and we have an appointment in about ten minutes."


"Ok I'll page him Ms. Winters."


"Thank you." She walks away, walking over to the set of door that leads to the common area. She can see some patients, playing the piano, one is playing with puppets and another woman with red hair sits in a corner looking out the window rocking back and forth. Then her attention looks over in the direction of the door where she hears some commotion. Pounding on the north wing doors is once again Lynn.


"Let me at her! I'm going to kill Sister Patterson! Let me go. Death to Sister Patterson.! She stole my husband and had three kids with him! She destroyed my family and claims she's a woman of God. She ruined my marriage to DC. I want her dead! She's the reason I'm in this damn place. She caused my mental break down. I will not rest until that slut whore bitch is dead!" Once again orderlies have to come up and sedate her and take her back to her room.



Mr. Watkins walks up to Jasmine

"I see you have seen one of our patients have an episode."


"Is that what you call it?"

Mr. Watkins

"Let's get this interview started shall we. Follow me."

As Jasmine follows Mr. Watkins to his office, she walks past Mona and Apple's room and sees them kissing one another. They are finally at his office and they both take their seats.

Mr. Watkins

"I was looking at your resume Ms. Winters and was very impressed. That's why I have asked you here today for this job interview."


"Thank you for giving me the opportunity to come talk to you."

Mr. Watkins

"Yes the reason I need someone like you is because we have had a surge in patients, who will be needing some long term psychiatric care. With the surge of recent patients, we have a patient to staff ratio to maintain. I think you would be a great addition."


"Than you sir."

Mr. Watkins

"Great. Here is your roster of patients." Mr. Watkins hands her a folder. She opens it and reads four names" Kelis Williams, Sister Patterson Williams, Dottie Hinkle, Lynn Whitfield, and Applelonia NoLastName.


"Thank you, I'll take these home and read the case notes."

Mr. Watkins

"Good, I expect you here at 7 am and my secretary will assist you on setting up your office and other paper work to get you on the pay roll. Thanks for coming and good day Ms. Winters."


"No no, thank you." Jasmine stands up and walks out the office. She walks past Kiko who is entering to see his own mother.


"I'll buzz you back Dr. Whitfield."


"Thank you."

Kiko is buzzed past the double doors and he walks into the common room and then into the north wing of the building. A nurse runs up to him before Kiko can enter Lynn's room


"We need to have a word Doctor."


"Is something wrong with my mother?"


"In fact there is. She seems to know one of our newer arrivals. A Sister Patterson Williams."


"Oh no. She's here too?"


"So you do know her."


"If only you knew. Well what's going on? What does this have to do with my mother?"


"Lynn had two outbursts in less than twelve hours"


"Outburst? My mother is weak and fragile. "


"Ms. Whitfield was able to get the strength and get up out her wheel chair and run to those doors right behind you and pound on it. She almost broke the glass. And she kept repeating "Death to Sister Patterson". She says she is going to kill her."


"This is not good. Let me talk to her and try to calm her down."


"Well we gave her a sedative to calm her down out of her outburst."


"Thank you" he says as he walks in the room. He sees Lynn laxxed out on her bed,


"Mother, what is going on with you?"

Lynn, looking at her son

"Oh Kiko, thank God you're here. You have to get me out of here. They keep giving me these drugs. All they do is drug me."


"That's not what they're telling me mother. You're supposed in here getting better so you can live a normal life. What's this about Sister Patterson?"

Lynn sits up upon hearing that name.

"Oh, son, you have to help me, she's here. Sister Patterson is here! And as God as my witness. I am going to kill that slut whore bitch. Nothing and no one is going to stop me. Not even you my dear son."


"No mother, you can't speak like that. You have to let this go. Don's affair happened years ago. It's history. Don't let the past consume you from having a future."


"That slut whore bitch stole my family and my life. She is going to pay and no one will convince me otherwise. I have been thinking about this every of day all the years I been in here."


"Mother I am telling you this is dangerous. You have to let this go. You'll never get better if you don't. I beg you please." He gives her a kiss and lays her back down. He leaves the room. As he does he is stopped by a woman.

JenniferLewis.jpg"Excuse me young bother, I am Sister O'Dell and I am looking for Sister Patterson's room."


"I'm sorry Sister O'Dell. I don't work here."

Sister O'Dell

"Oh I'm sorry young brother. With the doctor coat on I thought you did. Thank you and have a good day."


"I was coming from work. You too." He says as Sister O'Dell is buzzed back to see Sister Patterson.

Sister O'Dell walks into Sister Patterson's room and is shocked to see her in a straight jacket.


"Sister O'Dell, I am so glad you are here. Finally someone from my team. We are on the battlefield of sin O'Dell. This ain't no work of the lord. The devil is a lair. Can I get an Amend?"


"No Patterson. I am here with some news."


"Oh, my third eye told me I would be hearing from you?"


"Is that so? Then your third eye must have also told you that the church has decided to let you go as the mother of the church."


"You have joined the enemy in this crusade to take me out. It's not going to happen. This is the work of the devil damn it! Devil you will not beat me ya hear? I am Sister Patterson and I work for Lord. He has not layed me off due to these economical hardships of late that the devil has caused. It's a mistake. I should not be in here. I need to be out there praying for people and having my bible meetings."


"The mother of the church can't be someone who is in a Looney bin. It doesn't look right."

Sister Patterson

"You don't look right."


"You're going to make me get ugly up in here, so I best be going. You should know God don't' like ugly."

Sister Patterson

"I am Sister Patterson and I will not be in here for long. The devil cannot and will not hold me back. Everyone has turned their back on me. But it's ok. Hear me and hear me now! I am Sister Patterson and I will get my life back. Mark my words Sister O'Dell." And with that Sister O'Dell walks out of her room as Sister Patterson tries to wrestle out of the straight Jacket. She tries to bite through it like the animal she truly is. It doesn't work. Then the lights in the facility begin to flicker again.

Sister Patterson

"Oh my Lord. Evil is here. I am surrounded by some very dark forces. God is this my final test? Am I going to have to perform an exorcism? Is that why you brought me here? "She looks around and into the hallway. She sees no one but the hallway looks very eerie with the lights still flickering.

"Evil has a hold of this place. I have never felt something so vile. My third eye is telling me that a war is about to happen. A war between myself and the forces of evil. I have to get the bible meeting going so I can see who my troops are. I need strong soldiers on the battlefield of evilness.

Meanwhile in Mona and Apple's room

Mona pulls back from kissing Apple as the lights begin to flicker again.


"It's happening again."


"It's supposed to be my dear. Don't worry everything is fine."


"What did you do last night? That little chant. It looked like some kind of ritual or something?"


"Oh it was. Mona, I am very powerful. Very soon you will see that. You're mother will not know what hit her. She knows I am here. She can sense me."


"It's not easy to do and it's usually my job to do, but you are really starting to freak me out."


Recommended Comments

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A much shorter episode but still good.

I notice you broke it up into two parts.

About to read the next one.

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Kiko has become the most likeable character to me. He's noble, he's heroic, and he's nice. I feel bad for him that Ria is such a bother. She doesn't even have remorse that she attacked a pregnant woman! She's disgusting. I think Ladonna sees it too. Nat is a better fit to be Ria's friend because she understands her. Ladonna not so much.

Sister Pat is losing it all. Now even the church is against her. Is Apple the devil? Is that what she meant by she senses me?

Look out Jasmine! She can't be that hard up for a job or money.

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THat was my goal from the start with Kiko. He is a hero, a good guy.

Is Apple the devil, I guess we will find out to gether. I will say she is not of this earth. ANd she has powers.

I gave Jasmine that job to get her interaction going and to also bring out some therapy for the folks at For the Brids and get into some back story a bit esp where Lynn is concerned

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