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#456: All Bitches Fall Down



Salem CourthousesalemCourthouse.jpg

At the courthouse, almost all of the Hortons, Alexis, and Robin sit and watch as Laura goes on trial for trying to kill Robin. Judge Fitzpatrick looks at Laura.

Judge Fitzpatrick

Dr. Horton, you have been accused of three counts of attempted murder by Dr. Robin Jacobs. How do you plead?


My client pleads not guilty, your honor.

Judge Fitzpatrick

Prosecution, call your first witness.

Paul McDaneld, an ADA that is trying Laura's case, stands up.


Prosecution calls Alexis Kefer to the stand.

Alexis heads to the stand, and takes oath, before McDaneld begins his questioning.


Miss Kefer, would you say that Dr. Jacobs' description of the events of that fateful night are accurate?


Hell no! Robin and I fought, and she fell; that was all. Laura was never even there.


Now, Miss Kefer, we have reason to doubt your credibility.


Excuse me?


You and Dr. Jacobs have feuded ever since she returned to town, correct?


Yes, that's true.


Then, why take her side in something like this? Why not side with the defendent in a continued attempt to get her grandson back?


Objection! Relevance!

Judge Fitzpatrick



I am simply making a point that all of this ties back into that: Miss Kefer carrying a torch for the defendent's grandson, Dr. Jacobs' son. Dr. Jacobs did not want you with her son, correct?


Yes, but-


Then it makes perfect sense as to why you would lie under oath and not give the correct version of the story. You slept with Dr. Jacobs' ex-husband while you were with their son. In fact, you originally came to Salem when EJ Wells hired you to seduce Lucas Roberts, correct?

Alexis, getting angry

How do you know that?!


All of this puts your credibility in doubt, Miss Kefer. Perhaps you won't be the best witness in this case. No more questions.

He goes and sits down, and April stands up.


Miss Kefer, could you perhaps give the court room a recap of this entire situation? What started all of this madness?


Well, I was dating Jeremy, Mike and Robin's son. And...I really did love him. Then I did something I shouldn't have; I got drunk and slept with Mike. Jeremy found out, and broke up with me; then his mother zoomed into town. Robin basically took charge, hating on me every chance she got. Laura stood up for me and Mike; she told Robin off countless times, and even gave me some advice. That pissed her off, so she's trying to get her thrown back into some sanitarium.


So it would be fair to say that Dr. Jacobs' accusations stem simply from a grudge?

Alexis, smirking at Robin



I think all of this sums Dr. Jacobs' plot perfectly. She was angry at Miss Kefer and Dr. Horton for hurting her son, and my client had a different opinion and didn't have a problem speaking her mind. Dr. Jacobs saw her as a problem and wanted her out of the way. No further questions.

Alexis gets off of the stand, and next up is Laura. McDaneld questions her first.


Dr. Horton, you have a long history of mental problems. Mind telling us when they first started?


Objection! This man's questions have little relevance to the case at hand!


Your honor, this case is all about determining whether Dr. Horton has indeed gone insane or not. We must examine her history of mental illness so you can make a proper judgement.

Judge Fitzpatrick

Overruled, Counselor Ramirez. Answer the question, doctor.


It...was many years ago. After I had my beloved daughter, Jennifer, I suffered from depression; it is common for mothers. It increased when my husband had two affairs; one brought him a son, and that was what drove me over the edge. I endangered my daughter, and lapsed into a catatonic state.


And you were trapped in this catatonic state for many years, correct?


Yes, but that was because I was being fed drugs by the santarium. I know where you're heading, counselor, and I'm going to stop it; I am fully recovered. I have been for years; many people, such as Stefano DiMera and Peter Blake, have tried to make me look like I've relapsed and have gone insane. Robin is only the latest person to add to the list, but not once have I truly been insane. It is simply because of outside forces.


Alright. Then give us your description of the events that took place.


I wasn't even present when Robin hit her head; the second so called event was during an argument that we had. We were arguing over all of this, and she...she just pushed me too far. I didn't mean to put my hands around her neck, it just happened.


So you are admitting that if pushed too far, you can snap again?


NO! I didn't even snap; I was not trying to strangle Robin. It was a simple moment of weakness.


I think all of these events were moments of weakness. When you tried to kill her, when you tried to strangle her, and when you pushed her down the stairs.


I did not push her down the stairs! Robin threw HERSELF down the stairs after we argued about her actual motives. She wanted to set me up again, and it worked. I can only hope that Judge Fitzpatrick sees through that.


Why would Dr. Jacobs be so petty? She could have died or gotten seriously injured from such a drastic fall. It seems a bit far for a grudge.


Because that's who Robin is. I didn't know her when she was with my son, but the Robin of today is very petty. She will stop at nothing to get what she wants; she's not being protective of Jeremy. She's just looking out for her own interests.


It seems you have some malicious feelings towards her; I think this just proves that Dr. Horton did try to kill Dr. Jacobs. All three times. I rest my case.

Judge Fitzpatrick

Miss Ramirez, would you like to cross examine the witness?


No, your honor, I wouldn't. I would like to get a move on and call my witness to the stand: Dr. Robin Jacobs herself.

Laura steps down, and Robin calmly heads up to the stand and takes oath.


Dr. Jacobs, before you returned to Salem because of Miss Kefer's actions, would you mind re-counting your last time in Salem?


Objection! Now Miss Ramirez is being irrelevant.


He got to recount his history, now I need to recount mine.

Judge Fitzpatrick

Once again, overruled.


What would my last time in Salem have to do with Laura? She wasn't even here when I last visited.


Answer the question, Dr. Jacobs

Robin, scowling

Fine. I came to Salem many years ago, shortly after leaving town, to introduce Mike to his son. That was all.


Ah, but it wasn't all, was it?


What do you mean?


You returned because you had hopes of rekindling your flame with Dr. Horton.


That's insane.


This is going no where, your honor!


Let me get to my point!

Judge Fitzpatrick

Make it quick, Miss Ramirez.


You returned to Salem to re-kindle your relationship with Dr. Horton. Yes or no.




You are under oath.


Fine. Mike and I never exactly....closed the door entirely on our relationship. I left him because I caught him praying, when he agreed to convert to Judaism to marry me. But then I found out I was pregnant, and I got over our differences of religion...I wanted him back.


And what happened?


You know what happened, you bitch. You were the cause.


Ah, our first sign of Dr. Jacobs being jealous. So you could not re-unite with Dr. Horton because he was involved with me, correct?


Yes. I left town because he had moved on.


So you never got over him.


I never said that.


You left Salem with very unresolved feelings for Dr. Horton; you two couldn't put things in the past. So it would be safe to say that you carried those feelings around with you.


No. Absolutely not!

Judge Fitzpatrick

Counselor, I fail to see how this has anything to do with this trial.


Oh, but it does. Dr. Jacobs, I believe that you still carry a torch for Dr. Michael Horton; I believe that you came back to Salem because you were jealous that he slept with Alexis Kefer.


That's not true! It was because of my son!


That's what you've tried to tell yourself, isn't it? That's what you've tried to tell everyone around you, isn't it? You've put on a mask to everyone, acting like you are just an over-protective mother. And this was the basis of your last argument with Laura, was it not? When you threw yourself down those stairs at Maggie Horton's house? Laura finally figured you out; she called you out, and you couldn't stand it.


Laura pushed me down those stairs. She had no regard-


That is a lie and you know it. All of this is not only because you love your son, but because you still have feelings for Mike. You hate it, but you do, and it has been the basis of every single action that you've done since the day you came back to this town.


How dare you. What about you, huh? You randomly return to represent Laura in this trial? You're doing the same damn thing; it didn't take a day before you were back in Mike's bed, April. At least with me, I stood my ground against him. You and him are already back together, just like old times.


And that burns you so much, doesn't it? It hurts you; just like it hurt you that Alexis and Mike slept together. You framed Laura for this crime because she took sides with the woman that slept with YOUR ex! Not because she cheated on your son, she slept with your ex! Everything you have done is been out of spite; this farce of a charge is out of spite, because Laura screwed with your marvelous plan to keep Jeremy under your wing. And you keep him under your wing and away from his father because you are trying to bury those feelings, aren't you? You are angry at Mike for everything he's done, while you've loved him. You are angry at him for sleeping with Alexis. For sleeping with me, for-

Robin, finally screaming

ALRIGHT, DAMNIT, ALRIGHT! It's true! I set Laura up all three times. I still carried a torch for Mike.

Everyone in the court room is stunned, and Jeremy's eyes go wide. He looks from Alexis, to Laura, to Robin.


Mom, no...




Robin, is that true?!


Yes, Mike, it's true. For years, I have tried to put you behind me; I've tried to forget about you. When I found out that you were with April all those years ago, I knew it. I knew that it was over, and so I tried to just put it all behind me. But then you moved to Israel to try to be close to your son, and my hopes got up again. April broke it off with you, and I wondered if maybe we could be a family. Ha, fat chance. As quick as you came to Israel, you went back to Salem, and we didn't get a word from you for YEARS! Years, damnit; I had your son but we barely got a phone call. Then, all of a sudden, you show up again, and guess what? You have another fiancee! And you want to be close to Jeremy again, so you see him, sometimes...but of course, all of your attention is on Carrie. We watched from a distance as you two were so happy...and I wanted to get over you, but you were right there, with the woman that was going to be your wife. Then she left, but that didn't change much; you stuck around for a little while, before taking off again. All of this tortured me, Mike! It put me through so much misery; could I have you, or could I not?! So Jeremy decides to move to Salem to be close with his family, and later on, what do I find out? That you slept with his girl friend! I come back, and then your mother gets on MY case, when I was the one that had been hurt constantly! By you! I tried to deny my feelings, I tried to get rid of them, but you kept yanking my chain. And now, you're back with April. Do you know how much that hurts me?! I finally had enough; I set your mother up. I did it because I was tired of people taking your side; taking whores like Alexis' side. And I did it...because...

Robin stops, getting choked up as she is overwhelmed with emotion.


Maybe we should get her out of here.


NO! I want to here this. This...this is insane. Why else, mom? Why else would you do something so horrible to my grandma?!

Robin, in tears

Because I wanted to get back at your father. I hated that I loved him...I hated it, so I thought that maybe this would help me get over it; framing his mother. Maybe this would put that bitch away and I could put your father through something like he put me through.


That is insane! You love Mike so you frame his mother and try to make her look insane?!


It's who Robin is.


No, no, it's not. This is not the woman I married; I married someone kind and loving. Someone who wasn't so petty like this. Robin, I've made a lot of mistakes, and I am sorry...but if you had feelings for me, you should have just told me! I've given you plenty of chances; remember our argument at the hospital? You could have solved this in a way totally different than this!


I thought I could trust you, Mom! I've asked you over and over if my grandma really tried to kill you, and you assured me that you only wanted her to get better! You made me believe you!


Jeremy, I love you with all of my heart. Yes, I did come back to Salem because I was furious that Mike had slept with another woman; it made all of my emotions from the past come roaring back. But I also did it because I DID know you were in pain. I wanted to help you and get you away from people like Mike and Alexis! People that make you love them but lead you on; people that make you want to go to the ends of the Earth for them but make you want to throttle them!


I have never been the best father, I take responsibility for that, but I've tried to fix it. I've tried to make it better, and instead of embracing that, you said my mother tried to kill you, simply because of a vendetta and because she disagreed with you! You left me in the first place, Robin. And you never told me anything else; what did you expect me to do?!


You're even worse than I thought, Robin! Jeremy, do you see now?! Do you see what I've been trying to tell you all along?!


I don't know what to think! Mom, you were there for me when my dad wasn't...but now, you've screwed me over too! Both of you have never done anything for me!

Alexis, running to his side



And neither have you! Get away from me! I need to get out of here.



Jeremy darts out of the court room, and Robin quickly gets off the stand to go after him, but she is grabbed by the baliff.

Judge Fitzpatrick

I'm puting an end to this circus right now. Dr. Laura Horton, you obviously are not guilty of these charges; you are free to go. On behalf of the town of Salem, I apologize for putting you through all of this. Dr. Robin Jacobs, I hereby order your arrest.

Many in the court room breathe a sigh of relief, and Laura just sits at the table, not knowing what to think.


Finally, I'm free...everyone knows that Robin's a liar. This nightmare is over!


Episode#456: All Bitches Fall Down

Written by: Tara Smith and ML Cooks

Alamain MansionAlamainMansion.jpg

Nicholas is alone at the Alamain Mansion, the home of the once great Alamain family, when he hears a knock at the door. He answers it to see Philip Kiriakis!


Uh, can I help you?

Philip, walking right inPhilip.jpg

The name's Philip Kiriakis. We have a lot to discuss.


Kiriakis...as in Victor Kiriakis? Wait, Philip Kiriakis...that name sounds familiar.


And it should.


You're Belle's ex-husband. You kidnapped her and her daughter and then stalked Belle. Shouldn't you be in jail?


I've done my time. Besides, prison can't keep a Kiriakis man down for long.


Well, what the hell do you want with me?


Justin told me that you'd been dating Belle; when I talked to her, it sounded like you'd gotten her pretty upset. Rumor is that you two had some big argument.


How is that any of your business?


Belle is my ex-wife; I need to make up for all that I did to her. She deserves a man who loves her and treats her right. What did you do to her?


You must have some pretty big balls to walk into the ALAMAIN Mansion and tell me how to treat a woman. Not that I care about Belle anyway; she left me out in the cold. She refused to help me stop YOUR mother.


My mother? You mean the woman that you tried to sleep with?


No, the one that gave birth to you. Vivian Alamain.


Ha. And here I thought you were close to your aunt; I can see why you're not, though. That bitch has taken over this entire town and is destroying my father's legacy. But for you to ask Belle to do something like that? Pretty low.


Yeah, you've got no place to talk. You kidnapped her and threatened her.


I never expected Belle to do anything for me; you thought that she would use her power at Titan to help you like that? Belle's too good for that.


I thought Belle loved me. If she loved me, she would have done it for me, no matter what. That's what lovers do for each other.


You must not know Belle then; the Belle that I was married to was a good woman. A woman who was also perfect and wouldn't commit a crime for anyone; she stands up for what she believes in. The fact that you left her shows what a jackass you are.


What was I supposed to do?


You should've stood by her.


You didn't do that. She told me everything about what you did; practice what you preach.


I'm willing to bet that I was much better to Belle than you ever were. Especially with how crappy you've treated her lately. Watch your step, man. Hurt Belle like that again and you'll answer to me.

Philip walks out of the Alamain Mansion, leaving an angry Nicholas in his wake.

Salem University HospitalUnivesrityHosptial.jpg

Bo stands outside his grandson, Bentley's, room. He watches as he sleeps peacefully, recovering from being shot at such a young age. Bo can't believe what he has been through, and what is going on to his entire family. Hope walks up to him.


Fancy Face, I thought you were going to be at the court house for a while?


I was, but it ended a little quicker than expected. I swear, it was an all out mess. Robin broke down on the stand and confessed to setting Laura up; apparently she was never over Mike, and she ranted at him for what he's put her and Jeremy through over the years. It's insanity, but good for Laura.


Poor Jeremy. Finding out that your mother isn't the perfect woman you think she is can be hard; it takes a lot to get over that, but he will, eventually. I know.


I know you do...we've been through a lot, haven't we?


Definitely, but it's all...it's all going to get better. For Laura and Jeremy. For us.

Hope, sighing

I'd really like that.

Bo stares at his wife, knowing that in order to get their lives back on track, he has to end his affair with Kristen. It may hurt him to do it, but he has to.


So, how's Bentley?


Doing great; even better than they hoped. He'll be released soon and then he can come home with us.


That'll be great; I feel horrible, Brady. In all of this chaos, we've totally forgotten about our own grandchildren. Have we even visited Claire? And we let our grandson live with a lunatic for so long...


I know; I confronted Jan once, but it led to nothing because of all that's happened. But at least he had Lucas, and now we can change everything. We're going to put our family back together, Fancy Face, I promise. We're going to see Claire more often. We're going to adopt Bentley and make him a part of our lives.

Hope, smiling

That'll be great. It really will...hopefully the worst has passed.

She looks at her grandson through the window.


Bentley Brady...has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?


Hell no!

Bo and Hope both turn around to see Jan approaching. Both give each other a worried look.


The only way that his last name would have ever been Brady would have been if Shawn had made him Bentley Brady, and made me Jan Brady. But that didn't happen, so he's Bentley Spears. What do you two think you are doing here?


It's over, Jan. We've made the mistake of not keeping a closer eye on Bentley and that ends now; he's our grandson. Lucas asked us to raise Bentley.


Lucas has NO jurisdiction over MY son.


And it's what Shawn would want too, you know. He wouldn't want you raising him.


That's NOT true.


I am sure it will be easy to convince a judge to give custody to us. We are adopting Bentley and making him a part of our family as soon as possible.


No. I am Bentley's mother. I will not let that happen.


You don't have a choice, Jan. You made your decision the minute you started scheming again; you had a chance to be a good mother and you wasted your time on some baby switch. You've been nothing but trouble from the start. You ruined Shawn's life twice. Because of you, Lucas is going to prison and leaving his own family behind.

Jan, appalled

That was Greta's fault, NOT mine! She's the one who switched the babies, locked me up in a secret room, and shot Bentley! All of this goes back to her!


And who threw that racoon on her in the first place?! Who made her leave town? You tortured Belle. You tortured Mimi. You tortured Chloe. You tortured Eugenia.


You tried to kill my father. You locked my son in a cage for months, then tricked him for even more months. You stole his sperm! It's amazing that Marlena actually gave birth to someone like you; if she was alive today, she'd be disappointed in what you've become. Or what you've always been.


And now it's over. You're over, Jan. We're getting rid of you for the final time; go get some help, because you really need it. Until that happens, you're not even going to see Bentley again. Because he will be our son now. We're going to protect Bentley from poison like you.


It's amazing to ME that people like you created the love of my life. You both are making a big mistake.

Jan turns around and furiously storms off, leaving Bo and Hope to watch.


What a disturbed woman.


She's gone now. She's going to be out of Bentley's life, and he'll be in ours. I'm going to make this work, Fancy Face. I promise.

Hope, looking at her husband

Really? Do you mean that?

Bo, hesitant before leaning in and kissing her

Yes, I mean it. Now, I have to go...there's some business down at the station that I need to take care of.

Bo turns and leaves, as Hope goes back to watching over their grandson.


Vivian is inside her office at Titan, the one that once belonged to her late husband, Victor Kiriakis. She is personally filling out the invitations to her ball.


I am sending an invitation to every single address in Salem. This ball must be huge; I want everyone in this town to see that I have taken over. And I want all of my enemies to be there...I want to be able to gloat as they see that Vivian Alamain has finally won! And this time, no one is stopping her.

She grabs her phone and dials a number.


Ivan! Get into my office and get these invitations sent out ASAP!

She hangs up, and smiles.


Now that that is taken care of, it's time to line up media coverage. I want every single Salem affiliate at this ball; NBC, ABC, CBS, FOX. CNN. MSNBC. They all will be at my ball!

Vivian begins to make the arrangements, but suddenly, Celeste walks in.

Vivian, on the phone

I'll have to call you back.

She hangs up the phone again, and looks at Celeste.


Celeste, what could you possibly want now? You are lucky that my secretary had a trial to go to.


I had to take a quick vacation from Salem, dahling, but I'm back.


Celeste, I have a ball to plan. I've been through this with you time and time again; we've fought and fought. You can do nothing to stop me. I've already won.


I'm not here to fight with you, Vivian. As much as I hate you and would like to, I'm not going to waste my time attacking you again. However, I will say that I cannot believe you are doing this. Taking the hospital from the Hortons?? I know why you got revenge on your family and me, but what did the Hortons ever do to you?


It's simple business, Celeste. It helped in my domination of Salem. You and your cards would not understand.


You are ruthless. You kicked a good, hard working family out of their own hospital!


And gave YOUR daughter her old job back! You should be thanking me.


Alexandra was just fine at the hospital without being the chief-of-staff. You are destroying lives, Vivian. When will it stop? When will you finally end this madness?


Please, I am destroying no lives. I've gotten my revenge; now it's much more than that. I am on top of Salem. I'm reigning over every single part of it. I am a DiMera AND Kiriakis; something that you, even when sleeping with both patriarchs, could not achieve.


I had much deeper relationships with Stefano and Victor than you could have ever hoped for.


Yet I'm the one who married them. Twice. You are just a servant, Celeste. You are not worth my time, so get out.


Wait, Vivian! Don't go through with this ball! As much as I despise you, dahling, I have to warn you: I have a bad feeling about this. This ball will go very badly for you.


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