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A Euology to Remember! #124



For the Birds Rehabilitation Centerpeoplesoftbuilding.jpg

thArtist379_nr1orig.jpgMona walks back into her room with Apple after taping her eulogy for Kevin's funeral. She has a huge grin on her face.


"I take it that it was a good message?"


"Oh yes...Slutty Patterson won't know what hit her."


"I knew you would do it. What you'll do is send your mother over the deep end, trust me. This is the end of the line for her."


"I'm sure as hell glad. I've worked too long to have my family come out on top."

Apple, laughing

"You really don't care for them, do you?"


"Are you kidding? Apple, Abe raped me. My mother and my brothers never bothered to accept me. And my father is just like my mother: A man whore. He had a wife too, and he cheated on her, just like my mother cheated on Abe. They're all filthy bitches, and it makes me happy to see them in so much pain."

Apple stands up and walks over to Mona, stroking her cheek. She grins at her friend.


"And thats what I love about you, Mona...thats why we're going to rock this town to its core."


"We sure as hell are. I'm gone show my mother today that even if I'm locked up in a crazy house, she can't keep me quiet! "


Episode#124: A Euology to Remember!

Written by: Tara Smith

Can I Get A Witness West Coast Baptist Churchdigitaljess001.jpg

People gather inside the local Pasadena Church...it is a very emotional day, as Kevin Williams is about to be laid to rest. Karim walks into the Church with LaDonna behind him.


"Karim, baby, I don't think you should be walking today. I can still go home and go get the wheelchair."


"No, LaDonna, no. This is my brother's funeral, and if I have to do this, I'm going to walk in doing it."

LaDonna, sighing

"If you insist...but how are you? You've scared me during these past few days. You've been so quiet."


"How am I supposed to feel, LaDonna? My bro is dead. I have to bury him today. And I'm the only one in my family left to do it! My sister is crazy and locked up in the crazy house. My pops is dead. I'm sure as hell not allowing ma and Uncle Don in here today. The only family members coming are Miss Jenkins, who my mother locked up in her house for all of my life, and my aunt that I barely even know."


"I'm sorry, Karim...but I'm here every step of the way."


"Its just...Kevin was the last person in my family that I could trust. Everyone else in my life, except for you, has betrayed me. And then he killed himself because of what my ma did."

LaDonna puts her arms around Karim, trying to comfort him in this hard time.

Outside the Church, Alexis and Santino walk up.


"Wow. I can't believe this...when we came back to Pasadena, I had no idea that we'd be coming back to the news that Kevin committed suicide."


"I know...its shocking, I never really knew the guy but that family's been through enough."


"You can say that again. Karim just lost his father, or who he thought was his father. Its like everyone's dying lately."


"Are you going to be okay seeing Karim in there?"


"Yeah, I'll be fine...I love Karim...it'd be rude of me to not come."

Santino flashes back to their kiss in Miami, but decides to put it out of his mind.


"And what about your mom?"


"I'll focus on her later. But today isn't my day."

Santino and Alexis walk into the Church, and Alexis sighs when she sees LaDonna's arms around Karim...LaDonna and Karim turn to see them. LaDonna and Alexis share a glance, but they know that today is just not the day to fight.


"Karim, I know things aren't that good between us right now but...I want to say that I'm so sorry about Kevin. I know how close you two were, and I just...really hate that this happened. I know how it feels to lose a sibling."


"Yeah, man, I'm really sorry about this."




Next, Ria, Patti, and Jasmine all enter and approach the small group.


"Hello Victoria."


"I'll let that slide since you're about to bury your brother...but Karim, I really...I really hate that this happened to Kevin...and I hope you know I am just a call away if you ever need to talk...and I'm telling you that seriously. Not as anything more than friends...but boy, who you hooking up with now? I see the white girl and that other chick are here. And you got all up in my ass for che-"

Alexis groans at Ria already starting her antics. Patti steps in to stop her daughter from going any farther.


"Our entire family sends you our condolences."

The LaBelle's all go and sit down, and the next to enter are Madea and Celeste.

Miss Jenkinsmadea.jpg

"My ugly ass daughter sure has destroyed this family. Here I am at my own grandson's funeral. What the hell was I thinking when I had her? I am so glad that you are getting me out of this crazy ass town. I'm ready to go to Salem."


"Dahling, please, can we not complain about Patterson today? I did not know Kevin, but I do know that this should be a day to celebrate his life. "

Miss Jenkins, lighting a cigarette

"Why the hell should I stop complain about that crazy ass thing that I have to call a daughter?! She caused all this, Celeste! She locked me up in my own damn house and she drove her own children out of their minds! And she says I was abusive. I don't got nothing on her!"


"Mother, this is a Church, this is not a place for cig-"

Miss Jenkins

"Girl, I will not have you acting like your sister. Don't you be telling me what to do. "

Celeste just sighs at her mother while more people enter."

Miss Jenkins

"So how is the town of Salem, honey? Better be a good place to live. Anywhere is better than here."


"Well dahling, its a fine place....but there are alot of crazy happenings and evil people there. Like Vivian Alamain."

Miss Jenkins

"Well honey I got my gun."

Sharan walks into the Church...she has tears in her eyes as she knows today she has to bury a man that she once loved.


"I...I can't believe this day has come. "

Karim sees her and approaches her.


"Sharan, I'm so glad you came."

Karim and Sharan hug, and Sharan sniffs.


"Karim...I...how did this happen? I still don't want to believe it. I want it all to just be a bad dream."

Karim, choking up for a moment

"Believe me...I...I know how you feel. You know, Kevin really loved you...I just want you to know that I think you were the best thing to happen in his life."

Sharan turns away as more tears come, recalling how she told him that they couldn't be together after all that had happened.

Karim, raising an eyebrow

"Is something wrong?"


"No...I'm fine...its just, my last encounter with Kevin..."

Karim, concern growing

"What? What are you talking about?"


"Nothing, nothing, Karim. Lets just focus on happier times with Kevin today."

Before Karim can pursue it anymore, Sharan goes and sits down. Daniel enters and sits down beside her.


"Hey, how are you?"


"I'm as good as I can be...I don't know. My emotions are in a flurry right now."


"I understand...if you don't want me to be here, I can go-"


"No, no...I think I need you right now. I just don't know how to feel. The last time I talked to Kevin was that night when he was so angry. He died obsessed with me because I wouldn't be with him! Maybe if I had done what he wanted, ma-"


"Stop it. We can't occupy our thoughts with "what ifs". And Sharan, you were only being true to yourself and honest with how you felt...you shouldn't have done anything different."

Sharan, slowly nodding

"Thank you."

Daniel looks at Jasmine for a moment...she looks at him, and sees him with Sharan, but she just decides to ignore it.

Ria, looking in that direction as well

"Oh hell naw! Sharan plays Kevin, Dondre, and Mona, and now she's hooking up with your man?!"


"Ria, no, no...today is not the day. And Daniel is not my man...he never was. Maybe it was just a rebound after Lauren...its obvious that he's into Sharan, not me."


"Girl, ain't no sister of mine is just gone sit around and let no slut like Sharan take her man! But he is white, so maybe this is a good thing."


"Enough, Victoria! I wish you would stop spreading that racism. But Jasmine, I agree with your sister here...you can't just let that woman have your man!"


"For the last time, he's not my man! And today is just not the day. Its a funeral."


"You're right. It is...we shouldn't even touch our personal matters today."

Dre and Lauren are seen outside the interior of the Church...they peek into the main area. Lauren has her son wrapped in her arms, and is in a heavy disguise. Her baby cries slightly.


"Shh, little one, shh...."

As the baby quiets down, Dre looks at Lauren.


"Yo, you really shouldn't be here today."


"I have to be! This is my child's father's funeral, and Kevin was my friend. I still can't believe he committed suicide. What got into him?!"


"His crazy as hell family, thats what got into him. And we don't even know if he's your baby daddy."


"Dre, you delivered my son! He's right here in front of your eyes! I always knew that Daniel probably wasn't the father, but Chris was very light...the baby would have been nearly white if it was his! This boy is far too mixed."

Dre and Lauren peek inside again...to see Daniel and Sharan sitting together. Lauren looks at him sadly.


"I truly lost him, haven't I?"


"I don't know about you and your boy Daniel, but I'm gone talk to Sharan after this funeral. Enough is enough. I want to know who she wants."

Lauren and Dre both see a security guard approach the door, and their eyes widen!


"What the hell are the police doing here?!"


"I ain't got no clue, but I'm gone have to slip in with this crowd before they arrest me. "

Dre walks into the interior of the Church and sits down where no one can see him, while Lauren rushes off to hide.

Mike walks past the security guard, smiling, and he walks into the Church and approaches Karim.


"Mr. Williams, I'd like to tell you that I'm so sorry for your loss...I knew Kevin, and I knew your father...Kevin was a very noble man."


"Thank you, Commissioner Dietz, that means alot. Did you get what I requested?"

Mike, nodding

"Yes, yes, a security guard is positioned right outside."


"Thank you very much."

Mike takes his seat, and LaDonna looks at Karim.


"Don't you think this is taking things a little too far?"


"No, LaDonna, not at all...its what I need to do. I hate it, but its what I need to do."

Santino and Alexis sit together, continuing to talk. Jenn walks into the Church, and she scowls when she sees them together.

Jenn, storming upalicia_silverstone_06.jpg

"Well well well, Tino, I see you returned to Pasadena...what a fast trip. And so this is the tramp that you hooked up and ran off with?"


"Excuse me?!"


"I was talking to Santino, you bitch."


"Jenn, please, this is not the place. This is a Church of all places! And we already discussed our relationship."


"You're right, you bastard. Just forget about me, and don't bother speaking to me. Just have fun with this whore."

Jenn angrily takes her seat, as Santino shakes his head at her.

nc015.jpgNatalia walks in...she sees Ria, and decides to sit beside her.

Ria, smiling at seeing Natalia

"Well look who finally left the hospital?"

Natalia, laughing

"Nice to see you too, Ria. Mark Jr. is doing really well...he should be released over the next day or two! I am still so thankful that he made it through so well. It was all thanks to you."


"Naw, girl, it was you that took that crazy bitch down. I can't believe that now we are here for another funeral though."


"I know...its heartbreaking. So many people have died lately."


"Victoria, who is this? "


"Oh, this my girl, Natalia."


"I thought you hated white people?"


"I gotta tell myself that Natti is a Latina."


"Well, hello, darling. I'm Patti LaBelle."


"Wow...Patti LaBelle?!?! This is your mother?!"


"Unfortunately, yes."


"Its such an honor. I love your music."


"Thank you, baby!"

Everyone continues to talk and mourn as they wait for the service to begin...but one thing on everyone's mind is, where is Sister Patterson?

Downtown Pasadena, Pasadena City Police Station12824943_551f054d6c.jpg

Sabryn sits in her cell...she sighs as she continues to wait...she knows that her trial date is fast approaching, where she will face the courts over her killing Ashley. She looks up when she sees Bryan, with Bryan Jr.!infant-baby.jpg

zt122327ta.jpgSabryn, instantly jumping up

"Bryan Jr...my baby boy..."


"I thought I'd bring him to see you....he misses his mom."


"I'm sure he does. And I'll be back for him soon."


"Do you really think you're going to get out of here after you shot Ashley seven times?"


"I'll fight anything, no matter how hard, for my son. I actually care about him."


"Excuse me? Who the hell has been taking care of him while you've been locked up?!"


"But I doubt that you're actually caring for him properly. You bastard, you can't do anything right."


"And were you perfectly caring when you chased Ashley down with a gun while she had both of my sons in her car?!"


"I had to do it! If I hadn't, she would've taken my son and Natalia's! You should be grateful."


"I am, but I am tired of you getting so high and mighty with me."


"I'm not getting high and mighty with you. You lied to me...you never told me about you sleeping with Natalia. I can't trust you, especially with my son."


"He's my son too damnit."


"Yes, yes he is, but I really doubt you act like a responsible father. How can I trust you with a small child after what you've done, Bryan?"


"Sabryn, yes, I slept with Natalia. And I hate what happened, but I don't regret it because my other son, Bryan Jr.'s brother, wouldn't be here if that hadn't happened. I am not the villian here! I still love you! I mean Ashley was the one that orchestrated all this, not me!"


"Well I shot her you idiot, don't you think I know that?! But what you did all on your own was sleep with Natalia. You can't blame Ashley for that, and you never told me. That bitch had to expose it. I'm sorry, Bryan, but I've told you this a million times: We're through. We're done. We still have our son, but thats it."

Bryan, disheartened by Sabryn turning him down once again, gets his son and leaves the jail.

Can I Get A Witness West Coast Baptist Church

Sister Patterson walks up to the entrance of the Church, her faithful Bible and Holy Water in hand.

Sister Patsisterpatterson-1.gif

"I can't believe I was not here earlier. It took enough just to bring myself to my own God's house. My precious son is dead. Oh Lord, why you doing this to me?!"

Sister Pat prepares to walk into the Church, but suddenly, a security guard stands in her way!

Security Guard

"Sorry ma'am, I can't let you go in there."

Sister Pat, shocked

"I am Sister Patterson! I know you are not sealing me off from the Church! This is God's house, and His house is a haven! Ain't no place for security guards!"

Security Guards

"I have specific orders to not let you in here."

Sister Pat

"EXCUSE ME?! Ain't no person gone block me from going in and worshipping the Lord! ITS MY SON'S FUNERAL FOR HEAVENS SAKE!"

Security Guard

"Your other son, Karim Williams, was the one who arranged for me to be here in case you or a man named DC Williams tried to get in here."

Sister Patterson is stunned for a moment...she just stares. Not only did her first son kill himself because of her actions, her second son and the last child that actually believed in her, has now turned on her and tried to blockade her from her own son's funeral.

Sister Pat

"No...no...this can't be true."

Security Guard

"It is. Now please, get off the property or I will forcefully remove you from it."

Sister Pat

"Oh now you know my God ain't having this. This is Kevin's funeral and like it or not I am going to be there damnit! Oh Lord forgive me for cussing when I am so close to your house, but these sinners just don't stop!"

Security Guard, grabbing Pat's arms

"Okay it is time to go."

Sister Pat

"Not on your life, you sinning fool!"

Sister Patterson then furiously throws the security guard off of her, and begins slapping him with her Bible! She slaps him upside the head with the Holy Word of God, and he can't defend himself against the mighty nun.

Sister Pat

"I AM ON THE BATTLEFIELD FOR THE LORD! I HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF ALL OF YENS TRYING TO GET ME DOWN!!!! No weapon shall prophsere against me. I am Sister Patterson damn it!"

Sister Pat is so angry that she manages to toss the security guard so far that he fades from sight! She pants, and then DC walks up.


"What was that about?"

Sister Pat

"None of your business, you fat bastard. How dare you show your sinning face here?"


"You're one to-wait, no, not today. Kevin was my son too, Pat, as much as you may hate to admit it. Of course I'm going to be here. Are you ready for today?"

Instead of providing a quick retort like usual, Sister Patterson freezes again...after all that has happened, especially learning today that Karim tried to keep her out of the funeral. She simply turns around and heads inside, DC following along.

Sister Pat sees Karim sitting with LaDonna, and immediately decides to approach him.

Karim, looking up at her and anger growing in his eyes

"How the hell did you get in here?!"

Sister Pat, slapping Karim

"Boy, you should know by now I am Sister Patterson and that you can't keep me out of MY GOD'S HOUSE! This is my SON'S funeral! You better just ask God for forgiveness!"


"ME?! Ask for forgiveness?! YOU'RE the one who should ask for forgiveness?!"

Sister Pat

"I have, Karim! Baby, I have! A thousand times! Have I not been hurt enough already?!"


"Just save it."

Sister Patterson looks around at the people attending Kevin's funeral...more anger grows in her eyes as she realizes they are all people who have committed horrible crimes at some point!

Sister Pat, slapping Karim again



"None of them have done what you did!"

Sister Pat storms over to where Ria is sitting, and immediately grabs her by her wrist, pulling her up!


"Oh hell naw! I just got my damn nails done!"

Sister Pat

"Yes I am sure you used the colors of hell, too! Now Karim, I want you to look at this face of evilness!"

Everyone looks at Sister Pat, shocked.

Patti, standing up

"Let my daughter go!"

Sister Pat

"KARIM, LOOK AT THIS FACE OF EVILNESS! She cheated on you with Dondre! You were committed to her and this lil tramp slept with another man repeatedly, and here you are letting her just waltz in here, but keeping your own mother out?! Whats the matter with you?"

Karim just turns away, not wanting to bother with Pat anymore. Pat angrily tosses Ria to the ground, before storming off.

Ria grabs her breast after hitting the ground.

Natalia, whispering

"Ria, are you alright?"


"Yea, girl, that crazy bat just threw me a lil too hard."

Sister Pat, walking up to the front of the Church

"It is time to begin this service...and...and bury my Kevin..."

Before Sister Patterson can say anymore, suddenly, someone comes in and gives her a DVD!

Sister Pat

"We are about to start a funeral, what you giving me some movie for?!"

The person simply walks off, and Sister Pat looks down on it...it is labeled "MONA'S EUOLOGY", and her eyes widen!

Sister Pat

"Kelis sent her own eulogy?! And its gone be played...here...today?!"

Next time on S.T.E.A.M.:

Kevin's funeral is had and Sister Patterson has her climactic breakdown!


Recommended Comments

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It's so great that STEAM is back on mySONtv. Was this written by Tara months ago? Either way it was really good.

I love how Ria's family put her in her well deserved place. Patti really loves her daughters.

I realized that with your casting of Macy Gray & Jennifer Tilly means that you have two raspy evil vixens. Cannot wait to see what Mona's eulogy will bring to the town. It's very SAW VI.

Welcome back to mySONtv!

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Mona and Apple always make for good scenes.

Funerals are always great ways to bring a bunch of characters to one place.

Damn Lauren is pretty risky but I guess I get her wanting to be there.

LOL it's always funny people finding out Patti LaBelle is her mother.

Ah! Once Sister Pat was denied entrance I knew something was about to go down.

Funeral episodes are always fun to write for, good job.

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