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Episode 130: I'll Ask You Again

Matt P.


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Alley was confused by what Marissa wanted to do. Marissa kept frantically looking through her purse for a container and a specimen injector.


What…what are you talking about?


I don’t want to hurt you but you’re going to give me your baby.


You are the sickest person ever!


NO! YOU ARE! What kind of a respectable girl sleeps around with two guys? You’re the one who ruins everyone’s life. Now you are going to pay for your actions.


It’s scientifically impossible to do what you’re trying to do.


I’ve done my research. Your eggs will be transported into my friend’s uterus. She will have your baby. The one that you don’t deserve. Maybe you should consider this a blessing. Slut!


Please. Just let me go. There’s a big chance that the baby doesn’t even belong to your brother. It could be Blake’s. Isn’t that what you want?

Marissa stops and looks at her. She thinks for a moment, while still holding her gun.


For once this has nothing to do with my brother! Yes I’m pissed that you broke our deal but my friend is in need. You’re the only one who can fix her problem. So I suggest that you sit back, look up at the roof, and let it happen.

Marissa places her hands on Alley’s thighs. She began to quiver with fear. Her whole body was shivering.



No…don’t do this. Please don’t.

- - -


Episode 130:

I’ll Ask You Again

Series Creator & Head Writer:

Matt Politylo

Logo Designer:

Mary Zimmerman

Special Guest Stars:

Larry Hagman as Lorrister Sheridan

Joan Collins as Felicia Sheridan Gorski

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Blake walks out of the glass elevator from The River Teal to look for Alley. Behind him, London and John follow.


Blake, wait!


Why are you going after him? He’s already made his choice on who he wants to be with.


(overhearing him)

And so has Alley! If you care about her, then I would help look for her. She’s in need of support.


I’m sorry about what happened.


You don’t have to tell me.

(to John)

Can I borrow your phone?


It’s 2010 Blake, isn’t it about time you get with it?


My phone melted in a fire. Please stop being a jerk and give me your damn phone!

John hands him his phone.


You did say please.

Blake calls Alley’s cell phone. He hears her specific ringtone coming from the van.


Why would her phone be in a van?


I don’t know but I’m going to find out.

Marissa quickly retrieves her phone and turns it off.


We can’t have any distractions.


Marissa! Whatever…I can do…this isn’t the way.


Shut up!

Blake knocks on the back door of the van.



Marissa is startled. She looks at Alley with intense eyes and motions for her to be quiet.




Blake busts down the back door with the help of John and London. They are shocked to see the situation that was going down. However they were even more shocked to see Marissa aiming her gun at all of them.

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At Kellan’s place, he puts on some classical music from his iPod. He pours himself a glass of red wine while sitting alone on his couch. He pulls out a picture of a younger man around the same age as himself.


What would you be like today? I bet you would’ve been happy. Our family could’ve been happy. But we can’t now, can we? Someone has taken that happiness away from us.

Kellan puts the photo down and begins to tear up.



WHY? Why would this happen to me?

His sobs become uncontrollable. He tries calming down.


She’s going to pay for this. Don’t you worry. She’s going to pay with her life!

Kellan rolls on his floor laughing. His giggles begin to soothe him. Kellan gets back up and reaches for his phone.


Hey. I really need to see you! I…I need you so bad.

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Back in The River Teal parking lot, Marissa’s hand shook as she got out of the van with her gun.


Marissa what are you doing?


I can’t tell you Johnny! I just can’t.


Who the hell is this?


It’s John’s sister and she’s trying to-





Marissa everything is going to be just fine if you just put the gun down. We didn’t do anything to you.


No. But Alley did. She ruined my life and she is ruining everyone else’s.

As Marissa is distracted, Alley slowly grabs her cell phone to turn it on. She muffles any form of sound. She texts 911.


Hey sis. I want you to know that I don’t care what you do you with your life. I’m always going to be here for you because we’re family.


That’s right. Your family was always so tight knit and close.


Well Alley here tried destroying that for me.

Marissa turns around and sees Alley with the phone.


Oh that’s it. Since you disobeyed me. Someone has to get shot. It can’t be John. London I like you. But you…

(to Blake)

You mean nothing to me.


Please! Please don’t do this to me. I’ve been shot before. It’s not fun.


Too late.


Marissa don’t! Just put the gun down and I’ll sneak you out of here.



Blake tackles Marissa to the ground. The gun falls out of her hands. London grabs it as John pushes Blake off of Marissa.


Let me handle her.


By all means.

John holds onto his sister and hugs her. The police come to the parking lot.


You’re going to be just fine.


Don’t’ let them take me away.


I can’t. I’m sorry.

A police officer places Marissa in handcuffs and puts her in a cop car. Alley watches Marissa get taken away.


Blake. You saved me!

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Nate tosses and turns in his bed. He can’t seem to get any sleep. The mini pillows given to him by the hotel were just not comfortable enough. He wakes up and walks over to his laptop.


I know who I am.

Nate logs onto The Point Palace Inquiry’s website and sees pictures of Blake, London, and Alexia. He reads the story about Blake’s home catching on fire. He thinks back to his job with the school.


I came here to work for Blake. I wanted a job with this school. And I had it. I was the IT specialist until Bryan took over.

Nate scrolls down and sees a picture of the board members. Bryan, Benjamin, and Lanoi.


Bryan Daniels. Benjamin Cliffside. Lanoi Dickson. President. Treasurer. Secretary. I worked for them.


I remember!

Nate logs on to his Facebook page. He sees his profile and the friends around him. One friend in particular stands out to him.



In a relationship with Ava Cecileneli.

He looks at pictures the two of them took. Some of them kissing, some of them out having fun, and some individual shots.


You’re my girlfriend. We fought through so much to have a relationship. Like Sky! What a horrible person.

Nate then thinks back to his night alone with Bobbie.


Oh my god. What are you doing?


I want you. Sexually.


No Bobbie this isn’t right.

The flashback ends.


I have to make things right with everyone! I know who I am. I’m Nate Mavick.

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The next morning, Ava drives James to The Anderson home. They pull up to the driveway and stop. She puts her car in park and looks at him.


Maieve called me and told me that Bobbie was here.


Are you ready to tell her the truth?


Yes. I’m ready to meet my daughter.


Okay. Let’s do it.

Ava and James get out of the car and walk up to the door of the cozy home. James rings the doorbell. Maieve answers with a smile on her face.


Hello James. So nice to see you again. And you as well Ava. Please come in.

They follow her inside.


How is Bobbie doing?


She told me that she needed to be alone by herself so she went up to her room. Didn’t want anyone to know where she was.


I’m ready to tell her Maieve.


I think she’s ready to hear it.


(from upstairs)

Maieve? Is someone here?


Yes dear. Come on down and say hello.

Bobbie walks downstairs and sees Ava with a stranger.


(to Ava)

I thought you hate me.


I could never hate you Bobbie.


What I did was so terrible and wrong.


I’ll let you be. Actually I have cookies baking in the oven. They’ll be ready for everyone very soon.

Maieve exits to her kitchen.


All is forgiven. We need to move on.


What about Nate? He lost his memory because of me.


Yes but he’s okay.

(changing the subject)

Bobbie I want you to meet someone.




Hi Bobbie.


Do I know you?


No. But I know you. I’m your…father. My name is James Vaughne and I’m your biological dad.

Bobbie was shocked. She looked at him with confused eyes.


But…I thought...you died. That’s what-


That was what I wanted you to think. The truth is I gave you up for adoption and I know so much time has been lost. I just wasn’t ready to be a parent. Thanks to Ava here, she made me realize how much I really care for you. But if you’re willing to get to know me, I’m ready to get to know you too.

Bobbie moves closer to him and gives him a hug. Tears were streaming from James’s eyes as he grasped her.


I can’t wait…dad.

Ava looked at the tender moment that James was sharing with Bobbie. He looks at her and smiles. She looks at him and for a moment, she was falling for him all over again.

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Detective Miltner holds the door for Dylan, Vi, and Ryley. It shuts behind them as they all sit in front of his desk.

Detective Miltner:

Thank you all for coming here on such short notice.


Has there been a break in the case?

Detective Miltner:

Yes and no.



Gee that’s reliable.


Shut up Ryley and let the man speak.

Detective Miltner:

The good news is we have a list of all of the possible suspects who are currently on the list for Carrie’s stabbing.


So basically you had us all come down here for a review? Wonderful.

Detective Miltner:

Your mother and father are tops on our list. Victor DiMarco too. However we found someone else at the wedding. An eye witness who worked at the church came forward and said they saw someone leaving moments after Carrie was stabbed.



Detective Miltner turns to a file cabinet and pulls out a manila envelope. He opens the envelope and puts down a picture of Kellan on the table.

Detective Miltner:

A surveillance scan matched the description of who the worker was talking about. Any of you recognize this man?

All three of them analyze the photo.


I don’t.




Yeah. I’ve seen him at the hospital. I think he’s a doctor.

Detective Miltner:

So he wasn’t invited to the wedding?


No he wasn’t. Maybe it’s best if we find out what the hell he was doing there.

Detective Miltner:

You need to let us handle this Dylan. Do you have any new information that we can add?

Dylan cleared his throat. He thought back to CarrieKillah’s message via instant voice chat.


You go to the police, I drop out of sight and you will die not knowing who it was!


Dylan? Are you okay?


Unfortunately no. There isn’t any new info that I can give. I need to go see Carrie. If I see this doctor, I’ll let the authorities handle it.

Detective Miltner:

Dylan we’re offering you protection. If you do know anything…you can tell us.

Dylan is silent.


He said no.


Please excuse me. I have to know Carrie’s condition.

Dylan walks out of Detective Miltner. He picks up the pace to his car. His cell phone rings. The caller ID comes up as UNLISTED. He knew who it was. He opens the car door and sinks into the driver seat.


You have some nerve calling me.


Maybe I wanted to hear your lovely voice. I do like to hear it trembling with fear.


You are a deranged son of a bitch.


Enough with all of the compliments.


What do you want now?


I want to thank you. No one’s tried tracing the call so I thought I would give you a present. Hang up and you’ll get my text. I guarantee you’ll like it.

Dylan obeys. He hangs up and waits. The text comes up promptly. It’s a video text. Dylan downloads the file. He hits the play button and sees Carrie getting dressed for the wedding. She places the veil over her face and smiles.

Carrie hums here comes the bride. The door opens and Carrie looks into the camera. She was confused.


Why are you here? No one invited you na-

The video cut off. Dylan knew it was a clue. It was something he had to hold onto. He was startled whenever someone knocks on his car window. It was Vi checking up on him. He opens the door for her.


Hey. I was just-


I know when something’s up. Whatever it is, you can tell me.

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Alicia opens the door to her dormitory. She has a smile on her face like no other but it quickly dissolves when she finds Rena on the living room couch reading a book. Alicia slams the door, which grabs Rena’s attention.


Oh hey.


I’m still not in a talking mood.

From a far, Lenvy and Will watch the tension between the two roommates.


Is this a part of my test?


I don’t know. I can’t tell you.

Will is silent and continues to watch.


Don’t you think it’s about time we forced the issue out in the open?


I don’t think you want to hear what I truly think about you. So as for forcing the issue…I don’t want to live with you anymore.




I want you to move out!


Alicia that’s ridiculous I-


You are the reason why Will is dead! You are also the reason why Jace is in jail. It’s all because of you and your selfish, insecure needs.


Oh crap. This is really going down. I have to stop them.


How Will? You’re dead! There’s nothing you can do at this very moment.


Maybe this is my test?

Lenvy just shakes her head.


I’m not moving out! I’ve said numerous times how sorry I am for what happened. I feel guilt like you could not imagine. Yes I was in love with Will but he wanted you. It was always you. How do you think that made me feel?


What if the shoe was on the other foot? What if he wanted me and only placated your feelings? Tell me that you wouldn’t have done something like what I did.


But I fell for Rena towards the end.


Funny because before he died, he told me how much he was liking you. I would never do what you did because I would have had sense. Pack your stuff and get out!

Behind them, Yvonne walks into their room unannounced. She stands there witnessing the confrontation.


I never want to see your ugly, lying, two face again!

Alicia heads towards her room as Rena stands up to stop her. She grabs her by the arm. Alicia slaps her across the face. Out of retaliation and anger, Rena slaps her back. Alicia goes to strangle Rena. The two struggle until the small fight is broken up by Yvonne.


Get off my child!

Yvonne raises her hand to smack Alicia back but Rena stops her.


Mom no!


(to Rena)

GO AWAY! And take your crazy mother with you.

Alicia goes into her room and slams the door behind her.


This isn’t good at all.


When Preachy McHippicryte is involved, it’s never a good day.


(to Yvonne)

Please just let me handle this on my own. I need time mom. Forcing me to see priests isn’t the answer. I can’t tell you how mad at you I am for that.


I’m only trying to help. You know…


Save it.

Rena goes into her bedroom and slams the door. Yvonne knocks on Alicia’s bedroom door.


I said go away!

Yvonne opens the door and walks in.


Look I wanted to apologize. But I think that you can help Rena. She’s in dire need.


She’s going to be needing a realtor because I don’t want her as a roommate.


Such a shame. But what I know, can be very valuable information to you.

Will is upset with Yvonne’s actions. Lenvy places her hand on his shoulder to calm him down.


Let it go. Your focus should be elsewhere.


Who the hell does she think she is? What is she doing? Seriously. This woman needs to be stopped.

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Outside of The Cody Courtroom, Nan has a sidebar with Bryant.


I really hope this works. No offense but we didn’t get off to a good start with the judge.


If you’re parents are as crazy as you say they are. Then we’ll have every reason to have an upswing.

Nan’s mother Felicia and her father Lorrister walk off of the elevator with Anna Lee by their side.


Hello Darling.


Oh mother you are looking wonderful.


She should, she spent all of my money on her plastic surgery.


If you weren’t a gambler, I wouldn’t have loved every second of it!

Anna Lee:

Mom. Dad. Stop it! It sucks we’re all reunited under these circumstances. If only Tracie was here to help us. I’m sure she would’ve defended the Sheridan name.


I’m sure she would have. We just have to be strong and know that I’m innocent. You know that? Right Anna Lee?

Anna Lee is silent.


Is everyone ready to go in? The judge is ready to proceed.

The Sheridans walk into the courtroom. Jenny rolled her eyes at the sight of her nemesis’s family members.

Judge Valencia:

Now I’m allowing the defense council to call his next witness.


We call upon Felicia Sheridan.

Felicia goes onto the stand.


Please state your relation to the defendant.


I’m her mother.


I know I may be starting off with personal questions but you are divorced from Nan’s father? Lorrister Sheridan. Correct?


Yes that is correct. He became a gambling alcoholic.


Objection! That’s just an outright lie.

Judge Valencia pounds her gavel.

Judge Valencia:

I suggest shutting your mouth before I remove you from my courtroom. Go on.


How would you describe your divorce on your daughter?


It had an effect on all of my daughters but Nan in particular. She lashed out heavily. There was always a part of me that wished we could have given her a better life. I know in my heart of hearts that she’s a good person, why blame her for our problem?


(to herself)

Oh geez.


That’s all your honor.

(to Hayley)

Your witness.

Hayley stands up to cross examine Felicia.


You felt a need to protect your daughters. Yes?


Of course.


I would like to bring to your attention your honor exhibit A1. Records showing Miss Gorski switching the birth records of Nan and Tracie Sheridan. Anna Lee Sheridan was also Lee Anne.

Judge Valencia:

Why would you do such a thing?


My ex husband was planning on taking my children so I had to hide them. That’s why I did it.




Die already.

Judge Valencia pounds her gavel even harder.

Judge Valencia:

Alright already! I warned you once sir. You two are out of here. And I might I suggest some sort of counseling. My god!


After all these years, you hid my children from me. That’s time I’ll never get back. Oh I should strangle you. You selfish bitch!


You better believe I have. Their father’s a disappointment. Always have been and always will be.

The guard assists Nan’s parents out of the courtroom. Jenny tried so hard to hold in her laughter.


(to Bryant)

How is this supposed to help us?


That was perfect. You’ll see soon enough!

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Ginny knocks on Owen’s hotel room door. He answers it and lets her in.


Twice in two days. This seems to be a very good way of catching up.


Indeed it is. Where’s Tanisha?


Actually that’s what I need to talk to you about.


Oh great.


She called me and told me that you two had gotten into some sort of fight.


Surprisingly there’s some truth to that.


Yeah and-

Before he can finish his sentence, his door is knocked on once again. He answers it to find Tanisha.


Hey baby.

Tanisha pulls Owen in for a tight kiss. Ginny clears her throat and knows that there’s about to be trouble.


Ginny. Wish I could say it was a pleasure to see you. However, I’m glad we’re all here. We can discuss what happened the other day.


Yes, let’s. I’ll start. Tanisha lied to me about where you were Owen. She told me you were in Raleigh. I went to Raleigh and saw Alexia. While I was there, my flight was cancelled because of Tanisha.


Tell him how you were arrested for freaking out at an airport. You are a stark raving loonatic!


Really? After all you did, that can come out of your mouth?!

Tanisha takes out pictures that she took of her room and hands them to Owen.


What are these?


They’re pictures of my room that Ginny destroyed.


We got into a fight. It was bound to happen.


The girl’s crazy.


Oh I’ll show you crazy!

Ginny lunges for Tanisha but is stopped by Owen.


See what I mean?


This is all your fault!





Recommended Comments

  • Members

Wow that opening scene with Marissa and Alley was so disturbing and good! And it gets even more intense when Blake finds them! For a second I really thought Blake would be shot.

Damn, Kellan seems nuts!

Really nice scenes between James and Bobbie.

The CarrieKILLAH story is very intriguing.

I enjoyed the coutroom scene as well.

A very good episode. :) Always so much going on to hold your attention on PP. :)

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It was kind of disturbing to write too. I felt like Marissa was raping Alley but she was only trying to help C.C. There's so much going on in the last five episodes that Blake being shot wouldn't be able to have been fit in, unless I extended the season from 13 to 22 episodes.

Kellan is a crazy but he's also crazy in love.

Just wait until the next episode to see what happens between Bobbie and James.

I cannot wait until the reveal of CarrieKillah. This was a story that was planned way back in 2005.

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I swear to God marrissa has lost her mind. I never thought it would come down to this. I mean she is really desperate. Like Marty on OLTL they both have gone flip mode on that ass.

Good casting on Nan' s parents

I cansee it now. Alley has her legs open in the van and Blake and nem walk in or rather opened the door. Too funny

Who is this Kellan fellow he seem insane too

I cant stand Blake. O Blake u saved me. GAG ME. I got shot before its not fun. Naw u think Dummy

Ok how did nate get amnesia again?

I dont remeber Carrie getting stabbed but I love the use of technology in ur story with Dylan

I was wondering when Yvonne was going to jump in that fight. I've said before I'll say it again, I am not feelin Will and Lenvy as ghost.

I really enjoyed Nan's parents about the one liner on Felicia spening all his money on plastic surgery

And wait until Jenny Learns CC is having her man's baby

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Kellan's identity and purpose is revealed in upcoming episodes.

I love how you hate Blake. He's like my favorite character to write for.

Nate got amnesia when he was hanging out with Bobbie while Ava was doing research on Bobbie's parents. Bobbie tried seducing Nate but he rejected her so she hit over the head with a book when he was going to tell Ava what happened. When he came to, Bobbie used his amnesia to make him think that they were together.

Remember the last season finale? It was Dylan and Carrie's wedding until Carrie fell over the upstairs choir banister after being stabbed.

The only reason Lenvy and Will is a ghost is because I didn't want to kill Will off. Plus because of his past, what with killing Zak and everything else that he's done, may or may not get him past the pearly gates.

When Lorrister says I should strangle you is a throwback to when Blake Carrington strangled Alexis.

Thanks for reading ML.

I so wish I could have the time to edit these episodes because I'm finding typos and repeating of words. Wishful thinking I guess.

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