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S3 Episode 41



People mourn in Springfield.....


Boudreau House:


Felicia walks into her living room.

She is dressed for the funeral.

She looks around at the empty room.

Felicia has never felt so lost.


Clayton walks over and puts his arms around her, "Today will help. Remember how lucky we were to have such a great son in our lives. We were so blessed Felicia."

She cries, "Well maybe it's selfish but it wasn't enough time. I want my Remy back."

He holds her tight.


Mel walks inside.

Felicia tries to pull herself together.

Mel walks over to them, "Hey."

Clayton kisses his daughter, "It's good to see you sweetheart. Where is Rick and the kids?"

Mel sighs, "They are going to meet us there. I wanted to ride with you guys. You know."

Felicia hugs her daughter, "I love you Melissande. I love you and your little brother so much."

Mel fights tears, "I love you too Mom."

They all start to get their stuff together.

Clayton puts hit jacket on.

He turns around.

He sees Felicia staring at Remy's shoes lying on the floor.

He hands his keys to Mel, "Would you mind starting the car sweetheart? We'll be out in a minute."

Mel nods, "Sure."

She walks outside.

Clayton walks over to his wife.

She shakes her head, "I always got mad at him for leaving his shoes. But he told me he left them there because he would always pick them up later...."

Clayton fights tears as he holds his wife.

Felicia sobs, "My son is dead! My son is dead!"


Lillian's House:


Liz lies in bed with Baby Clay.

They've been staying with her Grandmother.

Liz starts to wake up.

She is afraid of opening her eyes and seeing that Remy is still gone.

Liz buries her head back in the pillow.

Out in the living room.

Lillian opens the front door.


Phillip walks in, "Did you see the paper?"

Lillian reads it, "Detective's heart saves Billionaire. Yep, sounds like the stories all over the news. I cannot believe this got leaked. I mean they still aren't sure if Alan is going to make it. They have to see if his body will accept Remy's heart."

Phillip looks at her, "Has Lizzie found out yet?"

Lillian shakes her head, "No. I was waiting to see what you were going to tell her."

Phillip sighs, "I have no idea. After what Alan has done... this is going to tear Lizzie a part."

Lillian sighs, "I'm worried about her Phillip. I tried to wake her up but she won't get out of bed. I don't think she is going to go to the funeral today. I'm scared."

He nods, "I'm scared too. And Beth still hasn't come back to town."

Lillian scoffs, "I have no idea what Alan has done to her. Beth isn't like this she doesn't run off on vacations like this when her children need her. Something is going on."

He sighs, "I feel like everything is falling a part. I'm her father and I can't even protect Lizzie from her Grandfather."

Lillian looks at him, "She is very lucky to have you. We are all lucky to have you."

Phillip hugs Lillian.



Clayton and Mel walk Felicia up to the doors.

Felicia sighs, "I don't know if I can do this. Go in there and.... say goodbye to my Baby."

Mel doesn't know what to say.

Clayton looks at her, "It's going to be okay. We are about to be in a room full of people who loved Remy."

Felicia nods.

The three walk inside.

They see the closed casket across the church.

Felicia immediately sits in the first seat she walks by.

Clayton looks at her, "Felicia..."

She shakes her head, "I can't go up there... no. He is not in there he can't be in there."

Clayton sits next to her and the two whisper to each other.

Mel walks back outside so they can talk.

Mel sees a car pulling up.

Mel stares in shock.


Blake parks her car and gets out.

Mel races to her, "No, no, no, no!"

Blake sighs, "Mel please. I just wanted to come before everything started and maybe-"

Mel shakes her head, "My mother is in there. How dare you? We wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you."

Blake shakes her head, "No. I never would have let this happen to Remy. I love him."

Mel scoffs, "Yeah you really loved him."

Blake shakes her head, "I wouldn't hurt him."

Mel shouts, "You already have! That book, Alan Spaulding, everything you did last year! But he forgave you because he was a good person, but you, you are a bitch."

Blake has tears in her eyes, "Mel please..."

Mel shakes her head, "You still think you're a good person don't you? Maybe you used to be... not anymore. You killed my brother."

Blake cries, "No I didn't!"

Mel shouts, "Get out of here! Leave!!!"

An emotional Blake gets back in her car.

A furious Mel watches as she leaves.




Natalia is waiting outside of Alan's room.

Ed walks out.

Natalia stands up, "How is he?"

Ed sighs, "So far he is stable and everything looks good. But we'll know more later. Right now we have taken the breathing tube out. He is talking but he's very quiet and tired. He's asking for you Natalia. He apparently spoke to God while he was brushing with death."

Natalia sighs, "Does he have any idea about how he got the heart transplant? That it was Remy's?"

Ed shakes his head, "No and we'd advise that you do not inform him for the time being."

Natalia nods, "Thank you Dr. Bauer."

Ed walks away.

Natalia walks into Alan's room.


Alan smiles.

Natalia looks at him, "I have never been so happy to see you in my entire life."

He looks at her, "I love you Natalia."

Natalia grins, "I told you didn't I? God always come through. He made a miracle for you."

Alan sighs, "I remember my promise Natalia. I'm going to make up for the bad things I did. I need to talk to a lot of people."

She sighs, "When you get better."

Alan looks at her, "No... I need to see Cassie, my sons, my grandchildren, and Detective Boudreau and his family."

Natalia pauses.

She turns and stares at Alan.

Alan sighs, "I know he's probably angry with me but I think I'll be able to make him feel better if I just can tell him that I'm taking full responsibility. I need to see my Elizabeth. I have to talk to her. Please Natalia. I need to make things right before it's to late."

A shocked Natalia doesn't know what to tell him.


More people are filling the church.


Cassie is hugging Mel.

Cassie and Felicia make eye contact and immediately walk towards and hug each other.

Cassie begins to cry, "I am so sorry Felicia. I know what you are going through right now."

Felicia nods, "It is really good to see you. I mean... someone who really understands."

Cassie sighs, "Remy and Tammy were so close. Now they are both... And because of Alan."

Felicia sighs, "I was hoping that maybe sometime we could have lunch at my house or something. Just talk."

Cassie nods, "Of course. Felicia you helped me so much when I lost Tammy. No parent should ever..."

The two women hug and cry over their unfortunate bond they share.

Outside Rafe pulls into the parking lot with Clarissa in the passenger seat.


Rafe looks at her, "Are you okay?"

Clarissa shakes her head, "I can't believe this. I remember when our house burned down, Remy saved my life. He really was a hero for a lot of people in this town. Now he's gone."

He nods, "Because of my family..."

She nods, "And my Mom."

Rafe and Clarissa stare into each other's eyes.

Clarissa looks behind him, "Oh my God."

Rafe stares, "Clarissa..."

Her jaw drops, "Daddy?"

Rafe turns.

Ross Marler stands outside of the car.

Clarissa stares in shock.


Lillian's House:

Lillian and Phillip walk into the bedroom.

Liz is holding her son.

Phillip looks at her, "Hey. How are you doing sweetheart?"

Liz shakes her head.

Lillian sighs, "Are you going to get ready for the service?"

Liz shakes her head, "No. We don't want to go."

Phillip is confused, "We?"

She nods, "Clay and I. We knew Remy better than anyone. Why should we go to some church, pray to some God, and let everyone watch us cry while we talk about him."

Lillian sighs, "Honey sometimes it's easier when you can share what you're going through with other people?"

Liz shakes her head, "Not for me Nana. I like Clayton, Felicia, Mel. Other than that everyone at the service can drop off the face of the earth for all I care."

Lillian looks at her, "Don't say that Lizzie."

Liz turns to her, "Why? I'm supposed to pretend like I give a damn about any of them?"

Phillip rubs her back, "Lizzie you can't close yourself off from the whole world. You can't shut everyone out."

Liz looks at him, "Watch me."

Lillian and Phillip are taken back for a second.

It's been years since either of them have seen that cold look in Lizzie's eyes.




David and Mallet stand together.

Mallet looks at him, "You okay?"

David sighs, "Yeah."

Mallet sighs, "Losing a partner is tough for people. You become very close. Like brothers."

David nods, "Exactly. I feel like I lost my own brother."


Marina and Cyrus walk over with little Daniel.

Marina hugs them, "Hey."

Mallet looks at her, "You okay?"

She shakes her head, "Not really. But I'm doing better thanks to these two guys. I'm hoping today helps."


Stephanie walks in.

David walks over and hugs his little sister.

Stephanie sighs, "I can't believe he's gone."

David nods, "Neither can I."

All of the cops look at each other.

Outside of the church.

Clarissa gets out of the car.

She and Ross stand on opposite sides.

Ross sighs, "You are just as beautiful as your mother.

Clarissa stares, "I... I can't believe you're really standing here."

Ross nods, "I've seen your brothers. I know you're probably just as upset as they are. But I love you. I want to make things better between us. You're my little girl."

Clarissa wipes a tear, "I'm not so little anymore."

Ross nods, "You aren't a complete grown up yet. You're still my baby."

She shakes her head, "You don't get it."

Ross stares.

Clarissa walks around the car and over to her father.

She reveals her little baby bump.

Ross is confused.

She sighs, "You're gonna be a grandfather."

Ross's jaw drops.

Lillian's House:

Lillian and Phillip step out of the room.

Lillian looks at Phillip, "You see what I mean?"

Phillip nods, "Yeah. She is really struggling. I mean when she was younger this was the way she would act when she was going through stuff but she has come so far since then."

Lillian sighs, "I don't like this. If she doesn't go to the funeral she will not be able to get through this. She will regret it for the rest of her life Phillip."

He nods, "What am I supposed to do? If I drag her there what's going to happen? I mean is it a good idea for me to take her there and have her make things worse for everyone?"

Lillian sits down, "That poor girl. Lizzie has had to deal with so much in her life. Now this has happened. That baby boy is going to grow up without his father."

Phillip looks at her, "But they both have us. And we need to make sure that Lizzie knows she is never alone."

The two hug.

The bedroom door opens.

A dressed Liz walks out with Clay, "Let's go."

The two stand up.

Phillip looks at her, "You sure?"

Liz nods, "Let's go before I change my mind."

Liz's face shows no emotion.

The three of them along with Baby Clay walk outside.


Everyone has been sharing their condolences with Felicia.

Clayton walks over to her, "How are you feeling?"

She shakes her head, "Like I'm having a bad dream. Like at any moment I'll wake up in tears and call Remy to tell him that I love him and to be careful for everything."

Clayton hugs her, "I feel the same way."

Across the room.


Marina approaches Michelle, "Hey."

Michelle hugs her, "Hi. Oh look at little Daniel. Oh he is such a beautiful little boy. He looks so much like Danny."

Marina nods, "I've been thinking about Danny a lot lately."

Michelle nods, "Me too."

Marina sighs, "I was hoping we could maybe have lunch or something with us and all the kids. Give Daniel more time with his brother and sister?"

Michelle nods, "I would love that. And I know the kids would."

Marina nods, "Good we can set something up. Because... I'm not sure how much longer we will be living in Springfield."

Michelle is confused, "What?"

Marian nods, "Cyrus and I have been talking. After everything that's happened, we are thinking it might be time to find a new place for us."

Michelle is very surprised by this.

By the doors.


Vicky Spaulding walks in, she is coming to represent her family.

Vicky stops when she sees David across the room.

Instead of saying hi she goes the other way.

On the other side of the church Leah stands by herself.


James approaches her, "Hey."

She turns, "James, it's good to see you."

He sighs, "I'm so sorry about your uncle. My sister really loved him. I'm glad they got to be together before he passed away."

She nods, "Me too."


Leah sees Zach standing a few feet away.

Leah sighs, "Excuse me."

She walks away from James and approaches Zach, "Hi."

Zach turns to her, "I'm sorry."

Leah nods, "For my uncle or for avoiding me ever since Prom?"

He sighs, "For your uncle."

Leah shakes her head, "Why are you avoiding me?"

He looks at her, "I told you, all I wanted was sex."

She looks at him, "I think you're upset because you opened up to me. You were real with me. And that scares you."

He sighs, "This is not the place for this conversation."

Leah nods, "Yes it is. If this has taught me anything it's that you can't let all the little things get in the way of being with the person you want to be with."

Zach and Leah stare at each other.

Out in the parking lot.

Ross stares at his little girl, "Clarissa... Oh my God."

Clarissa nods, "Yep."

He looks at Rafe, "How old are you? Do you have any idea how young my daughter is? She hasn't even graduate high school?"

Clarissa sighs, "Rafe is not the father. My ex boyfriend is."

Ross nods, "Well where is he?"

Clarissa sighs, "He's gone. He ran away when he found out I was pregnant so he wouldn't get in trouble and he wouldn't be stuck with me."

Ross shakes his head, "He can't do that Clarissa. That is against the law."

She shakes her head, "You don't get it. I don't need him. I'm doing this all on my own. I have Rafe, my friends, Kevin, Jason, Grandma."

Ross nods, "You also have your mother and I."

She shakes her head, "I don't want it. Let's go Rafe."

Rafe walks Clarissa away.

Ross stares as they leave.

In the church.

Liz, Phillip and Lillian walk in.

Liz holds Baby Clay.

Everyone turns and stares.

Liz walks down the aisle.

People try to approach her.

But she just keeps walking forward.

She stops in front of the casket.

An emotionless Liz stares at it.

All eyes are on her.


Natalia drinks her water.

Alan looks at her, "Natalia..."

She sighs, "Uh... did I tell you that I brought some pictures of AJ that you haven't seen? They are adorable."

Alan stares at her, "I would love to see them. But I still need to make things right Natalia."

She sighs, "Alan, you need to get your rest. Stop worrying about things because you'll stress yourself out."

He shakes his head, "I made a promise. I need to live up to it. I have been given another chance. I cannot waste it Natalia. Please, please help me do this."

She has tears in her eyes, "I'm sorry."

He is confused, "What is going on?"

Natalia sighs, "Remy is not here. His family is not here. They are not at the hospital."

He stares, "Are they home? Is he doing better?"

She shakes her head, "No. His injuries were very severe. Remy... Remy didn't make it. He's gone."

Alan shakes his head, "No... no I can't be responsible for... no he didn't die. Don't."

Natalia cries, "I'm so sorry. I didn't want to tell you this but I... I'm sorry. Remy is dead. They are at his funeral right now."

Alan stares, "No, I need to make things right. I know that God gave me this heart so I could make up for what I did."

Natalia stares at Alan.


Mel walks over and hugs Liz.

Mel sighs, "I'm really glad that you're here. Remy loved you very much Liz. He was lucky to have you."

She nods.

Liz walks over to Clayton and Felicia.

Felicia smiles at Clay, "I have such a beautiful Grandson. He looks so much like his Daddy."

Liz nods, "Yes he does."

Felicia hugs Liz, "Thank you for being here. You will always be a part of this family Liz. I know you never got to marry Remy but you couldn't have loved each other anymore. And that makes you a daughter to me in my heart. I love you sweetheart."

Liz nods, "I love you too."

Clayton hugs her, "It's good to have you here."

Reverend Ruthledge stands in front of everyone, "If we are ready then we may get started."

Felicia looks at Liz.

She looks at the Reverend, "We're ready."

Everyone takes their seats.

Liz sits up front with Felicia, Clayton and Mel.

Phillip and Lillian are right behind them.

Reverend Ruthledge stands before everyone, "Today we are here to remember the life of Detective Remy Boudreau...."


Springfield says goodbye to Remy!

Marah runs into Eden

Blake remembers Remy

Natalia informs Alan

Leah confronts Zach

Marina shares her plans


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