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S3 Episode 29



News is shared in Springfield...


Carriage House:


Clarissa walks down the stairs.

She has been putting off talking to her Mom.

She looks at the table.

She is shocked to see Teen Pregnancy pamphlets everywhere.

Clarissa's jaw drops.


Blake walks in, "Hey sweetheart."

Clarissa turns to her, "What..."

Blake nods, "Oh. We're doing a story on teen pregnancy for the show."

Clarissa sighs, "Oh."

Blake sits, "Yes. It's crazy how many young girls are getting into that situation. And I guess parents just look the other way and pretend that they don't see what's right in front of them."

An annoyed Clarissa walks away.

She opens the door.

Blake looks at her, "Oh honey. If you know any of your friends who are pregnant you should talk to them about possibly appearing on the show with their parents. I'm thinking showing kids in our own town will be a real wake up call to people."

Clarissa closes the door and turns around, "Teen pregnancy? You must really love this. You can look down on all of the 'bad parents' who let their stupid children get into those situations."

Blake looks at her, "Honey what's wrong? Come sit."

Clarissa shakes her head, "No I don't want to sit!"

Blake stands up, "Okay I can't keep quiet. I've been giving you your space but something is obviously bothering you."

Clarissa shakes her head, "Why Mom? Because my eating habits changed? Because I'm distant? Because I'm wearing big clothes? Because my emotions are all over the place?"

Blake is confused, "What are you talking about?"

Clarissa shouts, "I'm pregnant!"

Blake shakes her head, "No. Knock it off Clarissa. This is serious. I'm sorry that we haven't been getting along but you don't need to pull these stunts. Why don't we go have lunch and talk about this?"

Clarissa cries, "No! I'm being honest! I'm pregnant. I've been pregnant for weeks."

Blake shakes her head, "No."

Clarissa takes off her jacket and lifts up her shirt revealing her little baby bump.

Blake's jaw drops as she becomes aware of how serious her daughter is.


Chamberlain Mansion:


The doorbell rings.

Dinah opens the door.

Marina is standing there, "We need to talk."

Dinah laughs, "Hello Marina. If this is about Mallet, then I'm not in the mood for it."

Marina shakes her head, "It's not about Mallet."

Dinah steps aside, "Okay."

Marina walks in, "This is about Belinda."

Dinah sighs, "Oh God! What did she do now?"

Marina turns to Dinah, "It's about Belinda. And it's also about her father, Cyrus."

Dinah shakes her head, "What? What are you talking about?"

Marina sighs, "I know Cyrus is Belinda's biological father."

Dinah laughs, "That's cute. But no he's not."

Marina nods, "Cyrus told me himself."

Dinah opens the door, "Get out."

Marina shakes her head, "I'm sorry Dinah. But after everything I went through with Daniel, I can't let the same thing happen with Belinda and Cyrus. You can't do that."

Dinah looks at her, "I'm sorry about you and your son. But this is different. I'm protecting Belinda. Mallet is her father now. Cyrus is not ready to be a parent. He probably will never be."

Marina shakes her head, "He's so good with Daniel."

Dinah stares at her, "I see what this is about. You two are back together now."

Marina nods, "Yes we are."

Dinah laughs, "I'm sorry Marina. Cyrus signed the paper work. He is not allowed to tell Belinda."

Marina looks at Dinah, "He can't. But I sure as hell can."

Dinah stares at her.




Buzz is cleaning the counter.

Lucy walks in, "Daddy?"

Buzz walks over, "Lucy? What are you doing here?"

The two hug.

She sighs, "I waited for Marina to leave. I just wanted to come and talk to you."

He sighs, "Why don't we meet at CO2?"

She shakes her head, "I just wanted to come here one last time."

He is confused, "What?"

She sighs, "Now that David and I are divorcing. I've decided to leave Springfield."

Buzz shakes his head, "What? No."

She nods, "Daddy it's for the best. You know that. I'm grateful that you all protected me. I should have been locked away for a long time for what I did. And I am so sorry."

Buzz holds her, "Running away won't fix things."

Lucy nods, "I know. But it will give me a fresh start."

Buzz looks away, "Come on. It's bad enough that Frank and Eleni are gone. Now you?"

Lucy smiles, "Come on Dad. For a while you had all five of your kids back in town. Now you can deal with 3."

He takes her hand, "You're my little girl."

Lucy grins, "Well I'm not so little anymore. Harley, her whole life is here. Coop has his job at the high school. Rocky is just starting his life here. I think it's time I went out and started my life. I don't need to be in Springfield."

Buzz looks at her, "You will always be welcome in my home and in my heart. I don't care what you do."

She nods, "I know Dad. Thank you. Because if it wasn't for you... Frank, Harley, Coop, Rocky and I... we wouldn't have grown up to be so strong and successful."

He sighs, "That's all you guys."

The two hug.




Jesse is talking with the bartender.

Drew walks inside.

Jesse walks over to her, "Hey. Didn't know you were coming in today. What's up?"

Drew looks at him, "Just making sure that everything is running smoothly. I swear I feel like this place would fall a part without me."

Jesse looks at her, "I'm confused. When we started running this place you said that I had to deal with this stuff. You were going to be busy with Gus. Now you're here all day everyday."

She shakes her head, "Don't worry about it."

He sighs, "Drew. I know we aren't married anymore. But we are still friends. At least I thought we were."

She looks at him, "We are."

He nods, "Well you were there for me, when I was dealing with the feelings I had for Michelle. And all the stuff I was going through when she rejected me. I want to help you."

Drew looks at him, "Gus has a whole life that I'm not a part of. His ex step children, ex wife, everything."

Jesse nods, "His ex stuff. You're not his ex."

Drew looks down, "I sort of am right now."

Jesse is confused, "What?"

Drew walks away, "Gus and I aren't really together now."

Jesse worries about her.




Ashlee sits up in her bed.

Johnny and Doris are with her.

Johnny looks at her, "You are healing very well Ashlee. Hopefully your stay here won't be much longer."

Ashlee grins, "Well maybe after I get out, we can go have lunch or something. I don't know."

He sighs, "Ashlee... I'm not sure."

She looks at him, "I know you didn't plan on being my dad. But I think maybe if we talked, I might interest you. I'm becoming a doctor. I must have got that from you."


Roxie is standing in the doorway.

Johnny sees her, "Excuse me."

Johnny walks out, "Roxie not now."

Roxie scoffs, "I should have known! You are trying to turn her against me. You go in there and act all sweet to her. Try and be the Daddy she never had. I'm on to you."

Johnny shushes her, "Ashlee is resting in her room."

Roxie shakes her head, "I'm done. You destroyed my life and you can't get away with it."

Johnny sighs, "Please relax."

Roxie tries to get past him, "I'm done! I'm going to tell her everything you did. All of it!"

Johnny grabs her and walks her away.

She kicks, "Get off me!"

He holds her back.

She is hitting him, "Get out of my way. I have to get to Ashlee."

Suddenly they hear a shout.

Ashlee is standing outside her room, "Get off my father!"


Spaulding Mansion:


Alan walks down the hall.

He is not letting on how weak he feels inside.

Alan walks into the study.


Alan Michael is pouring himself a drink.

Alan laughs, "Well well. So much for you swearing to never set foot in this house again."

Alan Michael smiles, "Oh Dad. It's good to see you too. I couldn't help but notice how empty it is here."

Alan smirks, "I get it. You are trying to hint to me that you want to move back in. All you have to do is ask Alan Michael. I'll have your old room ready for you in a minute."

Alan Michael looks at him, "Looks like you certainly haven't changed a bit. Still think you got it all figured out."

Alan sighs, "I'm not in the mood for your games Alan Michael. Now I'm very busy. What do you want?"

Alan Michael looks at him, "I always swore I'd never end up like you. I'd never hurt the people I love the way you do, control everything, blackmail, lie, cheat, steal, and let the company run my life. I never wanted that to happen."

Alan nods, "Thank you for the recap."

Alan Michael sighs, "I failed. I turned into you and look where it got me. A stint in Ravenwood."

Alan nods, "Not everyone can handle the power."

Alan Michael looks at him, "I guess not everyone has a cold heart like yours. Am I right?"

Alan turns away.



Buzz and Lucy sit together.

Buzz sighs, "So what am I going to do with CO2? The place has been thriving since you took over."

Lucy smiles, "I really appreciate you letting me take over that place. It was very fun. And I'm proud of it."

Buzz smiles, "I should be thanking you. You turned that place into more than I ever imagined."

Lucy looks at him, "I know when I came back to town I was a lot different. When Alan Michael and I got married we had a whole new life style. It changed us."

Buzz nods, "Sometimes it'll do that."

Lucy sighs, "But now I feel like I finally understand who I am. For the first time in a long time I feel like me."

Buzz grins, "I'm happy for you."

Lucy nods, "I know."

Buzz sighs, "What about David?"

Lucy looks away, "David... he was very good to me. After everything fell a part with Dylan he was there. We were together for so long, I will always have a place in my heart for David."

Buzz sighs, "Is it really that hard for you to stay here?"

Suddenly they hear Davey crying upstairs.

Buzz sighs, "Uh... I'm supposed to be watching him. I guess he's up from his nap."

Lucy nods, "Go check on him."

Buzz hugs her, "I love you."

She smiles, "I love you too. Thank you for everything Daddy."

Buzz kisses her on the head then goes upstairs.

A tearful Lucy looks around.

She whispers to herself, "I'll always love you little guy."

She walks out of the diner.

Chamberlain Mansion:

Marina is still in Dinah's house.

Dinah looks at her, "Marina. You and I have never been friends. You don't like me and I sure as hell don't like you."

Marina nods, "I was in your wedding."

Dinah laughs, "Because you and Mallet were friends."

Marina sighs, "Well I don't see what that has to do with anything."

Dinah looks at her, "Do you really want this? You want to be the future step mother to my daughter?"

Marina shakes her head, "What do you plan to do when Mallet finds someone else and gets married. You going to be a complete bitch to her too?"

Dinah nods, "You better believe it. Not just anyone gets to be a part of my children's lives."

Marina nods, "Including their fathers?"

Dinah sighs, "When their father is Cyrus Foley? Hell yeah. I will not let him in Belinda's life."

Marina looks at her, "This is a small town Dinah. She is going to find out sooner or later."

Dinah scoffs, "Well if she hears it from you. Or from someone you told. If she hears it from anyone at all... I'm going to come after you."

Marina shakes her head, "Is that a threat?"

Dinah nods, "You bet your ass it is. I'm not going to let another ex stripper turn my kids against me."

Marina just stares at Dinah.

Dinah opens the door again.

A very frustrated Marina walks out.

Dinah slams the door.


Drew sits in the stairwell.

Jesse walks over, "Hey this is for emergencies only."

She rolls her eyes.

He sighs, "I was joking."

She shakes her head, "I'm just really having a rough time right now. I feel like I'm falling apart."

Jesse sits by her, "You are one of the smartest, strongest women that I have ever known."

Drew shakes her head, "I can't handle this life. Being a sort of step mom to Gus's kids. I mean, I don't hate children. I just don't feel like the mother type. Is that so horrible?"

Jesse shakes his head, "No. I mean I love children. But I can see why other people don't want to be parents."

Drew wipes her tears, "I just... I feel like I am completely worthless right now. So I keep throwing myself into my work."

Jesse looks at her, "You are far from worthless. I honestly can't imagine not having you in my life in one way or another."

Drew leans close to him.

The two kiss.

Spaulding Mansion:

Alan walks away.

Alan Michael follows him, "Oh come on. You don't have time for your youngest son? Oh wait I forgot. Your youngest son's with Natalia. Where is he? Oh you don't know do you?"

Alan shakes his head, "Shut up Alan Michael. And get the hell away from me right now."

Alan Michael laughs, "Wow you are so defensive."

Alan shouts, "Stop it!"

Alan Michael stares at him, "What's with you? You act like this is new for you."

Alan shakes his head, "No. Quite the opposite. It's old. It's getting very very old."

Alan Michael looks away.

Alan sighs, "I am sick of my children coming here and telling me that I'm a horrible father. Telling me that they would be better off without me. If you feel that way then leave."

Alan Michael is confused, "What?"

Alan nods, "You heard me. Of all my children you have the least reason to be here. No children, no wife, you aren't working here. Nothing is keeping you here."

Alan Michael nods, "You are right. You are absolutely right. You may have finally done something good for me."

Alan Michael hugs his father.

He leaves.

Alan holds his chest and goes to sit down.


Johnny is holding back Roxie.

Ashlee walks closer, "What are you doing?"

Doris walks out, "Ashlee get back in bed!"

Ashlee looks at Roxie, "You hate me this much? The second my father comes to town you go after him too? What the hell is wrong with you? Why do you hate me so much?"

Roxie shakes her head, "No. No Ashlee I don't hate you. I don't hate you at all."

Ashlee scoffs, "All of your lies aren't going to fool me this time. I will never trust you again."

Roxie sighs, "There is something you don't know!"

Doris looks at Roxie, "Shut your mouth!"

Ashlee turns to Doris, "Mom what is going on?"

Roxie shouts, "It's not fair! You two turned me into this person! You made her hate me!"

Ashlee looks at her, "Them? You used me. You manipulated me! You made my life hell!"

Roxie cries, "I'm so sorry!"

Ashlee looks at her, "I never want to see you ever again!"

Ashlee walks away.

Roxie shouts, "No! Tell her! Tell her."

Doris walks Ashlee to her room.

Roxie shouts, "Doris you are not going to take my daughter away from me again!"

Doris stares at Roxie.

Ashlee turns and looks at Roxie.

The two stare at each other.

Carriage House:

Blake stares at Clarissa's stomach.

Blake has tears in her eyes, "Oh God baby what did you do?"

Clarissa shakes her head, "That's right. Your stupid daughter messed up again! Congratulations."

Blake shakes her head, "I wasn't going to say that!"

Clarissa nods, "How about I come on your show! And we can tell everyone what a fool I am."

Blake sighs, "I would never say that about you."

Clarissa turns away, "Whatever."

Blake shouts, "Don't 'whatever' me! How did this happen?"

Clarissa laughs, "You want like the dirty details?"

Blake scoffs, "When?"

Clarissa sighs, "New Year's Eve."

Blake shakes her head, "When I was calling you?"

Clarissa nods, "I was with Micky."

Blake sighs, "Where is he? We need to talk to him and his parents."

Clarissa sighs, "He ran away. That's why I went to Florida on Spring Break. I told him I didn't want to see him again."

Blake shakes her head, "He can't abandon this! That's against the law. He's a dead beat dad."

Clarissa nods, "Tell that to my Dad."

Blake looks at her, "Is that why you did this?"

Clarissa laughs, "It's so easy for you to blame it on Dad. But what about you! You didn't even know I was pregnant!"

Blake cries, "What was I supposed to do? You wouldn't let me in!"

Clarissa shouts, "You're my mother! You should have forced your way in!"

Blake shakes her head, "I didn't know!"

Clarissa cries, "You knew! You saw I was hiding something! You knew something was going on!"

Blake screams, "I never imagined my baby girl would be pregnant!"

Clarissa sobs, "I hate you!"

Clarissa runs off.

Blake runs and grabs her, "I love you and your brothers more than anything in the whole world. You are everything!"

Clarissa falls into her mothers arms crying.


Clarissa lashes out at Blake

Lucy and David talk

Everyone breaks the news to Ashlee!

Drew and Jesse have sex

Alan Michael visits Mel

RJ surprises Belinda


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