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S3 Episode 27



Dramatic confrontations take place in Springfield...


Spaulding Mansion:


Lorelei is in her bedroom.

She sees a gift on her bed.

It's from Alan.

She smiles.

Lorelei walks over and opens up the box.

Inside of it lies a beautiful necklace.


Alan walks in, "Hello Beth."

She turns, "Alan. You shouldn't have."

He smiles, "I bought that last night. I wanted to give it to you in person but you are so busy I didn't know when I could get a chance to see you. What have you been up to?"

She sighs, "Oh nothing you'd be interested in. Alan this necklace is just lovely."

He takes it, "Let me help you with that."

She turns, "Oh Alan."

She lifts up her hair.

Alan places it around her neck, "You know these past two years you've certainly been different. I mean Phillip doesn't like it. That's why things didn't work out. But you seem to be growing feelings for me all over again haven't you?"

She smiles, "Guess I wasn't good at hiding it."

He sighs, "You're not good at hiding a lot of things."

Lorelei can feel the necklace being tightened on her.

He whispers in her ear, "I'm on to you... Lorelei."




Remy is sitting his room.

There is a knock on his door.

Remy gets up.

He answers the door.


Blake is standing there in a long coat, "Hey."

He sighs, "What do you want Blake?"

She sighs, "I just wanted to talk to you. I know you've been having a rough time."

He shakes his head, "No Blake. Do you really think you are the person I want to see right now?"

She nods, "Just let me in."

Remy steps aside.

Blake walks in.

She sees a picture of Liz and Clayton.

She smiles, "He looks just like you."

Remy nods, "I barely get to see him."

Blake looks at him, "Remy I know you are missing your son. And it's not fair what Alan's doing. But that doesn't mean you can't let yourself be happy right now."

He shakes his head, "You really don't get it."

Remy walks into the bathroom.

Remy wants to be nice to Blake.

He just can't deal with her.

Remy walks back out.

Blake has dropped her coat.

She stands in the room wearing lingerie.




Belinda and Clarissa walk up to the building.

They skipped school for the day.

Clarissa looks around, "Do you see anyone?"

Belinda shakes her head, "No. Don't worry."

Clarissa sighs, "I shouldn't have waited so long."

Belinda nods, "If you wait any longer it's going to be to later. Now are we going in?"

Clarissa sighs, "It's the right thing to do."

A woman runs up, "Please don't!!!"

The girls are startled.

She shouts, "Please? There's a beautiful baby inside of you. Don't do this. You don't have to do this!"

Belinda scoffs, "Back off lady!"

She is almost in tears, "Please! I'm not a horrible person. I'm trying to help you. Please don't do this!"

Clarissa stares at her.

The lady shouts, "Please just walk with me."

Belinda sighs, "You are a real pain in the ass. You need to get a life lady."

She shakes her head, "It's about saving a life."

A woman from inside the clinic walks out, "Girls come in."

She walks the girls in.

Clarissa is obviously shaken.

The woman looks at her, "Did she hurt you?"

Clarissa shakes her head, "No."

Belinda takes her hand, "You're doing the right thing."

Clarissa nods.


Lewis Fashion:


Maureen is going over designs.

Mallet approaches her, "Hey."

She turns to him, "What are you doing here?"

He smiles, "I thought I'd come see you at work. How are you doing today sweetie?"

She pulls him aside, "People will see us."

He sighs, "You were the one that said you were tired of hiding. What's going on?"

She looks down, "I didn't tell you this... but when I found Belinda in Florida, she told me that she knew about you and I. She didn't seem very happy."

Mallet stares at her, "Why didn't you tell me?"

Maureen sighs, "I don't know. I just... I feel like no one is going to be okay with us being together."

Mallet is confused, "Because of the age difference?"

She nods, "And the fact that I met you through my sister who you were married to."

Mallet shakes his head, "Maureen I love you. I don't care what other people think."

Maureen sighs, "Well maybe I do."

Maureen walks away.


Springfield High:


Zach walks down the hall.

He's still getting used to his new school.

Leah sees him and runs up, "Zach hey!"

He smiles, "Hello Leah."

She grins, "How do you like it here at SHS?"

He sighs, "It's not to bad."

Leah grins, "Well I'm sure it's not as nice as your last school. But we do have a lot of school spirit here. I should know I am a cheerleader. It's not cheer season but I still have the spirit."

Zach nods, "Good to know."

She sighs, "Ugh I'm so nervous. I have an audition after school. They are finding new people to read the morning announcements for next school year. So I'm really hoping I get it."

He laughs, "You really love this school don't you?"

She nods, "Well yeah. I mean I love my friends, cheerleading, student council, everything."

Zach grins, "You're cute."

She smiles, "Zach, I just can't think you enough for coming to my rescue on Spring Break. I mean who knows what Toby would have done if you hadn't rushed there to stop him."

He nods, "Well that's me. I'm always there for beautiful damsels in distress."

James watches the two.

He knows he was the one who came to Leah's rescue.





Marah is in Edmund's room.

She is getting her stuff together.

She walks opens the door and quietly walks out.


She turns to see Ava standing in the hallway.

Ava sighs, "Oh Marah."

Marah scoffs, "Go away."

Ava shakes her head, "I knew you would slip up. I just didn't think it would be his easy."

Marah sighs, "What are you talking about?"

Ava sighs, "You claim that my Dad took advantage of you and that I threw you down the stairs. Already one flaw in your story. Look at you. Little Miss Marah is already back to screwing my father."

Marah scoffs, "You don't know what was going on in there Ava."

Ava laughs, "Look at your hair!"

Marah shakes her head, "What are you even doing here? Are you following me or something?"

Ava nods, "How would your parents feel? If they found out that you were sleeping with Edmund Winslow, they would turn their backs on you faster than you could find a way to blame it all on me."

Marah looks at her, "You think you are so smart Ava."

Ava nods, "I know I'm smart."

The two stare at each other.


Lewis Fashion:

Maureen walks down the hall.

Mallet follows her, "What the hell is going on?"

She sighs, "Mallet just go back to work."

He shakes his head, "No. Okay, we live together Maureen. We're going to have to deal with this eventually."

She sighs, "This is all happening so fast. Maybe we shouldn't have rushed into things."

He is confused, "What do you mean?"

She sighs, "I was in college. I was helping you raise the kids while you were divorcing my sister. I was like a nanny. Now I'm a businesswoman, I'm almost a stepmother, I'm driving kids around, I'm the one paying the babysitters now. This is all so fast."

He nods, "You're an adult Maureen."

She nods, "I know but it's like it happened overnight. I missed out on the roadtrips. The parties. I never got to go to Hollywood, try a music career, fall flat on my face and move back in with my parents for a year. Then I get a job and meet the man of my dreams and start a family."

He sighs, "Wow. I wasn't in there at all was I."

She sighs, "Mallet I didn't mean it like that."

He walks away, "I think you did."

Maureen feels guilty.

She turns around.

Jason is standing there.



Marah tries to walk past Ava.

Ava stands in her way, "We aren't done."

Marah looks at her, "Well this is familiar."

Ava nods, "Yeah and look an elevator."

Marah grins, "I don't think I have ever hated anyone in my whole life as much as I hate you."

Ava nods, "Likewise."

Marah sighs, "Why are we so competitive Ava? We don't like the same men. We've never dated any of the same men. We don't work together. Yet for some reason we keep this rivalry going."

Ava nods, "Well you were with Jeffrey who thought he was my father. Now you're screwing Edmund, my actual father."

Marah smiles, "Don't forget you married my cousin Bill and now you're going after my brother."

Ava sighs, "Exactly. I'm going to marry Shayne. I'm going to be in this family Marah."

Marah shakes her head, "Not if I have anything to say about it."

Ava looks at her, "I love Shayne. I'm in love with Shayne. This isn't like Bill. I will not let you ruin what we share."

Marah sighs, "You can keep this act going but you won't fool me. I know what you are Ava. And I will not stop until you are out of our lives for good."

Marah walks away leaving Ava furious.


Remy stares at Blake.

She smiles, "I've missed you Remy. And I know you've missed me too. I can see it in your eyes."

He shakes his head, "I am sick of your mind games!"

She shakes her head, "These aren't mind games. Remy I'm tired of letting life pass me by. I want you so here I am."

Remy walks up to her.

He puts his hands on her head.

She sighs, "Remy..."

He looks her in the eyes, "Get out."

Blake sits on the bed.

Remy reaches into his drawer.

He grabs a book, "And take this trash with you!"

He throws the book on the floor.

Blake picks it up.

The book reads, "Secure Sensations: By Darlena LaCrosse" Blake's pen name.

She smiles, "You still have my book."

He nods, "The book you wrote about us!"

She grins, "But you still have it. That means something doesn't it?"

He sighs, "I am in love with Liz."

Blake shakes her head, "I don't see Liz here."

Remy sighs, "I'm sorry if you're going through some sort of midlife crisis right now."

She shouts, "Don't you dare! Don't act like this is one sided. We love each other Remy. We had some special."

Remy stares at Blake.

Spaulding Mansion:

Lorelei pulls away from Alan.

She turns to him, "What are you talking about?

He looks at her, "I was very surprised when I got the tip. And that email... Wow."

She stares, "What are you talking about?"

He scoffs, "Oh you don't remember? You were all over Mark Guillespie in the woods. Talking about how you were taking over for Beth and how you were this close to getting me."

Lorelei jumps up, "Alan let me explain."

He backs away, "You piece of trash. You stay away from me."

She sighs, "Alan please. I have feelings for you."

He shakes his head, "I want Beth. Not some crazy copy."

Lorelei nods, "I've been here longer than you realize. Those years that you were married to Beth... I was there. I was fighting Beth for control. I was the one you fell in love with."

He scoffs, "There is no way I could possibly fall in love with a thing like you. You are nothing but a figment of Beth's imagination."

Lorelei shakes her head, "No. Alan you need a woman like me. I'm strong. Beth wasn't strong."

Alan nods, "Every time Beth couldn't handle life she'd let you take over. Coward."

Lorelei nods, "Beth would have stayed with Phillip. I didn't."

Alan looks at her, "I'm not going to tell anyone you secret. But that means you follow my rules."

Lorelei sighs, "What?"

He walks closer, "I need you to help break up Phillip and Harley. As well as help me keep Remy Boudreau out of Lizzie's life."

Lorelei sighs, "Alan I-"

Alan grabs her arm, "I'm not asking for your help. I'm ordering it."

Lorelei walks out of the room.

A frustrated Alan puts his hand on his chest.

He's having pains.

Springfield High:

James walks up to Zach and Leah.

He smiles, "What are you two talking about?"

Zach grins, "Hey little brother."

Leah turns to him, "Oh I'm auditioning for the morning announcements. I'm nervous."

James grins, "Don't be. You would be perfect for it."

She smiles, "Thank you."

Zach nods, "That's my brother. Always the good boy."

James stares at him.

Leah looks at her phone, "I have to get going. See you boys later. Take care Zach."

Leah walks away.

Zach stares at her ass as she walks away.

James shoves him.

Zach laughs, "What's up your ass?"

James sighs, "You are taking the credit for coming to her rescue?"

Zach nods, "I kicked all those guys asses. While you were on the ground getting the crap kicked out of you."

James looks at him, "You got her drunk. You left her with your perverted friends. You let them feel up on her. If I hadn't got there when I did who knows what would have happened."

Zach sighs, "Why is this so important to you?"

James looks at him, "Leah isn't like the other girls. You can't treat her like that."

Zach laughs, "I don't tell you what to do with your imaginary girls. So don't lecture me on mine. See ya little brother."

Zach walks away.


Clarissa is really worried.

Belinda is flipping through magazines.

Clarissa goes to turn in her forms.

Belinda is bored and goes to look out the window.

A nice car pulls up right in front.

Belinda looks, "So much for being discrete."

Belinda is still looking.

Her eyes widen, "What the hell?"


Rafe walks in, "Where is she?"

Belinda looks at him, "Why are you here?"

Rafe sees Clarissa.

Clarissa looks at him, "Rafe?"

Rafe walks up, "What are you doing?"

She sighs, "Me? How did you find me?"

He sighs, "I'm a Spaulding."

She turns away, "You should go."

He shakes his head, "Clarissa please just listen to me. This isn't your only option."

Belinda scoffs, "Oh my God! We just listen to this speech."

Rafe sighs, "My Mom would never forgive me if I didn't say anything about this."

Clarissa looks at him, "I can't handle all of this Rafe. I can't do this all on my own."

Rafe looks at her, "You are not alone. Please Clarissa. I have money. I will pay for whatever you need. I'll be there for you. We can do whatever you want. Just please don't do something you will regret."

Clarissa stares at Rafe.


Rafe makes a deal with Clarissa

Jason questions Maureen

James confronts Zach

Blake throws herself at Remy

Ava realizes Marah's next move

Alan gets devastating news!


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