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S3 Episode 16



Valentine's Day continues in Springfield...





Eden is explaining everything to Coop.

Harley and Gus watch.

Coop shakes his head, "So you mean to tell me that it's just a crazy coincidence that we met?"

She nods, "Yes. Maybe it was destiny, I don't know. But I had no idea you were a Cooper until after we were married."

Harley sighs, "Coop we need to think about what's best for everyone. Eden is still in the witness protection program. If Vinnie Salerno finds out she's alive someone will go after her and maybe even if you if they find out that you're her husband."

Coop stares at his sister, "So what? I'm supposed to just say good bye? Wash my hands and pretend all of this never happened? I can't do that, I won't do that. No."

Eden sighs, "Coop."

He takes her hand, "No. Mary... Eden. I have fallen in love with you, I don't care."

Gus sighs, "You don't know her real name."

Coop looks at him, "Oh really 'Nick'?"

Gus shakes his head.

Harley looks at Gus, "He has a point. It didn't stop us from falling in love."

Gus sighs, "Seems like a long time ago."

Gus and Harley stare at each other.




Alan Michael and Lucy sit together.

He sighs, "Wow."

She nods, "Yep. Classic Lucy screwing up. But this whole completely ruining people's lives... that's new for me."

He turns to her, "Maybe you can find the positive in it?"

She laughs, "Wow you belong in here."

He shakes his head, "You gave that child a good home. Marina was living a dangerous life style. And now maybe it took Marina losing her child to appreciate him now."

Lucy wipes her tears, "My marriage to David is destroyed. We can't even look at each other the same."

Alan Michael sighs, "Maybe it wasn't meant to be."

She scoffs, "How would you feel if I said that about you and Mel?"

He nods, "I'd agree. I loved Mel. I miss her and Leah. But I think Mel always belonged with Rick. Maybe it took them being a part for years to realize that finally."

Lucy shakes her head, "Getting back with your ex. Easier said then done. I mean ex spouses usually come with lots of drama."

He smiles at her, "Not always bad."

She sighs, "I have no idea what is next for me in my life."

He looks at her, "You'll figure it out. You always do."

The two smile at each other.




Marina and Cyrus are kissing.

Cyrus looks at her, "What was that?"

Marina sighs, "Cyrus... I... I don't know what to say."

He stares, "Neither do I."

She looks at him, "You are my hero. You reminded me why I loved you once. I really loved you."

He grins, "I loved you too. Getting over you was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. And I'll be honest with you, I've never really ever truly gotten over you."

Marina looks down, "I loved Danny. Danny was so special to me and I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. But I know Danny and Michelle had something incredible. And maybe a part of me thought that if Danny got back with Michelle then I'd still have you."

Cyrus laughs, "You just knew I'd still be waiting?"

She shakes her head, "That's terrible I know. But I watch my Mom and Dad. Just one of those couples that belong together, no matter how many times they break up. Everyone just knows that when it's all over, they will end up with each other."

Cyrus smiles, "I always wanted that. I believe there is one person out there for everyone."

Marina and Cyrus kiss again.

Downstairs Buzz is in the kitchen.

He turns on the TV while he's cooking.

'Light Talk' is on.

Kevin Marler is on the screen.




Kevin stands in front of the cameras.

He smiles, "I know today is a special day. A day where love conquers all. People change plans, reschedule, spend money, embarrass themselves, go all out. And they do it all for love. So I think today I will jump on the band wagon and change my plans, embarrass myself a little, and do something I never thought I'd do."


Blake watches her son.

She smiles at him.

Kevin clears his throat, "As many of you know... 2 and a half years ago I was involved in a big controversy. I took my anger out on a homosexual man. And it was because of my own insecurities. I was insecure about my own sexuality. I'm a gay male."

The audience remains silent.

Blake wipes a tear.

Kevin sighs, "I am not joking. This is for real right now. Maybe it's not the best way to tell the world but I am taking a leap right now. Because of one guy. One guy who can see through everything. He is the light that shines on my darkest hours. He gave me a clean slate, he gave me several chances, and he loved me and helped me love myself."

All over Springfield residents are watching.

Kevin smiles, "I am in love, I am in love with an amazing man. I am in love with Rocky Cooper."


Museum Apartment:


Susan and Stephanie are watching on the TV.

Stephanie wipes a tear.

Susan turns to her, "Are you serious right now?"

Stephanie turns to her, "In case you didn't know Rocky is my best friend and my partner."

Susan scoffs, "I know that, he's my uncle. I'm just not buying your fake tear crap."

Stephanie shakes her head, "You're so full of crap. You want to believe that I'm some cold heartless bitch. That way it is easier for you to hate me isn't it?"

Susan shakes her head, "Please I don't need any help hating you. You are right now, ruining my Valentines Day. Sam and I should be together right now but instead I'm stuck with you."

Stephanie sits back, "It's not going to ruin all of it. He'll get here soon and then he can just give me a ride home-"

Susan stops her, "No! No my boyfriend is not going to give you a ride home are you crazy?"

Stephanie scoffs, "My God, you are insane! Are you really that insecure about your relationship with Sam?"

Susan gets up, "I'm going to my room because I can't even stand to look at you right now."

Susan goes to her room.

Stephanie takes a picture of Sam from the shelf behind her.

She smiles, "Next year Sammy. I'll be yours and you'll be mine. All mine."

She kisses his picture.




Mallet is texting Maureen to apologize for being late.

He doesn't want Dinah to see.

She is looking out the window, "The show is probably falling a part without me. I know it."

Mallet laughs, "Yeah right now the whole places is up in flames and Blake's crying and kicking herself for not appreciating you more."

Dinah sighs, "You really think so?"

Mallet shakes his head, "You and Blake really need to bury the hatchet."

She nods, "I'd like to bury it into her face. But somehow I think I will get in trouble for that."

He smiles, "Well there's the Valentines Day spirit."

She scoffs, "Oh yeah coming from the guy who almost set the house on fire two Valentines Days ago."

He laughs, "I was trying to be romantic. I didn't know you'd be home late."

She sighs, "Yeah for some reason finding you naked in bed sleeping while candles almost burn our house down wasn't a turn on for me."

He grins, "You know it was."

The two laugh.

Dinah sighs, "I guess now I should officially thank you for saving me from freezing to death out there."

He nods, "Of course."

She sighs, "You've always been my hero AC Mallet."

He nods, "I always will be."

He goes to kiss her on the cheek but they accidentally lock lips.

Dinah and Mallet stare at each other.




Cassie and Jeffrey sit on opposite sides of the elevator.

It's been silent for a while.

Jeffrey looks at her, "Hey. You okay?"

She nods, "Yeah. You?"

He sighs, "My butt hurts now."

She laughs, "Me too. Hopefully they fix it soon."

He looks at his watch, "Right now I'm supposed to be..."

She nods, "I know. Cupid must be really confused right now. Or maybe not so confused..."

Jeffrey sighs, "You know I'm not even that big on commercial holidays like this one."

She laughs, "Oh I remember. You were always so cute and awkward when you gave me my gifts."

He sighs, "Ugh. Don't remind me. The whole holiday is stupid. I mean it just says that you shouldn't be romantic except that day."

She smiles, "Must be easy for you. Romance is just your specialty."

He grins, "I do what I can."

Cassie sighs, "It's almost like we're cut off from the whole world right now in here. Like the rules of the world don't apply. We can talk to each other without it being awkward."

He scoots closer, "Breaking rules huh?"

She nods, "For now we can forget what we're supposed to do. Because no one is here. Just you and me."

Jeffrey sighs, "Cassie..."

She looks at him, "What?"

Jeffrey kisses Cassie.

The two share the special moment.

Suddenly the elevator starts moving.

The two jump up.

The doors open.


Coop and Eden sit on the couch together.

Coop takes her hand, "I don't care. You are still the most beautiful woman I have ever met."

She smiles, "I have spent years working at that library, reading all the books. Imagining that I was living that life. That magical life where you are so madly in love that you take risks that you wouldn't take before. Now I'm living that life."

Coop nods, "I've been writing about that. But now I feel like it's all coming true."

Eden looks into his eyes, "I know we have a lot to deal with but for today we can just be a regular couple. A couple who is spending Valentines day together."

He grins, "You have no idea how happy I am we found each other. And that today of all days we are reunited. I couldn't have written it better."

Coop and Eden kiss.

Gus and Harley step into the other room.

Gus sits on the bed, "Wow. Your brother and my sister."

She sits by him, "Remember when we were like that?"

He sighs, "Seems like just yesterday. We first met. God you really hated me didn't you?"

She laughs, "I didn't hate you."

He scoffs, "I couldn't stand you."

She shoves him, "Well you were not treat either."

Gus looks at her, "I'd do it all over again."

Harley smiles, "Me too."

Gus puts his hand on top of hers.




Remy and Liz are together in the room.

Remy puts Liz on the table.

He takes off his shirt.

She smiles, "God I've missed you."

He kisses her, "I missed you too."

She unbuttons her blouse.

He kisses her chest, "You are so beautiful. You're everything Liz, you are everything."

She takes his head.

She looks into his eyes, "I love you Remy."

He smiles, "I love you too."

She sighs, "No one will ever understand us. But I don't care. All I care about is that we belong together and we will find a way to get out of here with our son."

Remy nods, "I know we will. I'm going to give you the life you deserve Liz. I promise."

Remy climbs up on the table with her.

He gets on her.

Remy and Liz kiss.

Remy smiles, "Happy Valentines Day."

The two make love.


Cross Creek:


Josh gets off his cell phone.

Reva looks at him, "Was that Marah?"

He shakes his head, "Nope."

She looks at him, "Who was it?"

He sighs, "Annie."

Reva nods, "Oh."

He looks at her, "I know the two of you haven't talked since... well for a long time. But with the wedding coming up..."

Reva nods, "I know. Annie and I have a long history together. But Marah wants her to be a part of the wedding. I can put it aside for my daughter. And I know you are back with Annie."

Josh nods, "I'm sorry..."

She gets up, "Don't be. You and I wouldn't be together, even if Annie wasn't in the picture."

Josh sighs, "But no matter what, we will always be in each other's lives. We have two children together."

She nods, "Even if we didn't. I think we share to much, to not be in each other's lives. I do love you Joshua. I always will."

He nods, "Always."

Josh and Reva hug.


Nearly ALL of Springfield is watching now.

Kevin Marler has poured his heart out.

The audience is in tears.

Kevin sighs, "I know I don't deserve to be happy. I've hurt a lot of people in my life. But I do love Rocky. I love him no matter what. Even if we don't get to be together... I won't love him any less. I am the luckiest man in the world for having this connection with him. I hope everyone gets to spend today loving each other. Thank you."

The audience breaks out in applause.

Kevin now waits for the screen to cut to footage from the story he produced for them.

However the camera stays on him.

Kevin gets surprised as the audience gets even more intense.

They jump out of their seats.

Kevin is very surprised but waves.

He notices the audience looking in a certain direction.

Suddenly he sees someone running to the stage.

Kevin's mouth drops.


Rocky is running up to him.

Kevin can't believe this is actually happening.

Rocky goes to Kevin and pulls him into a kiss.

The audience cheers.

Blake claps and cries for her son.

Kevin and Rocky share a long kiss.

Kevin looks at him, "I love you."

Rocky grins, "I love you too. Happy Valentines Day."


The Annual Masquerade Ball!

Marah and Jeffrey's wedding!

Rocky and Kevin go out in front of everyone!

Spauldings feud!

3 shocking returns!


Recommended Comments

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Isn't that sweet? Kevin finally revealed his love for Rocky. Just wasn't expecting it to be on the air in front of all those people.

I love the line "I'd like to bury it into her face, but somehow I might get in trouble for that." That being said, Dinah needs to remember all of the crap she pulled and not for anyone's benefit, but her own. Not to mention, Blake could very easily remind Dinah that it was her father who talked Blake into letting the charges drop against her (regarding Hart's death).

Mallet needs to be with Dinah, not Maureen. That's just not right.

Remy and Lizzy in a hospital room? Damn, that's not terribly romantic, now is it? But with what Alan is doing...I guess you have to get some, when you can.

Oh yeah, Jay? You're killing me! 3 surprise returns?! Can't wait for the Spaulding feud...

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Yes Kevin and Rocky have finally come out as a couple! :)

Yep Dinah and Blake at it again. Dinah has always been blind to her own actions. It won't be long before she is reminded that she's not anywhere near perfect.

Yes Liz and Remy have really had to sacrifice a lot because of Alan. But they do have real romance ahead. ;)

Thanks for reading blossie. :)

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