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S3 Episode 6



Everyone is not who they seem to be in Springfield...


Lucy and David's:


David and Lucy are getting worried.

David sighs, "So Cyrus is back in Springfield?"

Lucy nods, "He saw Marina. He came here looking for answers. He acts like it's our fault Marina is the way she is."

David sighs, "Maybe..."

Lucy shouts, "No! We were going to give him to Marina. But you saw her. She is so messed up. No child deserves to live a life like that. Marina just isn't ready to be a Mom."

He looks at her, "Lucy she fell into this lifestyle because she believed her baby had died."

She shakes her head, "You know what we have grown such a bond with Davey. Things happen for a reason David! They do!"

He sighs, "Lucy..."

Lucy has tears in her eyes, "If Davey isn't our son? Then how do we tell him that? Tell him his messed up cousin Marina is his Mom and his father is a dead ex mobster."

David sighs, "Aren't you tired of feeling guilty everytime we see Marina?"

She sighs, "I love my niece, but I love my son more."

He shakes his head, "Lucy he is technicallly Marina's son."

Lucy shouts, "He's our son!!! He is our son. His name is David Grant Jr. and he has his bedroom filled with his toys, in a house filled with love, and everything a child could ever want. I don't give a damn what anyone says."

David knows things have gotten out of hand.




Buzz is working.

Coop walk in, "Hey Dad."

Buzz smiles, "Hey Son. How is it to be back at work?"

Coop sits down, "Great. A new semester new faces. I think things are going to go really well."

Buzz nods, "Yep. Now all you have to do is work on getting a new girlfriend in your life."

Coop sighs, "Dad."

Buzz shakes his head, "Come on! You're a Cooper. You have a lot of passion that you need to let out. There are plenty of available young women who would love to be on your arm."

Coop shakes his head, "I don't have time to get to know a new woman and work on a relationship."

Buzz sighs, "Well how about looking up an ex. I mean you never know maybe there's the one that got away."

Coop laughs, "And which did you have in mind? Lizzie Spaulding, there's no way in hell I'm getting involved in that mess again."

Buzz nods, "I don't blame you."

Coop sighs, "Then there's Ava who is engaged and seems like she is doing really well for herself."

Buzz smiles, "What about Ashlee and Stephanie?"

Coop shakes his head, "Both are just friends now. And I think it's best to keep it that way."

Buzz smiles, "What about the mysterious woman I've never met."

Coop begins to think about Mary.


Aitoro House:


Angela is sitting at the table.

Gus walks in with food, "Hey where did Drew go?"

Angela looks at him, "She had to run out."

Gus nods, "Oh. Well I'll have to talk to her about leaving you here by yourself."

She smiles, "I'm fine Daddy."

Gus nods, "I know. Your tough like your Mom."

Angela looks down, "I think Mommy wants to marry Uncle Phillip now."

He sighs, "Well I wish them the best. Your Mom is a smart woman and seems to be happy with Phillip."

She looks at him, "Are you happy with Drew?"

Gus nods, "Of course. Drew is fun, she's beautiful, smart, we have a lot in common."

Angela sighs, "I don't thinks he likes me."

Gus looks at her, "Stop it. Drew likes you a lot, and Zach and Jude. Because you guys are my children and you are very important to me and that makes you importnant to her."

Gus hugs his daughter.


Main Street:


Drew is walking with her cousin Dinah.

Dinah sighs, "I'm just so stressed. And I'm working hard to give Belinda and Anthony everything they could ever want and I feel like they don't appreciate any of it. I mean it's like no matter what they see Mallet as the good guy and me as the bad guy."

Drew shakes her head, "That's wrong. But you know what, soon they'll see what a good Mom you are."

Dinah sighs, "I hope so. So what's up with you? How are things going with you and Gus?"

Drew nods, "Well things were going great. We dated, fell in love, moved in together. Now that we've been living together for a while... it's different. Our sex life is great it's just... his kids."

Dinah is confused, "You have a problems with his kids?"

Drew shakes her head, "No. It's just didn't expect them to be around so much. I don't hate them. I just feel awkward. I mean they would obviously rather have Gus with Harley. Which I don't get. You think Zach and Jude would prefer Harley with one of their Dad's."

Dinah nods, "Well Gus was a father to them for a long time."

Drew nods, "Yeah. The boys aren't so bad. I mean I was good with Max when he was that age. But Angela... she's a sweet girl. I just don't know what to talk with her about."

Dinah looks at her, "Well I remember Harley and Gus had to really struggle to adopt her. And Belinda is very close with Angela."

Drew sighs, "I feel bad saying this but... I just don't think this is the life I signed up for when I got with Gus."

Drew feels guilty admitting this.




Cassie is doing some shopping.

She is looking at an outfit and holds it up to her.

She turns to look in the mirror.

After examining it for a minute she sees who is standing behind her.


Cassie gasps, "Marah."

She turns to see her niece.

Marah smiles, "Aunt Cassie. Don't you look nice. Too bad I can't be buying anything like that. I have to start looking for some very nice maternity clothees."

Cassie sighs, "Yeah Jeffrey told me."

Marah nods, "Well I'd be lying if I said I was sorry. But I understand how upset you must be. You can't concieve children anymore. Well I guess you can now but I mean I'm not sure you could deal with another miscarriage. You've had too many."

Cassie shakes her head, "Let's not go there Marah. Okay I'm sorry but you are crossing the line."

Marah laughs, "Wow! I'm crossing the line? That's hilarious. You still having fun nailing my Jeffrey?"

Cassie sighs, "Jeffrey is not yours and it's not like that. I'm in love with Jeffery."

Marah nods, "So am I. And I loved him first I don't care about the stuff that happened before that."

Cassie sighs, "Marah it's not about that. Jeffrey and I are back together now. I just need you to accept that."

Marah shakes her head, "No. I need you to accept that Jeffery, the baby, and myself... we're a family now. You need to move on."

Cassie is so incredibly uncomfortable.




Alan Michael is standing with Ava.

He puts his hand on her face, "You are still one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen."

Ava pulls away, "You think that line will work on me?"

He smiles, "It did once. Got you to give up Coop. You gave a up a lot of things when you got with me."

She nods, "I had a lot more friends and a lot mroe respect before I left Coop for you. A decision that bit me in the ass."

He laughs, "Come on, the day you found out that you were the daughter of Edmund Winslow and Olivia Spencer you had to know that no one in this town would trust you."

Ava nods, "Well they taught me a lot. Maybe some bad but a lot of very useful things."

Alan Michael sighs, "Did your mother warn you about getting to close with the Lewises?"

Ava shakes her head, "She was to busy telling me to stay as far away from the Spauldings as possible. Maybe I should have listened."

Alan Michael laughs, "If you had then you'd still be in here. I saved your ass Ava."

She sighs, "Shayne saved me. And I'm going to repay him by using him. Some fiance I am."

He scoffs, "Don't let your concious get in the way. You need to remember who you are Ava."

Ava can't believe what she's gotten herself into.


Aitoro House:

Gus and Harley have never kept it a secret of their daughter's adoption.

Gus is sitting with Angela on the couch.

Angela looks at him, "So explain the family to me again. Your side."

He sighs, "Okay. Well I was adopted too. So my blood parents are the Spauldings. Your Granddad Alan, Uncle Phillip and everyone. All those fun people."

She nods, "What about your adopted family?"

Gus smiles, "My adopted family was very good. My Dad was a cop, that's why I became one. And my Mom's name was Angela. That's who you are named after sweetheart."

Angela nods, "Didn't you have a sister?"

He sighs, "Yes. Eden. You would have liked her she was very fun and she always had something funny to say. Her and I were really close when we were kids. I miss her."

Angela looks at him, "What happened to her?"

Gus sighs, "Uh... she passed away honey."

Angela is confused, "How?"

He sits up, "We'll talk about it when your older. Hey go make us some ice cream okay?"

Angela goes into the kitchen.

Gus still wants to protect her from all the craziness in the world.

Main Street:

Drew and Dinah sit on the bench.

Drew sighs, "I just feel bad. I mean I don't want to be that girlfriend. But I just wish the kids would spend more time with Harley. And Gus would spend more time with me."

Dinah sighs, "Well as a parent I think you're crazy. But as a woman, I think you have needs and Gus needs to remember those before he loses something very good."

Drew smiles, "See this is why I am so glad we found each other as cousins. I never knew how much we had in common."

Dinah nods, "I know. I wish we had met years ago."

Drew looks at her, "So tell me about your love life. Are you seeing anyone right now?"

Dinah sighs, "Please between all my jobs, and my children I don't have time for men."

Drew laughs, "Make time! Come on you are to beautiful not to have a guy in your life."

Dinah shakes her head, "I don't know. I really thought Mallet was the one. Sometimes I still think he is."

Drew nods, "You guys were the real deal huh?"

Dinah nods, "Oh yeah. I mean I know right now I can't stand to be around him. But I really believe he is the one love of my life. And I think there's always a chance of ending up with your one true love again."

Drew turns away.

She has often heard that Harley is the love of Gus's life.


Cassie puts her outfit back.

Marah laughs, "Am I scaring you Cassie?"

Cassie sighs, "Marah the last time we were this close to each other you tackled me to the ground."

Marah laughs, "Water under the bridge Aunt Cassie. Come on you and I used to be very close once. I could always come to you about anything. You were there for me whenever I needed you. Whenever my mother and I weren't talking I would always go to you."

Cassie nods, "You may not believe it, but I still love you Marah. You and Shayne I love you both so much. And I am so sorry that you got hurt. That is the last thing I would want to do."

Marah smiles, "Are you scared? Scared that I might be like Dinah Marler. I might try to shoot you and end up shooting him? I'm not like her. When I shoot I don't miss."

Cassie just stares, "Is that a threat?"

Marah sighs, "I just think it will be in everyone's best interest if you step aside and at least give Jeffrey and I chance to give our child a happy life. A real family."

Cassie sighs "Marah I-"

Marah stops her, "You see I'm not like you Cassie. I don't like the idea of each of my kids having a different father."

Cassie just stares at her neice.

Marah looks at her watch, "I have to run. I got some errands to take care of. But I'll see you Aunt Cassie."

Marah walks away leaving Cassie very shaken.


Ava is still with Alan Michael.

Alan Michael sits, "So give me my updates on the Lewises."

Ava sighs, "Reva's been doing better but no word on improvement yet. Josh and Annie are running the company since Billy and Vanessa left town. No one tells me but I think they are with Bill and Olivia. Helping them hide from the Spauldings and I guess me."

Alan Michael nods, "See these are the people that we are dealing with. Hypocrites who keep a mother from her child. Tell me more."

Ava sighs, "Jeffery left Marah for Cassie. But Marah flipped out real bad and attacked Cassie. She might be in here pretty soon. And that's about it for them."

Alan Michael nods, "We need to use all of this. Ava you have to keep Shayne close to you. But still find out how far Marah is from cracking. I think she is our main target."

She shakes her head, "I don't think so."

Alan Michael sits up, "Ava you hate her. She is the woman who through you down an elevator shaft and put you in a coma. If it wasn't for that your life would be incredibly different right now."

Ava looks at him, "What do you want me to do?"

He smiles, "All you have to do is help push Marah over the edge. Believe me, Annie and the Lewises will hate it when they have to admit that their own Marah Lewis is a psychopath."

Ava gets her purse, "You're sick you know that."

Alan Michael grins, "Drive home safe."

Ava leaves.

Lucy and David's:

Lucy sits on the couch.

David sits with her, "Lucy we need to face the fact that soon this will all be out."

Lucy sighs, "Really? You think we can let that happen? You will lose your job. Better yet, we'll be thrown in prison for kidnapping. Because the court won't care why we did it."

He looks down, "We'll think of something."

She shakes her head, "I can't do it David. I can't let him go. If someone comes to my door and tries to take my son away from me I swear to God I will die before I let that happen."

David sighs, "Don't talk like that."

She nods, "I am serious. Davey is our son now. I'm sorry that Marina is hurting. But why cause more pain? Why give Davey over to her when she probably won't love him the way that we do?"

David shakes his head, "Baby... this wasn't what we planned. We were supposed to give him back to Marina when she was ready. We weren't supposed to make up a lie about adoption and pass him off as some little boy we were raising as our own."

Lucy cries, "What do you think my Dad, Frank, Harley, Coop, and Rocky will do when they find out. I am prepared for Marina. But I can't handle all of them being mad at me."

David puts his arm around her, "We'll figure this out okay?"

Her face is covered in tears, "I can't let go of my baby."

Lucy cries in her husband's arms.


Buzz sits with Coop.

Coop sighs, "Stop staring at me."

Buzz nods, "Why don't you want to talk about the mystery girl?"

Coop sighs, "Because I will never see that woman again. I tried finding her... but it was pointless. No one knew where she went she basically disappeared. Vanished."

Buzz shakes his head, "Come on. Didn't you look up her family? Or long time friends?"

Coop nods, "No one knew of her family and her only friends had only known her for a few years. No one could tell me anything."

Buzz is confused, "That doesn't make sense. People can't just pick up and disapear like that all on their own. You gotta have some kinda help. Why would she do that?"

Coop sighs, "I don't know Dad I guess I freaked her out that much. I let it go a long time ago."

Buzz gets back to work.

Coop won't admit how much he thinks about Mary.

And he would never tell his family that he married her the day he met her.

But Coop never expects to find her.

Though right outside she is watching.

Mary stands outside the window.

She sighs, "My husband. He has no idea what he is in for."



Mary reveals her secret!

The Coopers play a poker game

Roxie and Ashlee have an argument

Liz goes to Rafe for help

Marah has a sonogram

Dinah and Blake have it out


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