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(LIS) Back on Deck #449



Kendall OR Greenlee...  

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  1. 1. Which Character Do You Prefer?

    • Kendall
    • Greenlee

Downtown Salem, City Jail

Kate is escorted to her son's jail cell. She sees Justin with Philip already waiting for her.


"How did I become so lucky? I haven't seen any of my family in years and yet here we are today. A family reunion."


"It's nice to see you again my son. I wouldn't be so coy. You have no idea what I had to do to spring this into play."


"Well I am sure it was appreciated." He says flashing her a smile.


"Philip Kirakis, you are free to go." The guard says as he unlocks Philip's cell.


"I thought I would never hear those words. It feels so good." He says stepping out the jail cell.


"Let's all grab some lunch. I am sure you could use a good meal. We can go to Chez Rouge."

Justin, enjoying the thought of spending time with Kate

"A great idea."


"And we can talk about this non sense about Vivian Alamain. She will not take what's rightfully mine. And she's going to learn that real quick. I'm back Salem. Philip Kiriakis is back on deck."


Episode 449 Back on Deck

Written by ML Cooks

Executive Story Consult: Tara Smith

Hotel, Valentine's Suite

Nicholas Alamain knocks on his aunt's door. She opens it.


"Nick good to see you come in."


"Don't mean to barge in." He says as he enters and sees Andre.


"Hello Nicky. You're not interrupting. I have some errands to attain too." He walks over to his wife Valentine and gives her a peck on the cheek.


"I'll call you sweet cheeks."


"I'll be waiting." He then leaves. She looks at Nick.

"I already know. You want to talk about the scarecrow, Vivian?"


"I need an answer. Are you going to join me in taking down your sister? You are the one who really holds all the cards. You wield so much power right now."


"I know." She thinks of how she knows Vivian really set Peter up to die.

"I do hold a lot of power. And trust me when I say nephew, Vivian will not get away with this. This merger will not take place. If she merges Titian, Dimera, and Alamain, we will have nothing. I might have to bag groceries. And with the unemployment rate at a whopping 10 percent, I can't risk any chances. I'll be damned if my dear old sister will win against me this time. She has always tried to best me. Out do me. Control me. Not this time. It's time to show her that it's out with the old and in with the new."


"I love when you get passionate about something. It only means we are going to win. I know you well enough to know you don't stop once you get started."


"Indeed. Nick the answer is yes. I will join the war against Vivian Alamain. I have several trump cards I am holding. "


"Like what?"


"Got to keep them close to my chest for now dear nephew. In due time, when the time is right." She says with a smirk, leaving Nick to wonder what Val has up her sleeve.

Salem University Hospital, Lexie's Office

Hope sits on a couch as Lexie walks out from her desk and sits next to her.


"Thanks for speaking with me. I don't mean to interrupt your work."


"Hope, you're a dear friend to me. You know I am here for you. "


"It's a strange world we live in you know."


"What makes you say that?"


"I mean here we are, you're Megan Dimera's sister, who is claiming to have Bo's baby. Yet here you and I are, chatting."


"Hope, you know I am nothing like my sister. I mean I did dive into my Dimera roots at one point in my life and I would never do that again."


"Oh no Lexie. It's not about that. I am so stressed. Maybe I don't even know what I am saying."


"I don't know what Megan is thinking. I mean, where has she has been all this time. I haven't seen her around town. She never let me know she was pregnant. "


"It does really sound far fetched. But once these test results come out, we can move on like Bo says."


"Do you think this is Bo's child?"


"I really don't know Lexie. And on top of that, I suspect he and Kristen may have done things they shouldn't have on Padre Island."


"What makes you say that?"


"He was acting very strange. Like he was guilty of something and trying to cover it up by being too nice. Oh God, Lexie, I don't think I can take much more of this. It's getting too much for me."


"You're not thinking of using drugs again?" There is a long pause. So long Lexie is stunned that Hope has not responded yet.


"I have urges Lexie."

The Horton House

Abe is having a session with his physical therapist. Abe is standing by himself for 5 minutes at a time now.


"This really feels nice."


"I bet. You have really been pushing yourself. I don't want you to over do it to soon though."


"I am sick and tired of being in this damned wheel chair." Just then someone knocks on the door.


"Come in."

Bo walks in.


"Good looks like we can stop for the day. See you tomorrow Mr. Carver."


"Thank you."


"I see you're doing real good man. I am glad to see it. We need you back on the force."


I do miss it. So what brings you by?"


"I needed some one to talk too."


"What's going on? Is it Hope?"


"Yes. No. It's so much. Abe my life has literally spun out of control. I don't know how to get it back on track."


"Well tell me what's going on?"


"For starters, Megan Dimera showed up on my door step last night claiming to have my kid."


"Megan Dimera? Your kid? Is that possible?"


"I remember one night making love to a woman who I assumed was Hope. Megan had all the details down. So yes we had sex. But this baby part… Throwing me for a loop."


"Well she is a Dimera. We all know how they operate. So I assume you got a paternity test done.


"Lexie is going to call when the results come in."

Bo tenses up upon hearing his ex wife's name. Bo notices

" I didn't mean to bring her up."


"No no, it's ok. Is this Megan Dimera the only issue?"

Bo pauses, as he thinks about it. He thinks of the two times he made love to Kristen. He also remembers when Kristen told him she loved him when they got back from Padre Island.


"Bo what is it? Something is really bothering you."


"I'm cheating on Hope"


"What? With who?"


"This is the crazy part. You will never believe this."


"I won't know until you tell me Bo."


"Kristen Blake. Kristen and I are having an affair."


"Bo,….I'm at a loss for words. How in the hell did this happen?"


"Kristen and I become close after Hope left town and went to Pasadena. I helped Kristen deal with the rape. We just connected and it led from there and we haven't been able to stop. I haven't been able to stop. She loves me Abe. She told me she loved me."


"You are in one hell of a mess. You are messing with two Dimera's. You better be careful Bo. Never trust a Dimera. They are no good. How are you going to deal with this? What about Hope?"


"Honestly Abe, I just don't know. I have no answers. I'm so caught up."

Saint Luke's Church, Cemetery

Kristen has a white rose in her hand as she walks over to Marlena's grave. She lays the rose down.

"I thought I come see a good friend today. It' so hard to believe that you have been taken always from us so soon Marlena. I wish we could have been friends a lot sooner. You really are an angel. You were there for me after Vince raped me. You saw there was another side to me. You befriended me, forgetting all of our past history. You put all that aside for me and I will always be forever grateful. I hope you are happy and looking down upon us with a smile on your face." She wipes a tear from her eye. She thinks of Bo.

She continues to speak to Marlena's tombstone.

"I've done it again Marlena. I have hurt some one. Something I swore that I would never do again. I didn't mean too. It just happened. I love Bo. I can't help myself. I am trying to be mature about it though. I think you would be proud of me for that. I'm not using trickery to come in between Bo and Hope. Granted I am sleeping with him, but I told Bo the choice is his. I will not stand in the way. I told Bo how I feel and that I love him. The ball is in his court. I will not be the one to tell Hope about our affair. I'm really a changed woman Marlena. I hope you know I mean no harm." Kristen then leaves, while still thinking of Bo.

Hotel, Lucas and Eugenia's Suite

Eugenia and Jan with their sons look at Greta in shock. She has two guns pointed at them. Greta growls.


"Please Greta, we can get you help. It doesn't have to end like this."


"What is going on? Greta why are you doing this?"


"You can blame Nicole, and Jan here. I should have killed these bitches a long time ago. Jan, this is our last hurrah. The bad girls club is coming to an end tonight. I want to say thank you for throwing that rabid raccoon on me. Tonight I get my revenge. DAMN IT TO HELL WHERE IS NICOLE!"


"Nicole? What does she have to do with this?"


"SHUT UP. You talk too much. Nicole is trying to turn me into the cops. I will not go out like this. I will end this story my way."

Eugenia, looking back at Lucas who is passed out on the couch with blood pouring out of his gun shot wound in the arm

"Please we have to help Lucas."

Then the door bell rings.


"Good that must be Nicole now." Standing behind the door Greta opens the door. Nicole enters and then out of no where Greta hit's Nicole in the head with one of the guns in her hand. Nicole passes out immediately to the ground. Greta, in a fit of rage jumps on top of her and continues to hit her in the head with the gun. Eugenia and Jan are horrified as their babies start to cry, having to be subject of this horror show. Greta begins to laugh as she pounds Nicole's face into the ground Eugenia and Jan wonders what fate awaits them.

Next Time on Life in Salem

Vivian makes another major move!


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