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#444, Dame of Salem!



Downtown Salem, Titian

Valentine barges right into Vivian’s executive office.

Vivian, on the phone

“This ball will be the biggest thing to ever hit Salem. I want all the media outlets there Ivan! Now make it happen damn it.” She slams down the phone, looking up at her sister.


“What is it? I am a very busy woman. It’s not an easy task running Salem.”


“I guess you are so busy, you failed to mention to me you plan on taking my shares of Dimera and Alamain. I have been slighted.”


“Oh please Val; I’ll give you a 49% stake in the new company so you can stop crying.”


“Then that would mean giving up complete control of everything. I’ll be number two to you.”


“As it should be. Look, I have been in Salem a lot longer than you have dear sister. I need to win all these companies. I need to have control. No more Dimera, no more Kirakis, no more Titian. It’s all about Vivian Alamain. It’s time to show them what a real woman can do. An Alamain woman. I am going to have my sweet revenge on everyone.”


“At my expense? How in the hell do you think this merger of yours will work without me signing over my shares?”


“We are blood. You would do your sister like that?”


“I most certainly would do my dear OLD sister like that.”


“I’m not old damn it and stop calling me that! I am wise. I’m the grand Dame of Salem. This is my town and Valentine, you better be on board with this merger. If you know what’s good for you. I don’t want to add you to my list of enemies.”


“Touche oldie. I own you. You’re forgetting one minor detail.”


“And what’s that?”


“I know you set Peter up to die. I own you Vivian. Did you forget that, or do we need to have Lexie Dimera examine you for Alzheimer’s?”


“Go to hell!”


“I tan there.”


“I am not going to let you black mail me. I am in control here! This merger will happen with or without you Valentine. If you even think of exposing my role in Peter’s death, you’ll be sorry. You can take that to the bank. And while you’re there, tell them you knew my role in Peter’s death. If you expose me, you’re only exposing yourself. You’ll go down with me for complicity and withholding information. Not so high and mighty are we dear sister?”


“You won’t get away with this oldie. I will not give up my shares. “


“We’ll see. Now get the hell out my office you’re giving me a damn headache.”


“This is war Vivian Alamain.” And with that said she turns around, walking out the office and making sure to slam the door extra hard to make Vivian’s headache worse.


“Bitch!” She hollers at Valentine.

Life in Salem

Episode 444: Dame of Salem

Written by ML Cooks

Story Editor : J Lee Becker

Executive Story Consult: Tara Smith

Salem Place Apts.

Sami’s Apt.

The smoke alarm goes off as Sami gets a knock on her door.

“Damn it! It’s always something.”

Will, walking out from the spare bedroom,

“Mom, is everything ok? Do you need some help?”


“Just your mother screwing things up as usual. Get the door honey.” She says as she tries to salvage her homemade baked macaroni and cheese in the oven.

Will opens the door to see his dad Lucas and Jan’s son Bentley and Eugenia with her son Josh.

Lucas, hearing the smoke detector going off and now Arianna crying,

“What the hell is going on in here?” He says as they walk inside.


“Everything is fine. Just some well done mac and cheese.”


“Thanks goodness I am lactose intolerant.”


“I worked all night on this macaroni and cheese. At least a spoonful Eugenia. Come on… I’m trying to be nice.”

Destiny brings out a crying Arianna and hands her to Will.


“Come to daddy angel.” Will holds her over his shoulder and rocks her.


“You are so good with her Will. You’re a great father.”


“And he’s going to get even better now that he is living here with me.”


“What was that? Will you’re going to live here with your mother?”


“You say that like it’s a bad thing Lucas? Will can’t live in a hotel and be a father to Arianna. You’re in no position to help out considering the things you have just been through. Getting tricked to marry Jan Spears. You have her son Bentley and Eugenia and her son Josh. Me,… I have nothing. So it’s perfect, Will and Arianna will live here until he’s is 18. He’ll get a part time job in the mean time and attend school every day. I will help babysit my granddaughter.”


“Mom you’re doing it again.”


“What’s that?”


“You have not even mentioned Destiny.”


“Oh,…yeah ok. And Destiny will be living here too.”


“Mom, I am warning you, if you don’t treat my girlfriend with respect, my family and I will leave.”

Destiny, smiles at the word family Will used to describe her.


“I’m sorry Will. It won’t happen again.”


“Will, are you sure? You don’t think it will be a little crowded here? I mean there are only two bedrooms here. 4 people will be living here.”


“Well where do you and Eugenia live Lucas?”


“We are staying at the Salem Inn for now. We have been through a lot and it all happened so fast Sami.”


“Yea. We had a happy home at the Spear Mansion. We were all fine there until Jan played with my life.”


“I swear that will never happen to us.” He says looking at Destiny and winking his eye.

“ You two and love just don’t mix.”


“I love your dad. And we are going to get married. Sometimes love takes time. And time is what Lucas and I have. Love is not easy”


“Yea ok…. Let’s eat.” Sami begins to serve everyone. She looks up and sees Eugenia openly breast feeding Josh.

“Gross, Eugenia can you please cover that up or take it to the bathroom. You’re ruining my appetite.”


“You’re so rude Sami”


“No Lucas it’s ok. My apologies Samantha.” Eugenia gets up and excuses herself.


“You’re rude to everyone Ms. Brady.”


“Whatever do you mean?”


“Mom you know what she means. Maybe you need a boyfriend or something.” Will looks back and forth at Sami and Lucas. Lucas catches this look and knows what it means.

“Sorry son, you’re mother and I will never be. I have moved on with Eugenia. I love her. It’s time to move on with my life. I just dread the fact of going to get all of our things from the Spears Mansion. I know Jan is going to cause a scene. She is out of control.”

Salem University Hospital

Carrie walks into John’s room and sees Lexie taking some vitals.

“Lexie! Is something wrong?”


“Carrie, oh hi, no just a routine vital check.”


“So no change in his condition?”


“Unfortunately not. John is still in a coma.”


“Thanks Lexie, if you don’t mind I would like some time alone with my dad.”


“Of course.” Lexie leaves Carrie with John.

Carrie pulls up a chair and sits next to him.

“Dad, it’s me Carrie. I came to visit you. Can you hear me in there?.....I wish you’d come back to us. We need you. We miss you. So much has happened since you been in this coma. Austin cheated on me. I am now with Brandon, and your beloved Marlena has been shot and killed. I don’t know how you are going to handle that. That might even kill you yet.” Her personal conversation is interrupted when Belle barges in with tears in her eyes.


“Belle, what’s the matter?”

Belle rushes over and just wraps her arms around Carrie. Carrie holds her back.

“It’s Nicolas. We had a huge fight.”

Carrie, pulling back from the embrace

“About what?” She says handing her some tissue


“This stupid war with his Aunt Vivian. She is going to merge Alamain, Kirakis/Titian, and the Dimera estates to form an empire that will control Salem. Nicholas is trying to stop her and wants me to be under handed for him. He wants me to steal some insider information for him to use against Vivian. I just can’t do it Carrie.”


“I understand. I just can’t believe Nick would ask you to do something like that.”


“He basically told me we could not be together if I did not help him. He just left me there Carrie. He walked out on me.” Belle cries even harder as Carrie holds her again.


“He left me.”

Salem National Airport

Bo and Kristen walk inside the airport.


“What a long flight. I am so glad to be back home in the states. I need a nice hot bath.”


“I miss my kids and my wife.”

Kristen, does not respond, somewhat hurt that Bo is talking about his family.


“Listen Kristen, I don’t want anyone to get hurt. I love my wife and I am not ready to tell her about you and I sleeping together again.”


“What’s this? Bo wants to keep secrets now? I remember a time when you’re whole family crucified mine for keeping secrets. My, my how have the tables have turned?”


“I’m not proud of this ok. And unlike you, I do have regrets about us making love again. Hope and I have been through so much and we just barely found our way back to each other. She would not be able to handle the fact we had sex again….. God how could I be so stupid!?”


“It was in the heat of passion. I know you feel something for me as I feel something for you. If you’re heart was truly with Hope, then you would have been able to control yourself last night. You won’t have to worry about me. I will not be the one to tell Hope. That’s your wife; you have to deal with that.”


“The old Kristen I knew would have blackmailed me or tried to hurt someone with this kind of information. “


“I’m a new woman now Bo. I am done with the lies and the evil schemes. They get you no where in the end. I will never forget the day I was exposed at my wedding to John. Thanks to that cluck Susan. No one will ever know how humiliated I was. But no more. I have learned from all of that and I am now at peace with the things I have done. I am not saying I am perfect, but I am a different person. Bo, I love our passion. My feelings for you grow stronger day by day. I don’t mean to hurt Hope, but I can’t help how I feel about you.”


“Kristen PLEASE! Don’t do this! Please don’t talk like that.”


“Why Bo? Is it too much to handle? Are you afraid I might get some feelings stirred up?”


“It’s been too late for that. Kristen, I don’t know what is happening here. I am developing feelings for you and they feel so wrong. I feel so guilty. It feels like a forbidden passion. It’s feels almost as if this is a taboo. Me and Kristen Dimera, together? Then I think of what this would do too Hope. She has just recovered from a crack habit. I am so afraid she may slip back to that. I just got her back.”


“Bo, Hope does not need your pity. If you don’t really love her then why are you with her? All you keep saying is how much you don’t want to hurt. I don’t hear how much you really love her... Do you really want to be with Hope?”


“I have children with her. We already lost Shawn.”


“You know, I have a saying my mother used to say. As the world turns, seasons change and so do people. If there is no love between you and Hope, then you are not doing any favors for anybody. People will get hurt more. Look Bo I know you have some things to think about. You have some decisions to make. Again, I will not say a word to anyone about the best night of love making I ever had. I want to thank you for that. Thank you for taking me to ecstasy. I wish all women could experience what you gave me. Just know one thing before I leave.”


“And what’s that?”


“I love you.” She smiles and then walks away from him, leaving the airport.

Bo is left standing there, again speechless by Kristen. He slowly leaves the airport with thoughts of last night’s love session with Kristen.

“I can’t tell Hope. At least not right now. It would destroy her and I can’t risk her smoking drugs again.” He thinks to himself as he leaves the airport.


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