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Rocky stands alone drinking punch as Kevin and Trista come off the dance floor sharing a laugh.

Trista: That was great! And you had the never to say you couldn't dance.

Kevin: But I can't.

Trista: You were fine.

Rocky: You looked fine to me too.

Kevin: Thanks, man. I really enjoyed myself.

Rocky: Only the best for my best friend.

Rocky turns away looking off into the night.

Trista: You're not mad are you?

Rocky: (turning back) Me? No.

Trista: Something is bothering you. What is it now?

Rocky: Spaulding boy.

Both Trista and Kevin toss their arms up in defeat.

Rocky: What?

Kevin: Dude, you have to get over James and Daisy being with each other.

Rocky: This coming from the guy who happens to like Daisy.

Kevin blushes in embarrassment.

Trista: If James is bothering you so much then do something about it. Punch him. Sock him.

Kevin: Trista!

Trista: What? I don't care. He ticked me off when he demoted me to the advice column. Hmph. Just jealous because he knows that I AM a better writer than he is.

Kevin: (sadly) At least you're happy with what you're doing.

Rocky: What is that suppose to mean?

Kevin: Nothing. Just act like you never heard it.

Kevin starts to walk inside. Trista gestures Rocky to stop his friends. Rocky dismisses her plea until Trista grabs him by the arm, swinging him up to Kevin.

Rocky: Come on. Tell what is wrong.

Kevin: I'm surprised you can't tell what my problem is.

Trista: If it is about Daisy--

Kevin: It's not Daisy! It's me! I'm not happy. You guys constantly brag about how fun you are having in college while I am not.

Trista and Kevin are puzzled by Kevin's confession. Rocky goes to interject when,

Kevin: I hate my major! I don't wanna be a lawyer. But you know what, I have to be! Why?! Because my mom want me and Jason to be just like my dad. A lawyer. And I hate it. I just hate it! I can never be as passionate about the law as my dad was. Jason, yes. Me, no. I hate law.

Trista: Then change your major. It's not that hard. People do it all the time. It's part of the college. (laughing) Hell after James demoted me, I might consider changing my major to get away from him.

Kevin: (irate) It's not the same!

Trista: I apologize then.

Kevin: Don't.

Rocky: Then what is it that you wanna do? What do you wanna be? What major has your passion?

Kevin: You can't tell?!

Trista finally gets it as she closely examines Kevin's costume while Rocky is still clueless.

Rocky: I don't?

Trista: (overlapping, murmur) A doctor. That's it.

Rocky: What?

Trista: A doctor. That is why you were looking the med lab that day I found you. The longing look you had in your face.

Kevin nods his head.

Trista: So you wanna be a healer? That's great! Kevin, you should totally do it!

Kevin: It's not so easy when you have a mother like mine.

Kevin, tired of it all, drops his face into his hands.




India stands in the mirror fixing her hair when the door gently opens and in comes Alex. An ominous grins is all of a sudden wiped upon India's face.

India: Why hello, Stepmother dearest.

Alex: What do you want, India?

India: Nothing. Can't a girl just say hello to her favorite stepmother?

Alex: I'm your only stepmother. Get to the point.

India: Why do you always assume that here is ploy when it comes to me?

Alex: Because there is. India--

India: Look, Alex, I'm just being cordial. That is all.

Alex is doubtful of this and just plays along.

India: Can't we just get along? For once?

Alex: Why? India, back then I had no choice to put up with you due to Leo but now--

India: You have no choice because we have to work together.

Alex: Work together?

India: Why yes. Did you not hear?

Alex: Hear what?

India: Alan gave me a job at Spaulding.


India: Yes. He put me in charge of public relations. He said that I had that "special thing" that will bring publicity to this company.

Alex paces back and forth, livid by this.

India: Mommy, dear... you have no choice. I'm not going anywhere. See you at work.

India closes her clutch purse and walks out the bathroom, very pleased.


And on Alex kicking the stall door in sheer anger,



- Daisy suspicions arise

- Alex give Alan a piece of her mind

- Trista shares her secret

- Phillip and Cyrus square off

- Phillip is poisoned


Recommended Comments

  • Members

So James likes Trista but is jealous of her writing. Funny and very interesting,

Really enjoyed Kevin's scene. Liked you u dug into his inner emotions.

Alex vs India. I like. Why do they hate each other?

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  • Members
So James likes Trista but is jealous of her writing. Funny and very interesting,

Really enjoyed Kevin's scene. Liked you u dug into his inner emotions.

Alex vs India. I like. Why do they hate each other?

Alex and India's hatred goes back from the show. Alex was India's stepmother and India blamed her for all that was wrong in her life, hence India marrying Phillip to get back @ Alex.

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