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Sex in a Nut House! #120



Midday in Pasadena, Greater Yonders CemetaryIMG_4888.jpg

4.jpgKevin walks over to Abe’s tombstone. He stares at the engraving:

Police Chief Abe Williams


Rest in Peace

Kevin has tears forming in his eyes.

“I don’t know how we got here. Everyone is saying so many bad things about you. So many accusations. I wish you were here to answer them. From you not even being my own father. Sister Pat had us all fooled. For so many years. I tell you, this sure is one hella’ crazy family we have here. And it all started when your brother slept with Patterson. The woman who walks around town like her [!@#$%^&*] don’t stink. She lied to me about who my real father was. “ He pauses, trying to keep it together.

“You are still my father. DC could never be. He’s a loser. I don’t believe anything they tell me. I don’t believe you molested my sister, I don’t believe you took her from us so many years ago. It’s too much for me. These things can’t be true. I have lost everything. I lost you, my woman, my family. I think I am losing myself. I don’t know which way is up or down. I wake up and feel like this is all just a bad dream. I wish it was. This is too much for me. And to think I almost lost Karim. I can’t take this no more. My existence is questionable, my faith is dying, I have nothing left to live for, everything I did has been shattered right in front of me, all that’s left is ashes of what once was. There is nothing left for me here, My life has no more meaning, my mother is a slut, and a hypocrite, my sister is a crazy bitch, you were the only thing good in this family, and now that you’re gone I have no reason to be here myself. I love you pops. And I want you to know you will always be my pops and I believe in you. I won’t let them tarnish your name like that. I won’t. I love you pops. I hope you’re resting in peace.” Kevin wipes his cheeks free of tears. He walks away slowly.

“I have nothing to live for” He says as he gets in his car and drives off.


Episode 120; Sex in a Nut House

Written by ML Cooks, J. Lee Becker, and Tara Smith

Huntington Memorial Hospitalbig_hospital_pic.jpg

CA7NSHO3CALSJS5NCA2L6GZQCALQ43X3CAP.jpgRia walks into Kiko’s office.

“Excuse me?”


“Ria, are you here to seduce me again?”


“No. I am over you. I am here for a serious matter.”


That would be a first. Do we have an appointment? I am kind of busy.”


“Are you gay or what? You act so cold toward me. I am here for something

in serious and you keep trying to get me out of here. That’s the big question round here. No one has ever seen you with a woman. So flat out, are you gay?”

Kiko, laughing

“Is this the serious matter you came to see me about?”


“Actually no. You pissing me off. I came in this office today because I need help with something. “


“Fine Victoria, have a seat.”


“You know I hate to be called by my government name. “


“Let’s get to the point. I have some where to be soon.”


“Fine.” Ria begins taking her shirt off. By the time Kiko is just about to ask what the hell she is doing, he is looking at Ria’s breast exposed.


“Ria come on. You can’t come in here showing me your watermelons. I knew this was yet another lame attempt to come in here and seduce me in some way.”


“I promise you it’s not that. Just touch them you will see.”


“Get the hell out of here!”

Ria begins scratching them, then she has a sharp pain go through her left one.

“Kiko please, I am here for a breast examination. My tits been acting funny. I just thought it was the after effect of some good ass sex I had. But this has been going on for weeks and I know this is not normal.”


“I bet. Fine Ria. I’ll put you down for an examination first thing in the morning. This better not be a joke.”


“It’s not. Thank you Kiko.” She runs up and hugs him, rubbing her breast on him. Kiko pushes Ria off of him.


“I knew it. I knew this was a seduction attempt.”


“And I knew you were gay.”


“I am not gay! Ria, you better hope I find something tomorrow in that breast exam tomorrow, if not I am banning you from this hospital and getting a restraining order on you.”


So you want me to have breast cancer?”


“No I don’t. I am just sick of you attempts to [!@#$%^&*]. That’s all you want. Some dick. Go get it from my brother.”


“You don’t need to talk to me like that.”


“It’s not my fault the truth hurts.” Ria just walks out of his office.


“Thank God.” Kiko grabs his brief case and car keys and locks up his office then leaves.



Downtown Pasadena, High Klass Hairshapeup.jpg

l_ebfed896bd0cf0ad015fabffadaf4959.jpgSharan unlocks her hair shop and walks inside. The smell of perm is still in the air.

“Now that’s a smell I’ve missed. This place is just how I left it.”

Then some one walks up behind her,

“Sharan, girl is that you?”

Sharan turns around and sees one of her loyal customers. She smiles.


“Jackee, it’s great to see you.” They share a hug.


“Girl we been missing you. My hair hasn’t been right since you left. You opening back up girl??


“I am. I been gone so long, I need to get the shop back in order. Come back tomorrow and I’ll do you up. It’s on the house. And tell all your friends I’m back.”


“I will. Glad to have you back.” The lady says walking away. Sharan continues to look around her shop. She has a remembrance of Dre setting up a romantic breakfast for her. She looks out the shop’s window and sees Kevin approaching.

Sharan sighs, knowing what Kevin already wants: To get back together. Again she has to tell him no.


“Sharan can we talk?”


“Kevin….. I don’t think now is a good time?”


“Why? What did I do? That’s what I don’t understand about any of this. I don’t get why I am being punished here. Sharan, why won’t you be with me?”

Sharan, wiping a tear from her eye

“Kevin, I am so sorry. Please understand where I am coming from. Your sister has done things to me I will never be able to forget. I still have night mares of it. I don’t want to be with you. Mona is your sister. I can’t be with you knowing your sister raped me Kevin! I can’t just do that. I want to rid things in my life that reminds me or connects to Mona.”


“But I have nothing to do with that. I didn’t know my mother was a slut. I didn’t ask her to have an affair with my uncle, who turned out to be my real father. I didn’t ask for none of this. Why don’t any one understand that? It’s as if I did something wrong. I am the one who is wronged. People lied to me. My whole life has been a lie. I don’t even know who I am no more. Sharan I love you. I love you with all my heart. My body hurts right now, knowing you don’t want me no more. Over something I had no control of. It’s unfair to me.”


“Kevin, I am really sorry. I will always love you. But right now I can’t be with you.”


“But you rather be with Dre?”


“No. I don’t want to be with anybody Kevin. I am trying to get over this ugly ordeal. What you saw with Dre and I is just friendship.”


“Is it really? Don’t you remember what happened the night my sister kidnapped you? We were making love Sharan, I was making love to you and you called out Dre’s name. You’ve always wanted him didn’t you? That romantic breakfast, right here, in this very shop? You two been had something going on huh?”

Sharan slaps Kevin,

“Kevin, I’ve never cheated on you.”


“Then why did Ria tell me she saw you and Dre kissing at Ashley’s funeral?”


“Because Ria is a hater with a big mouth.”


“So was she lying?”


“No. It was just a kiss. “


“Just a kiss but you called out his name. I have nothing. I can’t believe I have been a fool all this time. Every single person in my life except Karim has lied to me. What did I do to deserve all this?” He grabs her, Sharan is frightened. He adds pressure to his grip on Sharan’s arms.

Kevin, looking at her with rare raging eyes,

“Tell me Sharan? Why did you play me huh? You couldn’t just be real with me?”


“Take your hands off me. You’re hurting me. What is the matter with you Kevin!?”

Kevin, snapping out of his rage

“I don’t even know any more. I give up. I just give up. I don’t even care” He turns around and walks away. Sharan notices something is really off with Kevin and hollers after him. He just gets into his car and speeds off. Sharan has an uneasy feeling about Kevin.

Sharan whispers to herself as he leaves,

“I’ve never seen him like this.”



Huntington Memorial Hospital

DC walks into Karim’s room.


“Surprised to see you here.”


“I wanted to see how my son was doing.”


“So you’re my father?”


“I am. How you feel bout that?”


“I don’t know how to feel about it. All my life I thought Abe was my pops. Now to find out his brother is. I have to ask what kind of family is this? And what I really don’t get is how my mom can keep preaching like she is God herself, yet have so many skeletons in her closet. I don’t get that.”


“Neither do I. I been saying for years that woman is crazy. Hell her own mother said it herself.”


“If she’s so crazy then how do you have 3 children with her?”


“It’s a weird kind of passion youngin‘.”


“How do you betray your own brother like that?”


“It’s a long story man. Abe wasn’t perfect either.”


“Then no one should have been spitting out kids. Kevin and especially Mona have really been affected by the dumb ass mistakes you 3 have made. This is one jacked up family. Kevin is losing control of himself, Mona, I mean Kelis is a certified mad woman. Don’t you two have any remorse?”


“I do. Things sometimes happens in life we just can’t help. Things just happen. I am sure your life isn’t perfect youngin‘“

Karim thinks of his current situation with LaDonna and Alexis. DC notices Karim doesn’t respond right back.


“See what I’m talking about? You got something going on don’t you?”


“It’s not about me right now. You being my father will have to take some getting used to. “


‘Does that mean your willing to give me a try?”


“Naw. I can’t say all that. My life has been ripped apart piece by piece because you didn’t know how to be a man and a faithful husband. What about your other two sons out there with Aunt Lynn, well wait, she wouldn’t even be my aunt no more would she? I am ashamed of you. It is embarrassing to know that you are my father. “

DC, is deeply hurt

“That’s a low blow. All I can say is that I am sorry. I know what I did was wrong. I was young, just like you are right now. I can’t change what I did. I am only here for today. I want to make things right Karim. Our family has been through a lot. We need to heal. We lost Abe, we don’t have Mona. Let’s erase these black spots. Let’s end this bad curse. Let’s stick together and repair this family.”


“I think I’m good on that. If you’ll excuse me, I am getting released today and I have things to do.”


“Oh you putting me out?”


“Yup Yup”


“Just like that?”


“Right again.”

DC nods his head, and walks out of the room.




For The Birds Mental Rehabilitation Facilitypeoplesoftbuilding.jpg

Kiko walks over to a charge nurse

“I am here to see her.”


“I’ll buzz you back Mr. Whitfield. You know, before you go back there, I must tell you something.”


“I’m listening.”


“She’s been very angry since the last time you left. We haven’t seen these levels of anger since when you first put her into facilities based upon records we have.”


“There is no saving her is there?”


“She’s having some sort of relapse of sorts.”


“Or something is triggering her anger.” Kiko walks through the locked door. He walks over to the patients room. He sees her sitting just outside in her doorway, looking down the hall sternly on something.

“I’m here.” He says. She doesn’t respond.


“What is going on with you? The nurses are telling me you are having a relapse. What is going on? I need you to get better. You have to get over this. It’s been over 28 years. “ Kiko awaits a response from the woman, he still does not get one. He then really looks at her, and he can tell she is concentrating on something. He looks in the direction of which the women is looking in and only sees another pair of double doors.


“What is it? Do you want something? Is something through those doors?”


“I smell her. She’s here.”


“Who? Who is here? Is that reason you have been upset?”


“Bitch. Whore. SLUT. I smell the stench of here blood here.”


“What do you mean? HERE? No one can know you are here. You have to stop this. I brought you here to Pasadena to help you get better faster and to be with your family. You are getting sidetracked. Maybe you need some new prescriptions.”

The woman then looks in Kiko’s eyes. Kiko has finally gauged a response.


“Please,” She says with tears running down her face. “ No more meds.”


“I don’t know what else to do. You aren’t getting any better. “

The woman points in the direction of the set of locked doors.


“Through there is where she is. I know she is here. The Slut, the whore, the BITCH. “ The woman, with all her strength stands up in a fit of rage. Kiko is shocked not having seen this woman move for over 20 years. Lynn nearly collapses to the ground as she tries to walk toward the set of doors. Kiko catches her and sits her back down.


“MOTHER, be careful.”

Lynn looks back at her son.

“You always take care of me didn’t you son?”


“I am trying.” With tears in his eyes.

“You have to get over this. You left father years ago. You have to get over the affair he had. It’s destroying you.”


“Not at all. I am fine son. I know what I know. Her spawn is here. I feel it.”


“No one can know you are here and who you are. It’s not time for that. Don’t talk to no one.”


“This is my time. I have waited for many years to get the people back who did this to me. Fate is working itself out. The enemy was brought here to me, for me to have my justice.”


“What do you plan on doing?”


“I am going to kill their entire family. I won’t rest until I do. I will not die before I kill them all.”


“NO! Don’t talk like that. We have to get you better. Dondre needs you.”


“I don’t know Dondre.”


“Mother, please, he needs you. “


“Dondre is not my son.” Lynn notices a person starring at her through the double doors. She stands back up.

“SLUT!!! WHORE!!!! BITCH!!!! I’m going to kill her.”

Kiko looks at the person and has to do a double take when he sees Mona looking at him.


“Mother, her,….. you want to kill her?”


“I smell the rat’s blood. It’s her spawn. That Bitch right there. She is going to die I am going to kill her.”


“Mona?” Kiko continues to look on in bewilderment. ”Mona” he says again.



On the other side of the door.

Mona walks away from the door as she is escorted by two orderlies back to her room. She sees Applelonia doing a tarot card reading.


“What are you doing?”


“I am looking for some answers. Some one I know is looking for me and I want to know if they will find me.”


“Good luck with that.”


“I sense you are very tense.” Apple stands up and walks over toward Mona. Apple puts her hands on her shoulders and begin to massage them. Mona is very uneasy and jumps up.


“What are you doing?”


“Jut trying to make you feel better.”


“What is it with you?”


“What ever do you mean?”


“You’re weird. From the very first day I walked in here, you acted as if you really knew me on a personal level.”


“I do Mona. We are both lost souls, in this life about to be adjoined.”


“How so?”

Apple, smiling

“You leave that to me. Why don’t you relax? We can work together to get out of here and continue on to our destines.”


“You have a plan? I am pretty good with plans too. Let’s hear it.”


“I only show then tell.”


“I guess we won’t be working together. See I have trust issues. I trust no one. I also have a new motto. I work alone. Too many people have crossed me. Those fu(kers think I won’t ever get out of here. I got news for them all. I have only begun my reign of terror. What everyone has saw was my warm up act. I got something for them all, Sly Ty, Sharan, Daniel, Slutty Sister Patterson, my brothers, especially Kevin.”


“So sexy.”


“Excuse me?”


“I see the fire in your eyes, it’s a turn on.”

Mona looks at Apple and a strange silence besieges the scene.


“Do you have an attraction for me?”


“I do Mona. I’m hungry. I’m hungry for you Mona.” Apple gets on the bed.

“I want you Mona. You have ignited a flame in side of me. It’ becoming a raging inferno and I want you to put the fire out. Come to me Mona. Make love to me.” Apple takes her shirt off and exposes to Mona her perfect 37 double d’s.


“Don’t you just love them?”


“They are quite nice. “


“And they are your’s for the taking. Come over here and touch them.” Mona, very tempted walks over and sits on the bed with Apple and caresses one of her breast. Suddenly Apple takes Mona’s hand and sucks on her index finger. Mona jumps back and balls up her fist ready to hit Apple.


“I don’t like sudden movements. It makes me nervous. When I get nervous I get mad. And when I get mad, I get violent.”


“I love when your mad baby. Come on and hit me. It’s sexy.” Apple grabs Mona and pulls her into a passionate kiss. Mona gives into to passion, missing the sweet, soft, tender touch of a woman. Mona climbs on top of Apple, and lays some what on the side of her, still lip locking with her. Mona takes her hand and uses her finger tips to sends chills through Apple’s body as she gets ever closer to her upper thigh. Mona makes it all the way to Apple’s panties and Mona let’s out a heavy sigh. Mona inserts her fingers through her panties and heads straight for the clitoris. Mona ever so lightly caresses it. Apple softly moans. Mona then inserts her finger into Apple’s love canal and let’s out an

“Ahhhh.” Feeling the warm love juice of Apple’s love box seduces Mona. She takes her finger out and then inserts it into her mouth like a pop sickle and sucks on it.


“You taste so sweet.”


“Sweet for you baby. It’s all for you.”

Mona gets in between Apple’s legs as Apple takes her panties off. Mona begins to lick on Apple’s clitoris as she fingers her wet and warm canal. Apple is in complete sexual heaven if there was one, being careful not to moan to loud so they want be caught by the orderlies. Apple is unable to control it and takes a pillow and smashes it against her face to muffle out some of the moans. Mona continues her feast until Apple cums.



Westwood Parknightviewofwestwoodpark.jpg

DondreT.jpgDre, stressed out, over his last conversation with his brother, which was really an argument, puffs on his black and mild repeatedly, while looking for his keys to his house. He finally finds them and walks inside.

He calls out to Lauren,

“Hey, it’s me.”

He doesn’t hear anything and goes back to the bedroom. He doesn’t see Lauren.


“Lauren, It’s Dre, you here?” He still doesn’t hear her voice. He looks over at the kitchen table and sees a note. He walks over to it and reads it.

I can’t do this no more. I can’t put you and Kiko through this any longer. I am taking matters into my own hands. Thanks for everything you have done….Lauren”

Dre, bawling up the letter and throwing it down

“Damn it. You dumb ass.” Dondre is startled by pounding at his door.



He rushes over to it and opens it but is surprised to see Police Chief Mike Dietz standing in the doorway.


“After seeing how the look on your face changed when you saw me, I suppose it’s safe to say you were not expecting me?”


“Mike, what are you doing here? I am kind of busy?”


“I bet? Staying on the run?”


“What’s good man? I don’t know what the hell you are talking about?”


“Lauren. You shot her!”

Dre doesn’t say anything.


“I can’t believe you shot Lauren. She was pregnant.”


“It was a job. I had to do it or Ty was gone hurt my brother.”


“Why were you working with Tyler anyway?”


“To pay these damn bills. You see this?” He picks up a piece of paper and shoves it in Mike’s face.


“You see that? That’s an eviction notice. I needed fast money or I wasn’t going to have a roof over my head.”


“There are men’s shelter all over the area.”


“What do I look like going to a shelter? I’m my own man. I take care of myself. I don’t need no help from no one.”


“Well you aren’t going to look any better behind bars. Dondre Whitfield, you are under arrest for two counts of murder one. You have the right to remain silent….” Dondre can see the words coming out of Mike’s mouth but is really not paying attention. He’s in a dazed state He thinks if he should just punch Mike out right now and try to make a run for it, or if he should seek revenge on Tyler for obviously exposing the truth to Mike. Fight or flight. FIGHT! Dondre sucker punches Mike right in his right jaw and then follows up with a Iron Mike Tyson to his left. Mike is knocked out to the ground and Dre grabs his car keys and makes a run for it!…….

Next time on S.T.E.A.M.



Recommended Comments

  • Members

I have a lot to catch up on! :)

Very good opening scene. Worried about Kevin.

Loved the scenes with Kiko and Ria but I hope she gets real medical attention.

Whoa! Loved the Kiko Lynn scenes. Then Mona!!!

I'm loving this Apple and Mona thing.

Whoa great ending!!!!

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I could've sworn I read this awhile ago but just forgot to comment on it.

Again, this is one episode where I liked Bro Ho. He's actually been doing some good things lately which has been a soothing change.

Ria! You have cancer and are being rejected. Deal with it. She really is the slut of Passadena. Sex sex sex. It's all that's in her mind.

Does Lynn have terrets or something? She's really interesting to read. She seems dangerous.

Dre, haven't we learned one thing from O.J. Simpson? You're going to get caught somehow.

Very nice episode!

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