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India and Dorrie sit in silence as they hear footsteps coming down the hallway. India gets up and squeezes her head down the hall to notice an officer and a man in a trench coat and hat walking towards them. The man looks up at India to reveal its Alan.

India: Alan! I knew you would come to save me. I just knew it.

Officer: You have ten minutes, Mr. Spaulding.

Alan shoos the officer away as he reaches through the bars, grabbing India's hands in a comforting manner.

Alan: Could you ever really doubt me?

India: Not for one second.

Dorrie: (in the background) Is he going to get us out of here or what? It's disgusting and vile back here.

Alan: No worries, I will have you out in a few.

Alan releases India's hands and head to the front of the police station. He smiles at her to give her some hope.


The room is bustling with a crowd of officers running about doing their usual duties: writing reports, booking criminals. Alan interrupts Frank who is conversing with another officer.

Alan: I need to speak with you.

Frank: Don't you see I am busy.

Frank heads off towards his office with Alan tailing behind him.

Alan: I don't care.

Frank: Alan, if this about India, the proof is in the pudding. She committed a crime and now she has to deal with the consquences.

Alan: It was a simple mistake. Just call up that Gary guy and we can settle this here.

Frank: I don't think so. If you are thinking about bribing him, you can forget about it.

Alan: (scoff) I cannot believe you said that.

Frank: I did.

Frank enters his office, turns around and slams the door in Alan's face.

Alan: You will pay for this, Cooper.

Suddenly, Alan's attention is caught by an officer and a man (Gary) standing at the counter.

Officer: Mr. Gary, we have your limo parked in the cage if you want an officer to go and retrieve it for you.

Gary: That would be so nice.

Officer: Wait here.

The Officer walks off. Gary waits patiently as Alan stalks him like a lion to a gazelle, waiting for the right time to attack, well approach him in this case.

Alan: (approaching him) You must be Gary.

Gary: Yeah. And you are?

Alan: Alan. Alan Spaulding.

Gary: Of Spaulding Enterprises?!

Alan: Yes.

Gary takes Alan's hand and shakes it aggressively.

Gary: So nice to meet you, Mr. Spaulding.

Alan: You too. Now I need you to do me a favor.

Alan gestures Gary to follow him to a corner where Alan says some words we can't make out but when Alan whips out a check and the expression of Gary's face fills it in for all of us.

Frank emerges from his office to find Alan and Gary together. Frank storms over to them.

Frank: Alan, what are you doing!

Gary: (putting the check away) Nothing. We were just talking. Mr. Spaulding was just requesting my expertise for when the next Spaulding board meeting. He needed some limos to ride the board members in and I couldn't say no.

Frank: Alan...

Gary: Oh and Mr. Cooper, I need you to go and drop those charges against the Von Halkein women.

Frank is speechless.

Gary: I see no real harm was done and the limo I am sure is in fine condition.

Alan: And if it isn't you can call me for repairs.

Gary: I will.

The Officer reenters.

Ofifcer: (handing keys) Here you go, Mr. Gary.

Gary: Thank you. You all have a blessed day. Oh, and Mr. Cooper, you can fax me any paperwork that I need to sign about dropping those charges. Good day everyone.

Gary walks out. Frank is livid and this point while Alan is happy that once again, money solved another problem.

Alan: You can go and release them.

Frank: (to Officer) Draw up the paperwork and have another officer go back there and release India and Dorrie.

Officer: Alright, Sir.

The officer walks off doing as they are told.

Frank: So you win again.

Alan: Till next time.

Frank walks back into his office and slams the door.

Alan: And who says that Franklin could never solve anything...



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