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Episode 182



Kendall OR Greenlee...  

51 members have voted

  1. 1. Which Character Do You Prefer?

    • Kendall
    • Greenlee

Huge decisions impact Springfield...


Spaulding Enterprises:

The official voting day has begun.

Today everyone will find out the CEO of Spaulding Enterprises.


Alan walks in with his sister.

Alex turns to him, "You must be pretty excited Alan. Today either you or Phillip will become the CEO."

Alan scoffs, "I will become the CEO Alexandra don't you worry."

Alex sighs, "As long as Annie Dutton isn't CEO I don't care who is."

Alan shakes his head, "Bite you tongue Alexandra."


Phillip and Beth (Lorelei) walk up.

Phillip smiles, "Good morning Dad, Aunt Alex. The day we have been waiting for is finally here."

Alan nods, "Well son, I'm glad to see that you are being so optimistic. But I hope you aren't truly expecting to win or else you are going to be very disappointed."

Phillip nods, "We'll see about that Dad."


Liz and Rafe enter.

Alan turns to him, "Well hello Raphael. That was a very nice show you put on at the party."

Rafe sighs, "I'm glad I could help."

Liz looks at him, "Just sit down, don't talk to them."

Phillip looks at his daughter, "Lizzie..."

She walks past him.


Annie, Olivia and Dinah walk in.

Olivia feels awkward, "If Gus shows up... I just don't want to deal with him right now."

Annie sighs, "Relax. Today everything is going to go our way. And Gus will be a distant memory."

Olivia takes her seat.

Dinah sighs, "I feel bad for her."

Annie takes her hand, "Well you know what, don't. Don't feel bad because Mel, Natalia, and Olivia all have bad relationships. You have something very good with Mallet and nothing will ruin that."

Dinah smiles at her.


Mallet and Dinah's:


Mallet's running late for work.

Maureen walks in, "Hey I dropped Belinda off at Clarissa's. Sorry I got caught in traffic."

Mallet looks at her, "Don't be sorry. Thank you for everything you've been doing for us."

Maureen sighs, "Of course. Anthony and Belinda are very special to me. I have no problem taking her places and watching him during the day."

Mallet shakes his head, "It shouldn't be like this. We shouldn't have to bend over backwards by ourselves. Dinah is their mother and she needs to be here with us."

Maureen sighs, "Mallet, Dinah loves us all. She is trying to make everything okay for us."

He shakes his head, "We hardly ever see your sister! She is always working and going to meetings and spending time with people like Annie Dutton and Olivia Spencer."

She nods, "I know, I know! I have no idea what is going on with Dinah. Sometimes I feel like Anthony barely knows her. And Belinda, she wanted to get to know her mother and that's not happening. I feel bad saying this but sometimes I feel like I'm becoming their mother."

Mallet looks at her, "We can't live like this. You start school soon. We shouldn't have to do this."

Maureen has tears in her eyes, "Mallet what are you talking about?"

Mallet looks at Maureen, "I'm gonna have to give Dinah an ultimatum."

Maureen worries about the two of them.




Jeffrey walks into the Beacon.

He looks at the front desk.

Cassie is standing behind the desk.

He looks at her, "Cassie? What are you doing?"

She sighs, "Oh... I guess it was only a matter of time before someone saw me working here."

Jeffrey nods, "It's just confusing. I thought you sold your half of the Beacon to Olivia and now she is partners with Natalia."

Cassie nods, "Yes and after some persuading I was able to get Olivia to give me a job here."

Jeffrey looks at her, "Oh so you run the front desk."

Cassie sighs, "Yes. I went from owning this hotel to working for it."

Jeffrey nods, "Well that's good. I mean you are trying to start your life over and you have to start somewhere you know?"

She sighs, "I guess your right. I'm very grateful for the job and everything I have right now."

He nods, "I'm sorry about Reva."

Cassie sighs, "Well it's been tough but she'll get through it. And this time I'm going to be a much better sister."

Jeffrey looks her in the eyes, "You've always been a good sister."

She shakes her head, "No I haven't. But I am now. Right now I'm focusing on my number one priority."

Jeffrey is interested, "What's that?"

She takes a deep breath, "My redemption."

Jeffrey smiles at her.

Spaulding Enterprises:


Gus walks in and looks around.

He is looking for Harley.


Harley walks in with Cyrus.

Gus turns to her to say something.

She shakes her head, "I'm just here for business."

Cyrus and Harley take seats next to each other.


Lucy and Blake follow and sit next to them.

Gus walks over to Rafe, "I hope your happy Son."

Rafe smiles, "I am. I'm tired of hypocrites."

Gus nods, "You think your mother would approve of this?"

Rafe shakes his head, "Well she's not here. She left this town to get away from people like you."

Rafe takes his seat.

Annie walks over to Alexandra.

Alex turns to her, "Oh Annie. I don't even know what to say to you."

Annie grins, "Alexandra, just say congratulations. You might as well get it over with. Because after today I will officially become the CEO of Spaulding Enterprises."

Alex grins, "You sure you want it? You sure you can handle it?"

Annie nods, "Of course I can."

Alex sighs, "I've heard that before, from Alan, Phillip, Alan Michael, and Cassie. If you consider that handling it.... good luck Annie. You are going to need especially if you win."

Alex takes her seat.

Annie just shakes her head and walks back to her seat.


Cross Creek:


Bill and Michelle are sitting on the couch going over wedding plans.

Bill turns to her, "We have some non-wedding plans to take care of just in case you forgot."

She looks at him, "Like?"

He sighs, "We don't live together. You live at your house I live here. Where are we gonna live?"

She sits back, "Wow I can't believe we haven't talked about that yet. I guess we should."

Bill nods, "It's pretty important."

She looks at him, "Well I mean my family home means a lot to me. So many memories."

He sighs, "But you got your father and your brother living there. Plus Rick's kids are there half the time."

She nods, "Yeah the kids can all play together."

He nods, "I know but it's getting crowded."

She sighs, "This cabin is no mansion either. You got your parents, Josh, and whatever Lewis is in town at the time."

He grins, "Well I think we know what this means."

She sighs, "I guess we should start looking at places."

He smiles, "What about this?"

He lays blueprints out in front of her.

Michelle is confused, "What am I looking at?"

He grins, "It's our house Michelle."

Michelle is very confused.




Shayne is talking with nurses.

A nurse smiles, "So nice of you to volunteer Mr. Lewis. But are you sure this is the patient you want to work with?"

He nods, "Yes. I'll work with others too. But I think I can be a good friend to this person. Someone who needs a friend."

The nurse nods, "Well I'll be listening. In case something happens."

He chuckles, "I think I'll be fine."

She lets Shayne in.


Ava shouts, "Leave me alone whoever you are!"

Shayne walks in, "Hello."

She looks at him, "You. What the hell are you doing here?"

He smiles, "Nice to see you too. Do you know who I am?"

She nods, "Yeah you're Bill's gay cousin. Why are you here?"

He sits in a chair, "You know I think we were also step brother and sister at one point."

Ava sighs, "Wow too bad we didn't get to grow up together. We could have played boardgames and go camping. And Marah and I could have done each other's hair and then I'd get up early and smother her in her sleep."

Shayne sighs, "Well that would have been interesting."

Ava grins, "You see this is the part where you tell me I'm a hopeless psycho bitch and then you leave."

He smiles, "Don't talk like that. You're not hopeless."

Ava is getting annoyed by him.



Cassie is on her break.

Jeffrey and her sit in the lobby.

Jeffrey smiles, "Do you remember the time you threw me out of the hotel? We were right over there."

She laughs, "Oh yeah. But you offended me. But you always offended me. I said something like, 'I want you out of my hotel and out of my life Mr. O'Neill. Consider yourself evicted'."

He laughs, "And of course I thought you were bluffing then I called trying to apologize."

She shakes her head, "I wasn't gonna forgive you. I was going to throw your stuff out and I ended up trapped on the roof with some psycho."

He smiles, "I'm glad I found you."

She sighs, "You saved my life."

He nods, "Well I really just wanted to keep my room here."

She laughs, "Of course. I think that was one of the moments where I really started to see your heart."

He sighs, "The beginning of my redemption? Well one of them," Jeffrey looks in her eyes, "If you don't mind me asking, when was it that you forgave me for... what happened in San Cristobal?"

She sighs, "I didn't take long to forgive you. I mean you know that's not the real reason we broke up. I mean my whole thing was about..."

He nods, "I know I know."

She sighs, "I just knew in my heart that even though you violated me that way, you were sorry and you would have spent the rest of your life making it up to me."

Jeffrey nods, "And that's why I am able to forgive. You see you can't be forgiven unless your forgive others. That's something I've learned."

Cassie is really listening to him.

Cassie knows what she has to do now.

Cross Creek:

Michelle is looking at the blue prints.

Bill smiles, "I know you're probably having trouble reading them."

She shakes her head, "I'm confused. Where is this house?"

He grins, "Well I'm still looking at places but I was thinking about this one here."

She looks at the address, "That's... no I don't think so Bill."

He is confused, "What?"

She turns to him, "I don't buy into curses and stuff but there were two houses that have burned down there in the last year."

Bill sighs, "But they were arson! I know it sounds bad but just coincidences."

Michelle shakes her head, "The last house. The last house was the house Danny built for Marina. The house burned down with Marina's baby boy inside. Danny's baby boy. I can't have a house there."

Bill sighs, "God I'm sorry. I didn't even... I'm so sorry. That was a dumb idea."

She looks at him, "It's okay. I just feel like you are trying to move fast and make decisions without me."

He shakes his head, "I'm sorry we'll work on everything together."

She smiles, "Okay. Because I am more than ready to become your wife."

Bill puts his arm around her, "Michelle Lewis."

Michelle is a little uncomfortable hearing that name.

Spaulding Enterprises:

Mr. Wallace stands before everyone, "These weeks have been interesting. I must say it's been a wild ride. For weeks we heard these people give us their plans, their strategies and overall convince us to allow them this far. Alliances were formed and broken, outbursts, and so much stress on everyone. But by the end of the day we'll have our official CEO. Either Annie Dutton will be officially sworn in or the title will go to Alan Spaulding or Phillip Spaulding. Now the voting will begin."

Alan, Annie, and Phillip all vote for themselves.

Due to proxies Annie is in the lead.

Alex stands up, "I Alexandra Spaulding vote for the one person I trust the most. Phillip Spaulding as CEO of Spaulding Enterprises."

Cyrus rises, "I vote for Phillip Spaulding as CEO of Spaulding Enterprises."

Harley stands up, she turns to Phillip, "Phillip, I forgive you and I trust you again. I Harley Cooper vote for Phillip Spaulding as CEO of Spaulding Enterprises."

Lucy agrees with her sister, "I Lucy Cooper vote for Phillip Spaulding as CEO of Spaulding Enterprises."

Blake stands, "I Christina Blake Thorpe Marler vote for Alan Spaulding as CEO of Spaulding Enterprises. He's the right man for the job."

Alan grins.

The ladies sit.

Harley looks at her, "Why Blake? Why?"

Blake shakes her head, "It's just how I feel Harley."

Olivia turns to Annie, "Are you worried?"

Annie shakes her head, "No. It is closer than I assumed. But I think my plan will go just the way I planned from the beginning."

Annie smiles to herself.


Shayne sits next to Ava.

He looks at her, "You know I spent years in Peace Corps. I was helping people in Bosnia and all kinds of other places. It was just the best experience of my life."

She nods, "And that's where you met your boyfriend right? Whats-his-name, Coop's gay brother?"

Shayne smiles and looks down, "So is that the only thing you know about me? That I dated a man?"

Ava sighs, "Sorry when I was going over the biographies of annoying losers I must have skipped you."

He laughs, "You're funny."

She looks at him, "And you're a moron."

He looks at her, "Why do you have to be so rude?"

She shakes her head, "I'm not some charity case. So why don't you go build a house or something?"

He stares at her, "Why won't you look me in the eye?"

She is getting more angry, "Leave me alone bud. You have no idea who you're talking to."

He sighs, "Are you afraid if people look in your eyes they'll see the real you?"

She jumps up, "Get out!!! Get out!"

He grabs her, "That's enough! I'm not going to leave, I'm not going to hide, I'm not going to respond to your tantrums the way you want me too. I'm an adult and so are you Ava. Act like it."

The nurse walks in, "Is there a problem?"

Ava and Shayne both turn to her.

Mallet and Dinah's:

Maureen walks downstairs with Anthony.

Mallet gets off the phone, "Okay I just got off the phone with the station. I'm taking my vacation time and David is going to be filling in for me while I'm gone."

Maureen looks at him, "Where are you going?"

He sighs, "I think we all need a vacation. A very well deserved vacation how does that sound?"

Maureen shakes her head, "Mallet I don't think Dinah is going to have time for that."

He sighs, "Who said Dinah was coming?"

Maureen looks at him, "Mallet..."

He nods, "Belinda and Anthony have had a crappy summer. They deserve it, I'm not going to let Dinah stop them from enjoying themselves. I could use your help. I would pay you of course to watch them."

She shakes her head, "I love those kids Mallet. I would do anything for them, you know that."

He nods, "I know but you're a young woman who should be going out with her friends not raising two children."

She sighs, "I love them. Mallet I'm just worried about how Dinah is going to react."

Mallet takes a deep breath, "I hope this is a wake up call for her as to what she is missing. But a part of me is really afraid that she won't even notice we are gone."

Maureen has tears in her eyes.

Mallet goes upstairs to pack.

Spaulding Enterprises:

The voting continues.

Lorelei stands up, "I Beth Raines Spaulding, vote for my husband who is the perfect man for the job. I vote for Phillip Spaulding as CEO of Spaulding Enterprises."

Mr. Wallace looks on, "To keep you all up to date Mr. Phillip Spaulding is in the lead with Ms. Dutton in a close second."

Alan is very unhappy.

Olivia rises, "I am so happy to say that Spaulding Enterprises will be run by someone who knows what they are doing. I Olivia Spencer vote for Annie Dutton as CEO of Spaulding Enterprises."

Dinah stands next to her, "I second that. I Dinah Marler Mallet votes for Annie Dutton as CEO of Spaulding Enterprises."

Annie catching up with Phillip.

Rafe stands up, "You know these meetings have been a real eye opener to see just how fake some people are in this family. So that is the reason why I Raphael Rivera Spaulding, votes for Ms. Annie Dutton as the CEO of Spaulding Enterprises."

Liz rises, "I agree with my cousin. I am not doing this out of revenge. I think it's time for some change. I Elizabeth Spaulding vote for Annie Dutton as CEO of Spaulding Enterprises."

Phillip is very upset with his daughter but respects her decision.

Mr. Wallace counts once more to be sure.

He looks up, "Well it appears it's official. The official CEO of Spaulding Enterprises. Ladies and Gentleman Ms. Annie Dutton."

Annie rises with a huge grin.

Dinah and Olivia stand at her sides.

Nearly half of the room is very upset.


Alan finds a way to take out his anger

Olivia chats with Bill

Michelle gets a surprising helping hand

Dinah comes home to an empty house

Shayne tries to get through to Ava

Harley leans on Cyrus

Cassie visits someone shocking!


Recommended Comments

  • Members

What's this Beth( Lorileigh) thing?

I just realized u recasted Roxie! Wow? A lot of roles have been recasted.

Who is Rafe's mother?

Too bad Bill is clueless

FTL is so tradtional in its storytelling I love it.

Suprised that Rafe and Liz voted for Annie but it does make sense

I knew it would be Annie. Well for a minute I really didn't but for some reason I am just not shocked. But what will be good is what Annie will do and I know ALAN won't let this ride. Round 2. Alan vs Annie. This will be good and I think they were married at one point in time huh?

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Lorelei is Beth's alter ego.

Not many have been recast. But I think the pics confuse you! LOL! Cady McClain is still playing Roxie. However Cassie has gone back to the oringal actress.

Natalia is Rafe's Mom.

Rafe and Liz were thinking out of revenge.

Annie did win but the battle is far from over. All that's happened is the fire has grown!

Annie and Alan were married. Annie used to be a good girl but she went nuts and Alan helped her become a villian.

Thanks for reading.

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