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Episode 181



Kendall OR Greenlee...  

51 members have voted

  1. 1. Which Character Do You Prefer?

    • Kendall
    • Greenlee

People's actions have consequences in Springfield...




Susan and Gus are on the balcony.

Gus looks at her, "I think it's best if we just leave everything we shared in the past."

Susan nods, "I think so too. No one ever has to know about the time we spent together."

They share a hug.

They walk back into the party and are stunned as all eyes are on them.


Rafe is standing on the bar, "Well if it isn't the couple of the hour!"

Susan and Gus are stunned to see themselves on the screen making love.

Gus shouts, "Turn that off!"


After a few moments the projector is shut off by Liz.

Liz walks over to Rafe, "Rafe you didn't tell me..."


Gus looks at Olivia.

She walks over and smacks him across the face, "You sick pig. I can't believe I fell for your crap."

He sighs, "Olivia I never..."

She walks away.

Gus and Susan look at the center to the room.


Harley is standing with her back to them.

Both are afraid to see her face.

Slowly Harley turns around to both of them in shock and confusion.

Harley's eyes are filled with tears, "I don't understand... The love of my life and my own daughter? Tell me I it's not true, tell me it's wrong."

Gus and Susan are speechless.


Spaulding Mansion:


Mel is sitting in the living room.

Alan Michael has gone upstairs to bed and made it clear he wants to be left alone.

Mel has never felt comfortable in this house.


Alexandra walks in, "Well, hello."

Mel turns to her, "Hi Alexandra. I didn't think anyone would be home. I expected you all to be at Towers."

Alex nods, "Well I was darling. But I just made my appearance and headed back home."

Mel sighs, "Yeah. Was anyone talking about..."

Alex nods, "Alan Michael's breakdown? Darling I'm sure half the town is talking about it."

Mel looks down, "I just want to help him get through this."

Alex laughs, "Help him? You sided with Annie Dutton and plotted behind his back."

Mel shakes her head, "You don't understand. I was trying to help him. I saw what was happening to him. I saw him getting sucked back into the Spaulding web-"

Alex scoffs, "Now that is enough! I am sick and tired of all of this talk about how the Spauldings are vicious monsters. No one is perfect Mel. But you used to come pretty close. You want to talk about getting sucked into the Spaulding web. What about you? Do you think you were the kind of person who could betray their husband before you became a Spaulding?"

Mel turns her head away.




Ashlee and Roxie are walking through the parking lot.

Roxie looks at her, "Did you like the outfits I bought you?"

Ashlee smiles, "I do. But I'm going to pay you back I promise you that I will Roxie."

Roxie smiles, "Nonsense. Those were my gift to you. You deserve them, a young woman like you deserves the best."

Ashlee nods, "I just haven't had time to shop lately. I mean becoming a doctor is not easy."

Roxie looks at her, "Are you sure being a doctor is really what you want to do Ashlee?"

Ashlee nods, "Of course. I mean I've found my passion. I love helping people and I think I want to become a pediatrician possibly."

Roxie looks at her, "Well I just think a person with your personality should think about her options."

Ashlee sighs, "Well I used to dream of being a journalist. I worked with Dinah Marler for a while at WSPR."

Roxie grins, "You should apply for a position at WSPR."

Ashlee shakes her head, "I don't have any time with classes and everything."

Roxie looks her in the eyes, "Just promise me you'll think about it. Maybe being a doctor isn't right for you."

Ashlee nods, "I'll think about it sure."

Ashlee gets in the car.

Roxie smiles to herself and then gets into the car.


Harley walks away.

Gus steps in front of her, "Babe please just let me explain."

She shoves him, "Get away from me! How could you do that? Of all the people you could have..."

Harley walks away.

Susan grabs her arm, "Mom please!"

Harley pulls away, "Do not, put your damn hands on me!"

Harley runs off.


Annie Dutton gets out of the elevator.

She walks over to Dinah, "What did I miss?"

Dinahs sighs, "In a nutshell. Gus Aitoro who is dating Olivia sort of. Who also is the love of Harley's life, just revealed that he has been sleeping with Harley's daughter Susan."

Annie has a slight chuckle, "Wow. Sorry I missed that. Sounds like Harley's daughter takes after her."

Dinah shakes her head, "No... it's weird, I actually delivered her when Harley gave birth. We were in high school..."

Annie stops her, "We don't have time for a trip down memory lane. It sounds like Gus is just like his brother and his father. We need to use that to our advantage."

Dinah shakes her head, "I don't know. Olivia was upset. I should check on her."

Annie nods, "No. She's strong. She'll be fine. Come on, let's work the room."

Dinah and Annie walk around and chat.




Shayne and Bill walk in.

Bill smiles, "Oh I didn't think we were ever gonna get done at the office today."

Shayne nods, "Yep. Did you see our Dad's. They looked like they were about to fall asleep."

Bill laughs, "Well that's gonna be us one day. But for now let's enjoy the fact that we can still keep our eyes open past 9."

The two grab a table.

Shayne sits, "So Marah said that she was helping design Michelle's dress for the wedding?"

Bill nods, "Yes. And of course Mindy already ordered Marah to send her a rough draft for her approval."

Shayne nods, "Will Mindy be here for the wedding?"

Bill sighs, "I hope so. I'm hoping Dylan can too."

Shayne grins, "It'll be great to have the whole family back together. We can use some good times."

Bill sighs, "How's your Mom doing?"

Shayne sighs, "She's okay. She's strong."

Bill nods, "Well you tell her that she needs to stick around so she can tell my son stories about his great grandfather."

Shayne smiles, "How is little HB?"

Bill grins, "He's great. Almost a year old. I just... I feel bad, Ava's gonna miss his 1st birthday. But she's just not stable."




Ava lays on her bed and stares at the ceiling.

A nurse opens the door.

Ava shouts, "I asked to be left alone for the day!"


Edmund walks in, "Not even for me?"

Ava jumps up, "Daddy! You're here!"

Edmund hugs her, "Oh of course I am."

Ava grins, "I knew it! I knew you were gonna come to get me out of here sooner or later."

Edmund sighs, "Well I will but unfortunately I can't today."

Ava shakes her head, "But I was supposed to be out of here weeks ago. You made a deal."

He nods, "I did but sadly that deal fell through."

She shakes her head, "No you don't understand. This place makes crazy people sane but it also makes sane people crazy! I've got doctors and nurses who beat around the bush then ask me about Marah and Michelle and expect me to remain calm."

Edmund tries to calm her down, "Ava I know it's tough but it's only going to make you stronger."

Ava shakes her head, "No they don't even let me read the paper or watch TV anymore. I have no idea what's going on in Springfield."

Edmund sighs, "Just trust me."

Ava walks away from him, "Jeffrey would have got me out of here by now."

Edmund is furious by her words.




Roxie pulls her car in front.

Ashlee gets out.

She walks around to Roxie's window, "Thanks for everything Roxie."

Roxie grins, "Oh it was my pleasure. We must do it again."

Ashlee reaches through and gives Roxie a big hug, "Bye."

Ashlee walks inside.

Roxie begins to dust herself off, "Disgusting weirdo."

Roxie then drives off.

She begins to talk to herself, "Ashlee actually seems like a nice kid. Even though she's a socially awkward, freaky, mess. But she's Doris's daughter. There has to be some coldness to her. Doris Wolfe. Who would have thought that you'd live in Springfield. My Springfield. After what you did to me, you have some nerve coming to this town and then going after my family. Reva and everyone she cares about."

An angry Roxie has to pull over.

Roxie is filled with hate.

Roxie sighs, "Doris. You hurt me, you betrayed me, and you took everything from me. And I'm sorry to say it but it looks as if your precious Ashlee is going to pay the price."

Spaulding Mansion:

Mel is upset by Alexandra.

Mel walks away, "I'm not going to fight with you Alexandra."

Alex scoffs, "Well you better listen to me. Or else you are going to be doomed to have your life ruined."

Mel turns to her, "What are you talking about?"

Alex sits on the couch, "Come here."

Mel sits with her.

Alex looks at her, "In this world their are two kinds of people the powerful and the pawns. Annie Dutton is a powerful and she turned you and Alan Michael into her pawns."

Mel shakes her head, "It's not like I sided with Annie. I was doing what I thought was best for Alan Michael."

Alexandra nods, "And you have every right to do what's best for your husband. But you went to Annie Dutton. Annie is a psychopath. She may be more stable at the moment but no one can trust that woman. We can't let her be in control of the company."

Mel shakes her head, "I don't give a damn about your company!"

Alex shouts, "It's not just the company! Whoever is CEO holds all the power, of the company, of this house, heck even the town. Right now Annie Dutton is on her thrown. And as long as she is up there she is going to make everyone's lives hell. You thought Alan was bad? Just wait."

Mel shakes her head, "It doesn't matter. Alan Michael and I aren't going to the next meeting."

Alex nods, "Are you getting a proxy?"

Mel sighs, "Alan Michael refuses to have his vote for anyone. And I signed mine to Olivia."

Alex gets up, "Olivia Spencer?" she laughs, "Oh goodness. She's trustworthy huh?"

Mel sighs, "Olivia is my friend."

Alex nods, "You and Natalia putting your trusts into Dinah Marler and Olivia Spencer. There is something very wrong with that picture."

Alexandra walks away leaving Mel with a lot to think about.



Blake sits back down with Alan.

She sighs, "Wow. What a party huh? But you know I wouldn't expect anything less in Springfield."

He scoffs, "I hope you are not planning to go check on Harley."

Blake shakes her head, "I don't even know what I'd say."

Alan nods, "I guess you can relate to Susan. After what happened between you, your mother and Ross."

Blake turns to him, "You really want to talk to me about parents and children hooking up with the same people?"

Alan laughs, "I suppose not."

Blake looks at him, "We're not friends Alan. Don't forget that. All I need from you is to keep Lizzie away from Remy."

Alan grins at her.

Back by the kitchen Harley is hiding.


Phillip approaches her, "You okay?"

She shakes her head, "The love of my life has been screwing my daughter. Of course not."

Phillip sits by her, "Yeah. I remember coming home to find out that Beth had married my father. That was rough."

Harley cries, "I feel sick. I don't even know if I'm allowed to be mad."

Phillip nods, "Of course you are. There are lines that you don't cross."

Harley laughs, "But who am I to judge. I was married to Gus's brothers, you and Alan Michael."

Phillip nods, "It's different."

Harley sighs, "You are being so nice to me."

Phillip nods, "Well I was under the impression we could be friends again."

Harley cries, "I've missed you Phillip."

The two hug.


The waitress brings the food over.

Bill smiles, "Thank you. This looks great."

The waitress looks at Shayne, "How are you Mr. Lewis?"

He smiles, "Great now. Food brought to me by a beautiful woman. What more could I want."

She giggles then walks away.

Bill grins, "You got the Lewis charm my friend."

Shayne laughs, "I suppose so. She's cute."

Bill looks at him, "So are you thinking of going out with women again."

Shayne sighs, "Okay. I know it's hard to understand but I don't just date men or women. I am open. I find both attractive. But yes right now I'm leaning towards women."

Bill grins, "Well I'm gonna help you find a girl. You know who is single, Lizzie Spaulding. She's cute."

Shayne sighs, "Yeah she had a crush on me in high school. But she has a kid with my brother."

Bill nods, "Oh yeah. Hey Ashlee Wolfe, she's young but she's cute."

Shayne shakes his head, "She's nice but I'm not really looking for a good girl right now."

Bill sighs, "Well be careful. I used to like the bad girls before Michelle. Let me tell you, the last girl almost killed me. Literally."


Ava goes and sits in the corner.

Edmund is angry, "How dare you? Don't you ever say that to me again! Don't you ever make me feel lower than Jeffrey O'Neill."

Ava smirks, "Jeffrey would have got me out of here. Jeffrey was a good father to me. And if it wasn't for Marah digging her nose where it doesn't belong he would still be my father."

Edmund shakes his head, "He was never your father."

Ava looks at him, "You never wanted me. You let Olivia and Jeffrey believe they slept together and conceived me."

Edmund shakes his head, "No. It wasn't like that."

Ava jumps up, "I'm sick of this! I've never had a man I can depend on. Sandy only married me out of guilt. Coop just wanted to control me. Bill was using me. Maybe if I had a man who I could really count on I wouldn't be so messed up."

Edmund sighs, "Ava please."

She screams, "Get out! Leave me alone!!!"

Edmund tries to calm her down.

A nurse enters, "Mr. Winslow you'll have to leave."

They escort Edmund out.

Ava sits back in her chair and stares at the wall.


Phillip walks Harley back into the party.

Gus approaches her, "Harley I-"

She speaks calmly, "Don't talk to me."

Susan sighs, "Mom-"

She shakes her head, "Just leave me alone please."

Susan looks at her, "Mom you shouldn't be driving tonight."

Harley turns to Cyrus, "Could you give me a ride home?"

Cyrus nods, "Of course."

Cyrus takes Harley's hand and walks her to the elevator.

Gus and Susan follow.

Susan sighs, "When can we talk about this?"

Harley looks at them, "I don't know if I'll ever be able to look at you two the same again."

The elevator doors close before anyone can say anything.

Annie walks over to Alan's table, "Well that was interesting."

Alan sighs, "Yet another evening wasted on one of Harley Cooper's cries for attention."

Annie nods, "I couldn't agree more. But it's not all ruined. I swayed some votes my way."

Phillip walks over, "You two nervous?"

Alan laughs, "Of you son? No."

Annie looks at both of them, "May the better woman win."

The three all look at each other.


The CEO is finally decided!!!

Mallet makes a tough decision

Jeffrey's words open Cassie's eyes

Ava gets a surprising visitor

Bill's surprise upsets Michelle


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Love the Susan recast.

Poor Harley and shame on u 2 Susan. How dare you? You have done ur mother so wrong on so many ocassions. Dirty little tramp. I'll never LIKE SUSAN!! U GOT THAT!?

What does Roxie have up her sleeve?

Harley should have beat the hell out of Susan!

Roxie is BiPolar and a lunatic

I am not trying to hear any excuse Mel has. She's dead wrong. And nothing will ever change that

It was nice that Philip was there for Harley.

Shayne going straight/? I dont think so. I will not accept that. I will only accept Shayne and Rocky. Why don't couples stay together on this show?

Who is Ava?

Loved the ending scene and now based upon the previews the ceo is revealed. Now I got to read one more. U killing me Jay.

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I'm so glad to have Bree Williamson

Susan is difficult to like.

Roxie's story has so much more to it.

Alexandra put Mel in her place!!

Phillip is really becoming a good friend to Harley. We'll see more of that.

Shayne is bisexual. Always has been. He may find another man. But really the only man he wants is Rocky.

Ava, you probably forgot about her. But Ava is Olivia's daughter. From the Olivia/Bill/Ava story.

Hope you enjoy the results!!!

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