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Episode 177



Kendall OR Greenlee...  

51 members have voted

  1. 1. Which Character Do You Prefer?

    • Kendall
    • Greenlee

Apoligies and Admissions in Springfield...


Spaulding Enterprises:


Alexandra is getting ready to make her speech.

Alexandra looks at the crowd of people, "Well everyone. I know you probably think that the old girl is done and ready to retire. But I'm here to tell you that I still have fight in me. I have been a part of Spaulding Enterprises for decades."


Rafe mutters to Liz, "Or centuries."

Alex continues, "And in that time I have seen it through ups and downs. I have seen it become the amazing powerhouse that we are all here to protect. Because at one point or another everyone in this room was given stock from this company whether by birth, marriage, or employment, or all of the above. But we also have to make sure that future generations of Spauldings will still have a business to run."


Alan raises is hand, "Alexandra do you really think you are capable of running a company in you condition?"

She scoffs, "What condition Alan?"

He sighs, "You've seemed quite ill lately, I'm just concerned about my dear sick sister."

She shakes her head, "Knock it off Alan. Everyone here can see that I'm more than fine. And that is why I hope that you will elect me Alexandra Spaulding, CEO of Spaulding Enterprises."

Alex sits down.

Mr. Wallace rises, "Finally we will here from Mr. Alan Spaulding."




Noah is with Reva.

She looks at him, "You gave up our relationship so that I could be happy with Josh. That was noble of you. But Josh and I were doomed from the start. Our relationships never last."

He nods, "Pushing you away for your own good was the hardest thing I've ever had to do."

She sighs, "Believe it or not I understand."

He is confused, "How?"

She continues, "The last time I had cancer I was married to Josh. I chose not to tell him because I wasn't going to drag him into it all. And when I was away he fell in love... with Cassie."

Noah is surprised, "Josh and Cassie?"

Reva nods, "After I came back I didn't tell them for a while. I divorced Josh and let him be happy with Cassie."

Noah is confused, "I can't even imagine you doing that. Giving up the man you love?"

She sighs, "Maybe a part of me knew that Josh and I were never going to work. Josh and Cassie didn't either. Josh and I tried again last year but once again we broke up. For good this time."

Noah shakes his head, "I don't think so."

She takes his hand, "It's over Noah."

Noah looks into Reva's eyes.


Old Museum:


Stephanie is upset by Coop.

She scoffs, "Are you telling me that you are going to leave me if I pursue a career as a cop?"

He sighs, "I need to know where I stand. What comes first, this cop thing or me?"

She gets up, "I don't understand how you could even ask me that Coop."

Coop sighs, "I'm worried about what could happen to you."

She turns to him, "You are trying to control me. We just got out of all the drama with Vi. Why do we need this?"

He shakes his head, "We don't. That's why I don't understand where your going with this whole cop business."

Stephanie looks at him, "It's my passion."

Coop sighs, "I'm sorry but I can't do that. I can't wait at home every night wondering if your going to come home or not. I did that with Frank, Harley, Marina, and I'm going to have to do it with Rocky. They are my family and I can't change that."

She sighs, "But you can change me being your girlfriend."

He looks at her, "I'm sorry I didn't..."

She nods, "Maybe your right. Maybe we should take some time a part for now. It might be best for us."

Coop is very upset now.

Spaulding Enterprises:

Alan stands before the board.

Alan speaks, "Now I know that when you look at me you see the big bad evil Alan Spaulding that has been dragged around by rumors. But I'm here to tell you that I'm Alan Spaulding the man who made Spaulding Enterprises a success and the man who isn't finished."

Liz scoffs, "Yeah you're a great guy Granddad."

He turns to her, "Elizabeth I hope you won't let your bias get in the way of this."

She scoffs, "Bias? Let's do a poll. Anyone in here who's life at one point was ruined by Alan Spaulding, raise your hand."

Slowly all but a couple hands go up.

Alan nods, "Well as you all know I have a past of hurting the people I love. But I'm still a damn good business man. Now listen we are at a crucial point in our economy. This is not the time to experiment with new people or try and revive others. We need to continue with what makes Spaulding run to the top. And that is and always will be myself. Now one day my son Phillip will have his turn to take the seat."


Alan Michael is angry, "Of course."

Alan nods, "Then one day, Elizabeth will take over. And hopefully Sarah will return to take over after that. You see I have a plan for the future. Even after I'm gone. So I hope you vote for me Alan Spaulding as CEO of Spaulding Enterprises."

Alan sits.

Mr. Wallace rises, "We will now begin the votes."




Jeffrey and Marah walk in with RJ.

Marah smiles, "Wow this place sure looks a lot different now."

RJ walks inside, "Lizzie changed almost all of it."

Jeffrey sighs, "Well your Mom says that this is closer to the original style that your father Hart had."

RJ nods, "Yeah."

Marah sighs, "RJ why don't you go check out your room?"

RJ goes upstairs.

Marah turns to Jeffrey, "Why did you do that?"

Jeffrey looks at her, "What?"

She sighs, "Bring up Cassie. RJ clearly doesn't want to talk about her anymore."

Jeffrey sighs, "Cassie is still RJ's mother. She gave us this house to bring him home too."

Marah shakes her head, "And we are telling him that we got it straight from Lizzie herself."

Jeffrey sighs, "RJ needs to know that his mother still loves him."

Marah looks down, "Well you know what Jeffrey, I'm not so sure that she does love him."

Marah walks away.




Michelle is walking home.

She is still thinking about her close moment with Jesse.

Cassie is sitting on the bench.

Michelle walks by her, "Cassie..."

Cassie looks up, "Oh Michelle... Hey, I haven't seen you in a long time it feels like."

She nods, "We were avoiding each other I think."

Cassie looks at her, "I hope you know that the things I did-"

Michelle sighs, "I know Cassie. And you seem to be back to your old self again and I'm happy."

Cassie smiles, "Thank you. How are your kids?"

Michelle smiles, "They're great. It's been a tough year but they are doing great now."

Cassie sighs, "I'm so sorry about Danny. He was one of my best guy friends I ever had. I just wish I had just been a better friend to him before he passed away."

Michelle nods, "Me too. But Danny would forgive you."

Cassie nods, "I hope so."

Michelle grabs her purse, "I have some pictures of Hope."

Cassie smiles at her.

Michelle sits next to her.



Noah sits back down next to Reva.

Noah looks at her, "Why are you telling me all of this?"

She sighs, "We had absolutely no closure Noah. You just said goodbye and left, that was it."

Noah sighs, "I felt that you'd get over it eventually."

Reva nods, "And honestly I thought I did. Until I saw your face again. Then it all came back."

Noah is confused, "What came back?"

She looks at him, "I don't know...."

They look into each other's eyes.

Noah turns away, "Reva we can't go there. I'm your doctor now. You are sick. We need to be professional."

Reva nods, "I know I'm sorry."

He takes her hand, "I'm not going to let anything get in the way of you making a full recovery."

Reva sighs, "Thank you. You're right. I need to focus on getting myself better. I have a family to think about."

Noah nods, "I'm glad to hear that."

Reva worries about her feelings for Noah returning.


Cassie sits with Michelle.

Cassie is looking at pictures of Hope, "Oh my God. Michelle she is just beautiful."

Michelle smiles, "Isn't she? I'm so blessed."

Cassie sighs, "I mean it's crazy. When she was a baby I thought she looked just like me. But now she looks exactly like her mother. She looks so much like you Michelle."

Michelle looks at her, "If you ever wanted to come over to the house and see her you can."

Cassie sighs, "Thank you. But maybe I'll wait. I mean I know it's been years and years but it's still difficult. But I will soon. I'd love to see how Hope grew up."

Michelle grins, "I'd love for you to see what a lovely girl she is."

Cassie looks at Michelle, "I know you couldn't press charges against Edmund because of me blackmailing Danny. But I'm better now and Danny's gone. Have you thought about bringing it back up?"

Michelle nods, "Yeah I thought about it. But Hope doesn't know about what Edmund did to us. Taking her away and giving her to you. I just think that I couldn't handle to deal with all of that without Danny."

Cassie sighs, "I would help you if you needed it. To finally make Edmund pay for what he did to us."

Michelle shakes her head, "Thank you. But I'm not looking for revenge. I'm ready to move on. I need to look to the future."

Cassie really takes what Michelle said to heart.

Spaulding Enterprises:


Annie looks at Olivia and Dinah, "We have to be smart. Remember the plan no matter what happens. Just trust me."

Mr. Wallace stands, "Voting will begin now. This will determine who will go on between Alan Spaulding, Alexandra Spaulding, and Elizabeth Spaulding. We will start with those three."

Alex stands, "I with my vote and Nick Spauldings proxy vote, Alexandra Spaulding CEO of Spaulding Enterprises."

Alan and Liz vote for themselves as well.

Rafe stands, "I Raphael Rivera Spaulding votes for Elizabeth Spaulding."


Phillip stands, "I'm sorry honey. My vote and proxy of Melinda Sue Lewis goes to Alexandra Spaulding."

Liz isn't happy.

Alan Michael turns to Mel, "Follow my lead. I vote for Elizabeth Spaulding."


Mel rises, "I too vote for Elizabeth Spaulding."

Alan worries about his lack of votes.


Gus rises, "I vote for Elizabeth Spaulding."

Cyrus stands, "I vote for Alexandra Spaulding."


Harley and Lucy both vote for Alexandra.

Blake is next, she makes eye contact with Alan and remembers their deal.

She rises, "I vote Alan Spaulding."

Everyone is surprised.

Lorelei rises, "I Beth Raines Spaulding vote for Alan Spaulding."

Phillip is stunned.

Dinah turns to Annie and Olivia and then rises, "I Dinah Marler Mallet vote for Alan Spaulding."

Olivia rises, "I Olivia Spencer vote for Alan Spaulding."

Annie rises, "I Annie Dutton with my vote and the proxy's of Doris Wolfe, Amanda Spaulding, and Natalia Spaulding, vote for Alan Spaulding."

Mr. Wallace stands, "Alan is now ahead by a vote. Alan Spaulding will continue in the race while Alexandra and Elizabeth Spaulding will be dropped from the ballot."

The room is in shock of what just happened.


Marah is looking around the kitchen.

Jeffrey approaches her, "What's wrong with you?"

She sighs, "Jeffrey I'm trying to do what's best for RJ. Why don't you understand that?"

Jeffrey sighs, "You really think it's best for him to keep him away from his mother?"

Marah nods, "When his mother is a complete psycho bitch? Oh hell yeah. Why are you so upset? RJ doesn't want anything to do with her anymore either. Why are you pushing this?"

Jeffrey looks at her, "Marah you didn't talk to your Mom for a long time because of her relationship with me. Now you two are close again. It took almost losing her to realize how much you loved her. Do you want RJ to find out that way?"

Marah sighs, "I understand what you are saying. But I have to go with my gut feeling."

Jeffrey sighs, "What about my gut?"

She shakes her head, "I don't think it's your gut that's telling you to trust Cassie."

He scoffs, "What does that mean?"

She sighs, "Maybe you still have feelings for her."

Marah walks away from him.

Old Museum:

Coop walks to Stephanie.

He looks at her, "I'm so sorry. I wasn't serious. I didn't want to break up with you."

She sighs, "You aren't ready to date someone who is going to be on the force. I'm not ready to be with someone who isn't going to be okay with that. It's for the best."

Coop shakes his head, "No please. I'm sorry. I didn't mean what I said before, I really didn't."

She nods, "Yes you did. Don't lie. Coop you hate the idea of me becoming a cop we can't ignore that."

Coop sighs, "But you can't leave me because of that."

Stephanie shakes her head, "I'm not leaving you. I'm just saying that I will be at the police academy soon. So we'll take that time to be a part and see what happens."

Coop sighs, "What does that mean?"

Stephanie looks at her watch, "I have to go have dinner at my parents. Just think about what I said."

Stephanie kisses Coop before she leaves.

Coop is so confused.

Spaulding Enterprises:

The room grows with anger.

Alex sighs, "Well isn't it great. Alan can control the weak still. Isn't that right Beth?"

She scoffs, "Don't be bitter Alex."

Phillip turns to her, "We said we'd either vote for Alex or Lizzie. Not at all Alan."

Annie looks at her friends, "Keep your friends close and enemies closer. This will benefit us greatly."

Liz shakes her head, "I don't know who to believe anymore. Who do you even trust?"

Rafe looks at Annie and her group, "All of you ignorant bitches are going pay! Your lives will be hell. I promise"

Annie shakes her head, "Please don't take this personally."

Liz looks at them, "You manipulated me Annie. You lied to me. I trusted you."

Alan smiles, "Well let this be a lesson to all of you. I won't forget those of you who didn't vote for me this time. Don't make that mistake a second time."

Mr. Wallace stands, "Silence. Now next time we meet we will be doing this again. Only this time it will be between Phillip Spaulding and Alan Michael Spaulding."

Alan Michael stares at his brother.

Mel worries about what is come.


The Spaulding Votes Continue!

Reva breaks the news to her Cassie

Coop thinks things over

Stephanie and Rocky leave town

Susan and Marina get into it


Recommended Comments

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did u re cast refae and if so why?

And who is Noah and what happend to Montel Williams?

Again the star story was the battle for ceo. Loved all the drama surrounding it and now it's time for the brother to go head to head. I LOVE IT. I was nervous as the votes began to pour in for Elizabeth. Such a genius plot!!

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This is the same Rafe I've had since last year.

Montel's character has exited. Noah is Reva's ex who is an Oncologist.

I'm glad you like it. I wanted to find a way to make the CEO battle big!!!

Alan Michael vs Phillip will have a LOT of drama!

Thanks ML!

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