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Episode 175



A lot of catching up to do in Springfield...


Bauer Home:


Michelle and Jesse are in the kitchen.

Michelle looks at him, "I honestly had a feeling you were going to say that. So you and Drew are not together anymore?"

Jesse nods, "Yep. We're done."

She sighs, "Why? I mean you guys seemed so happy."

He shakes his head, "Can we please not do this right now. I'm just not ready to talk about it right now."

She nods, "Of course. That was rude of me to ask."

He shakes his head, "No. It wasn't rude. It's just that you are worried. We all used to be friends."

She sighs, "Jesse you and I were more than just friends. We were so much more than that."

He nods, "I know. Back then I thought we were going to spend the rest of of our lives together."

She nods, "I did too. Before Danny."

Jesse sighs, "Yep. And now Danny has passed away. So it's going to be you and Bill?"

She nods, "Yes. Bill and I are going to be married. He's always been my best friend."

Jesse sighs, "Lucky Bill. But are you guys more than friends now?"

Michelle stares at Jesse.


Reva Bend:



Marah and Shayne walk to their mother.

Reva sighs, "Noah is going to be my oncologist while I battle cancer all over again."

Marah shakes her head, "No. It's not fair."

Reva sighs, "I know baby."

Shayne is angry, "Why? Why does this have to happen now?"

Reva looks at him, "I know it's scary. I was so scared at first too. But I beat cancer once. And I know that I can do it again. I can feel my strength. And I see it in you guys too."

Marah nods, "And it's different now. Because we are going to be here with you every step of the way."

Josh walks over, "We are all going to be here for your mother. We are going to get through this as a family."

Shayne wipes a tear, "Mom you are going to beat this. And when you do we are all going to be closer than ever."

Reva cries, "I think so too."

Marah hugs her, "I love you Mom."

Reva smiles, "I love you too."

Shayne and Josh hug them.

Noah watches the family in a close moment.





Cassie is cleaning the house.

Her doorbell rings.

Cassie answers it.


Blake and Harley are standing there.

Cassie is in shock, "Oh my God. I didn't expect this."

Harley sighs, "Jeffrey called us and convinced us to come over."

Blake nods, "We hesitated but we're here."

Cassie smiles, "I can't believe you guys are here!"

The three hug.

Harley turns to Blake, "I wasn't sure at first but when I look at her smile, it's like we got our best friend back."

Blake nods, "I think so too."

Cassie's eyes tear up, "I really thought you guys would be avoiding me from now on."

Harley shakes her head, "We know what happened with the tumor. And everything else. We still love you Cassie."

Cassie leads them to the living room, "Well then we have a lot of catching up to do."

Harley nods, "Like what?"

Cassie grins, "Family, work, men!"

Blake laughs, "Well then it's a good thing I brought drinks!"

The 3 friends laugh.


Spaulding Mansion:


Annie, Dinah and Olivia are going over plans.

Annie can tell they are bothered, "Okay ladies. Spill it. What is bothering you two?"

Dinah sighs, "Mallet found out about our plan to make him Chief. He's confused about it and angry with me."

Annie nods, "Well he will come around. He loves you."

Olivia sighs, "I wish I could say the same for my daughter. Ava is furious with me and trying to get out of Ravenwood early."

Annie nods, "This is precisely why we need to stay in power. We can fix these things as long as we are running Spaulding."

Dinah gets a text message.

Olivia and Annie turn to her.

Dinah grins, "It's from Natalia."

Olivia nods, "What does it say?"

Dinah looks at them, "Good news ladies! Natalia says she sent me the paperwork signed. Soon I will be in control of her proxy and I will contain Natalia's vote."

Annie grins, "Well one down. One to go."

They are thinking about Mel.




Lorelei walks into the restaurant.

Alan is sitting alone eating.

She sits with him, "Alan. How have you been?"

He looks at her, "Well look who is actually talking to me."

She grins, "Look at you sitting here all lonely and awkward. Poor big Alan Spaulding."

Alan nods, "Yes. Well Natalia is still on vacation."

She grins, "Doubt it. She's probably off wondering why she decided to be Mrs. Alan Spaulding in the first place. God knows I did that a million times when we were married."

He looks at her, "Well this is a first."

She is confused, "What is?"

He sighs, "You never want to talk about our marriage. You act like it never happened."

She nods, "True. But It wasn't all bad."

He sighs, "So why did you become Mrs. Alan Spaulding?"

She grins, "Power. I was tired of being looked down on. Treated like dirt and crap. Being Mrs. Alan Spaulding meant power. People feared me and they had reason too."

He nods, "But now you are my daughter in law again. You remarried Phillip."

She nods, "I suppose so."

Alan looks at her, "Why are you acting this way."

Lorelei worries that he's onto her.




David walks inside.

Lucy just finished a meeting with the staff.

He hands her an envelope, "This came for you."

She looks at it, "Spaulding Enterprises? Why the hell would they be sending me anything?"

He looks at her, "Did you anger a Spaulding?"

She shakes her head, "I can't think of any reason. I don't work at Lewis anymore, so it can't be business."

She begins to open it.


Cyrus is at the counter, "Let me guess. You were married to a Spaulding right?"

She nods, "Alan Michael."

He nods, "I got one too. I was married to Alexandra."

Lucy takes out papers, "Your attendance is requested for the upcoming board meeting."

David looks at her, "I'm confused."

She sighs, "Well everyone who marries a Spaulding ends up divorcing a Spaulding. And if you're lucky you'll get to keep stock."

Cyrus nods, "I didn't even think about it. But I guess I'll see you there Lucy."

She sighs, "I guess so."

The messages have been sent all over town.


Bauer Home:

Michelle gets up from the table.

She looks at Jesse, "Of course I love Bill. I wouldn't be marrying him if I didn't."

He nods, "I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to upset you. But it's been less than a year since Danny died. I don't want you to rush into anything if you aren't ready."

She sighs, "Okay, I know you are trying to be a good friend but you haven't been here. You don't know. Danny and I... he was the love of my life. Nothing will change that. But I said my goodbyes. I'm ready to move on for me and for my children."

Jesse nods, "I'm sorry. I think Bill is going to make you a very happy woman when you marry him."

She nods, "Of course he will. Bill is an amazing man. Any woman is lucky to have him."

He nods, "He's lucky to have you too."

She sighs, "Thank you. So where are you staying?"

He sighs, "A motel."

She shakes her head, "Not anymore. You can stay in our apartment over the garage."

Jesse looks at her, "Seriously?"

She nods, "Yes. I won't take no for an answer."

Jesse smiles at her.

Reva Bend:

Reva is sitting on the couch with Shayne and Marah.

Reva looks at them, "Well I'm going to fight with everything I have to stay with you."

Marah nods, "You better. I want you to see our weddings, our children, I want you to see our grandchildren. That's how long I need to have you. At least that much."

Reva nods, "I would love that."

Shayne sighs, "You have always been there for us. Then we couldn't be there for you last time. But now we can be."

Reva nods, "It's funny. Jonathan was really the one with me when I had my cancer. Now he's the only one who can't be."

Marah nods, "Well he did a good job at helping you. Now it's our turn. We will help you."

Josh smiles, "We got some great kids huh?"

Reva wipes a tear, "The best."

Josh nods, "We're gonna get you through this Reva."

Reva nods, "Well with a family like you and a doctor like Noah I think I'm going to have nothing to worry about. Right Noah?"

They all turn to see that Noah has slipped out.


David and Lucy sit by Cyrus.

David looks at them, "So are you guys excited. You have some high power right there."

Cyrus nods, "Oh yeah. Deciding who the new CEO will be. I was looking it up and almost all the Spauldings are running. Alex, Alan, Phillip, Alan Michael, Liz. And Annie is running to keep her spot."

David shakes his head, "Annie Dutton. A woman who should not have that kind of power."

Cyrus turns to Lucy, "So who has your vote?"

She shakes her head, "I have no idea. Certainly not Alan Michael or Alan. I'm still skeptical about the others."

Cyrus sighs, "I think I owe it to Alex to vote for her."

Lucy turns to him, "You'll just copy Harley's vote."

Cyrus sighs, "That's right. Harley will be there."

Lucy nods, "She's been married to plenty of Spauldings. Phillip, Alan Michael..."

David nods, "Gus. He'll be there too."

Cyrus grins, "And Olivia. Me, Harley, Gus, Olivia. All in one room. Sounds like it'll be interesting."

David laughs "I guess I'll be missing a good show."

The three laugh.


Alan is out on the balcony smoking a cigar.

Lorelei walks out, "You hiding from me?"

He scoffs, "I would like to be alone Beth. Thank you."

She nods, "That's great. I'll be alone with you."

He turns to her, "Usually you can't get far enough away from me. Why the change of heart."

She sighs, "Well I think we did have something special at once. We can't deny it."

Alan nods, "Once upon a time. But our happily ever afters were seperate. Phillip is the love of your life. And Natalia is the love of my life. She is my wife now."

She laughs, "I still get a kick out of it. Natalia was a hotel maid at the Beacon and a waitress at Company. Now she's Mrs. Alan Spaulding. A Cinderella story. Without prince charming."

Alan looks at her, "Thanks."

She looks him in the eye, "I hope you don't expect to be named CEO anytime soon."

Alan nods, "So that's what this is. Warning me that Phillip is going to beat me."

She nods, "Of course. What else would it be?"

She puts his hand on his.

Alan looks at her, "I'm not sure."

She walks away, "See you at the meeting Alan."

Alan is pretty confused.


Cassie looks at her friends, "So how is work going?"

Blake grins, "The show is going great. Ratings are good. I'm very proud of Light Talk."

Harley nods, "I'm still a detective. Not a lot of action right now which is a good thing. But Gus and I are partners again and getting offered some big cases coming up."

Cassie nods, "Gus? What about Cyrus?"

Harley sighs, "First of all Gus is my partner. Second Cyrus and I broke up."

Blake nods, "I really thought you two would be good together."

Harley sighs, "I thought the same thing about you and Remy."

Blake nods, "Well maybe Remy and I aren't over."

Cassie grins, "I wanna here more!"

Blake shakes her head, "Later! Wait I wanted to ask you. Are you going to the meeting?"

Cassie shakes her head, "What meeting."

Harley sighs, "For the new CEO of Spaulding."

Cassie shakes her head, "No! They took most of my stock away when they found out I wasn't a Spaulding. I'm done with that. I have stock but I'm selling it."

Blake sighs, "Don't waste it. Sell it to us."

Cassie looks at them, "You're going?"

Harley nods, "Well I have to ensure Zach and Angela's futures. They are my Spaulding children. Even if I have to see Cyrus and Gus together."

Cassie laughs, "Now I might go!"

The three continue laughing and talking.

Spaulding Mansion:

Annie, Dinah and Olivia are still planning.

Dinah grins, "So Natalia is on board and trusting me to handle her vote. I guess she is still upset with Alan."

Annie nods, "This is good. Now we have to get Mel to vote exactly how we need her too."

Dinah turns to Olivia, "How is that going?"

Olivia sighs, "Mel is very worried about her husband. It might take a little longer but I think soon she'll see things our way."

Annie nods, "I have several other proxy opportunities pending. We'll have to wait and see who shows up."

Dinah smiles, "Things are really looking up."

Olivia grins, "We are really going to do this aren't we?"

Annie nods, "There's not a doubt in my mind that we can maintain our control of Spaulding."

The three to decide to toast with champagne.

Water for Olivia.

Annie raises her glass, "To us. We've been planning this moment and it is going to be a sweet victory."

The ladies toast and are predicting great success.


The Spaulding Board meeting begins!!!

Cassie makes a deal with Marah

Stephanie has news for Coop

Reva questions Noah

Michelle has a close moment with Jesse


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