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Episode 126: Welcome Back Home

Matt P.


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Alicia was breathing heavy and coughing. Kellan, out of panic, puts his gun back into his lab coat. Alicia’s heart monitor was going off the charts, which had prompted the machine to make a loud alarm noise. He put his hand on her head to calm her down.


It’s going to be okay. Just calm down. Breathe.

Alicia obeys Kellan. She breathes in and out. Her heart rate was back at a normal rate. A nurse rushes in to check on the situation.


Doctor is she okay?

Kellan hides his face from the nurse.


Yes everything is fine.


Do you need any help?


No…no I don’t. Thank you.

The nurse leaves. Alicia looks at him.


Welcome back Alicia.


Thanks doctor.


Do you remember what happened? Why you’re here?


Yeah. I was shot.


Well you’re not in a state of confusion. That’s a good thing. Removing the bullet during the surgery was a success. How do you feel?


Like I’ve just been shot in the stomach.

Kellan snickers at her sense of humor.


Now you just lay in bed and let this hospital take care of you.


Jace? What happened to Jace? And Will? And Rena?

Kellan didn’t know all of the complete details. He pretended to look at his charts.


I couldn’t tell you but I’m sure the police could.


Did you take care of me the whole time I was out?



Yes. Yes I did.


What’s your name?

Kellan slyly glances down at his stolen name tag.


Doctor Ronson.


Thank you doctor. For everything.


I’ll let the staff know that you’re awake and I’m sure you’ll be needing pills. My shift is unfortunately over so someone else will be taking watch of you. Feel better Alicia.

Kellan exits her hospital room. He makes his way over to a hospital closet where he walks inside. He finds the real doctor (who he stole his coat from) passed out and places the coat over his head.


Sleep tight doc. I’ll get her sooner or later.

- - -


Episode 126:

Welcome Back Home

Executive Story Consultant & Head Writer:

Matt Politylo

Logo Designer:

Mary Zimmerman

Guest Starring:

Patrika Darbo as Bonnie

Texas Battle as Airport Employee

Wally Kurth as Agent 332

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On another floor at Cody Memorial Hospital, Dylan wakes up from a tiresome nap. Vi offers him an apple to eat.


Are you hungry? You know you have to put something in your stomach.


Maybe later sis.


Well you better. Ryley and Jason are on their way. Aunt Catherine and Uncle Lou might be coming too from what Jason said.


Tell them they don’t have to come. I’m fine. You too. Go back home.


Home. Funny how home’s such a messed up place.


There’s only one person to blame for that…our mother.


Guess what? We have a father. How exciting is that? Somehow, maybe we could all be a family.


That’s a fantasy world Vi.


It’s one that I’m hoping for big brother.

Detective Miltner walks up to Dylan and Vi.

Detective Miltner:

Hello Dylan. Sorry for not coming sooner. We’ve been really busy down at the station.


I just want whoever did this to get the death penalty.

Detective Miltner:

Hopefully we can solve this case soon.

Michael and Mary Ann walk up to Carrie’s hospital bed.


Actually we could start the questioning right now. Michael here was the last person to see Carrie.

Detecitve Miltner:

Is that true?


Well hello to you too.

Mary Ann:

Are you trying to imply something Dylan?


No it’s okay. I did see my daughter last.

A flashback to the wedding begins. Michael knocks on the door to the bridal chamber. Carrie was dressed in her wedding gown and was ready to walk down the aisle.


It’s time. You look beautiful.


Thanks dad. I can’t believe it’s finally here. You plan and plan and this is it.

Carrie sniffles a bit.


If you start tearing up then I’ll cry.


Happy tears. I’m ready to get married.

Michael moves into give his daughter a tender hug.


I’ll meet you out there Misses Colby.

The flashback ends. Detective Miltner continues to write down the facts.

Detective Miltner:

Then what happened?


I waited for her to come out but she didn’t. So I went back to check on her and she was gone.


You didn’t see her go upstairs?


Not at all.

Mary Ann:

The stairs were right next to her chamber. I know because I had to go up and down them to make sure the decorations looked right.


So why would she go up there?

Mary Ann:

Maybe someone lured her. It just doesn’t make sense.


I’m going to get the person who stabbed the love of my life! When I do there will be hell to pay.

Detective Miltner:

Dylan you shouldn’t get involved. You’re way too emotional to be dealing with this. Just let the professionals handle it.

Dylan gets up in Detective Miltner’s face.


The hell I will! Tell me Detective if your family member was stabbed and there was nothing you can do, wouldn’t you want to put every ounce of your energy into finding out who did this so that you can confront them. So that you can make them see the anger and the pain they made you feel.

Detective Miltner and everyone else was silent. Dylan looks around.


Yeah I didn’t thinks so. I’m not going to sit still. Not in the least!

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A buzzing noise goes off and Carlos is led to the visitors section of Cody County Jail. The rows were empty. He was the only one until a guard on the other side of the clear bullet proof glass leads C.C. to sit across from him. She smiles when she seems him and notions for him to pick up the phone.


Hello sexy!


Shut up. I want you to know something. I’m not stupid.


Never said you were. Rude maybe but not stupid.

C.C. places her hand on her large stomach.


I’m due any day now. They’ve been taking such good care of me here. I’m placed in solitary confinement until the baby is born.


That’s nice to know.


Carlos I want you to know that whole heartedly I believe this child is yours. When we slept together that one night, I kind of purposely made it for you to impregnate me.


What you did was take advantage of me!


Call it what you want but I’m having your baby.


I want a paternity test done. I want proof that this child is mine.


And if it is?


Then I’ll raise it as my own.


It would be nice to know that my child would be in such a loving home. In speaking of Jenny, how is she going to take it?

Carlos is silent for a moment knowing full well the answer to Jenny’s reaction.


She still doesn’t know does she?


I’ll deal with that myself but not until I know the truth.

Carlos gets a call on his cell phone. The guard pulls him away from C.C. as Carlos goes off to the side to answer it.




Hey you. I have a meeting with Hayley in about an hour so I thought maybe we could, you know, get together. Maybe for a quickie.


I wish that I could but I’m kind of busy.


Doing what?

Carlos looks over to C.C. who blows him a kiss and continues to rub her stomach.


Carlos? What is more important then us being together? You said we should spend more time and for once I’m actually going to put all of my avenging on hold. That’s sort of rare for me.



I’m…I’m on the set. I’m about to film a big scene with Ian.


Oh. I understand that work takes precedence. I’ll see you when I see you. Bye hun.



Carlos hangs up with Jenny and sits down from C.C.


Tisk tisk Carlos. You shouldn’t lie to your girlfriend like that.


You give me what I want and I’ll-


No. I want to be the one to tell her. You let me break the news to Jenny or this child will be sent to a foster home where you’ll never be able to touch one hair on their tiny head.

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Nan opens the door to Bryan’s office and sees Myra. She puts on a fake smile for the secretary.


Hello Myra.




Is your boss by chance in and available?


Unfortunately he is. Go right ahead.



Thaannks dear.

Myra opens the door to Bryan’s main office. He smiles when he notices who his visitor is.


Well this is definitely a surprise. To what do I owe the pleasure?


Can’t I just drop by and see an old friend without wanting anything?


It’s good to see you Nan.

He kisses her cheek.


Maybe I’m too transparent but I do need something and since you have so much power, I figured you might be able to help me.


Go ahead. Spill it.


Okay. You remember the last time we talked I told you that I was focused on someone else? It went just as planned until something went wrong. Now she’s suing me.


If you want me to be a witness to attest to your character…I’ll think about it.


I need more than that.




You see the fake reality show that I had created and then burned for evidential purposes, it ran me into a deep money hole. This girl is coming me at all ends and I need the best lawyer out there. Could you please hire one for me?


Funny. We’re sort of in the same position. While you’re being sued I may be losing everything I worked so hard at getting.


Is Blake wising up?


Not in the least but someone on his side is. Someone knows the truth on how I really acquired the company. It’s being held against me.


Then do something about it. Fight for what you won! Make the bad people go away. Make a call or two. I’m sure you have connections.


Believe me I do.


Then help me and maybe I can help you.


How can you possibly help me if you’re going to trial?

Nan takes off her tight shirt and lets it fall to the ground. She then undoes her bra.


It’s been awhile Bryan. If you want me to help you, then buy me a good lawyer.

Nan starts to undo her skirt but stops to gage his reaction. He smiles at her seductively and walks over to her. He pulls her hair to make her face his lips.



He picks her up in his muscular arms and throws her onto his desk. He begins to kiss her neck and her chest until she grabs him and gets on top. Nan helps him strip down and kisses his abs. He pulls her back up and continues to kiss her, using a lot of his sharp tongue.

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Marli turns on the light to her hotel room. It wasn’t a dingy motel room but it wasn’t a five star resort. It was comfortable. She looks at the mirror and takes off her wig. Next came the sun glasses. She looked at herself.


How did you let yourself go with so many lies?

Marli’s startled when she gets a call on her cell phone. It was a FED who was checking up on her.



Agent 332:

It’s 332.


I guess it’s time for our weekly check in.

Agent 332:

Yes it is. You know that you will be moved very soon.


But I dawned a new disguise. Not even my own mother could recognize me.

Agent 332:

That’s not good enough. We already faked your death twice now. Hope and Marli are nonexistent.


Nina exists. That’s the name you gave me. I have some unfinished business here.

Agent 332:

I’m sorry-


Please. You all have been taking care of me so much. If you let finish what it is that I need to do, I’ll…I’ll leave this town and never come back.

Agent 332 is silent on the other end.



Agent 332:

Is there anything we can help you with?


Yes. I need some information on a…

Marli scans past copies of The Point Palace Inquiry until she finds the picture of Howard Ballinger and his nurse.


Nurse Abigail Hunter. An address or a telephone would be nice.

Agent 332:

We’ll e-mail you right away but if she recognizes who you are, then we can’t help you anymore.


I’ll be careful. I promise.

Marli hangs up with the agent and looks at the picture of Abigail.


You may be the only person who can tell the truth. I pray that you have a conscience. Bryan’s going down!

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A young male waiter pours Tanisha a glass of Chablis. She swigs it around, smells it, and tastes it. She looks over at Owen who’s still deciding.


(to the Waiter)

If you could give us a few minutes that would be great.

The waiter politely smiles and exits.


God this makes me want to become a chef even more.


I bet you’re dying to have a kitchen in your hotel room.


Yeah I’ve been itching to make something special.


Maybe go to one of the classrooms. They might let you use the facility. You are sort of an alum.


That’s a good idea. You might just be trying to get a good meal out of me.


I guess I’m found out.

A reminder on Tanisha’s phone goes off. Owen notices it and looks at her.


Busy girl.


You know me. I’ll be right back babe.

Tanisha excuses herself and walks over to the glass elevator. She dials the number to The Raleigh International Airport.


Vance Airways please. Departures.

A Vance Airway employee answers the phone.


Thank you for choosing Vance, my name is Bonnie. How may I help you?


Hello Bonnie I have to cancel a flight.


Do you have the flight information?

Tanisha pulls out a piece of paper from her purse and looks at it.


Of course. It’s Flight 29 leaving for Cody.


Miss that flight departs in less than an hour.


I know but I need to cancel it.


I need a confirmation number.

Tanisha froze. That was something she didn’t have nor planned.


Hello? Your confirmation number please.


I’m sorry but I don’t have it with me at the moment. I don’t even think I was given one.


Okay. It’s under strict orders that I’m not allowed to go any further until-


Miss if you would please hear me out. I’ve decided to follow the love of my life. I was supposed to leave to go home but I’ve decided that he means the world to me. Would you please help a girl out? A girl who’s in love!



Oh I do love a good romance story. Tell you what, I’ll look past it and cancel. Can I have your name please?


Ginny Coy.


Thank you Ginny. Your flight has been cancelled. Good luck!


Thanks Bonnie. Luck is definitely on my side.

Tanisha hangs up with the airlines and returns to her seat.


You were gone for a long time.


I had to make a very important call. Just to secure things over babe.

Tanisha takes a big sip of her red wine. The taste of victory was growing sweet in her mouth as she couldn’t hide an evil smile.

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Rena wakes up from a nap when she gets a knock on her door. She feels groggy but her mood changes when she sees that it’s her mother.




Hi baby.


Come in. How was your flight?


It was easy. I’m all checked in at The Palace Hotel. Now we are going to get to the root of your problem missy.

Yvonne checks Rena’s forehead to see if she is feeling okay.


You look good. Do you feel good?


Physically yes. Emotionally no.


Then we have to get rid of all this negative energy.


Mama I know for a fact that it’s starting up again. I’m seeing ghosts. They’re trying to contact me.


I’m going to pretend like I didn’t hear that.


It’s true mama. My ex died and now I’m seeing the one he used to be in love with. Her mouth moves, words come out, and she’s trying to contact me!


Do you remember what this did to you as a child? How all the kids at school laughed at you because you claimed you talked to ghosts? It was a time in your life that I wish I could stop because you were hurt. You cried yourself to sleep every night and I was there for it all.




But nothing young lady. You are not and I repeat…NOT…a ghost whisperer.


Yes I am! It’s what I was born to be. When daddy died-

Yvonne winds up and slaps her daughter across the face. Rena holds her cheek to console the pain.


Now I’m going to make us a good dinner. I don’t want to hear nothing about ghosts, spirits, psychics, or any other relic bull crap. I’m going to call a priest tomorrow because you need an exorcist and you need to see God!

Yvonne exits to Rena’s kitchen while Rena looks on, hoping not to see Lenvy.

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Lenvy got the gist that her presence wasn’t wanted in Rena’s dorm. Lenvy takes Will’s hand and walks through the wall to go outside.


I don’t like Rena’s mom.


You shouldn’t judge Will.


Did you hear her? I mean did you see her? She slapped her own daughter because she has a gift. So that’s it? I’m correct in saying that you two can talk to each other.


Seems like it. She can see me but she can’t see you. Don’t ask me why because I’m not the big man up there and I don’t have all of the answers.


Believe me I’m confused enough. I’m still getting used to flying through doors and walls.


I know what you’re thinking.


So you’re psychic as well? I thought you said that wasn’t on our ghostly agenda.


You can’t touch her.


You know me all too well but I wasn’t thinking about Rena. I was thinking about her bitch of a mother.


You have to be on your best behavior. I kind of want to see you get ahead in the end.

Lenvy begins to walk away from him.


Where are you going?


I have to go visit my mother. She cries every night over my death. She thinks of you too.


Well…why don’t you let Rena do it for you. She can send messages for us! I can send one to Alicia and Jace.


After seeing that display it would be risky. Just...just be good. I’m begging you.

Lenvy vanishes in thin air. Will looks through Rena’s window and sees how scared Rena was of her mother. Will shakes his head.


Maybe I can be bad for just one more time.

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Ginny walks up to Vance Airways with her suitcase and ticket. There are two employees but Ginny gets the male employee. He types in his computer and looks at her.

Male Employee:

I’m sorry Miss Coy but your flight has been cancelled.


No it hasn’t. There’s no way. Please check again.

The Male Employee types again in his computer.

Male Employee:

Yes it was cancelled forty two minutes ago.



WHAT? Who the hell would authorize such a thing? I wish to speak to a manager.

Male Employee:

Sure thing. Please hold.

The Male Employee exits. He returns with Bonnie who’s nametag couldn’t be any bigger.


Thank you for flying-


Save it Bonnie. I want to know why my flight was cancelled.

Bonnie checks the ticket information.


Miss Coy you just called it in. I talked to you on the phone. Remember?


You must be kidding me.


No but I must say that your voice sounds different.



Oh…my…god! That bitch.


Excuse me?


Somebody just committed a crime and I know exactly who it was.

The Male Employee gets on the intercom.

Male Employee:

Flight 29 departing to Cody, Colorado is now leaving. Please make your way to Gate 6.


I have to get back home so you better let me on that plane!


Miss you would have to reactivate your ticket and that will take twenty minutes. The plane won’t wait for you dear.


Listen to me you twit. You just let someone else use my identity. Now you better get me on a flight to Cody within the next hour or your job will be history.


The next flight goes out tomorrow ma’am.

Ginny throws her suitcase on the ground in frustration.


I’m going to kill her! IF I SEE HER SHE’S MINE. SHE’S DEAD!


Miss calm down!



Bonnie grabs the intercom.


Security. SD10 at Gate 6.

Ginny watches the flight to home and to Owen fly away.


You idiot! You stupid moron! Bonnie you don’t want you did. I want you fired you dumb ass.


You’re crazy.

(into the intercom)


Ginny tries jumping over the counter but is stopped by two police offers who drag her away kicking and screaming.

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On a planned date with Nate, Bobbie walks around the courtyard of the campus. Both of them are eating ice cream cones.


So is this is my flavor?


Yeah sure it is. I’m having a good time.


I am too.

Bobbie notices that some people are staring at her. Others smile out of sympathy.


How do you handle the looks?


It’s like looking in a mirror. Sometimes you just don’t care.


Bobbie I have to be honest…I don’t remember you. I feel as if I know you but I don’t.


Baby you’re just being dramatic. You always were.

Nate snickers at her comment. They continue to walk until Stephanie notices him and she isn’t happy.


Excuse me Nate!

Nate turns around to notice her. Bobbie stays silent, she remembers her from their previous run in.


Do I know you?


Oh so that’s how it’s going to be huh?


What are you talking about?


How dare you stand there and deny what we did. We had an amazing time in that limo.


Excuse me?


Yeah but what you didn’t tell me was that I was just second fiddle. I was just someone who you wanted to get your mind off of your girlfriend. I’m not a whore but you obviously are.

Bobbie quickly steps into Nate’s defense.


Listen I suggest you best walk away. Nate is a wonderful person so maybe that’s why he’s not with you. You have to love yourself before you can love someone else. Judging by what you wear, you must be full of hate.


This is my girlfriend.

Bobbie smiles back at Stephanie.


No it’s not.




I know your girlfriend. We met before and I did the research when you didn’t call me back. This isn’t her. As a matter of fact, this girl hangs out with her.


(to Bobbie)

Is what she’s saying true?

Bobbie just stood there shaking her head, wanting to cry. Bobbie throws her ice cream at Stephanie and runs away.

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John knocks on Alley’s door. She opens it and shoots him a weird look.


What are you doing here?


I’m here to say hello.


Yeah right. You said you never wanted to see me again but here you are.


Am I not allowed to have a change of heart?

Alley leads him into her room.


How’ve you been?


I’ve been okay. I hear you’ve been busy.


Busy with what?


With Blake.


How did you find out about that?


Unnamed sources. I need to protect the innocent. Especially from you.


Good to see you still have a sense of humor.


I’m not joking about what I know.


Yes John, Blake and I are an item. Are you happy? Are you jealous? You moved on so did I.


Bravo Alley.


It happened after your sister broke us up.


Of course it did. Then again you haven’t changed and you never will. You’re still blaming someone else for whatever mistake you made.


Did you come here to be smug John? Congrats. You did it. You can walk your sorry ass home.


By the way, Marissa’s gone.


That’s such a shame that she didn’t leave when we were going out. Maybe we’d still be together.


I’m sure you’d find something new to lie about.


Get out!

John begins to leave her room until he turns back around to her.


Alley there’s something going on that I can’t wait for it to bite you in the ass when it all comes to light I’m pretty sure that things are going to change around here.

John walks out of Alley’s room and slams the door behind him.

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Ava walks through the electric sliding doors of Cody Learning Disability United School (CLDUS). She couldn’t turn back. She needed to see James but before she did, Nate popped into her head. Ava turned around to go back outside. She dials Nate but gets his voicemail.


Hey it’s me. I haven’t heard from you in a few days and I’m getting worried. Are you okay? Or are you mad at me? There’s some heavy stuff going down and don’t think I’ve forgotten about you because I haven’t. Call me back. Bye.

At the same time, Blake was at the café on the phone with Myra, sipping a latte.


Yeah I miss you guys too but it’s been kind of nice focusing on other things than Bryan trying to scheme. I know he’ll run the school into a hole. Hopefully I’ll be there to pick up the pieces again. Bye Myra.

Ava hangs up with Nate and walks back in. She could see him sitting on one of the chairs watching TV in the foyer. His back was to him but he was just like she remembered.


Mister Vaughne.



Blake hangs up with Myra and cleans up his table. He walks out the door and a familiar face breezes right past him.

James turns around and realizes who ‘Courtney’ really was.


Hello James.

Blake gets a tap on his shoulder and turns around to see that it was no stranger. It was his alive ex-wife.


Hi Blake.



Recommended Comments

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OOOOOH....very interesting episode here!!!

First off...what the hell is up with this Kellan!?!?!? He must really hate poor Alicia...she seriously is always having problems when it comes to men...I like her and hope this creepy guy gets tossed in the slammer though!

Second of all, I must say I really do like Dylan/Vi and their family...such a lovely dynamic there...AND I definitely loved Dylan's mini-outburst at the detective...YOU GO DYLAN!!!

Third...I definitely like Yvonne/Rena...I must say at first I was a bit worried of Yvonne being a tad like Ria from STEAM but honestly she just reminds me of Sister Pat like you said...I am beginning to love her!

Will and Lenvy are just funny. :P

I LOVED that scene with Nan and Bryan....I love that psycho Nan and devious Bryan...obviously its not hard to turn that man on...both of them seem like devious villians...like say the Ty/Mona from STEAM or Stefano/Vivian from LIS of PP!!!!

Also...one of the highlights of this episode was Tanisha posing as Ginny and cancelling her flight back to Cody...and then when Ginny finds out? HILARIOUS!!!! I was about to burst out laughing at her totally freaking out...ohhh poor Ginny.

I also liked the little scene with Marli...lets hope this all works for her!

And Bobby seems like a very unstable girl to me but I must say I kinda felt bad for her at the end...I dunno stuff like that just touches me...but will this be the beginning of Nate finding out the truth? Honestly I wonder if he'll track Bobby down and somehow she'll turn this in her favor.

And CC/Carlos were GREEAAAAT too...CC is another crazy bitch it seems and I LOVE it...lets hope she escapes from that jail cell and wreaks HELL!

John/Alley were good, I like them and all but...well...I think all the other powerful scenes in this episode overshadowed them just a tad.

And the FINAL scene....the next episode should be interesting with THAT cliffhanger!

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Well Kellan is definitely a mysterious character. Just like any mysterious character he has ties and a past that's connected to Alicia. Originally I was planning on scrapping Alicia and having her die from the shot but she admitted to doing something in Season 5 that spurred a fun plot.

I really like the dysfunction of The Colby family. Dylan and his siblings are very tight. It's fun to write. You'll see the Carrie stabbing come to light through the suspects. There's a lot of time to cover before the disaster happened and it'll be covered through flashbacks.

The only reason why I cast Victoria Rowell was because I had the two actresses who played her on screen daughter from Y&R. I knew she'd be compared to Ria but she is for sure like Miss Pat.

Will is a character that I love to write for but he is the hardest. The reason he's the hardest is because he started out as a villain, then he became refined, then went back to being a villain, and now he's trying to be an angel in heaven. Well I need for him to do some BAD stuff because that's who he is, it's in his blood.

Bryan and Nan are for sure a powerhouse duo. Unfortunately they're lives are going in such different directions they hardly have time for each other. Unless of course they need each other or want some off each other.

Tanisha's plot against Ginny to not have her see Owen has been playing quite well. I loved the humor in the scene.

I've said this before about Marli but I couldn't get rid of her because it seemed too redundant. It seemed like PP has characters who stepped in did what they had to do and was gone for a season. I didn't want Marli to be one of those characters. So I thought why not have her go after Bryan.

The next two episodes showcase Bobbie's reasons for what she did. Nate will be regaining some sort of memory but that's all I can say.

C.C. is for sure a bitch. She's sort of Nan number two but no one can hold a candle to Miss Sheridan.

I do agree with you that the John & Alley scene was a bit overshadowed. There's so much going on. However, this is why the two fight with each other. It's out of love.

Next episode will be good because true feelings will be expressed.

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Now who is Kellan?

CC is vile, sending her own child away? becasue of a man ?lol

I love nan and Bryan and alway did but I am confused on how Nan is being sued. I had to laugh and she said make are the bad people go away, DUH nan u r the bad people. Desk sex, yummy

God Marli is still here.

Love Tanisha and Ginny's rivarly. THese two crack me up

So Lena sees ghost. Well she can go see sister Patterson. i wonder where u r going with this one though

So if Will and Lenvy are ghost what are they going to be doing? Shouldn't they ride off into the sunset together and call it a day?

WOW I can't belive Ginny reacted like that. I bet she is going to beat Nisha's ass. After she get out of jail that is for acting a damned fool at the airport

I lloved Bobbies dialog and interaction with Steph. TOO FUNNY.

Will Jon ever find out what Marissa did?

NICE ENDING and I love you u interwine the scenes back and forth

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Of all characters u decide to keep Marli. What about Trella and my other favs. why start wit some one i dont like. Every time I see marli it remind me of my name Marlin.

Ria going to be like sis Pat huh, Miss Pat as u call her, lol can't wait for this

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