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Episode#385: The Custody of Arianna Roberts




Episode#385: The Custody of Arianna Roberts

-Judge Fitzpatrick tells the courtroom that her decision is final, as Will stands with Lucas and Lisa, and his family and friends stand behind him, and the Galore's stand with Ji'Min...Judge Fitzpatrick explains that she's heavily reviewd this case for a long time, and she again heavily reviewed it during the break...she says that both the Roberts clan and Galore clan brought up valid points, and she almost wasn't sure if Arianna belonged with any of them...but the baby has been with child protective services long enough, and she has finally decided who shall get full custody and rights to her.

-Dorian, Destiny, and Kate all head back to Salem in Kate's car....Kate explains everything thats occurred at the trial, and Dorian says that it sounds like they need to stop it as fast as they can...Destiny agrees as both she and Dorian finally come out of their sluggishness because of all the gas, and Kate apologizes for everything that's happened...she says that she didn't even want Peter dead, and at the time she was filled with so much anger towards Tony, she didn't even know that Crystal was the one after her great-granddaughter...she explains that she only remotely kept in contact with Will and Lucas at the time, and she thinks Stefano knew, but he tricked her into going along with everything when they hired Crystal...Destiny tells her its alright, they just have to make sure that Arianna DOESN'T end up in the hands of the Galore's!

-Judge Fitzpatrick tells the entire courtroom that once again, she's thought long and hard on this....and takes one final breathe before announcing to everyone that....custody of Arianna Roberts has been awarded to Benard and Crystal Galore!!!!!!

*Life in Salem Opening*

-Dorian asks Kate how she knew that she and Destiny were in that truck in the woods, and Kate sighs as she explains that Crystal told her about her plans from the beginning....she just wishes she could have stopped her sooner, but she was so uncertain, as she says that her own fate depends on this...but she'll sacrifice it for Arianna...Dorian laughs and tells Kate that she thinks that there's something else that kept her from saving them right away...and informs Kate that they are alot alike, she sees right through her...Kate then says fine, and explains how she grew close to Tony shortly after Peter's death...and she really does regret working with Stefano and Crystal....Destiny asks Kate if Crystal was the one who shot Dorian at the Spears Mansion and hired that nurse to inject an air bubble into her IV, but Kate shakes her head, answering:

Kate:No, I don't know who was behind that....but I know that Crystal didn't do that, I believe I was speaking to her when the second attempt on Dorian's life took place.

Dorian:Oh, don't worry, Destiny, I know EXACTLY who was behind that...

-Will nearly collapses, but Lucas holds him up, as the Galore's laugh and hug each other in success...Ji'Min grins as Lisa yells to Judge Fitzpatrick that she can't do this....Sami runs up and hugs her son, and Will thinks to himself that even after all these months of waiting and preparing to fight the Galore's...he lost....he lost his daughter....Benard says that justice has indeed been served, and Eugenia screams that this isn't right...Tony declares this a travesty, and Jan just shrugs, whispering that Will was a little bastard anyway...

-Kate asks Dorian how she knew about Crystal, Stefano, and Kate being behind Peter's murder anyway...Dorian explains that she was coming to see Victor one day when she overheard Kate saying that no one could find out that she and Stefano hired Crystal to kill Tony, but that Peter ended up getting killed instead...Kate says she knew it, but its probably for the best that she did overhear her...Destiny worries about Will at the trial and how its going, but soon Kate announces that they are coming upon the courthouse!

-Crystal and Benard are overjoyed that Arianna is finally there's, as Crystal thanks that at last...this can all be over, and no one exposed what she did....she and Benard can leave Salem behind for good...she glares at Will one last time....before a child protective services worker comes out with Arianna in their arms! Will looks at his daughter, tears in his eyes, as his parents keep him from trying to attack the Galore's or anything...Crystal says that she's beautiful, and its been far too long, as she takes hold of her granddaughter...she approaches Will, Benard behind her, and tells him that its all over now...she won the custody battle, like she should've...and he'll be left out in the cold, and now Arianna can have a good life...Will again lunges at the Galore's, but both Lucas and Sami keep him at bay, telling him that they're not worth it. Will begs the Galore's to not do this....Crystal simply grins and tells Will to go to hell!

-Kate parks her car at the courthouse, and the trio of women jump out, as both Kate and Destiny say that they have to hurry!

-Benard says to Will that now, their daughter can rest in peace, knowing her own child is in the right hands....and they can forget he ever existed, as they take Arianna back to the home she rightfully deserves...he says that they may even adopt her, so she never has to KNOW that he existed! Julie finally rushes forward and says thats ENOUGH, but Tony manages to hold his friend back in time, along with the help of Maggie....tears pour down Will's face as he says that they can't take his baby girl away....he begs them to reconsider, reaching out to them one last time, but Crystal just keeps grinning and says that Arianna is THEIR daughter now...he has no daughter! Will breaks down crying as Crystal and her husband turn, about to leave the courtroom, but suddenly....Destiny, Dorian, and Kate all BARGE into the courtroom, and Destiny sees Crystal trying to leave with Arianna, and tells her that she's not going ANYWHERE with that innocent girl!


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