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Episode#384: Recess




Episode#384: Recess

-Kate drives throughout Salem, heading for the outskirts and the woods, knowing she has to save Destiny and Dorian...she thinks to herself that maybe in a way....she loves Tony, and thats why she didn't do this sooner....but she has to put her great-granddaughter and grandson in front of herself....and she can't let anymore innocent people die!

-Lisa and Will and the Galore's and Ji'Min all continue to fight each other in court, as Ji'Min constantly points out how irresponsible Will has proven to be...he says that he nearly got himself and Destiny Stokes killed one night last March in a car crash that killed Stefano DiMera, a former client of his! Lisa points out that that was Stefano's fault, as Will wonders where Destiny is and how she couldn't be here for him on this cruical day, and Judge Fitzpatrick finally calls a recess, saying she's heard everything she needs to hear...and now, she is going to go make a decision and will be back momentarily!

-Dorian and Destiny refuse to give up just yet, and try to break the hatch of the door open....Destiny says that she won't die....she's doing this for Will....for Arianna the baby....for Arianna her deceased best friend....and for Dorian! She declares that she's going to fight no matter what it takes, and suddenly the hatch OPENS...both women see Kate Roberts standing outside the truck!

*Life in Salem Opening*

-Benard and Crystal approach Will....Benard tells Will that was a pitiful defense he put on, and it seems not even his good friend Destiny is here to support him...he says that she must have come to her senses! Will tells Benard to shut up, and soon he'll show him that he's not just some rogue kid...the couple laughs, as Crystal tells Will that he's not just that...he's much less! She says that he's simply a street rat, who probably thinks that baby Arianna is somehow a meal ticket with him having the excuse of being an underage parent...Will lunges at Crystal but Lucas holds him back, as Lisa tells Crystal that for an old slutty bag and a geezer they have a mighty pair of big one's....Crystal tells her oh please, her black ass could only come up with Nicole Walker as a decent defense against her...Nicole then comes forward and says to Crystal:

Nicole:Up your ass, Crystal.

Crystal:Oh, Nicole, you still have that nice sass....what hunk are you bedding today? I heard that Brady guy left town...must be pretty sad, going through men like that....

Nicole:Watch yourself, Crystal....your husband here may think that you two have a happy, long standing marriage...but lets not forget how you fell head over heels for John Black while in Salem last time, without Benny boy here...and I'm sure you've cheated on him with many other men.

Benard:As if I'd believe a whore like you...you know, Lucas, it must be lovely....four ex-wives or ex-almost-wives gathered in the same court room...if only Carrie Brady were here. See, I said it before and I'll say it again, this is where Will gets his bad habits from...his father and of course his mother or step-mother's.

Eugenia:You need to watch your mouth, mister, before we have a problem.

Sami:Nah, let them have their fun....once Will gets Arianna back, it will all go to hell for them anyway.

Benard:Oh please...soon, WE will have Arianna, and the three of us will be out of this crazy town in a flash....and we'll never have to see this scrawny, pathetic excuse for a man ever again.

Will:Okay, thats ENOUGH! I've put up with you two long enough...I put up with you guys when I fell in love with Arianna, when she got pregnant, when she died, when Arianna the baby was born....and for months and months I've let you insult me and taunt me, saying how you'll get her back....you've insulted me, my family, Destiny...I've had ENOUGH! So be sure that once *I*, not YOU, get MY daughter, you two will never touch my baby girl again....and I'm also sure that wherever Arianna, the woman I fell in love with, is....she's frowning at you two...her own parents mocking the man she loves.

Benard and Crystal just snarl at Will and go back to their own table, and Benard assures her that Arianna will be their's at the end of the day...Crystal agrees, but looks to the back of the courtroom and sees TONY there, and wonders what the hell he's doing here!

-Destiny and Dorian both slowly look at Kate as they cough and practically fall out of the truck, into the fresh air...Kate exclaims thank goodness she got here in time and tells them that there isn't much time...Destiny asks her why she's here, and Kate explains that the custody trial is going on right now...and it doesn't look good for Will...she tells the two that she knows she was involved in Peter's death, but they have to go there and tell the court everything before its too late! Dorian and Destiny both agree, and they take off for the courthouse!

-Maggie and Julie approach Will and assure him that everything will be alright...Will thanks them, and Lucas says that they're right...Will tells them that he just wonders where Destiny is....he hasn't seen her since early yesterday...and this is just weird, especially with how much she helped him throughout all this...Lucas admits that this isn't like Destiny, but says he's sure that she will be here eventually...Will asks his dad about if the Galore's are right, what if she did "come to her senses" and desert him...Lucas says that Destiny would NEVER do that, and urges him to not jump to conclusions, reminding him of what happened with Jan....Will says in that case, he hopes she's okay....suddenly, Judge Fitzpatrick comes out and tells everyone that she's made a decision!


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