Episode 156
Kendall OR Greenlee...
51 members have voted
Life is turned upside down in Springfield....


Aubrey pulls up in front of the house.
She apparently has stolen a new car.
No one else seems to be home right now.
Aubrey takes the baby inside.
She has been calling him Jon.
Aubrey walks in with him, "Welcome home baby Jon. Now your Daddy and your sister Sarah will be home later. When they see you they won't be so mad at me anymore. And Daddy will have to agree to take me back. It's all going to work out. Liz Spaulding will be out of the picture."
The door opens.
Aubrey turns, "Jonathan-"

Rafe walks in, "Oh my God. Aubrey you really did it didn't you?"
She backs away, "What are you doing here? Listen I'm not going to rat you out but you need to stay away from me from now on."
He nods, "When I heard about Marina Cooper's house burning down... I just had a feeling. That's her child isn't it?"
Aubrey shakes her head, "No. This is my child."
Rafe sighs, "I can't believe you. Aubrey I had no idea that you were capable of something like this. I never would have gotten involved with you and your fake pregnancy."
She stands up, "You need to leave. Right now. I have it handled from here. If you roll over on me, I swear I will take you down with me. Now leave."
Rafe heads to the door, "I'm gone. But Aubrey... please don't do anything else. I have a really bad feeling."
Rafe leaves.
Aubrey turns to the baby, "Don't worry. We won't have to worry about anymore visitors today."
Liz walks in from the other room, "Guess again Aubrey."
Aubrey stares in shock.
Liz has been there the whole time.


The Coopers are all at Cedars.
Buzz sits in the waiting room with Coop and Rocky.
Rocky is pacing, "I can't believe this happened. I didn't even know that Marina was back in town."
Coop sighs, "None of us did."
Buzz takes a deep breathe, "Thank God, David got there when he did or..."

Suddenly Frank and Eleni run in.
They rushed to get in town.
Frank runs over, "Where is she? What do we know so far?"
Buzz stands up, "She is with the doctors."
Eleni is worried, "What about the baby? Do they know if anything happened to the baby?"
Buzz sighs, "We don't know yet. They said that they would have the doctors check on her and the baby but..."
Frank is nervous, "But what?"
Buzz looks down, "Her skirt was covered in blood."
Eleni gasps, "Oh my God!"
Frank hugs her, "We need to relax."
Eleni is very upset, "We just saw her before. She was with us before she came home. It must have happened so fast."
Rocky turns to get some water for his family.
He is surprised to run into Shayne.

Liz walks towards Aubrey.
Liz stares at the child, "I can't believe what I just heard. You were never pregnant. And that is not your child."
Aubrey shakes her head, "No. You are mistaken. This is the child I gave birth to. My child with Jonathan! You are just mad because Jonathan loves me more than you."
Liz gasps, "You stole Marina's baby! What did you cut her open? I hear about these things on the news. Crazy people like you steal babies like that. Jonathan is going to never forgive you."
Aubrey cries, "You don't understand!"
Liz nods, "I understand very well. You were faking a pregnancy this whole time! You were working with my cousin Rafe! You kidnapped Sarah! And now you've taken Marina's child? Did Marina even survive the fire?"
Aubrey is staring, "You are lying! Jonathan will never believe you! Jonathan loves me!"
Liz goes to the door, "I'm getting the police!"
Aubrey pulls out a gun, "No! You aren't going to keep me and Jonathan a part anymore."
Liz stares at the gun being pointed at her.

Reva Bend:

Jonathan and Reva are in her living room.
Sarah is playing in the other room.
Jonathan sits with her on the couch.
Reva looks at him, "What aren't you telling me? I can tell that something is going on."
He sighs, "I don't want to do this again. We do this too much. It's getting ridiculous."
Reva worries, "What do we do?"
He sighs, "Say goodbye."
She shakes her head, "No. No. No! Jonathan! What are you talking about? Where are you going?"
Jonathan looks at her, "I don't know. But with everything going on right now I have to leave again."
She is confused, "Alan is not a threat right now."
He nods, "I know. But Aubrey is. I know she's not as powerful but she is very dangerous. Once I find out what is going on with her and the baby, we are going to leave."
She looks at him, "Who's we?"
He sighs, "Liz is going with me. We are in this together. But it's not going to be like before. Aubrey doesn't have the power Alan did. I don't have to hide much from her. I can still talk to you."
Reva shakes her head, "It's more than that. I love having you back in Springfield. I love spending time with you. I thought you were back for good this time."
He nods, "So did I. Listen. I'm not leaving yet but I have to run some errands. Will you watch Sarah while I head out."
She smiles, "Of course. I'll have to spend some quality time with her before you leave."
Jonathan turns and smiles, "I'll see you later alligator."
Reva wipes tears, "In a while crocodile."
Rocky walks to Shayne.
Rocky is surprised to see him, "What are you doing here?"
Shayne sighs, "I heard about Marina. I know there is a lot of problems between us. But I felt like I should at least bring flowers. Will you give these to her?"
Rocky takes the flowers, "Yeah. Shayne we may not be together anymore, but you don't have to leave."
Shayne sighs, "I just can't be here with everyone right now. I'll stay around. Maybe go light a candle. Um... how is the baby?"
Rocky sighs, "We don't know."
A silent Shayne walks away.
In the waiting room the Coopers are all on edge.

David and Lucy walk in.
Lucy hugs Frank, "How is she?"
Frank sighs, "No news yet. But we are all praying that everything will turn out okay."
Lucy nods, "Well thank God for David. I don't know if they told you but David was the one who found the house on fire and ran through the flames to save Marina."
Frank shakes David's hand, "Thank you David. I will never be able to repay for what you have done. Thank you."
David sighs, "If only I could have been there sooner..."
Buzz walks over, "What's going on with the house?"
Lucy sighs, "It's gone. It completely burned down. There is nothing left."
Eleni looks down, "Oh no. This is just getting worse and worse."
Suddenly nurses go running into Marina's room.
Everyone stares in shock.

Alan and Natalia's:

Rafe walks up to the house.
Alan grabs him and takes him to the side of the house.
Rafe fights him, "Get off of me!"
Alan throws him against the wall, "Where have you been? Huh!?!"
Rafe sighs, "Granddad just stop okay? Please?"
Alan stares at him, "What the hell is wrong with you? Where were you at? I demand you tell me now."
Rafe looks down, "I was at the farmhouse. I ran into Aubrey."
Alan is angry, "What did you do?"
Rafe sighs, "I went to see Liz and I found Aubrey there. I had no idea she was going to do the things she did."
Alan looks at him, "What aren't you telling me?"
Rafe sighs, "I worked with Aubrey for a while. Our relationship consisted of me blackmailing her a lot. About just how crazy she was."
Alan nods, "Like what?"
Rafe looks down, "She was faking her whole pregnancy."
Alan backs up, "So that was all just some big scam the two of you were pulling?"
Rafe shouts, "When I met her I had no idea I would become her partner in crime for all of this!"
Suddenly Jonathan Randall comes out of no where and grabs Rafe.
Jonathan shakes him, "You son of a bitch!"
Alan is startled to see Jonathan at his house.
Aubrey is holding Liz at gunpoint.
Liz stares, "Aubrey where did you even get that gun?"
Aubrey's hand is shaking, "I took it from Marina's house."
Liz sighs, "You need to put it down. You do not even know how to use a gun. Don't do something that you will regret."
Aubrey keeps point the gun at her, "You found out about Marina. You are going to tell Jonathan. I won't let that happen. I swear to you that I will kill you first."
Liz has tears in her eyes, "Please don't do this!"
Aubrey nods, "I have to keep my secret."
Liz starts to walk towards her, "We are in Springfield. Secrets don't last very long. If I can find out then so can Jonathan. It's going to come out. Everyone will know that you were never pregnant. That you tried to kill Marina and you took her baby!"
Aubrey screams, "No! No!"
Aubrey pulls the trigger.
Liz falls to the ground.
She has been shot.
Shayne stands in the church area.
He lights a candle.
Shayne sighs, "Please. Don't do this to Marina or the baby. Don't do this to the Coopers..."
Shayne prays for them.
The Coopers are in the waiting room.
Eleni and Frank sit together.
Eleni is nervous, "They aren't telling us what's going on! They just keep running past us."
Frank rubs her back, "It's going to be okay. We need to believe that okay. We just have to."

Michelle walks over to the Coopers.
They all stand up.
Buzz looks at her, "What's going on Michelle?"
She has a confused look on her face, "I need to ask you guys some questions about Marina, the baby, and everything."
Eleni nods, "Okay. What?"
Michelle sighs, "When did you last see Marina?"
Frank sighs, "The day of the fire. She left that morning. We were planning on coming down in a couple of days for the baby to be born."
Michelle nods, "So she had not given birth yet?"
Eleni is confused, "What? No. All she had done is picked out a name. She was going to name him after Danny."
Michelle is effected by the sound of Danny's name.
She runs back into the room.
David remembers Marina crying for Danny when he found her.
Alan and Natalia's:
Jonathan is beating up Rafe.
Jonathan kicks him, "You twisted little bastard!"
Alan pulls him off, "Jonathan get away from him!"
Jonathan turns to them, "You are both sick! I really thought for once the Spauldings didn't have their finger prints on this mess but of course you people had to be involved."
Alan walks towards Jonathan, "You need to leave Jonathan. I will take care of my Grandson but you need to leave."
Jonathan smirks, "I can't believe you. You act like you've changed but here you are still the same Alan Spaulding. Still a sick twisted man who wants to kill me."
Alan shakes his head, "I am not that man anymore."
Rafe gets up, "Get the hell out of here Jonathan!"
Jonathan goes to grab him but Alan shoves him away.
Alan shouts, "That's enough! Stay away from Raphael! I mean it Jonathan!"
Jonathan shakes his head, "You don't scare me. There is only one way to handle the Spauldings," Jonathan turns to Rafe, "I'm coming back and you better pray to God that you aren't here when I am. Because I'm not coming unarmed this time kid."
Jonathan goes back to his car.
Rafe shakes his head, "He's bluffing."
Alan sighs, "I don't thinks so. But I can't let this happen. This is our home. Natalia and the baby will be back soon. I have to stop Jonathan from hurting you people. I have to."
Alan slowly takes out his cell phone.
Slowly he dials a number he hasn't called in a long time.
Reva Bend:
Reva is with Sarah in the living room.
Sarah is staring at the table.
Reva turns to her, "What are you looking at little girl?"
Sarah smiles, "You have a picture of my angel."
Reva looks over, "Who?"
There is a picture of Tammy on her wedding day.
Reva smiles, "Yes. That's your Guardian Angel Tammy. Did your Daddy tell you about her?"
Sarah nods, "She will always keep me safe."
Reva walks over to the window.
She looks up at the sky, "I hope you are looking out for her Tammy. For all of us. I have a really bad feeling. The last time I felt this way was just before your wedding night. That changed our lives forever."
Reva sits back with Sarah.
But she can't shake the feeling that tragedy is hanging over Springfield once again.
All of the Coopers are still waiting on news.
David is pacing.
Lucy walks over to him, "What's going on? Are you not telling me something David?"
David nods, "I have a bad feeling. I think I may have made a terrible mistake. I bad one."
Lucy is confused, "You saved Marina. What are you talking about?"
Suddenly the door opens.
Michelle walks out, "I... I need to talk to you David."
Eleni jumps up, "Can we see her?"
Frank stares, "Did she give birth yet?"
Eleni worries, "I don't hear crying? Where's the baby? Is something wrong with the baby?"
Michelle and David catch each other's eyes for a moment.
They both realize what must have happened.
Michelle talks slowly, "We were going to deliver her baby but we were just... there wasn't anything... the baby was already born."
Rocky shakes his head, "Marina hasn't had the baby yet?"
Lucy turns to David who has tears in his eyes.
Michelle sighs, "She must have given birth in the house before it caught fire...."
David cries, "I didn't know. I'm so sorry."
Michelle's voice breaks as she says these words, "Baby Danny is dead!"
Lucy and David hug.
Eleni begins to collapse.
Frank and Buzz sit her down.
Eleni cries in Franks arms.
Jonathan runs into the farmhouse.
Jonathan shouts, "Liz? Where are you?"
He walks in and is shocked by what he sees.
Aubrey is wearing a nice dress and pushing a stroller.
The baby is laying in it.
Aubrey smiles, "Here he is. Jonathan Randall II. Our baby boy has been born. I packed all our stuff. We have to get going."
Jonathan stares at the child, "Where did you get the baby Aubrey?"
Aubrey laughs, "I gave birth to him silly. Now I know I lost my baby weight pretty early."
She steps away from behind the stroller.
He can see her dress is covered in blood.
Aubrey smiles, "I love you so much Jonathan. You saved me from my father. You killed him. You did what you had to do so that we could be together. I understand you. I would kill for you."
Jonathan stares, "Who would you kill? Who's blood is on your dress?"
Aubrey looks down at her dress.
Jonathan turns as sees.
Liz's body has been pushed in the corner.
She is covered in blood.
Liz fights to live
Aubrey is ready to leave
Alan is done being the good guy!
Reva fears for Sarah
Marina gets the devastating news


Aubrey pulls up in front of the house.
She apparently has stolen a new car.
No one else seems to be home right now.
Aubrey takes the baby inside.
She has been calling him Jon.
Aubrey walks in with him, "Welcome home baby Jon. Now your Daddy and your sister Sarah will be home later. When they see you they won't be so mad at me anymore. And Daddy will have to agree to take me back. It's all going to work out. Liz Spaulding will be out of the picture."
The door opens.
Aubrey turns, "Jonathan-"

Rafe walks in, "Oh my God. Aubrey you really did it didn't you?"
She backs away, "What are you doing here? Listen I'm not going to rat you out but you need to stay away from me from now on."
He nods, "When I heard about Marina Cooper's house burning down... I just had a feeling. That's her child isn't it?"
Aubrey shakes her head, "No. This is my child."
Rafe sighs, "I can't believe you. Aubrey I had no idea that you were capable of something like this. I never would have gotten involved with you and your fake pregnancy."
She stands up, "You need to leave. Right now. I have it handled from here. If you roll over on me, I swear I will take you down with me. Now leave."
Rafe heads to the door, "I'm gone. But Aubrey... please don't do anything else. I have a really bad feeling."
Rafe leaves.
Aubrey turns to the baby, "Don't worry. We won't have to worry about anymore visitors today."
Liz walks in from the other room, "Guess again Aubrey."
Aubrey stares in shock.
Liz has been there the whole time.


The Coopers are all at Cedars.
Buzz sits in the waiting room with Coop and Rocky.
Rocky is pacing, "I can't believe this happened. I didn't even know that Marina was back in town."
Coop sighs, "None of us did."
Buzz takes a deep breathe, "Thank God, David got there when he did or..."

Suddenly Frank and Eleni run in.
They rushed to get in town.
Frank runs over, "Where is she? What do we know so far?"
Buzz stands up, "She is with the doctors."
Eleni is worried, "What about the baby? Do they know if anything happened to the baby?"
Buzz sighs, "We don't know yet. They said that they would have the doctors check on her and the baby but..."
Frank is nervous, "But what?"
Buzz looks down, "Her skirt was covered in blood."
Eleni gasps, "Oh my God!"
Frank hugs her, "We need to relax."
Eleni is very upset, "We just saw her before. She was with us before she came home. It must have happened so fast."
Rocky turns to get some water for his family.
He is surprised to run into Shayne.

Liz walks towards Aubrey.
Liz stares at the child, "I can't believe what I just heard. You were never pregnant. And that is not your child."
Aubrey shakes her head, "No. You are mistaken. This is the child I gave birth to. My child with Jonathan! You are just mad because Jonathan loves me more than you."
Liz gasps, "You stole Marina's baby! What did you cut her open? I hear about these things on the news. Crazy people like you steal babies like that. Jonathan is going to never forgive you."
Aubrey cries, "You don't understand!"
Liz nods, "I understand very well. You were faking a pregnancy this whole time! You were working with my cousin Rafe! You kidnapped Sarah! And now you've taken Marina's child? Did Marina even survive the fire?"
Aubrey is staring, "You are lying! Jonathan will never believe you! Jonathan loves me!"
Liz goes to the door, "I'm getting the police!"
Aubrey pulls out a gun, "No! You aren't going to keep me and Jonathan a part anymore."
Liz stares at the gun being pointed at her.

Reva Bend:

Jonathan and Reva are in her living room.
Sarah is playing in the other room.
Jonathan sits with her on the couch.
Reva looks at him, "What aren't you telling me? I can tell that something is going on."
He sighs, "I don't want to do this again. We do this too much. It's getting ridiculous."
Reva worries, "What do we do?"
He sighs, "Say goodbye."
She shakes her head, "No. No. No! Jonathan! What are you talking about? Where are you going?"
Jonathan looks at her, "I don't know. But with everything going on right now I have to leave again."
She is confused, "Alan is not a threat right now."
He nods, "I know. But Aubrey is. I know she's not as powerful but she is very dangerous. Once I find out what is going on with her and the baby, we are going to leave."
She looks at him, "Who's we?"
He sighs, "Liz is going with me. We are in this together. But it's not going to be like before. Aubrey doesn't have the power Alan did. I don't have to hide much from her. I can still talk to you."
Reva shakes her head, "It's more than that. I love having you back in Springfield. I love spending time with you. I thought you were back for good this time."
He nods, "So did I. Listen. I'm not leaving yet but I have to run some errands. Will you watch Sarah while I head out."
She smiles, "Of course. I'll have to spend some quality time with her before you leave."
Jonathan turns and smiles, "I'll see you later alligator."
Reva wipes tears, "In a while crocodile."
Rocky walks to Shayne.
Rocky is surprised to see him, "What are you doing here?"
Shayne sighs, "I heard about Marina. I know there is a lot of problems between us. But I felt like I should at least bring flowers. Will you give these to her?"
Rocky takes the flowers, "Yeah. Shayne we may not be together anymore, but you don't have to leave."
Shayne sighs, "I just can't be here with everyone right now. I'll stay around. Maybe go light a candle. Um... how is the baby?"
Rocky sighs, "We don't know."
A silent Shayne walks away.
In the waiting room the Coopers are all on edge.

David and Lucy walk in.
Lucy hugs Frank, "How is she?"
Frank sighs, "No news yet. But we are all praying that everything will turn out okay."
Lucy nods, "Well thank God for David. I don't know if they told you but David was the one who found the house on fire and ran through the flames to save Marina."
Frank shakes David's hand, "Thank you David. I will never be able to repay for what you have done. Thank you."
David sighs, "If only I could have been there sooner..."
Buzz walks over, "What's going on with the house?"
Lucy sighs, "It's gone. It completely burned down. There is nothing left."
Eleni looks down, "Oh no. This is just getting worse and worse."
Suddenly nurses go running into Marina's room.
Everyone stares in shock.

Alan and Natalia's:

Rafe walks up to the house.
Alan grabs him and takes him to the side of the house.
Rafe fights him, "Get off of me!"
Alan throws him against the wall, "Where have you been? Huh!?!"
Rafe sighs, "Granddad just stop okay? Please?"
Alan stares at him, "What the hell is wrong with you? Where were you at? I demand you tell me now."
Rafe looks down, "I was at the farmhouse. I ran into Aubrey."
Alan is angry, "What did you do?"
Rafe sighs, "I went to see Liz and I found Aubrey there. I had no idea she was going to do the things she did."
Alan looks at him, "What aren't you telling me?"
Rafe sighs, "I worked with Aubrey for a while. Our relationship consisted of me blackmailing her a lot. About just how crazy she was."
Alan nods, "Like what?"
Rafe looks down, "She was faking her whole pregnancy."
Alan backs up, "So that was all just some big scam the two of you were pulling?"
Rafe shouts, "When I met her I had no idea I would become her partner in crime for all of this!"
Suddenly Jonathan Randall comes out of no where and grabs Rafe.
Jonathan shakes him, "You son of a bitch!"
Alan is startled to see Jonathan at his house.
Aubrey is holding Liz at gunpoint.
Liz stares, "Aubrey where did you even get that gun?"
Aubrey's hand is shaking, "I took it from Marina's house."
Liz sighs, "You need to put it down. You do not even know how to use a gun. Don't do something that you will regret."
Aubrey keeps point the gun at her, "You found out about Marina. You are going to tell Jonathan. I won't let that happen. I swear to you that I will kill you first."
Liz has tears in her eyes, "Please don't do this!"
Aubrey nods, "I have to keep my secret."
Liz starts to walk towards her, "We are in Springfield. Secrets don't last very long. If I can find out then so can Jonathan. It's going to come out. Everyone will know that you were never pregnant. That you tried to kill Marina and you took her baby!"
Aubrey screams, "No! No!"
Aubrey pulls the trigger.
Liz falls to the ground.
She has been shot.
Shayne stands in the church area.
He lights a candle.
Shayne sighs, "Please. Don't do this to Marina or the baby. Don't do this to the Coopers..."
Shayne prays for them.
The Coopers are in the waiting room.
Eleni and Frank sit together.
Eleni is nervous, "They aren't telling us what's going on! They just keep running past us."
Frank rubs her back, "It's going to be okay. We need to believe that okay. We just have to."

Michelle walks over to the Coopers.
They all stand up.
Buzz looks at her, "What's going on Michelle?"
She has a confused look on her face, "I need to ask you guys some questions about Marina, the baby, and everything."
Eleni nods, "Okay. What?"
Michelle sighs, "When did you last see Marina?"
Frank sighs, "The day of the fire. She left that morning. We were planning on coming down in a couple of days for the baby to be born."
Michelle nods, "So she had not given birth yet?"
Eleni is confused, "What? No. All she had done is picked out a name. She was going to name him after Danny."
Michelle is effected by the sound of Danny's name.
She runs back into the room.
David remembers Marina crying for Danny when he found her.
Alan and Natalia's:
Jonathan is beating up Rafe.
Jonathan kicks him, "You twisted little bastard!"
Alan pulls him off, "Jonathan get away from him!"
Jonathan turns to them, "You are both sick! I really thought for once the Spauldings didn't have their finger prints on this mess but of course you people had to be involved."
Alan walks towards Jonathan, "You need to leave Jonathan. I will take care of my Grandson but you need to leave."
Jonathan smirks, "I can't believe you. You act like you've changed but here you are still the same Alan Spaulding. Still a sick twisted man who wants to kill me."
Alan shakes his head, "I am not that man anymore."
Rafe gets up, "Get the hell out of here Jonathan!"
Jonathan goes to grab him but Alan shoves him away.
Alan shouts, "That's enough! Stay away from Raphael! I mean it Jonathan!"
Jonathan shakes his head, "You don't scare me. There is only one way to handle the Spauldings," Jonathan turns to Rafe, "I'm coming back and you better pray to God that you aren't here when I am. Because I'm not coming unarmed this time kid."
Jonathan goes back to his car.
Rafe shakes his head, "He's bluffing."
Alan sighs, "I don't thinks so. But I can't let this happen. This is our home. Natalia and the baby will be back soon. I have to stop Jonathan from hurting you people. I have to."
Alan slowly takes out his cell phone.
Slowly he dials a number he hasn't called in a long time.
Reva Bend:
Reva is with Sarah in the living room.
Sarah is staring at the table.
Reva turns to her, "What are you looking at little girl?"
Sarah smiles, "You have a picture of my angel."
Reva looks over, "Who?"
There is a picture of Tammy on her wedding day.
Reva smiles, "Yes. That's your Guardian Angel Tammy. Did your Daddy tell you about her?"
Sarah nods, "She will always keep me safe."
Reva walks over to the window.
She looks up at the sky, "I hope you are looking out for her Tammy. For all of us. I have a really bad feeling. The last time I felt this way was just before your wedding night. That changed our lives forever."
Reva sits back with Sarah.
But she can't shake the feeling that tragedy is hanging over Springfield once again.
All of the Coopers are still waiting on news.
David is pacing.
Lucy walks over to him, "What's going on? Are you not telling me something David?"
David nods, "I have a bad feeling. I think I may have made a terrible mistake. I bad one."
Lucy is confused, "You saved Marina. What are you talking about?"
Suddenly the door opens.
Michelle walks out, "I... I need to talk to you David."
Eleni jumps up, "Can we see her?"
Frank stares, "Did she give birth yet?"
Eleni worries, "I don't hear crying? Where's the baby? Is something wrong with the baby?"
Michelle and David catch each other's eyes for a moment.
They both realize what must have happened.
Michelle talks slowly, "We were going to deliver her baby but we were just... there wasn't anything... the baby was already born."
Rocky shakes his head, "Marina hasn't had the baby yet?"
Lucy turns to David who has tears in his eyes.
Michelle sighs, "She must have given birth in the house before it caught fire...."
David cries, "I didn't know. I'm so sorry."
Michelle's voice breaks as she says these words, "Baby Danny is dead!"
Lucy and David hug.
Eleni begins to collapse.
Frank and Buzz sit her down.
Eleni cries in Franks arms.
Jonathan runs into the farmhouse.
Jonathan shouts, "Liz? Where are you?"
He walks in and is shocked by what he sees.
Aubrey is wearing a nice dress and pushing a stroller.
The baby is laying in it.
Aubrey smiles, "Here he is. Jonathan Randall II. Our baby boy has been born. I packed all our stuff. We have to get going."
Jonathan stares at the child, "Where did you get the baby Aubrey?"
Aubrey laughs, "I gave birth to him silly. Now I know I lost my baby weight pretty early."
She steps away from behind the stroller.
He can see her dress is covered in blood.
Aubrey smiles, "I love you so much Jonathan. You saved me from my father. You killed him. You did what you had to do so that we could be together. I understand you. I would kill for you."
Jonathan stares, "Who would you kill? Who's blood is on your dress?"
Aubrey looks down at her dress.
Jonathan turns as sees.
Liz's body has been pushed in the corner.
She is covered in blood.
Liz fights to live
Aubrey is ready to leave
Alan is done being the good guy!
Reva fears for Sarah
Marina gets the devastating news
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