Episode 144
A commitment ceremony is held in Springfield...

Country Club:

Rocky is in another room getting his suit on.
He looks in the mirror, "This is going to be a good day. You are committing the man of your dreams. It's what you've always wanted."
Suddenly he here's a voice, "Oh look at my baby boy all grown up."
Rocky turns, "Mom?"

A vision of his late mother Jenna Bradshaw smiles at him.
Out in the main room.

The Coopers all stand together.
Buzz sighs, "I hope this is really what Rocky wants."
Coop turns to him, "Why wouldn't it be?"
Buzz looks at him, "Well your brother seems to have been going through some changes these past few months."
Coop sighs, "I'm sure Rocky is thrilled. I know this isn't the kind of wedding I imagined my brother having but.... as long as Rocky is happy then I am happy for him."
Marina sits down, "Let's just hope this wedding doesn't fall a part."
Coop turns to her, "What does that mean?"
Marina sighs, "It's complicated but let's just say Shayne and Rocky have a lot more going on then either one of them know."
Buzz and Coop worry.

Spaulding Enterprises:

Liz and Rafe walk out of the office.
Rafe grins, "Did you see them! You did such a great job!"
Liz smiles, "I think they really liked me. This is working out perfectly. I am loving this."
Rafe looks at the time, "I have to go run an errand I'll meet you for lunch later."
She smiles, "See you cousin."

Phillip and Alan Michael run into Liz.
Liz smiles, "Hey. How are you two?"
Phillip looks at her, "Sweetheart. I heard that you were in a meeting. What is that about?"
Alan Michael scoffs, "Big surprise endorsing your father? Lizzie you should really be more smart about this honey."
Liz sighs, "Okay first of all I am smart. Second, don't call me sweetheart or honey. Third I wasn't endorsing either of you."
Alan Michael is confused, "Then what were you doing?"
She grins, "Throwing my hat in the ring. I am running for CEO of Spaulding Enterprises."
Phillip stares, "Lizzie what are you talking about?"
Liz looks at them, "I know you two are competing and tearing our family a part by running. But I won't let my family get hurt in the process. I told the board members it was time for a new generation. And I think they like the younger runner. Soon I will be the CEO of Spaulding Enterprises and my picture will up on the wall."
Phillip and Alan Michael stare at a very grown up Liz.
Country Club:
Rocky stares, "Mom. Is it really you?"
Jenna grins, "Look at my adorable little boy. You're a man now. You are just as handsome as your brother Coop."
Rocky sighs, "God I could really use a mother right now."
Jenna nods, "Well I am here. It's a big day for you. Bigger than you could ever know."
Rocky looks at her, "So I am supposed to marry Shayne?"
Jenna sighs, "Darling if you even have to ask that question..."
Rocky has tears in his eyes, "I just don't know what to do!"
Jenna nods, "I hope this man knows how lucky he is to have my son."
Rocky nods, "So you know that I'm gay..."
Jenna smiles, "A mother always knows. And I love you with all of my heart. You're my son."
Rocky cries, "I'm so glad you are here."
Jenna looks at him, "Rocky what do you want?"
Rocky sighs, "It's not about that right now. It's about what's right and what's wrong."
Jenna sighs, "Well I'm glad your father Buzz never played by those rules or I wouldn't have been given a chance."
Rocky turns to his mother.
In another room Shayne is getting ready.
He has been drinking.
Shayne sighs, "Today is my big day. Our big day. And nothing is going to ruin it. No one will ruin it. Not Marina, not Kevin..... not even Rocky will ruin our day."


Rue walks into the airport.
It is time to leave Springfield.
It has been an amazing adventure for her.
Rue sighs, "I learned a lot about myself here. I had so much growing I didn't even know I needed."
Rue watches as families walk around.
Couples hold hands.
Rue sighs, "Who would have thought some small Midwestern down would have so much drama. Of course I would fall into the center of all of it yet somehow stay under the radar."
She sits down and reflects on this past month.
Through Rue's tears a giggle come through,"And I didn't even get any booty! None! Wow what a rip off."
Rue looks around.
Can she really leave all of this?
Rue sighs, "God. Who would have thought that Rufus would fall in love with a boring town. Springfield. Now I am crying about leaving this stupid little place...."
Rue can't believe she is so upset.
Rue sits up, "I had no idea that it would end like this."
Country Club:

The Lewises are all together.
Josh looks around, "This is the first time one of my children has gotten married."
Billy smiles, "It's a good feeling huh? But is it different I mean since Shayne is...."
Josh turns to him, "Committing to a man? Oh yes. But at the end of the day I accept it. I never thought I would have to but I do. Shayne is happy and it really changes the way I look at things."

Reva walks up, "I'm glad to hear that. Shayne really needs all of us today. This is going to be a great ceremony."
Josh nods, "I sure hope so."

Annie walks in, "Josh. Sorry I'm late."
Reva gasp, "Josh what the hell is she doing here?"
Josh sighs, "Listen. I explained to Shayne. He's not ready to talk with Annie but he said this would be a start."
Reva looks at Annie, "If you ruin this day for Shayne... you will be very sorry."
Reva walks away.
Annie sighs, "I guess I better get used to that."
Josh looks at her, "Well you handled that well."
Annie nods, "Josh I just want to make things right with Shayne. I love him. He's still a son to me."
Josh nods, "Today will help."
They all sit down.


Beth knocks on the door to Edmund's room.
He answers, "Beth come on in."
Beth walks in, "Okay so we need to talk about a few things."
Edmund shuts the door, "Is Lorelei resurfacing yet?"
Beth shakes her head, "No. Lorelei has been gone for over a month now. I think it's safe to say she is long gone."
Edmund sighs, "Beth I wish that were true but you said that she came went a lot. How can you be so sure that she is gone for good this time? Aren't you worried at all?"
Beth shakes her head, "No. I know she is gone. I can feel it. Lorelei isn't coming back."
He nods, "So what did you come here for?"
Beth sighs, "I need to make sure that you aren't going to tell anyone about Lorelei."
He is confused, "What do you mean?"
She sighs, "As far as everyone else knows, she has been gone for a long time. They can't know about everything else that happened."
Edmund looks at her, "You mean you're not telling anyone about this Beth? Not even Phillip?"
She looks at him, "Especially not Phillip!"
Edmund stares at Beth.
Country Club:
Rocky smiles at his mother, "I don't understand. Do you want me to be with Shayne or with Kevin?"
Jenna shakes her head, "It's not about what I want. It's about what you want my son."
Rocky sighs, "But what if I want the wrong things."
She sighs, "Now if you want it then why is it wrong?"
Rocky looks down, "I can't just choose someone because I want them. I'm not brave like you."
Jenna laughs, "Me brave?"
He nods, "Dad told us all about you. What an amazing woman you were."
She sighs, "I wasn't all that great. But I was a Mom. I was your Mom. And I would do anything for you and your brother."
Rocky cries, "Then just tell me. Tell me what to do."
Jenna looks at him, "I'll tell you what helped me realize that Buzz was the love of my life. The man who loves you the most is the one that you push away, hurt, and betray but at the end of the day he still loves you and is there for you. The man who loves you against all odds. No matter what. The one who is there in the end."
Jenna fades away.
Suddenly the door opens.
Marina walks in, "Rocky we need to talk."
Edmund looks at Beth, "So why don't you want Phillip to know?"
Beth sighs, "He is running for CEO! He doesn't need this right now. He deserves more than that."
He looks to her, "So you have no plans on telling him?"
She sighs, "No. Phillip asked me to marry him. And I am going to tell him yes. We'll be married soon."
Edmund sighs, "Beth. I haven't always liked Phillip. But after what happened to Cassie.... I was hurt when I found out that she had a tumor and never told me. Things would be different now if she had."
Beth shakes her head, "It's not the same thing. A brain tumor is not the same as a split personality. And you and Cassie are not at all the same as Phillip and I."
Edmund nods, "Maybe you are right. But Beth, if there is any chance that Lorelei could come back... you could be just blinding yourself from the truth of this whole thing."
Beth sighs, "Edmund. That is a risk that I am going to have to take in order to have my life back."
Beth leaves.
Edmund worries about her.
Spaulding Enterprises:
Liz looks at her father and uncle.
Liz grins, "I know you two under estimated me. But I did not. I have a good shot at the CEO chair."
Phillip sighs, "Honey you don't understand. This isn't some fun job. Its to much for you to handle."
Liz is offended, "Now you know what I can handle?"
Alan Michael grins, "Ooh. Here it is. The big Phillip. Mr. Perfect. You see Lizzie your father thinks he's better than everyone else. So he can't understand why anyone would try and go against him."
Phillip nods, "That's not true. Lizzie I just don't want you to have to go through all of this."
Liz looks at him, "So you can handle this but I can't?"
Phillip shakes his head, "You aren't understanding me."
The three continue to argue.

Alexandra walks up, "That is enough!"
Liz sighs, "Aunt Alex..."
Alex looks at them, "This is what's wrong with the Spauldings. We love each other to death. Well I won't let that happen again. Look what it has done to all of us. Every single one of us has lost something because of the company. But this past year we got it back. Phillip got his life back, Alan Michael found love again, Lizzie got her daughter back."
Phillip sighs, "We're sorry."
Alex sighs, "No Phillip I'm sorry. As the eldest member of our family it is my responsibility to keep everyone together. I will make up for it starting now."
Alan Michael looks at her, "What do you mean?"
Alex sighs, "I Alexandra Spaulding am officially going to run for CEO of Spaulding Enterprises."
Everyone stares in shock.
Country Club:
Reva and Josh go into Shayne's room.
Josh knocks, "Son it's us? Shayne?"
No one answers.
Josh opens the door.
Josh looks around, "Shayne is gone."
Reva is confused, "Where could he have gone? I have a bad feeling."
Down the hall Buzz sees Marina.
She has tears in her eyes.
Buzz walks over to her, "Marina are you okay? Is it the baby?"
Marina shakes her head, "I did something terrible. And I just made it a million times worse."
Rocky is in his room.
Shayne walks in, "Hey..."
Rocky turns to him, "You aren't supposed to see me yet."
Shayne sighs, "Well I think that's for legal marriages. What we have is stronger."
Rocky sighs, "Try telling Marina that."
Shayne is confused, "What?"
Rocky looks at him, "I don't know what's going on. But she is saying that she isn't giving us the baby now. And she is making up these lies that she slept with you."
Shayne sighs, "Rocky...."
Rocky shakes his head, "But I threw her out. I'll talk to my Dad. He'll keep an eye on her. But I don't get why she's doing this."
Shayne looks at him, "It doesn't matter now. It's in the past."
Rocky is confused, "Shayne... are you saying.... Shayne is it true? Did you sleep with Marina?"
Rue has that strange feeling.
The one that people get when they leave a place that almost became home.
But it still isn't home.
Rue sighs, "As much as I wish I belonged here.... I don't. I don't belong in some small Midwestern town."
She reflects on what she has learned from Springfield.
Everyone all over the world goes through ups and downs.
Everyone has their own thing, religion, romance, family.
It's time to go back.
Rue stands up, "I'll never forget this place."
Rue looks around.
She nods, "I have to go home."
She hands her ticket over.
Rue walks on to the plane.
When she gets to her seat she looks out the window.
She sighs, "Goodbye Springfield."
Country Club:
Rocky looks at Shayne, "Did you really sleep with her?"
Shayne nods, "Yes I did. At the Masquerade ball."
Rocky backs up, "No. You wouldn't do that."
Shayne nods, "I was upset..."
Rocky turns, "This doesn't make sense. None of this makes sense. I don't understand you now."
Shayne looks at him, "I'm still the same guy."
Rocky turn at him, "I don't get it! First you want her, then me, then your straight, then your gay, now your straight! What is it Shayne? Was it all a lie?"
Shayne stares, "Wow! I thought you knew my sexuality. I am a bisexual. But that has nothing to do..."
Rocky shakes his head, "I though you'd stop telling yourself that."
Shayne is offended, "How can you still be so narrow minded?"
Rocky has tears in his eyes, "Maybe this relationship isn't what we thought it was...."
Shayne is furious, "No you don't get to do this. You don't get to blame me for this."
Rocky shakes his head, "I'm not!"
Shayne grabs him, "What do you want? Maybe if I was more like Kevin! Huh? Is that what you want?"
Shayne throws Rocky to the ground.
Rocky finally makes his choice!!!!
Mel has news to share with Natalia
The Spaulding continue to argue
Edmund pays a visit to Cross Creek Cabin

Country Club:

Rocky is in another room getting his suit on.
He looks in the mirror, "This is going to be a good day. You are committing the man of your dreams. It's what you've always wanted."
Suddenly he here's a voice, "Oh look at my baby boy all grown up."
Rocky turns, "Mom?"

A vision of his late mother Jenna Bradshaw smiles at him.
Out in the main room.

The Coopers all stand together.
Buzz sighs, "I hope this is really what Rocky wants."
Coop turns to him, "Why wouldn't it be?"
Buzz looks at him, "Well your brother seems to have been going through some changes these past few months."
Coop sighs, "I'm sure Rocky is thrilled. I know this isn't the kind of wedding I imagined my brother having but.... as long as Rocky is happy then I am happy for him."
Marina sits down, "Let's just hope this wedding doesn't fall a part."
Coop turns to her, "What does that mean?"
Marina sighs, "It's complicated but let's just say Shayne and Rocky have a lot more going on then either one of them know."
Buzz and Coop worry.

Spaulding Enterprises:

Liz and Rafe walk out of the office.
Rafe grins, "Did you see them! You did such a great job!"
Liz smiles, "I think they really liked me. This is working out perfectly. I am loving this."
Rafe looks at the time, "I have to go run an errand I'll meet you for lunch later."
She smiles, "See you cousin."

Phillip and Alan Michael run into Liz.
Liz smiles, "Hey. How are you two?"
Phillip looks at her, "Sweetheart. I heard that you were in a meeting. What is that about?"
Alan Michael scoffs, "Big surprise endorsing your father? Lizzie you should really be more smart about this honey."
Liz sighs, "Okay first of all I am smart. Second, don't call me sweetheart or honey. Third I wasn't endorsing either of you."
Alan Michael is confused, "Then what were you doing?"
She grins, "Throwing my hat in the ring. I am running for CEO of Spaulding Enterprises."
Phillip stares, "Lizzie what are you talking about?"
Liz looks at them, "I know you two are competing and tearing our family a part by running. But I won't let my family get hurt in the process. I told the board members it was time for a new generation. And I think they like the younger runner. Soon I will be the CEO of Spaulding Enterprises and my picture will up on the wall."
Phillip and Alan Michael stare at a very grown up Liz.
Country Club:
Rocky stares, "Mom. Is it really you?"
Jenna grins, "Look at my adorable little boy. You're a man now. You are just as handsome as your brother Coop."
Rocky sighs, "God I could really use a mother right now."
Jenna nods, "Well I am here. It's a big day for you. Bigger than you could ever know."
Rocky looks at her, "So I am supposed to marry Shayne?"
Jenna sighs, "Darling if you even have to ask that question..."
Rocky has tears in his eyes, "I just don't know what to do!"
Jenna nods, "I hope this man knows how lucky he is to have my son."
Rocky nods, "So you know that I'm gay..."
Jenna smiles, "A mother always knows. And I love you with all of my heart. You're my son."
Rocky cries, "I'm so glad you are here."
Jenna looks at him, "Rocky what do you want?"
Rocky sighs, "It's not about that right now. It's about what's right and what's wrong."
Jenna sighs, "Well I'm glad your father Buzz never played by those rules or I wouldn't have been given a chance."
Rocky turns to his mother.
In another room Shayne is getting ready.
He has been drinking.
Shayne sighs, "Today is my big day. Our big day. And nothing is going to ruin it. No one will ruin it. Not Marina, not Kevin..... not even Rocky will ruin our day."


Rue walks into the airport.
It is time to leave Springfield.
It has been an amazing adventure for her.
Rue sighs, "I learned a lot about myself here. I had so much growing I didn't even know I needed."
Rue watches as families walk around.
Couples hold hands.
Rue sighs, "Who would have thought some small Midwestern down would have so much drama. Of course I would fall into the center of all of it yet somehow stay under the radar."
She sits down and reflects on this past month.
Through Rue's tears a giggle come through,"And I didn't even get any booty! None! Wow what a rip off."
Rue looks around.
Can she really leave all of this?
Rue sighs, "God. Who would have thought that Rufus would fall in love with a boring town. Springfield. Now I am crying about leaving this stupid little place...."
Rue can't believe she is so upset.
Rue sits up, "I had no idea that it would end like this."
Country Club:

The Lewises are all together.
Josh looks around, "This is the first time one of my children has gotten married."
Billy smiles, "It's a good feeling huh? But is it different I mean since Shayne is...."
Josh turns to him, "Committing to a man? Oh yes. But at the end of the day I accept it. I never thought I would have to but I do. Shayne is happy and it really changes the way I look at things."

Reva walks up, "I'm glad to hear that. Shayne really needs all of us today. This is going to be a great ceremony."
Josh nods, "I sure hope so."

Annie walks in, "Josh. Sorry I'm late."
Reva gasp, "Josh what the hell is she doing here?"
Josh sighs, "Listen. I explained to Shayne. He's not ready to talk with Annie but he said this would be a start."
Reva looks at Annie, "If you ruin this day for Shayne... you will be very sorry."
Reva walks away.
Annie sighs, "I guess I better get used to that."
Josh looks at her, "Well you handled that well."
Annie nods, "Josh I just want to make things right with Shayne. I love him. He's still a son to me."
Josh nods, "Today will help."
They all sit down.


Beth knocks on the door to Edmund's room.
He answers, "Beth come on in."
Beth walks in, "Okay so we need to talk about a few things."
Edmund shuts the door, "Is Lorelei resurfacing yet?"
Beth shakes her head, "No. Lorelei has been gone for over a month now. I think it's safe to say she is long gone."
Edmund sighs, "Beth I wish that were true but you said that she came went a lot. How can you be so sure that she is gone for good this time? Aren't you worried at all?"
Beth shakes her head, "No. I know she is gone. I can feel it. Lorelei isn't coming back."
He nods, "So what did you come here for?"
Beth sighs, "I need to make sure that you aren't going to tell anyone about Lorelei."
He is confused, "What do you mean?"
She sighs, "As far as everyone else knows, she has been gone for a long time. They can't know about everything else that happened."
Edmund looks at her, "You mean you're not telling anyone about this Beth? Not even Phillip?"
She looks at him, "Especially not Phillip!"
Edmund stares at Beth.
Country Club:
Rocky smiles at his mother, "I don't understand. Do you want me to be with Shayne or with Kevin?"
Jenna shakes her head, "It's not about what I want. It's about what you want my son."
Rocky sighs, "But what if I want the wrong things."
She sighs, "Now if you want it then why is it wrong?"
Rocky looks down, "I can't just choose someone because I want them. I'm not brave like you."
Jenna laughs, "Me brave?"
He nods, "Dad told us all about you. What an amazing woman you were."
She sighs, "I wasn't all that great. But I was a Mom. I was your Mom. And I would do anything for you and your brother."
Rocky cries, "Then just tell me. Tell me what to do."
Jenna looks at him, "I'll tell you what helped me realize that Buzz was the love of my life. The man who loves you the most is the one that you push away, hurt, and betray but at the end of the day he still loves you and is there for you. The man who loves you against all odds. No matter what. The one who is there in the end."
Jenna fades away.
Suddenly the door opens.
Marina walks in, "Rocky we need to talk."
Edmund looks at Beth, "So why don't you want Phillip to know?"
Beth sighs, "He is running for CEO! He doesn't need this right now. He deserves more than that."
He looks to her, "So you have no plans on telling him?"
She sighs, "No. Phillip asked me to marry him. And I am going to tell him yes. We'll be married soon."
Edmund sighs, "Beth. I haven't always liked Phillip. But after what happened to Cassie.... I was hurt when I found out that she had a tumor and never told me. Things would be different now if she had."
Beth shakes her head, "It's not the same thing. A brain tumor is not the same as a split personality. And you and Cassie are not at all the same as Phillip and I."
Edmund nods, "Maybe you are right. But Beth, if there is any chance that Lorelei could come back... you could be just blinding yourself from the truth of this whole thing."
Beth sighs, "Edmund. That is a risk that I am going to have to take in order to have my life back."
Beth leaves.
Edmund worries about her.
Spaulding Enterprises:
Liz looks at her father and uncle.
Liz grins, "I know you two under estimated me. But I did not. I have a good shot at the CEO chair."
Phillip sighs, "Honey you don't understand. This isn't some fun job. Its to much for you to handle."
Liz is offended, "Now you know what I can handle?"
Alan Michael grins, "Ooh. Here it is. The big Phillip. Mr. Perfect. You see Lizzie your father thinks he's better than everyone else. So he can't understand why anyone would try and go against him."
Phillip nods, "That's not true. Lizzie I just don't want you to have to go through all of this."
Liz looks at him, "So you can handle this but I can't?"
Phillip shakes his head, "You aren't understanding me."
The three continue to argue.

Alexandra walks up, "That is enough!"
Liz sighs, "Aunt Alex..."
Alex looks at them, "This is what's wrong with the Spauldings. We love each other to death. Well I won't let that happen again. Look what it has done to all of us. Every single one of us has lost something because of the company. But this past year we got it back. Phillip got his life back, Alan Michael found love again, Lizzie got her daughter back."
Phillip sighs, "We're sorry."
Alex sighs, "No Phillip I'm sorry. As the eldest member of our family it is my responsibility to keep everyone together. I will make up for it starting now."
Alan Michael looks at her, "What do you mean?"
Alex sighs, "I Alexandra Spaulding am officially going to run for CEO of Spaulding Enterprises."
Everyone stares in shock.
Country Club:
Reva and Josh go into Shayne's room.
Josh knocks, "Son it's us? Shayne?"
No one answers.
Josh opens the door.
Josh looks around, "Shayne is gone."
Reva is confused, "Where could he have gone? I have a bad feeling."
Down the hall Buzz sees Marina.
She has tears in her eyes.
Buzz walks over to her, "Marina are you okay? Is it the baby?"
Marina shakes her head, "I did something terrible. And I just made it a million times worse."
Rocky is in his room.
Shayne walks in, "Hey..."
Rocky turns to him, "You aren't supposed to see me yet."
Shayne sighs, "Well I think that's for legal marriages. What we have is stronger."
Rocky sighs, "Try telling Marina that."
Shayne is confused, "What?"
Rocky looks at him, "I don't know what's going on. But she is saying that she isn't giving us the baby now. And she is making up these lies that she slept with you."
Shayne sighs, "Rocky...."
Rocky shakes his head, "But I threw her out. I'll talk to my Dad. He'll keep an eye on her. But I don't get why she's doing this."
Shayne looks at him, "It doesn't matter now. It's in the past."
Rocky is confused, "Shayne... are you saying.... Shayne is it true? Did you sleep with Marina?"
Rue has that strange feeling.
The one that people get when they leave a place that almost became home.
But it still isn't home.
Rue sighs, "As much as I wish I belonged here.... I don't. I don't belong in some small Midwestern town."
She reflects on what she has learned from Springfield.
Everyone all over the world goes through ups and downs.
Everyone has their own thing, religion, romance, family.
It's time to go back.
Rue stands up, "I'll never forget this place."
Rue looks around.
She nods, "I have to go home."
She hands her ticket over.
Rue walks on to the plane.
When she gets to her seat she looks out the window.
She sighs, "Goodbye Springfield."
Country Club:
Rocky looks at Shayne, "Did you really sleep with her?"
Shayne nods, "Yes I did. At the Masquerade ball."
Rocky backs up, "No. You wouldn't do that."
Shayne nods, "I was upset..."
Rocky turns, "This doesn't make sense. None of this makes sense. I don't understand you now."
Shayne looks at him, "I'm still the same guy."
Rocky turn at him, "I don't get it! First you want her, then me, then your straight, then your gay, now your straight! What is it Shayne? Was it all a lie?"
Shayne stares, "Wow! I thought you knew my sexuality. I am a bisexual. But that has nothing to do..."
Rocky shakes his head, "I though you'd stop telling yourself that."
Shayne is offended, "How can you still be so narrow minded?"
Rocky has tears in his eyes, "Maybe this relationship isn't what we thought it was...."
Shayne is furious, "No you don't get to do this. You don't get to blame me for this."
Rocky shakes his head, "I'm not!"
Shayne grabs him, "What do you want? Maybe if I was more like Kevin! Huh? Is that what you want?"
Shayne throws Rocky to the ground.
Rocky finally makes his choice!!!!
Mel has news to share with Natalia
The Spaulding continue to argue
Edmund pays a visit to Cross Creek Cabin
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