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Episode 128



Kendall OR Greenlee...  

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  1. 1. Which Character Do You Prefer?

    • Kendall
    • Greenlee

An upsetting day in Springfield.....

Malah House:

Dinah is upstairs lying in her bed.
Vanessa walks over and sits with her, "Darling. Baby Anthony is crying. I think he could really use his mother."
Dinah shakes her head, "No. I can't. It's not safe. Everything that I touch falls apart."
Vanessa sighs, "Dinah that is not true. You know that it is just is not at all true."
Dinah cries, "Then why have all my babies died?"
Vanessa rubs her back, "That's not true either. You still have Anthony. And he needs you. How about I go get him?"
Dinah sobs, "No! Just go away!"
Downstairs Mallet answers the door.
Jeffrey walks in, "Hey Mallet. You said it was urgent so I'm here."
Mallet nods, "Thank you Jeffrey. Did you bring the information that I asked for?"
Jeffrey pulls out a file, "I did but for some reason parts of the information is missing."
Mallet nods, "Oh I should have told you. Jeffrey... I'm sorry but I took the file from your office."
Jeffrey shakes his head, "What!?!"
Mallet sighs, "I'm sorry but I had to find out then and couldn't find you. But the important part is I told Dinah. She took it pretty rough. I just wanted to find out more information. Maybe help her get closure."
Jeffrey is confused, "What more do you need to know?"
Mallet sighs, "Jeffrey I want to find out a few things... uh stuff about her. Pictures. Where she's buried."
Jeffrey looks at him, "Buried?"
Mallet looks at the stairs, "Listen. I don't want Dinah to hear. I mean she reacted very bad when I told her that her daughter had died."
Jeffrey stops him, "Mallet that is.... that's not the truth."
Mallet is in shock and confusion.


Rufus Taylor walks into the bar.
He smiles, "Finally something real."
Rufus sits at the bar.
The bartender is surprised by him, "Uh... can I get you a drink?"
He nods, "Uh... yeah I'm driving so just get me a water please. Thank you."
Rufus looks around.
He talks to herself, "Well... this is Springfield. It sure isn't Pasadena. But that's it's appeal. Maybe I can start a new life here. Or start something here. How much drama can happen in a small midwestern town?"
The water is sat down.
Rufus takes the drink.
Two big guys walk up.
The first guy laughs, "Well hey I didn't know the circus was in town! What a surprise!"
The second guy chuckles, "Nah Mitch! This looks like more of a whore. Yep definatly a whore."
Rufus scoffs, "You boys couldn't handle this whore. But maybe if you want to give it a try."
Mitch backs up, "Hey... there's something weird about you. What do you think Sonny?"
Sonny grins, "Well it looks like one of those freaks you see on TV."
Mitch grabs Rufus, "We know what to do with freaks like you."
Rufus kicks, "Let go of me! What the hell?"
They drag Rufus outside.


Ashlee and Buzz walk inside.
They just got back from visisting Doris.
Ashlee takes off her coat, "Did she look okay to you Buzz? I mean I know she said she was fine but was she?"
Buzz sighs, "Well I'm sure she misses you. But she seemed like she was doing okay. She's a strong woman."
Ashlee nods, "Well I just hope she's okay. I mean I know she acts tough but I'm really worried about her."
Buzz hugs Ashlee, "We're all praying for her honey."
She sits at the counter, "I just can't believe she's gotten into so much trouble."
Buzz nods, "Well you know in politics some people get caught up in it. Bribary leads to a lot more."
She sighs, "I just... I wouldn't have left town if I had known how difficult her job was for her."
He pours coffee, "Come on. You and Coop deserved it after everything you guys went through."
She nods, "Well yeah I thought so too."
He hands her her mug, "What do you mean you thought so? Didn't you have a good time in Europe?"
She nods, "Well yeah of course. I've never even been overseas. It was amazing. It was a great experience."
Buzz looks at her, "What about Coop? Did he enjoy it?"
Ashlee looks at her coffee, "Coop... he enjoyed it. I'm sure he did."
Buzz stares at her for a moment.

Bauer Home:

Rick is cleaning the house.
It's his day off.
There is a knock at the door.
He answers the door.
Roxie is standing there, "Hello Rick."
He smiles, "Hi come on in. What brings you by?"
She walks in, "Well I have something I'd like to share with you."
He shuts the door, "Well I'm intrigued."
She sighs, "Rick I... I really don't want to be the one to have to do this but someone has too."
Rick worries, "Well what's going on Roxie? Is everything okay?"
She pulls out an envelope, "The other day I was at Lewis Fashion. I was going to stop by and see Marah."
He nods, "Yeah I think I saw you there. I was visiting Mindy."
She sighs, "Yeah I saw a lot too. And I took some pictures Rick."
She hands him the envelope.
Rick holds it, "What is this?"
She looks into his eyes, "Rick... I can't even say it. Just open it. And prepare yourself."
Rick is confused but opens it.
He pulls out a few pictures.
He shocked to see them.
Pictures of a half naked Mindy and Rusty making out on her desk.

Malah House:
Vanessa walks downstairs, "What's going on?"
Mallet is talking with Jeffrey, "What are you saying O'Neill. I saw your file. It said Dinah's daughter died in a fire."
Jeffrey sighs, "So your the one who mixed up all of my files? Mallet! That was for another case. You mixed up the papers for that one with Dinah's."
Mallet is in shock, "What are you saying?"
Vanessa stares, "Are you telling us that Dinah's child is not dead at all. That it's alive."
Jeffrey nods, "Very much so and there is more."
Mallet stares, "What? Oh my God. O'Neill we need more. We need to find this girl."
Jeffrey sighs, "Well it's won't take long she's pretty close."
Vanessa is confused, "How close? We need information. A city. Address."
Jeffrey nods, "350 Kensington Road."
Vanessa looks at him, "Kensington Road? In Springfield?"
Mallet shakes his head, "Wait that's.... yeah that's Harley's address."
Jeffrey nods, "Yes Mallet. Belinda Aitoro. Gus and Harley's daugther they adopted last year. She is Dinah's biological daughter."
Mallet is in shock, "I can't believe this. Your telling me that Dinah's daughter is alive and in Springfield?"
Dinah runs down the stairs, "My daughter!"
They all turn to her.

Old Cabin:

Edmund is tied up.
He can barely sit up.
Suddenly he hears footsteps.
He shouts, "Hey! Hey! Help! Help me! Somebody please help me! Please! Please, please, please-"
The door opens up.
Someone walks in wearing a huge hooded coat.
A mask covers the face.
Edmund backs up, "Your back! Who are you! Your my kidnapper!"
The kidnapper places food and water in front of Edmund.
Edmund lunges out.
The kidnapper kicks him with heavy boots.
Edmund falls back, "Oh God! Please! It's been weeks. What do you want from me? What?"
The kidnapper slowly walks out and locks the door.
He crawls, "Please! Let me out please! I'm dying in here!"
The kidnapper listens at the door.
Edmund continues to plead and beg to be released.
The kidnapper places their gloved hand on the door.


Ashlee stands up, "I think I should get going. I have a lot to do today. I have a paper to write."
Buzz looks at her, "So Ashlee what was it? What was it that made you want to become a doctor?"
She smiles, "I don't know. I guess just learning how to be healthy myself, I wanted to help others. I want a job where I can really make a difference. Even if it's one person at a time."
Buzz nods, "Well I'm happy for you Ashlee. I mean it's just so cool seeing how you've grown up and matured into such an amazing young woman. I know you have a bright future."
She grins, "Yeah. I'm so excited. I finally know what I want in life. I mean I know I'll be on my own for a lot of it but I kind of like independence you know?"
He looks at her, "What about Coop?"
She nods, "Oh yeah Coop... Well Coop..."
Suddenly they hear a voice, "Someone say my name?"
They turn to see him in the doorway.
Ashlee is surprised, "Coop."
Buzz runs over, "Son!"
Coop hugs him, "Dad! Oh man it feels good to be here."
Ashlee is still standing at the counter, "Hi Coop."
Coop nods, "Hey Ashlee."
Buzz notices some tension.

Malah House:
Dinah runs to everyone, "My daughter! Where is my daughter? She's alive! I knew it I knew it!"
Jeffrey nods, "Dinah your daughter. The Doctor who delivered her. His name was doctor Driscoll. You had him take your child and find her a nice home right?"
She nods, "Yeah. I didn't know his name."
He sighs, "Dr. Driscoll raised the child as his own with his wife. And his niece was Baby Sydney. The little girl that Gus and Harley raised. She now goes by Angela. After the Driscoll's died Harley and Gus adopted Angela and her adoptive sister Belinda."
Mallet holds Dinah, "Babe. Belinda is your daughter."
Dinah gasp, "Oh my... Oh my God!"
Vanessa shakes her head, "This is just... a lot to take in."
Dinah runs to the livingroom.
She digs through a bag.
Mallet walks over, "That's Clarissa's stuff."
Dinah nods, "She left it here. She has a picture of Belinda. I haven't met Belidna in person. Otherwise I would have known."
Mallet nods, "I remember. You said she looked familiar in the picture."
Dinah finds it, "Oh my God! That's her! That's my baby! Little Chamberlin. I named her after your maiden name Mom."
Vanessa cries, "That's beautiful."
Dinah looks up, "She's here! She's in town! I have to get her!"
Jeffrey sighs, "Dinah she's probably in school."
Dinah runs to the door, "She's my daughter! I have to see her!"
Dinah runs out the door.
Mallet and Jeffrey run after her.

Bauer Home:
Rick sits with the pictures.
Roxie sits with him, "I'm so sorry Rick. I just... I thought you should know. Maybe it was a mistake."
He shakes his head, "No Roxie you did the right thing."
Roxie sighs, "I hope so. Rick I... know you care for Mindy but maybe it's time you faced facts that she is just not the woman for you."
Rick takes a deep breathe, "Mindy will be home soon. I need to confront her when she gets here."
She nods, "Rick do you want me to be here?"
Rick still hasn't taken his eyes off the pictures, "No. I think you should leave. Thank you Roxie."
Roxie hugs him, "Oh Rick I...."
Roxie stands and walks out the door.
Minutes later the kitchen door opens.
Mindy walks in, "I'm home! Hey I think we have the house to ourselves for a while. How about we put our time to good use."
Mindy walks into the livingroom.
Rick is on the couch still.
She sees how upset he is, "Rick what's the matter?"
Rick turns the pictures towards her, "Is there something you want to share with me?"
Mindy is shocked by what she sees.

Rufus is dragged into the ally.
They throw him down.
He screams, "Get the hell away from me you sick mother-"
Mitch kicks him, "You watch your mouth freak show!"
Sonny picks up a trash can, "See this. Trash. That's what you are my friend. Trash!"
He pours the trash all over Rufus.
Rufus kicks him in the crotch.
Rufus tries to run.
Mitch grabs him and holds a knife to his throat.
Mitch smiles, "You picked the wrong bar and the wrong night. I have had a lot to drink and I have no idea what I am capable of right now. If I were you I woudl be terrified."
Suddenly they see a woman walk over.
Mitch looks over, "Hey woman you need to get your butt outta here!"
She walks closer.
It's Cassandra, "I don't think so."
Sonny looks up, "You get gone bitch!"
She pulls out a gone, "No way Jackasses!"
Mitch is freaked, "You put that down! You have no idea what your doing!"
She nods, "Oh yes I do! You let my friend go or else we're gonna see your brains all over the place."
Mitch shakes his head, "You wouldn't."
She grins, "You have no idea who I am do you? I would be horrified if I were you!"
Mitch puts the knife away.
He helps Sonny up.
They walk back in the bar.
Rufus looks at Cassandra, "Who are you?"
She grins, "Your Fairy GodMother."

Old Cabin:
Edmund is still tied up.
He is banging his head against the door, "Please! Please! I just... I need you to just let me out! Please!"
The kidnapper stares at the door.
Edmund cries, "Please! I don't beg much but I am desperate. I have my love Cassie! She needs me. She needs me more than she herself realizes it but she does!"
The kidnapper looks down at the doorknob.
Edmund sobs, "I have a daughter! Ava! She's in a coma right now. But she'll wake up. And I need to be there when she does! I need to be the father that she deserves."
The kidnapper places the hand on the doorknob.
Edmund continues, "Ava has a son. He needs me. He's my Grandson. I need him he's all I have left of her!"
The kidnapper gets ready to turn it but suddenly back away.
The kidnapper grabs a bag and runs out the door.
The door locks.
Edmund screams, "Please! Please!"
Edmund lays his head on the ground.
He can't stop shaking from the cold.

Harley's House:

Harley walks inside with Belinda.
Harley is angry, "I can't believe this! I had to pick you up early from school for fighting?"
Belinda scoffs, "That kid was calling me names. He said girls couldn't fight so I had to prove him wrong."
Harley sighs, "You are in the 7th grade. You need to focus on being a kid not fighting!"
Belinda shakes her head, "It doesn't matter they kicked me out of school! I don't have to go back."
Harley sighs, "They didn't kick you out. You were suspended. You will be back next week."
Belinda shakes her head, "Don't count on it!"
She runs upstairs.
Harley shouts, "Get back here!"
The doorbell rings.
Harley answers.
Dinah is at the door, "Harley-"
Harley sighs, "Sweetie I am busy right now. Can we talk later?"
Dinah looks around, "Where is she?"
Harley stanad in front of her, "Who?"
Belinda runs downstairs, "I'm not going back to school! You can't make me!"
Dinah stares in shock.
Harley grabs Belinda's arm, "You don't talk to your mother like that!"
Dinah runs to them, "Get your hands off my daughter!!!!"
They both turn to her in shock.

Dinah and Belinda finally meet!
Cassandra has a proposal for Rufus
Marina confesses to Marah
Rick confronts Mindy
Buzz questions Coop


Recommended Comments

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I had to read Rufus's scene sreal fast. I loved it. SO FAR. Cant wait to see what happens. WIll read the rest of the ep later

Poor Dinah. It's sad the was she feels

OMG ROXIE. She snapped photo of her half naked brothe. SHe is sick and I can't belive she would do that,

LOVE THIS BABY TWIST with belinda. Now its coming back to me and make sense. WOW I cant wait to see how this plays out

When did Edmund get kidnapped. I bet it's Annie

I can't wait to find out what happend to Ash and Coopp

Looks Like There will be a fight for baby Melinda

Roxie dont give a [!@#$%^&*]. She wanted to be there while Rick confronted Mindy. LOL. Mindy would have beat that ass i am sure

AN AWESOME ENDING!! I LOVE IT. I am off for thenext ep cant wait to see what happends

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Great episode. Lots of mystery surround Edmund's kidnapping.

It would have been great karma if he was stashed in a flooding cave like he did with Reva lol.

Mindy/Rick/Roxie...juicy. Can't wait for what you have in store for them.

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Thanks ML!

Rufus gets involved in a lot of drama!

Thank you Michael!

Edmund's kidnapper is going to be a surprise!!!

The Mindy/Rick/Roxie triangle has been fun to write! I love working with classic characters.

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Thanks ML!

Dinah has been through a lot!

Roxie is a very messed up person. We will dive into that more this Spring.

The Belinda twist was planned before I even started my blog. So I'm thrilled the big reveal has happened.

Could it be Annie? Who knows?

LOL! That's exactly what Roxie wanted!

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