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Episode 121



2009 begins in Springfield.....


Marina pulls away from Shayne kiss.
She is in shock, "Uh..."
He backs up, "Happy New Year Marina."
She smiles, "Thanks Happy New Year Shayne."
Rocky walks over, "Hey I'm so sorry! I got stuck in the stupid bathroom. I know you wanted to kiss at New Year.
Rocky kisses him.
Shayne smiles, "Happy New Year."
Rocky nods, "It's going to be great. You know what they say however you spend New Years Eve is how you'll spend the new year."
Shayne and Marina make eye contact for a moment.
Downstairs Jeffrey is kissing Marah.
Marah smiles, "Happy New Year Jeffrey."
Jeffrey is in shock, "Marah your back in town. I thought you were gone for good."
She laughs, "I did too. I mean after what happened at the wedding I really didn't want to be here anymore."
He looks at her, "What changed?"
She sighs, "I did. I remembered about how I left before and when I came back I regretted it. I mean I loved living in France but Springfield is my home. Springfield is where we met and Jeffrey... I can't leave you again. I want to be with you Jeffrey."
He smiles, "And I want to be with you Marah."
The two kiss again.


Blake walks downstairs.
Harley walks over to her, "Hey! I didn't know you were here."
Blake smiles, "I just had to take care of something."
Harley looks at her wet hair, "Is it raining upstairs?"
Blake laughs, "I don't want to talk about it. I just... I'm getting ready to go out of town for a little while."|
Harley nods, "Oh really? Where are you off to?"
Blake hesitates, "Oh just... seeing an old friend. It won't be too long. But I do want to know how things are going with you and your boyfriend before I go."
Harley laughs, "Well Cyrus and I are... happy. That's the word to describe it. I am happy to finally have a drama free life."
Blake grins, "I'm happy for you."
Harley nods, "Well actually I want to thank you. You inspired me. I mean after you lost the love of your life you still were able to find love with Remy. Now that Gus and I are done I can have a new love with Cyrus. He makes me happier than I ever thought I could be after Gus. Like Remy does for you."
Blake sighs, "Remy and I aren't together anymore Harley."
Harley nods, "I know that. But I mean you still can get back together. I don't know I haven't seen you this happy since you were with Ross. I don't think there is any reason you and Remy can't give it another try is there?"
Blake gives a nervous laugh.
Across the room Olivia, Mel, Natalia, and Dinah are all talking.
Mel looks at her watch, "Well I should go check on Leah."
Olivia looks at Nat and Dinah, "Oh Emma is hosting a party for all of her little friends in the room upstairs."
Dinah is surprised, "You left a bunch of preteen girls alone upstairs."
Olivia nods, "I trust Emma. And the hotel maids that are keeping an eye on the room."
The women laugh.
Natalia looks at her watch, "Well Dinah and I should go check on our children in the nursery."
Mel smiles, "Oh I'll see you guys later."
After hugs Olivia and Mel go upstairs while Dinah and Natalia head to the nursery.

O'Neill Boudreau Law Office:

Mallet breaks into the room.
He walks into Jeffrey's Office.
Mallet has been calling Jeffrey all night.
He can't go on having this secret about Dinah's child that she had in Europe, especially now that Anthony is born.
Mallet sits at Jeffrey's desk, "I'm sorry Jeffrey. I'm not going to take anything that's not mine. But I need that information you got. I need it."
Mallet goes through the drawers.
He grabs some files.
He accidentily drops them.
Papers fall everywhere.
On his hands and knees he tries to get everything back together.
He finds a final marked Dinah.
He takes it and puts it in his jacket.
He puts the rest back and sneaks out of the office.


Buzz is cleaning up the diner.
The party is closing down.
Doris Wolfe walks over, "You need any help?"
He laughs, "The Mayor of Springfield wants to help me clean my diner? What's gotten into you?"
She sighs, "I've been at boring parties all night raving about how I'm going to make Springfield better to people who are sloppy drunk. I need to talk to someone else."
He smiles, "Have you talked to the kids?"
She sighs, "Ashlee called me on Christmas. She just seems different. I don't know she's more mature. Which is what I always wanted but... I don't know she acted like she wanted to come home but she couldn't."
Buzz turns to her, "Really? Because I got the same feeling from Coop. And he said the writing thing isn't working out. I don't know. He keeps asking about home but says he and Ashlee need to stay in Europe."
Doris sighs, "I was thinking about paying her a visit soon but I just don't have the time. I really want to call her later. I have had a hard night."
He walks towards her, "Did you get your New Years kiss yet?"
She laughs, "I can't remember the last time I got one of those."
Buzz leans to her and kisses her.
Doris is surprised by this.
After she goes to say something but is interupted.
Chief of Police Rusty Shayne walks in with other cops.
Rusty walks to Doris, "Mayor Wolfe you are under arrest."
Buzz stares in shock.

Main Street:

Jonathan and Liz are kissing.
They stare into each other's eyes.
Jonathan smiles, "Liz... I think this is going to be a good year."
She nods, "I think so too."
Aubrey is watching.
Her body fills with rage.
She stomps towards them but falls to her knees.
She shouts, "Oww!! Oww!"
Jonathan and Liz turn.
They run to her.
Aubrey is crying, "Ow it hurts! Ow!"
Jonathan sits with her, "What's wrong? Tell me what's wrong."
She cries, "Our baby Jonathan. Something is wrong with the baby!"
Liz holds her hand, "Okay just tell us where it hurts."
Aubrey digs her nails into Liz's hand.
Liz pulls it away.
Jonathan helps her up, "Aubrey we are going to take you to Cedars."
They walk to the car.
Liz looks at her hand.
Aubrey broke the skin.
Liz rubs it and walks towards the car.
Rafe is watching them from across the street.


Shayne looks at his watch, "We should probably get home. It's getting late."
Marina nods, "I am getting tired."
Rocky turns, "Oh man! I left my jacket in the restroom. I'm going to get it. If I don't come back in two minutes come check on me."
Shayne and Marina laugh.
After he leaves Marina turns to him.
She sighs, "Should we talk about what happened?"
He looks at her, "Did I startle you?"
She laughs, "A little. It was just... I haven't kissed you since we used to date and... was it appropriate?"
Shayne laughs, "I hope so I enjoyed it."
She shoves him, "You know what I mean. Your dating my Uncle. Wow it's still weird to say that."
He sighs, "Is it still weird for you? That I'm in a relationship with Rocky?"
She looks down, "Sometimes. Shayne I wanted to tell you-"
Rocky walks over, "I got it. We can go."
Shayne smiles, "Uh great. Let's go."
The three of them leave.
Outside Marah is with Jeffrey.
She smiles, "Do you remember when we first made love on New Yaar."
He nods, "Of course I do. Before that I had no idea that we were going to be more than what we already were."
She grins, "And now look at us. Jeffrey we have come so far from where were back then. I know you are still a lone wolf. But I want to be with you by your side."
Jeffrey takes Marah's hand, "I want you there with me too."
The two kiss.

Olivia and Mel walk down the hall.
Mel looks at her, "So last time we talked you said you were growing feelings for Gus. What is going on with that?"
Olivia sighs, "I don't know. We've never liked each other. He always seemed like a jerk to me. And he's a Spaulding."
Mel nods, "That's what I kept saying about Alan Michael but now I'm in love with him and getting involved in a lot of stuff."
Olivia turns to her, "Like what?"
Mel sighs, "Well as you know Phillip announced he is going to try and take back Spaulding Enterprises. But if he had waited Alan Michael was about to announce the same thing."
Olivia gasps, "Oh God! Really? Wow that is going to cause a lot of drama."
Mel nods, "Don't I know it. But I'm going to help him every step of the way."
Olivia smiles, "Well I will be here for you. I've ran Spaulding before so I know how hard it is to get there."
Mel hugs her, "Your a great friend.
Downstairs Blake is with Harley.
Blake looks at her watch, "I need to get going. I have to finish packing and I leave later in the morning."
Harley hugs her, "I'm going to miss you. Call me and when you get back we can hang out. We haven't hung out in a while."
Blake nods, "I know. I got to go. I'll see you Harley."
Harley smiles, "Bye."
Cyrus walks over to Harley, "I couldn't help but overhear."
She laughs, "You were listening."
He smiles, "I heard how happy you are. Is that true?"
She nods, "Of course it is. Come here."
The two kiss.

Jonathan's Car:
Jonathan is going to Cedars.
Aubrey turns to him, "You know what. It stopped."
Jonathan looks at her, "What?"
She smiles, "I feel a lot better. I think it was just a little scare. I'm fine. I think we should go home."
Jonathan shakes his head, "No we are still getting you checked on."
Aubrey shakes her head, 'Listen I have a sonogram in a few weeks. We can wait. I'm fine. I promise Jonathan."
Liz looks at him, "Jonathan, Sarah is getting sleepy. I think we need to get her home. We didn't plan to be out this late."
Aubrey looks at him, "See. Jon just take us home. Please?"
After a few minutes Jonathan agrees.
He turns the car, "Okay. But if you feel anything out of the ordinary I am rushing you here."
Aubrey kisses him on the cheek, "You are just the best husband in the world. I don't know what would happen if I didn't have you."
Jonathan looks at Liz through the mirror.
The two make eye contact.

Police Station:
Doris is being walked over to a desk.
Buzz approaches her, "I heard Doris. What were you doing with bribary, blackmail, I mean is that true?"
Doris sighs, "Buzz... being a mayor is a difficult job. But I can't talk to anyone until I get a lawyer."
Buzz worries, "Doris I keep hearing the news. They say that you could do jail time for these things."
Doris sighs, "Ever since I got involved with Alan Spaulding I started doing things I'm not proud of. Now I'm afraid my karma has come back to bite me in the ass."
Buzz looks around, "What, what can I do?"
Doris has tears in her eyes, "I know it's late you should go home."
Buzz shakes his head, "I'm not going home. Now you need to just tell me what's going on. We're friends right."
Doris nods, "Yes we are. But I don't think anyone can get me out of this one Buzz."
Doris is walked away in her handcuffs.
Buzz goes to make a call.
It's to Europe.
He finally gets through, "Hello Coop? Hi. Yes.... Coop listen I need to talk to Ashlee. Her mother is in trouble. Coop, listen it's time for you and Ashlee to come home. You and Ashlee need to come back to Springfield."

Malah House:
Mallet sits at a desk in the livingroom.
He has the file on the desk.
He opens it up.
The file is all unorganized.
Papers are out of order.
He finds one that is a sort of birth certificate.
He then finds another piece of paper.
He reads it.
It's about a fire at a European orphanage.
Mallet puts the paper down, "Oh my... Oh my God. No. Dinah's child that she had in Europe is dead."
Just then Dinah opens the door, "I'm home! You didn't make it to the party what happened?"
Mallet hides the file, "I had to do a few things. I'm sorry I missed it. Was it fun?"
She nods, "I had a lot of fun. But I'm kind of sad. 2008 has been the best year of my life and now it's over. I just hope that 2009 is just as good as the last year."
Mallet hugs her.

Dinah is shocked by what she finds!
Doris and Buzz have a surprise
Aubrey gets a visit
Jonathan and Cassandra catch up
Alan Michael confronts Phillip
Gus is ready to talk with Olivia


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I am not to keen on Jefferey and Marah pairing He looks like her dad

DAMN BLAKE why are you so scared of Remy. You better claim your man before Ria does

How did Rusty become cheif of police so fast. Didnt he just arrive in town? And is this Mayor a new character?

OOh that Aubrey I would have slapped the taste out her mouth if I was Liz.

Wow what did Doris do and what a great way for Ash and sexxy Coop to come back to springfield

A shorter epiode and I loved that. i am reading so many blogs these day it getting harder to keep up. Haven't seen you in my neck of the woods lately. What's good. You're going to Miss Remy's cross over

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Hi ML!

Jeffrey and Marah are on the backburner so you might be happy with that.

Blake has a big decision to make. She's going to make it soon.

Rusty arrived back in October. He came back to town because they asked him to be the new chief of Police. Frank was the old one and reffered him. Rusty has been a cop for years.

Aubrey is going to have a lot going on this year!

Doris's crime is going to make more sense as time goes on.

I'm going to be sure to post soon and I wouldn't miss Remy's cross over!

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