Episode 120
Kendall OR Greenlee...
51 members have voted
It's New Years Eve in Springfield....

The Lewises are hosting a huge party.
A big announcement is about to be made.

Shayne kisses Rocky, "Are you excited?"
Rocky nods, "Yeah I think your family is going to have a big year in 2009 and I'm glad to be a part of it."
Shayne grins, "I'm going to be working a lot but I'll be earning a lot of money for the baby."
Rocky smiles, "I can't believe that 2009 is the year we become parents. It's so hard to believe."
Shayne hears his family call his name, "Oh I need to get over there. But stick around because I still need a kiss at new year."
Rocky nods, "I wouldn't miss it."
Shayne walks over by his family.

Across the room Michelle approaches Marina, "Hey I didn't expect to see you here."
Marina smiles, "Well I'm here for my friend Shayne."
Michelle nods, "I'm here for my friend Bill. This is going to be a big year for the Lewises."
Marina sighs, "It's been a difficult year but 2009 will be a better year."
Michelle smiles, "I certainly hope so. If it wasn't for my children I don't know how I would get through this. It's just comforting knowing I'll always have a piece of Danny."
Marina puts her hand on her stomach, "I think I understand."
Michelle looks at her, "What do you mean?"
Marina takes a deep breathe, "Michelle..... I'm pregnant. I'm carrying Danny's child."
Michelle stares in shock.


The Beacon is hosting it's annual New Year Party.
Natalia and Olivia are the hosts.
Olivia smiles at her, "Wow this is going to be great. Your going to do great tonight."
She sighs, "I'm nervous. I mean the Beacon is such a great hotel. I can't believe I'm going to have this big job."

Mel and Dinah walk over.
Dinah smiles, "What's going on."
Olivia grins, "Well I was going to wait until later to tell everyone but I will tell you tonight. I decided to sell half of the Beacon again. And now Natalia is my co owner of The Beacon Hotel."
Mel hugs Natalia, "Congratulations. That's so great! So you two are going to be running this hotel together?"
Natalia nods, "Yes. I can't believe how far I've come from being the maid here."
Dinah pats her on the back, "Well you earned it sweetheart."
Natalia looks at all of them, "Thank you guys. You have been the best friends this year and I love you girls!"
The four women hug.

Upstairs Blake knocks on a door.
Remy answers, "Hello Blake."
Blake sighs, "Remy. I got your note. I only came to tell you goodbye."
He scoffs, "Goodbye?"
She sighs, "Remy I'm going out of town for a little while. 'Light Talk' is going to take a small break while I take my vacation time. I have somewhere I have to be."
He shakes his head, "I knew it. I knew this would happen eventually."
She walks into the room, "What Remy?"
He sighs, "Your going to find him aren't you?"
She stares at him, "This isn't your business! Remy why did you invite me here to argue?"
He walks towards her, "You forgot? Our anniversary?"
She shakes her head, "What?"
He takes her hand, "The first night we made love?"
Blake looks into his eyes.

Main Street:

People are getting ready to ring in the new year on main street.
Jonathan and Liz sit on a bench.
Aubrey has taken Sarah to go get a snack.
Liz turns to him, "We need to tell her Jonathan. We need to tell Aubrey what happened on Christmas."
He sighs, "Not tonight! Liz this is not something you tell someone in the middle of Main street."
Liz shakes her head, "Believe me she would want to know. I've been there. I can't believe we did this. I feel like such a hypocrite!"
Jonathan turns to her, "Liz you know how I feel about you. I am going to end things with Aubrey."
She scoffs, "What is it your New Year Resolution?"
He laughs, "No. That is the same as always. To be an even better father to Sarah."
Liz smiles, "We have a great little girl. We are so blessed."
Jonathan takes Liz's hand.
They stare into each other's eyes.

A few yards away Aubrey is staring at them while Sarah is holding her hand.
Rafe bumps into her.
Aubrey scoffs, "Watch where your going kid I'm pregnant."
He laughs, "Aren't you cranky?"
She stares at him for a moment.
Michelle looks at Marina, "Oh my God! Your having Danny's child?"
Marina nods, "Yeah. I found out a few weeks ago."
Michelle hugs her, "Marina! Oh my God! I'm so happy for you. This is a miracle. One last child of Danny's. Oh you need to tell the kids. And just... I'm so happy for you. This is your last gift from Danny for you to treasure."
Marina sighs, "Michelle.... I am just not in a stable place anymore. I haven't been the same since Danny passed away. Even before that I wasn't... I just can't handle all of it right now. So I've decided on adoption."
Michelle is in shock, "Are you giving Danny's child away to a stranger?"
Marina shakes her head, "No. I'm going to have Shayne and Rocky raise this child."
Michelle goes to say something but attention turns to the front of the room.

The Lewises stand in front.
Billy smiles, "Everyone we want to thank you for joining us this evening. As you all know the businesses in our family have all been through a lot this year. But me, my wife Vanessa, and my brother Josh have been busy. We have been putting together something big for us all to be a part of."
Vanessa and Josh remove a sheet and reveal a sign.
The sign is huge and reads: Lewis Enterprises

Cyrus and Harley sit on the couch in the lobby.
She smiles, "It's so great that we are out as a real official couple."
He nods, "2009 is going to rock!"
She laughs, "I am so glad that I have you. You sexy Aussie! You came into my world and turned it upside down. But you have made me so happy and reminded me how to have fun."
Cyrus grins, "And you have made me believe in love again. I've had my heart broken in the past but with you I feel like I can have a happy relationship without all of the drama."
She holds his hand, "I know at first we didn't want a relationship but I think we are in one now."
He laughs, "Relationship. Who knew?"
She sighs, "Thank you Cyrus. Thank you for basically saving me."
He grins, "Thank you for letting me into your family with your beautiful children and loving home."
The two lean in and kiss.
Upstairs Blake is with Remy.
She looks at him, "Wow it's really been a year. Since the whole shower thing."
He laughs, "Yep. We both ended up naked in the shower and ended up staying to steam it up."
She smiles, "Remy you helped me so much at a time in my life where I really needed someone."
He nods, "And you did the same for me. And I don't know about you Blake but I really need someone right now."
She gets up, "I can't do this! I can't do this Remy! Just please stop!"
He shakes his head, "Blake I'm not giving up on you. On us!"
She sighs, "Well I'm sorry but this is how it ends."
She walks out and slams the door.
Remy stands there in shock for a moment.
He shakes his head, "It can't end like this!"
He runs and opens to door.
Blake is standing right there and jumps into his arms.
He kisses her.
He carriers her to the bathroom.
The shower starts running.
Main Street:
Liz looks at Jonathan, "What are we going to do about the Aubrey situation once you end things?"
He sighs, "Well I think I'll get a place for her to stay while she's pregnant. And maybe I'll stay with you and Sarah at the farmhouse."
Liz nods, "Like a real family. It's like my dream."
He smiles, "I feel corny saying this but I always kind of hoped that we would be able to do that for Sarah."
They stare into each other's eyes.
Liz leans close to Jonathan.
Aubrey runs over, "You guys!"
They jump up, "What?"
Aubrey is freaking out, "Sarah! I turned my back for a minute and she's gone! Someone might have grabbed her."
Liz's heart drops, "Oh God! Sarah!"
Jonathan looks around, "Alan might have done it! Sarah? Sarah!"
The three go running around Main Street.
Aubrey sees a teddy bear lying on the ground.
She turns, "Jonathan!"
Jon runs over and picks it up, "This is Sarah's!"
Aubrey cries, "Oh my Baby!"
They continue searching.
Vanessa talks to everyone, "Lewis Enterprises is going to be the future for Springfield. We are going to be offering more jobs in all of the areas we will be covering."
Josh smiles, "And don't think Lewis Construction is gone. We are still going strong. We are now a part of Lewis Enterprises. Also Melinda Sue and Marah will both be continuing the fashion business."

Mindy walks to the front, "M&M Lewis Fashion will be a part of Lewis Enterprises as well. This is going to a family business that will benefit everyone greatly."
Billy smiles, "We want to thank you all and have a happy new year everyone!"
The room is filled with applause.
Someone bumps Rocky and spills a drink on his shirt.
Rocky sighs, "Man! I need to go clean up."
Rocky goes into the restroom to clean his shirt.
Across the room Michelle is with Marina, "I'm sorry about my reaction I'm just surprised."
Marina nods, "Well Shayne and I are very close. And Rocky is family. So it's not like my baby will be gone. It'll just be with them. They will be great parents I know it."
Michelle worries about her.
Shayne walks over to Marina, "Hey have you seen Rocky?"
Marina shakes her head, "No I haven't. Why?"
Shayne sighs, "We are kissing at new year and there isn't a whole lot of time left."
They all look around the room.
Natalia and Olivia stand in front of everyone.
Olivia grins, "We'd like to thank you all for making the Beacon Hotel your choice for celebrating the new year."
Natalia looks around, "And we have lowered prices on rooms for the night. Those of you who have drank more than you planned please take a room and don't try and drive home. We want everyone safe."
Olivia nods, "Everyone enjoy your evening and have a happy new year."
The ladies step down.
Upstairs Remy and Blake are in their room.
The shower is running.
Blake rips off Remy's shirt.
Remy unbuttons her shirt.
They open the shower door and stumble in while still undressing.
Remy picks her up and puts her up against the wall.
Remy kisses her neck.
They continue to tear off their clothes.
The two are kissing under the hot shower.
Steam fills the bathroom.
Remy and Blake make hot passionate love.
Main Street:
Liz is running up to people, "Excuse me! Have you seen a little girl? Dark hair, about this tall? Her name is Sarah. She's my daughter. She is missing! Please!"
Jonathan is running around shouting her name, "Sarah! Sarah!?"
Aubrey is sobbing, "Oh God! Sarah where are you!"
Jonathan runs into Liz.
Liz is crying, "Where is she?"
Aubrey shouts, "Jonathan!!!"
The two run over to her.
Sarah is in her arms.
Aubrey is holding her, "She got lost!"
Jonathan gets down and hugs Sarah, "Thank God! Thank God!"
Liz leans down, "Oh thank you. Sarah. Your okay!"
Jonathan sighs, "Aubrey would you take her to the car. We should get home. We'll throw confetti in the car or something but everyone is a little shaken."
Aubrey nods, "Yeah we should go."
Jonathan sighs, "You go to the car. We're going to grab our stuff."
Aubrey hesitates, "Uh... yeah okay."
Jonathan and Liz get their stuff from the bench.
Liz wipes tears, "I was so afraid that I'd lost her again. I just..."
He hugs her, "We won't lose her. Okay? I promise. Sarah's going to be fine."
Aubrey puts Sarah into the car.
She looks at the clock and sees how close it is to midnight.

Jeffrey O'Neill leaves the party.
He doesn't want to be the only one who doesn't have someone to kiss at midnight.
Jeffrey is on the elevator.
He gets to the bottom and the doors open.
He is shocked by what he sees, "Oh my God! Marah your back!"
Upstairs the party is counting down the time.
Bill walks over to Michelle, "Hey friend. Do you have anyone to kiss at midnight?"
She laughs, "Are you hinting at something Bill Lewis?"
He grins, "Maybe."
Across the room Marina is with Shayne.
Shayne sighs, "Where is Rocky?"
Marina looks around, "I'm sorry. Maybe he is busy or... I don't know."
Shayne is upset.
In the restroom Rocky is walking to the door.
The door is stuck.
He knocks, "Hey! Someone let me out!"
The party is too loud to hear him.
Everyone is counting down at the hotel.
Harley smiles at Cyrus, "This is going to be the best year ever Cyrus! I can feel it."
He grins, "I sure hope your right. It's going to be our year."
Olivia, Mel, Natalia, and Dinah all stand in the middle together.
Olivia smiles, "Let's toast 2009. To change."
Mel raises her glass, "To family."
Natalia smiles, "To Love."
Dinah nods, "To dreams coming true!"
They all look at each other, "To friendship."
The women clink glasses.
Main Street:
Aubrey is waiting with Sarah in the car and gets impatient.
She starts to walk out.
She looks over and sees Jonathan with Liz.
She is filled with anger.
Across the street Rafe is staring at Aubrey with a smirk on his face.
The count down goes on,"
Liz and Jonathan lean close and kiss.
Bill kisses Michelle.
Vanessa and Billy smiles as they see them.
In a quick moment Shayne grabs Marina and pulls her into a kiss.
Rocky finally gets the bathroom door to open.
Everyone is holding confetti in their hands.
Upstairs Remy and Blake are heating up their room.
They hear everyone downstairs.
Remy looks at Blake, "Happy New year."
She smiles, "Oh Happy New Year!!!!!"
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!
2009 in Springfield!
Mallet finds shocking news
Blake leaves town
Aubrey collapses
Shayne and Marina finally find Rocky
Doris and Buzz share a kiss

The Lewises are hosting a huge party.
A big announcement is about to be made.

Shayne kisses Rocky, "Are you excited?"
Rocky nods, "Yeah I think your family is going to have a big year in 2009 and I'm glad to be a part of it."
Shayne grins, "I'm going to be working a lot but I'll be earning a lot of money for the baby."
Rocky smiles, "I can't believe that 2009 is the year we become parents. It's so hard to believe."
Shayne hears his family call his name, "Oh I need to get over there. But stick around because I still need a kiss at new year."
Rocky nods, "I wouldn't miss it."
Shayne walks over by his family.

Across the room Michelle approaches Marina, "Hey I didn't expect to see you here."
Marina smiles, "Well I'm here for my friend Shayne."
Michelle nods, "I'm here for my friend Bill. This is going to be a big year for the Lewises."
Marina sighs, "It's been a difficult year but 2009 will be a better year."
Michelle smiles, "I certainly hope so. If it wasn't for my children I don't know how I would get through this. It's just comforting knowing I'll always have a piece of Danny."
Marina puts her hand on her stomach, "I think I understand."
Michelle looks at her, "What do you mean?"
Marina takes a deep breathe, "Michelle..... I'm pregnant. I'm carrying Danny's child."
Michelle stares in shock.


The Beacon is hosting it's annual New Year Party.
Natalia and Olivia are the hosts.
Olivia smiles at her, "Wow this is going to be great. Your going to do great tonight."
She sighs, "I'm nervous. I mean the Beacon is such a great hotel. I can't believe I'm going to have this big job."

Mel and Dinah walk over.
Dinah smiles, "What's going on."
Olivia grins, "Well I was going to wait until later to tell everyone but I will tell you tonight. I decided to sell half of the Beacon again. And now Natalia is my co owner of The Beacon Hotel."
Mel hugs Natalia, "Congratulations. That's so great! So you two are going to be running this hotel together?"
Natalia nods, "Yes. I can't believe how far I've come from being the maid here."
Dinah pats her on the back, "Well you earned it sweetheart."
Natalia looks at all of them, "Thank you guys. You have been the best friends this year and I love you girls!"
The four women hug.

Upstairs Blake knocks on a door.
Remy answers, "Hello Blake."
Blake sighs, "Remy. I got your note. I only came to tell you goodbye."
He scoffs, "Goodbye?"
She sighs, "Remy I'm going out of town for a little while. 'Light Talk' is going to take a small break while I take my vacation time. I have somewhere I have to be."
He shakes his head, "I knew it. I knew this would happen eventually."
She walks into the room, "What Remy?"
He sighs, "Your going to find him aren't you?"
She stares at him, "This isn't your business! Remy why did you invite me here to argue?"
He walks towards her, "You forgot? Our anniversary?"
She shakes her head, "What?"
He takes her hand, "The first night we made love?"
Blake looks into his eyes.

Main Street:

People are getting ready to ring in the new year on main street.
Jonathan and Liz sit on a bench.
Aubrey has taken Sarah to go get a snack.
Liz turns to him, "We need to tell her Jonathan. We need to tell Aubrey what happened on Christmas."
He sighs, "Not tonight! Liz this is not something you tell someone in the middle of Main street."
Liz shakes her head, "Believe me she would want to know. I've been there. I can't believe we did this. I feel like such a hypocrite!"
Jonathan turns to her, "Liz you know how I feel about you. I am going to end things with Aubrey."
She scoffs, "What is it your New Year Resolution?"
He laughs, "No. That is the same as always. To be an even better father to Sarah."
Liz smiles, "We have a great little girl. We are so blessed."
Jonathan takes Liz's hand.
They stare into each other's eyes.

A few yards away Aubrey is staring at them while Sarah is holding her hand.
Rafe bumps into her.
Aubrey scoffs, "Watch where your going kid I'm pregnant."
He laughs, "Aren't you cranky?"
She stares at him for a moment.
Michelle looks at Marina, "Oh my God! Your having Danny's child?"
Marina nods, "Yeah. I found out a few weeks ago."
Michelle hugs her, "Marina! Oh my God! I'm so happy for you. This is a miracle. One last child of Danny's. Oh you need to tell the kids. And just... I'm so happy for you. This is your last gift from Danny for you to treasure."
Marina sighs, "Michelle.... I am just not in a stable place anymore. I haven't been the same since Danny passed away. Even before that I wasn't... I just can't handle all of it right now. So I've decided on adoption."
Michelle is in shock, "Are you giving Danny's child away to a stranger?"
Marina shakes her head, "No. I'm going to have Shayne and Rocky raise this child."
Michelle goes to say something but attention turns to the front of the room.

The Lewises stand in front.
Billy smiles, "Everyone we want to thank you for joining us this evening. As you all know the businesses in our family have all been through a lot this year. But me, my wife Vanessa, and my brother Josh have been busy. We have been putting together something big for us all to be a part of."
Vanessa and Josh remove a sheet and reveal a sign.
The sign is huge and reads: Lewis Enterprises

Cyrus and Harley sit on the couch in the lobby.
She smiles, "It's so great that we are out as a real official couple."
He nods, "2009 is going to rock!"
She laughs, "I am so glad that I have you. You sexy Aussie! You came into my world and turned it upside down. But you have made me so happy and reminded me how to have fun."
Cyrus grins, "And you have made me believe in love again. I've had my heart broken in the past but with you I feel like I can have a happy relationship without all of the drama."
She holds his hand, "I know at first we didn't want a relationship but I think we are in one now."
He laughs, "Relationship. Who knew?"
She sighs, "Thank you Cyrus. Thank you for basically saving me."
He grins, "Thank you for letting me into your family with your beautiful children and loving home."
The two lean in and kiss.
Upstairs Blake is with Remy.
She looks at him, "Wow it's really been a year. Since the whole shower thing."
He laughs, "Yep. We both ended up naked in the shower and ended up staying to steam it up."
She smiles, "Remy you helped me so much at a time in my life where I really needed someone."
He nods, "And you did the same for me. And I don't know about you Blake but I really need someone right now."
She gets up, "I can't do this! I can't do this Remy! Just please stop!"
He shakes his head, "Blake I'm not giving up on you. On us!"
She sighs, "Well I'm sorry but this is how it ends."
She walks out and slams the door.
Remy stands there in shock for a moment.
He shakes his head, "It can't end like this!"
He runs and opens to door.
Blake is standing right there and jumps into his arms.
He kisses her.
He carriers her to the bathroom.
The shower starts running.
Main Street:
Liz looks at Jonathan, "What are we going to do about the Aubrey situation once you end things?"
He sighs, "Well I think I'll get a place for her to stay while she's pregnant. And maybe I'll stay with you and Sarah at the farmhouse."
Liz nods, "Like a real family. It's like my dream."
He smiles, "I feel corny saying this but I always kind of hoped that we would be able to do that for Sarah."
They stare into each other's eyes.
Liz leans close to Jonathan.
Aubrey runs over, "You guys!"
They jump up, "What?"
Aubrey is freaking out, "Sarah! I turned my back for a minute and she's gone! Someone might have grabbed her."
Liz's heart drops, "Oh God! Sarah!"
Jonathan looks around, "Alan might have done it! Sarah? Sarah!"
The three go running around Main Street.
Aubrey sees a teddy bear lying on the ground.
She turns, "Jonathan!"
Jon runs over and picks it up, "This is Sarah's!"
Aubrey cries, "Oh my Baby!"
They continue searching.
Vanessa talks to everyone, "Lewis Enterprises is going to be the future for Springfield. We are going to be offering more jobs in all of the areas we will be covering."
Josh smiles, "And don't think Lewis Construction is gone. We are still going strong. We are now a part of Lewis Enterprises. Also Melinda Sue and Marah will both be continuing the fashion business."

Mindy walks to the front, "M&M Lewis Fashion will be a part of Lewis Enterprises as well. This is going to a family business that will benefit everyone greatly."
Billy smiles, "We want to thank you all and have a happy new year everyone!"
The room is filled with applause.
Someone bumps Rocky and spills a drink on his shirt.
Rocky sighs, "Man! I need to go clean up."
Rocky goes into the restroom to clean his shirt.
Across the room Michelle is with Marina, "I'm sorry about my reaction I'm just surprised."
Marina nods, "Well Shayne and I are very close. And Rocky is family. So it's not like my baby will be gone. It'll just be with them. They will be great parents I know it."
Michelle worries about her.
Shayne walks over to Marina, "Hey have you seen Rocky?"
Marina shakes her head, "No I haven't. Why?"
Shayne sighs, "We are kissing at new year and there isn't a whole lot of time left."
They all look around the room.
Natalia and Olivia stand in front of everyone.
Olivia grins, "We'd like to thank you all for making the Beacon Hotel your choice for celebrating the new year."
Natalia looks around, "And we have lowered prices on rooms for the night. Those of you who have drank more than you planned please take a room and don't try and drive home. We want everyone safe."
Olivia nods, "Everyone enjoy your evening and have a happy new year."
The ladies step down.
Upstairs Remy and Blake are in their room.
The shower is running.
Blake rips off Remy's shirt.
Remy unbuttons her shirt.
They open the shower door and stumble in while still undressing.
Remy picks her up and puts her up against the wall.
Remy kisses her neck.
They continue to tear off their clothes.
The two are kissing under the hot shower.
Steam fills the bathroom.
Remy and Blake make hot passionate love.
Main Street:
Liz is running up to people, "Excuse me! Have you seen a little girl? Dark hair, about this tall? Her name is Sarah. She's my daughter. She is missing! Please!"
Jonathan is running around shouting her name, "Sarah! Sarah!?"
Aubrey is sobbing, "Oh God! Sarah where are you!"
Jonathan runs into Liz.
Liz is crying, "Where is she?"
Aubrey shouts, "Jonathan!!!"
The two run over to her.
Sarah is in her arms.
Aubrey is holding her, "She got lost!"
Jonathan gets down and hugs Sarah, "Thank God! Thank God!"
Liz leans down, "Oh thank you. Sarah. Your okay!"
Jonathan sighs, "Aubrey would you take her to the car. We should get home. We'll throw confetti in the car or something but everyone is a little shaken."
Aubrey nods, "Yeah we should go."
Jonathan sighs, "You go to the car. We're going to grab our stuff."
Aubrey hesitates, "Uh... yeah okay."
Jonathan and Liz get their stuff from the bench.
Liz wipes tears, "I was so afraid that I'd lost her again. I just..."
He hugs her, "We won't lose her. Okay? I promise. Sarah's going to be fine."
Aubrey puts Sarah into the car.
She looks at the clock and sees how close it is to midnight.

Jeffrey O'Neill leaves the party.
He doesn't want to be the only one who doesn't have someone to kiss at midnight.
Jeffrey is on the elevator.
He gets to the bottom and the doors open.
He is shocked by what he sees, "Oh my God! Marah your back!"
Upstairs the party is counting down the time.
Bill walks over to Michelle, "Hey friend. Do you have anyone to kiss at midnight?"
She laughs, "Are you hinting at something Bill Lewis?"
He grins, "Maybe."
Across the room Marina is with Shayne.
Shayne sighs, "Where is Rocky?"
Marina looks around, "I'm sorry. Maybe he is busy or... I don't know."
Shayne is upset.
In the restroom Rocky is walking to the door.
The door is stuck.
He knocks, "Hey! Someone let me out!"
The party is too loud to hear him.
Everyone is counting down at the hotel.
Harley smiles at Cyrus, "This is going to be the best year ever Cyrus! I can feel it."
He grins, "I sure hope your right. It's going to be our year."
Olivia, Mel, Natalia, and Dinah all stand in the middle together.
Olivia smiles, "Let's toast 2009. To change."
Mel raises her glass, "To family."
Natalia smiles, "To Love."
Dinah nods, "To dreams coming true!"
They all look at each other, "To friendship."
The women clink glasses.
Main Street:
Aubrey is waiting with Sarah in the car and gets impatient.
She starts to walk out.
She looks over and sees Jonathan with Liz.
She is filled with anger.
Across the street Rafe is staring at Aubrey with a smirk on his face.
The count down goes on,"
Liz and Jonathan lean close and kiss.
Bill kisses Michelle.
Vanessa and Billy smiles as they see them.
In a quick moment Shayne grabs Marina and pulls her into a kiss.
Rocky finally gets the bathroom door to open.
Everyone is holding confetti in their hands.
Upstairs Remy and Blake are heating up their room.
They hear everyone downstairs.
Remy looks at Blake, "Happy New year."
She smiles, "Oh Happy New Year!!!!!"
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!
2009 in Springfield!
Mallet finds shocking news
Blake leaves town
Aubrey collapses
Shayne and Marina finally find Rocky
Doris and Buzz share a kiss
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