Episode#272: Vivian's Doubts
Episode#272: Vivian’s Doubts
-Renee comes down at the DiMera Mansion and asks Lexie if she’s seen Stefano anywhere, and Lexie says no, and Renee says she hasn’t seen him in hours…
-Valentine walks across the Alamain Mansion, and thinks about everything that has been happening with Alamain, and she says that despite that…her life has been just about perfect. She slowly takes out a picture of someone from a drawer, and says she’s sorry she had to leave him, but she has a better life in Salem…
-Destiny is with Will down at the park, and he pours his heart out to her about how he misses his daughter. She comforts him and assures him its all gonna be alright, and he’ll get Arianna back, and Will says he hopes so. He tells Destiny how glad he is to have her at her side and she smiles, but then their moment of joy is ruined when Crystal and Benard arrive!
-Victor is at the Kiriakis Mansion and is still disturbed by Dorian’s sudden arrival and decision to move to Salem. Celeste soon begins to ask Victor why this concerns him so much, and Victor tries to tell her its nothing, but Celeste soon also gets concerned, and when Victor goes to get a drink, she takes out her Tarot Cards!
-At Salem Place, Vivian walks along, and thinks to herself that in just a few hours, she’ll have made a major step in getting back at everyone who ever hurt her. She looks at the various shops, and then gulps and wonders outloud if its really worth it. She hears a voice asks if whats really worth it and turns to see KATE!
*Life in Salem Opening: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eo2A7rZhZGA *
-Lexie and Renee get concerned for Stefano, and they also ask Elvis if he’s seen him. Elvis hasn’t either, and all three begin to search for Stefano!
-Valentine continues to admire the picture she is looking at, but when she hears someone enter, she quickly puts it away, and turns to see Ivan! He asks if she’s alright and she says yes, and she rushes out of the room, leaving Ivan to wonder why she was acting so odd.
-Benard angrily asks Will what he’s doing out of jail, and Destiny asks them to just leave them alone, and Crystal begins taunting Will about his grandmother’s death and says that she will soon have Arianna. Will gets angry and tries to stand up to the Galore’s, but Destiny manages to calm him down. Benard however promises Will that Arianna will soon be under their custody!
-Celeste is utterly horrified when the Tarot Cards tell her that her relationship with Victor is in great danger! Celeste vows to find out what is going on with Dorian, and Victor wonders if Celeste is alright -Celeste is utterly horrified when the Tarot Cards tell her that her relationship with Victor is in great danger! Celeste vows to find out what is going on with Dorian, and Victor wonders if Celeste is alright once he comes back in and they drink and spend time together, and Victor tries to get his mind off of Dorian.
-Vivian is shocked to see Kate standing before her! She begins throwing insults at her immediately and sarcastically welcomes her back to life, and Kate tells Vivian that she’s so petty, and she’s through with their rivalry, and she was just concerned that Vivian wouldn’t do something crazy. Vivian and Kate angrily fight and Vivian eventually stomps off, and vows that now she must do this! To make everyone pay! There is a freeze frame with Vivian, Stefano, Celeste, Valentine, Forrest, and Kate’s faces…
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