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AOTH Episode#12: Dad at 16 Pt.2



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    • Greenlee

Salem University Hospital

Lucas is holding his son Will after learning his baby’s mother is dead.

“Son I am so sorry. How did it happen?”

Will pulls away from his father and looks into his eyes, wanting to be honest and bury the hatchet,

“Her name was Arianna. I named our daughter after her so we can always remember her.”


“That’s very nice of you. Tell me what happened to her? How did Arianna die?”


“She died while giving birth.” Will pauses and turns away from his father.

Lucas looks at “Sami”

“What is the matter with you? Why are you just standing there?”


“Lucas, you are really getting on my nerves.”


“You’ just find out you’re a grandmother and you have nothing to say? Will was missing for over a year and now he’s back with a baby at age 16 and you have nothing to say?”


“Pretty much.” She then turns to Will.

“Will, your baby girl is beautiful. I am so happy for you. But I am sorry about your loss.”


“You’re not mad at me mom?”


“Of course not Willy.”

Will, frowning up

“You’ve never called me that before.”


“First time for everything.”


“Something is very off with you. You haven’t been your self for months now Samantha! It’s like you are a whole new person or something.”


“Don’t you have Jan Brady to worry about?”


“Mom, dad, don’t start fighting. This isn’t about the two of you right now. It’s about me and my family. I have a family now. And I will not screw it up like the two of you did with me.”

Lucas is stunned as well as Destiny. Marlena and Carrie walk over to them, stunned as well after what Will just said. Lucas looks at Carrie

“Carrie, what a great surprise.” He gives her a hug.


“Great, you’re here to rag on me too Aunt Carrie?”


“Will, you have a daughter! Marlena told me everything. I can’t believe it, you’re so young. It’s a child having a child.”


“At least some one in your family realizes that. Sami here is acting like she doesn’t even care.”


“Oh, stop your whining Lucas.


“Yea, I am surprised myself that Sami is so cool with it. I’ve heard you haven’t been yourself Sami. Is everything ok?”


“It could be if everyone just quit questioning me. Jesus Christ, every five minute some one is asking me “Are you ok Sami?” Enough with it ok?!

Marlena, Carrie, Lucas, Will, and Destiny look at Sami in shock. That is until Mike Horton walks over to them with news on baby Arianna.


“Mike how’s my daughter? Is she going to be ok?”



Affairs of the Hearts: Episode#12, Dad at 16 Pt.2

Written by: ML Cooks

Salem University Hospital

Lucas is holding his son Will after learning his baby’s mother is dead.

“Son I am so sorry. How did it happen?”

Will pulls away from his father and looks into his eyes, wanting to be honest and bury the hatchet,

“Her name was Arianna. I named our daughter after her so we can always remember her.”


“That’s very nice of you. Tell me what happened to her? How did Arianna die?”


“She died while giving birth.” Will pauses and turns away from his father.

Lucas looks at “Sami”

“What is the matter with you? Why are you just standing there?”


“Lucas, you are really getting on my nerves.”


“You’ just find out you’re a grandmother and you have nothing to say? Will was missing for over a year and now he’s back with a baby at age 16 and you have nothing to say?”


“Pretty much.” She then turns to Will.

“Will, your baby girl is beautiful. I am so happy for you. But I am sorry about your loss.”


“You’re not mad at me mom?”


“Of course not Willy.”

Will, frowning up

“You’ve never called me that before.”


“First time for everything.”


“Something is very off with you. You haven’t been your self for months now Samantha! It’s like you are a whole new person or something.”


“Don’t you have Jan Brady to worry about?”


“Mom, dad, don’t start fighting. This isn’t about the two of you right now. It’s about me and my family. I have a family now. And I will not screw it up like the two of you did with me.”

Lucas is stunned as well as Destiny. Marlena and Carrie walk over to them, stunned as well after what Will just said. Lucas looks at Carrie

“Carrie, what a great surprise.” He gives her a hug.


“Great, you’re here to rag on me too Aunt Carrie?”


“Will, you have a daughter! Marlena told me everything. I can’t believe it, you’re so young. It’s a child having a child.”


“At least some one in your family realizes that. Sami here is acting like she doesn’t even care.”


“Oh, stop your whining Lucas.


“Yea, I am surprised myself that Sami is so cool with it. I’ve heard you haven’t been yourself Sami. Is everything ok?”


“It could be if everyone just quit questioning me. Jesus Christ, every five minute some one is asking me “Are you ok Sami?” Enough with it ok?!

Marlena, Carrie, Lucas, Will, and Destiny look at Sami in shock. That is until Mike Horton walks over to them with news on baby Arianna.


“Mike how’s my daughter? Is she going to be ok?”

Affairs of the Heart

Episode 12: Dad at 16 pt2

Written by: ML Cooks

Meanwhile, security officers rushes over to Greta’s room and they see the nurse laying on the ground as Nicole stands back in a corner and watches all the activity. One of the guards take a pulse. He looks up at his partner and says,

“She’s dead. Call the Salem PD. This is now an official crime scene.”

Nicole begins to panic and has a flashback of her encounter with Greta last night.

Nicole gets out of her bed and walks into the hall way to look for Greta’s room. She finds it and walks inside. Nicole is stunned that it’s really Greta she sees before her.

“It’s really you. You’ve come back. You dumb fool.”

Greta, slowly opening her eyes,

“No Bitch. You’re the dumb fool. Pay backs are a bitch and you will get your’s.”


“Look at you. You look sick. What the hell happened to you?”


“Worry about your self. Worry about what you are going to do when I come for you. Enjoy your last days here in Salem.”


“Greta, you’re tripping. Get a hold of your self. I’ve just been exposed, so nothing you do is going to matter now.”


“You just wait.”

Nicole leaves at Greta’s ominous warning, a chill runs through Nicole’s spine.

Nicole begin to think to herself if Greta could have really killed this nurse. Nicole makes a mental note that Greta was really acting strange last night. Wanting to leave she speaks to a guard,

“I’m feeling a little queasy. I’ll be in room 12 if you need to talk to me.”


“You didn’t see the patient when you walked in here?”


“No I did not.”


“That will be all. The Salem PD may have more questions for you.”

Nicole nods her head and quietly walks out of the room. She then walks to her room and opens the door and enters. She is stunned to see Greta bursting out of the closet with a syringe.


“Say one word and I’ll kill you right here and right now!”

Anna and Tony walks into Jan’s room.


“You have got to be kidding me. Where’s my fiancée?”


“He’s handling a family matter right now with Will.”


“He better be. That jerk stole my credit card. And just what are you doing here Tony and for the love of God, why are you with this crazy old bat?”


“You don’t have to be so rude.”


“I told you to stay the hell away from me. You’re a crazy stalker. Pulling my hair out, putting cotton swabs in my mouth. Who does that?”


“Jan, there’s no need to get all worked up. There was a reason why Anna did all of that.”


“I am listening.”


“Jan, Anna thinks you are my missing child with Marlena.”

Jan is so shocked she is speechless.


“That’s why I took those DNA samples. I wanted to run a paternity test first before I rattled any one’s chain about this. I wanted to get proof first.”


“Oh my God, you have to be kidding right?”


“No my dear. That’s why we are here. We want to run you’re DNA for a paternity test.”


“You and Marlena, my real birth parents? This sounds so contrived.”


“It does but there is only one way to find out. So will you consent to a DNA test?”


“I thought Nicole was your missing child with Marlena.”


“No no, she lied about the whole thing. She made it look like she was the Dimera child so she could get the Dimera millions.”


“So that’s why we need you to solve this mystery once and for all.”


“Yes, I’ll do the paternity test.”

Mike looks at Marlena, Carrie, Sami, Destiny, and Will. Mike and Carrie stare at each other for a moment as they both remember their affair.

“Arianna is running a high fever and she’s dehydrated. We are going to keep her a few days to make sure nothing else is wrong. In the meantime, as a doctor, I am obligated to certain things.”


“What does that mean?”


“Will is too young to take care of this child. Arianna is showing signs of neglect.”


“Are you saying I abused my daughter?”


“In some respects yes. Will, it’s obvious you can’t take care of this child. You are too young. When I see signs like these I have to call the children service board. Which is exactly what I did. They will be here in a few minutes.”


“No! Damn it! Why did you do something so stupid?”


“This is not good.”


“What is the matter Will? Is there something else you’re not telling me?”


“I am about to lose my daughter thanks to Mike here.”


“It’ nothing personal. I have a job to do.”

Will turns to his dad and begins to plea with him,

“Dad, please don’t let them take my baby away from me. I’ve already lost Arianna, I can’t lose my baby girl too. I’ve worked too hard to keep her with me.”


“What does that mean?”


“It’s time Will. I can’t stand by here and watch all this take place and not say nothing.”

Marlena, interjecting

“Then tell us!”


“Will is-” Will cuts her off.


“NO, I did it, so I’ll be a man about it and fess up.” Will then looks back at his dad.

“The police are looking for me. I kidnapped my daughter.”


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