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Episode 99



Everyone has shocking news in Springfield.......

Police Station:

Shayne and Rocky are sitting out in the hall.
Rocky is about to go to Mallet to begin pressing charges against Kevin for the attack.
Shayne holds him, "I know this is going to be difficult. But I know you can do this okay?"
Rocky nods, "Yeah. I know it's just.... I keep wondering how much longer this has to go on. I mean this is gonna go to court. It's gonna get dragged out forever. I mean maybe I should..."
Kevin Marler is brought in and walked into the room.
Mel is his lawyer, "Come on Kevin this way."
He glances at the two as he walks away.
Shayne takes a deep breathe, "Don't worry that bastard is going to be locked away after this."
Rocky sighs, "All I want is my old life back. I just want all of this to be over and in the past."
Shayne takes a hold of his hand, "That is all I want. And we will get that I promise and then we'll have our ceremony. And then we spend the rest of our lives together."
Rocky gets ready to say something.
His lawyer walks over, "Rocky we're ready for you."
Rocky gets up and walks in.
Shayne is told to stay outside the room.

Reva Bend:

Reva is sitting in her livingroom.
She is holding a picture of Jonathan and Sarah.
Jonathan promised he'd try to bring her by later.
The doorbell rings.
Reva goes running, "Jo..."
She opens the door to Josh, "Hello. Did you miss me?"
She sighs, "Uh yeah. I just... yes I missed you. I'm glad you stopped by. Come in."
Josh walks inside, "I was hoping we could talk about what has been going on between us."
Reva shuts the door, "Um. I think there is something we need to talk about first Joshua."
He shakes his head, "Not just yet. There is something I need to say first. I need this moment."
She walks over to him, "Okay."
He takes her hand, "Reva. You have been my destiny since I was a little boy in Oklahoma. And now here we are back together for the millionth time. And I don't want anything to break us up again. And I think we can do something to assure that won't happen."
Reva is confused, "What are you trying to say Bud?"
He smiles, "Reva Shayne.... will you be my wife again?"
Reva is speechless.

Spaulding Mansion:

Cassandra is sitting out in the back of her house.
She stares out of the property.
It is all hers and no one can stop her now.
She hears a noise.
She goes searching for it, "Hello? Who is there?"
She stands against a wall.
Above on the balcony the mysterious woman is looking down on her. She shoves a statue that goes flying off the edge.
Cassandra looks up and sees it coming straight at her.
Just a couple of moments away from crashing down on her in slow motion.
All of the sudden she feels a pressure on her back.
She goes falling away from the spot.
She falls down and is just missed by the statue that leaves a dent in the ground.
She looks up to see Jeffrey laying on top of her.
She shoves him, "What the hell are you doing?"
He scoffs, "Well right now I'm just relaxing. But a few seconds ago I was saving your life."
She shakes her head, "I'm fine!"
The two get up.
He looks up, "I don't think that fell on it's own."
Cassandra stares, "What do you mean?"
He sighs, "I came to warn you. Annie Dutton... she escaped from Ravenwood."


Lucy gets up and starts getting dressed.
A naked David is laying on the bed, "Wow. We finish and you jump right up and start getting dressed?"
She falls back down on the bed, "I have things to do. I need to get back to my work."
He laughs, "Don't you still work at Company? Or did they hire you at Lewis again?"
She scoffs, "I have a shift at the diner. Okay? I admit it's not the most important job but it's the only one I have at the moment. And I've saved up some money and now I can have a room here. Better than living at the boarding house."
David sits up, "You don't like living with you family? Is that the kind of person you are?"
She laughs, "Well not all of us like to live with our parents when we're at this age."
He starts to get dressed, "Wow. You really are trying to hit below the belt huh?"
She puts on her shoes, "Remember. We don't need to be nice. We are just two people who like to have sex. Good sex."
He walks over, "Uh-uh. You mean great sex!"
He grabs her and kisses her.


Michelle and Danny stumble into an empty room.
They are still kissing.
He has his hands on her face.
She wraps her arms around him.
He pulls away, "No! Stop! Stop! Stop it. Michelle just stop it. Okay? I don't... I love Marina."
She scoffs, "You act like I forced you to do something. I didn't hold a gun to your head."
He shakes his head, "Oh God! Why did I just do that? I shouldn't have come over here!"
She sighs, "But you did! And you know why! I know why! We are never going to give up on each other. We made a promise years ago that we would never stop loving each other and I am not going back on that and neither are you. Whether we want to or not!"
He sighs, "I love Marina. I am trying to have a happy normal life with Marina. Okay?"
She walks over to him, "You don't think I get that? All I ever did was try and find a normal life with a normal guy but all I can ever think about is you. You are the love of my life Danny!"
He sits down, "Why is this happening?"
She sits with him, "You don't get to choose who your true love is Danny. I realize that now."
He looks at her again.
He tries to fight it but ends up kissing her again.

Lillian's House:

Beth and Phillip are sitting in the kitchen.
Phillip stare out the window, "What time is James getting home today? I thought he'd be here by now."
She walks over, "He is going to stay the night at Rick's. Jude and Robbie asked him to come over. So we won't see him until Mindy drops him off in the morning?"
Phillip walks around the room, "So your Mom took Penelope for the day? I mean it's her day off."
Beth nods, "That's what I thought but she likes going for walks at the park and so does the baby so it all works out."
Phillip sighs, "Lizzie! Maybe we should invite her over. I mean it's been a while since she was here."
Beth shakes her head, "She and Colin went out on a vacation. They won't be back until next week."
Phillip sighs, "I guess it's gonna be a while before I can spend time with my kids huh?"
Beth sits with him, "It won't be that long. I promise. I have a feeling. It's the same feeling I had right before we found out you were alive. Something is about to happen Phillip. Something is going to... I don't know but something is gonna change things for us."
There is a knock at the door.
Phillip goes to answer it.
Beth and Phillip stare in shock.
Annie Dutton stands at the door.


David and Lucy are kissing.
She pulls away, "You are not going to try and convince me to stay. Because this isn't anything more than what I told you it was. It is a no strings attatched deal!"
He shakes his head, "You know that it could be something real. I could make you happy Lucy."
She laughs, "Oh don't you worry about that Baby. You just made me happy enough. Okay?"
He sighs, "You know what I mean. I can give you something. I can save you from yourself."
She scoffs, "And what the hell makes you think that I need you to save me from anything?"
He walks over to her, "You need to understand that I need you too. I can give you a good life with me."
She shakes her head, "No. I already tried the relationship built on love with Alan Michael. And I got screwed. And I tried the relationship built on power and money. And I got screwed again. This relationship is about sex so now if I get screwed.... Just don't get your hopes up."
She walks out the door.
David sits on the bed. Frustrated with Lucy.

Danny and Michelle are kissing.
He holds her back, "No. I need to leave. Michelle. This isn't some game this is my life."
She stands up, "I'm not making you do anything so don't talk to me like I am Danny!"
He walks over to her and holds her in his arms, "Okay. I know that we have something. I am willing to admit that. But you need to let me go. Let me be happy with Marina."
Michelle shakes her head, "I don't know how you could even ask me that. How can you ask me to give up on you? Give up on the man who I love with all of my heart!"
Danny walks to the door, "I'm sorry Michelle but you are going to have to. I am going to be with Marina. And I know this will be diffcult. But that is what is happeing whether.... no matter what."
Danny leaves.
Michelle shuts the door.
She kicks over a trash can.
Michelle falls to the floor crying.

Police Station:
Shayne is still sitting outside waiting.
He is fighting every gut feeling to go into that room and throw Kevin against the wall.
He is getting impatient.
The door opens.
Mel and Kevin walks out past Shayne.
Kevin has a strange look of disbelief.
Rocky walks out.
Kevin gets ready to say something.
Rocky stops him, "No! Just.... just leave. I don't want to see or hear you ever again. Stay away from me and Shayne. Or else I might change my mind about all of this."
Rocky looks down at the ground the entire time.
Kevin leaves.
Shayne walks over to Rocky, "Why the hell wasn't he in handcuffs? Where is he going? Rocky?"
Rocky shakes his head, "He is leaving. I did what I needed to do and I don't regret it."
Shayne is furious, "What the hell are you talking about? He attacked you! Do you remember that?"
Rocky sighs, "Okay. I know. But if I can get over it and I can try and move on then why can't you Shayne?"
Shayne shakes his head, "What the hell is the matter with you? I mean why would you do that?"
Rocky stares at Shayne, "I know you don't understand now. But I don't have anger. I just don't. I want to be happy and let all of this go! I don't want to spend my life crying and worrying. Just... try and accept it Shayne! Please?"
Shayne storms out of the station.

Reva Bend:
Reva stares at Josh, "I'm sorry. I spaced out for a moment. But I thought you said..."
He smiles, "I want to be your husband again Reva. I mean a part of me feels like I never stopped."
She is surprised, "Oh my God! Are you really serious about his Joshua? I mean you want to get married again?"
He nods, "Yes. I want to have a big wedding. I don't know where or when but I know I want this. I want it with you Reva. I am ready to continue my life with you."
She sighs, "Wow this is a lot to take in... I mean we would have to plan and take a lot of time. I'm busy at WSPR, and this Annie thing. It just seems like..."
He shakes his head, "We don't have to wait. We can get married next week. You have vaction time right? Just take some. We can have our honeymoon. Reva this is our destiny!"
She tears up, "Destiny. That is a word we have used a lot these past years. It almost seems like a fantasy."
He holds her hand, "It doesn't have to be. Reva lets continue our story. It's not the end for us. It's a new beginning.'
Reva smiles, "A new beginning is just what I need."
Josh grins.
Reva jumps into his arms and he swings her around.

Spaulding Mansion:
Cassandra stares at Jeffrey, "What? Annie is free? Are you kidding me? She is out of Ravenwood?"
He nods, "I'm afraid so. I wanted to come over here and warn you but I guess I got here just in time."
She looks up, "I think you did."
He looks around, "Okay well I'll call some people over and we'll look around and I'll take care of it. Can you stay somewhere?"
She turns to him, "What? No. You don't need to stay. I have security and they can take care of it. It's their job. No. I'm not going anywhere. I'm not letting you all swarm my house. I can take care of myself."
He shakes his head, "How can you be so stubborn about something like this Cassie?"
She pushes him, "You need to leave now!"
Jeffrery gives up and leaves.
As he walks out the woman approaches him, "Excuse me? Aren't you Jeffrey O'Neil?"
He nods, "Yes. You look familiar."
She smiles, "Oh I just have one of those faces. I just wanted to say I've heard a lot about you and your love life. You really get around don't you Mr. O'Neill?"
He is confused, "Do I know you?"
She shakes her head, "Just be careful who you hurt Mr. O'Neill. You could be getting yourself in danger."
She walks away leaving him in complete lack of understanding.

Lillian's House:
Annie walks in, "Where is Lillian?"
Beth walks over, "Oh my God! Annie Dutton? What are you doing here? Where did you come from?"
She paces, "Lillian? Nurse Lillian Raines is my friend from when I worked in the hospital!"
Phillip walks over, "Why are you talking like that?"
She smiles, "Phillip! You were a friend to me once! Right? Oh I can talk to you!"
Beth shakes her head, "Annie you shouldn't be here. I think you should be leaving."
Annie shouts, "NO! I need to tell you something."
She pulls out a little digital camera.
Phillip is confused, "What is that?"
Annie holds it, "I stole it from a security guard! You need to see what I got a picture of."
Beth walks over and takes the camera, "Okay. But first let's get you back where you need to be."
Two men from Ravenwood come in, "Ms. Dutton. You need to come back with us now."
They grab her.
She shouts, "NO! NO! Look at the picture! The picture! You need to see it! It's important!"
Phillip watches as they take her to the car.
He walks over to Beth, "I don't know what she is talking about."
Beth is holding the camera.
Her face is in complete shock, "I know exactly what she was talking about and I can't believe my eyes."
Phillip is confused, "What does Annie have a picture of?"
Beth turns it around, "Jonathan! He's alive!!!"
Phillip and Beth stare at the picture of Jonathan hugging Reva!

Reva and Josh's wedding!
Beth and Phillip find Liz!
Mindy's life is in danger!
Olivia gets a shocking visit!
Jeffrey discovers something huge!
Danny and Michelle can't fight their feelings!
Kevin goes to see Rocky!


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A perfect lead-up to the 100th episode, Jay!

I love the Annie Dutton stuff, but why isn't Cynthia Watros cast as her? Just curious.

I have some speculation about what will happen with Rocky and Shayne :wub: I think Rocky and Kevin were an item or something...and when Rocky broke it off, Kevin got even. Hmm. I wonder if that's what you wrote??? :D:D

So let me know check out numero 100....

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OK. Now first off with Annie Dutton. I will not deny Cynthia Watros is Annie Dutton.

However when she left Signy Coleman was in the role. This is basically to finish up the story.

But I promise you..... the real Annie isn't gone. ;)

It'll make sense in a few weeks.

You are somewhat close with Kevin and Rocky. You'll see in Episode 100.

Thanks Greg!

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But I promise you..... the real Annie isn't gone.

It'll make sense in a few weeks

Jay! Don't do this to me!!! Man, I can't wait to see how this will play out...... :D:D:D

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I really hope that you enjoy what comes up for Annie.

Soon we'll start seeing more of Montel's character Dr. Chancler Tyler.

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