Episode 98
Kendall OR Greenlee...
51 members have voted
Everyone has secrets in Springfield......

Spaulding Enterprises:

Beth and Phillip are walking through the halls.
Beth looks at the pictures of all of the CEO's of Spaulding Enterprises. She stares at Cassie's, "Never will I ever understand how she could have managed to take everything from this family."
Phillip sighs, "Well I guess sometimes it feels like maybe we deserve it after all of the harm we've caused."
Beth turns to him, "I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear you say that Phillip. Because you know that's not true."
He sighs, "Beth, I just don't want to hurt Cassie. She has been hurt by this family enough."
She scoffs, "Excuse me have you forgotten what she has done to us this year? She took the company, she took our home, she is going after everyone in this town and everyone is fair game for her."
He nods, "Remind you of anyone?"
She sighs, "This is not the same as you. You were sick and confused. And Cassie is...."
He turns to her, "Cassie is sick. She has been like this since Tammy died and now she is taking it out on everyone else."
Beth shakes her head, "If we can forgive you then why can't you forgive yourself?"
He sighs, "Not everyone has forgiven me and they have no reason to at this point."
Phillip walks away.

Spaulding Mansion:

Cassandra is going over some remodling plans for the house.
Edmund walks over, "Wow you certantly are making quite a few changes aren't you?"
She nods, "Well this house still reminds me of the Spauldings. But soon this will be the Winslow Mansion. And the Spauldings will be nothing but a distant memory."
He sighs, "Cassie, you really need to think about this. I know you are dead set on getting your revenge on the Spauldings but hasn't this gone on long enough?"
She turns to him, "What the hell are you talking about? Why would you even ask me that?"
He tries to calm her down, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean that the way it sounded. I just mean that I want you to be free of all of your anger and your pain. I want you to be happy again."
She smiles, "I am happy. I have everything. Alan has nothing. This whole mansion is all mine. This whole town is going to be groveling at my feet soon enough. What isn't there to be happy about?"
He nods, "I guess your plan is working out perfectly? I mean everything you wanted is coming true."
She grins, "And this is only the beginning. Next I am going to go after the Lewises."
She walks into the next room.

Reva Bend:

Reva is sitting on her couch.
She can't stop thinking about making love with Josh and what this could mean for them.
There is a noise at her door.
She gets worried.
She picks up a bat and walks slowly too it.
She pulls open the door.
Reva immidently drops the bat.

Jonathan is standing there, "Hi Mom. You gonna hit me?"
She cries, "Oh my God! Jonathan? Your really here? Oh my God! This isn't just a dream."
He hugs her, "I've missed you like crazy Mom. It's been over a year since we last saw each other."
She nods, "How's my special little Granddaughter? How is little Sarah doing Jonathan?"
He grins, "She's great she's gotten so much older. She's walking, talking, she's just like her Grandma Reva!"
Reva is all smiles, "Oh and Aubrey. How is she? Have you two ever officially..."
He shows his ring finger, "Yeah we got married last spring. I didn't think I'd ever get married again after Tammy but Aubrey and I are great parents to Sarah. You know?"
Reva sighs, "What about Lizzie? Have you thought about her?"
Jonathan nods, "Yeah. That's one of the reasons why I am here to see you. We are in some trouble."
Reva is worried.


Michelle is walking down the hallway.
She's getting ready to go on her break.
Danny walks over, "Hey I was wondering if we could talk really quick? If you have time?"
She nods, "Is this about Robbie or Hope?"
He shakes his head, "No. It's about Marina and I. I have some news for you Michelle."
She scoffs, "I really don't want to hear all of this Danny okay? It's just to soon for me."
Danny sighs, "Listen. I'm not trying to be rude or upset you at work but this is the only way to get ahold of you latley and I have to tell you this Michelle."
She walks away, "I don't have a whole lot of time Danny so you might want to try again later."
He follows, "Listen could you just give me a minute please? Okay Marina and I are moving in together."
She sighs, "Okay well I hope she has fun with you at the Beacon but I got to say it's gonna get crowded."
He shakes his head, "No. We actually.... we bought a house. We got a home together."
Michelle is taken back by this news.

Old Museum:

The apartment hasn't been the same now that Marina and Marah have moved out.
Sam sits with Stephanie, "Hey. I was wondering if you wanted to go out later and get some coffee?"
She nods, "Oh sure. I'd love to go. But when were you planning on going out Sam?"
He smiles, "Uh well how about now? I mean I have some free time and you don't seem busy."
She sighs, "I'm sorry but I promised that I'd watch a movie soon and it's about to start."
Sam is confused, "Who did you make a promise too?"
Remy walks in, "Hey has the movie started yet? I just made the popcorn and everything?"
She smiles, "It's about too. So you promise that I'm going to like this one Remy?"
He nods, "Oh yeah I think this one is right up your ally, it's got action but it can be sweet at times."
Sam is surprised, "Oh hey Remy."
Remy smiles, "What's up Sam? Are you planning on watching the movie with us today?"
Sam gets up, "Uh maybe later."
Sam walks to the other side of the room but can't keep his eyes off of how cozy Remy and Stephanie are getting.


David walks into one of the rooms.
He looks around, "Did someone call about a disturbance in here? Hello? Anyone here?"

Lucy walks over wearing a sexy lingerie, "Well I don't know about you but I'm feeling pretty disturbed."
He sighs, "I should have known that calling a detective to check out a disturbance was suspicious."
She walks over to him, "I've had a very very stressful day today. And I was kind of hoping that you had one too."
He sighs, "My day has had a lot of stress but something tells me that you didn't invite me over to talk about it?"
She shake her head, "No. I need someone to help me relieve my stress. And think about something else. You were good at that before and i think it could work again."
He sighs, "I don't know Lucy. It was great before but doing it again could complicate things."
She start to unbotton his shirt, "Oh don't you think you are the man for the job? Or not?"
He stares into her eyes, "You bet your ass I'm the man for this job Lucy Cooper!"
He picks her up and the two kiss.
Spaulding Enterprises:
Beth walks over to Phillip, "I know that you feel guilty for everything that has happened to this family. But you can do so much to make up for it all now right?"
Phillip turns to her, "Okay Beth your gonna have to explain because I don't understand."
She smiles, "You can save this family. You can take back the company and make the Spaulding name something to be proud of for us. That has always been your goal."
He sighs, "I don't know if that is even possible now Beth."
She holds his hand, "You can make this up to your family. Lizzie and James have already forgiven you. And now you can have a new start with Penelope."
He shakes his head, "What about Zach? He doesn't want anything to do with me. He's fine with Gus as his dad. And Emma? She doens't even know me. Olivia has probably told her horror stories and now she only knows Bill as her father. I don't know if I can fix any of that."
Beth hugs him, "I'm so sorry that you have to go through this with your children but you can still do something for them whether they apreciate it now or not."
Phillip walks away to think about this.
Old Museum:
Sam can't stop staring at Stephanie and Remy.
The two are chatting on the couch.
Sam makes his move, "Hey you know what guys? I think I might want to watch the movie after all."
Stephanie smiles, "Oh great."
Sam drops himself right in between them.
Remy stares at him, "Are you comfortable there Sam? I mean the chair might have a little more room."
Sam shakes his head, "Nah. I'm pretty comfortable. But if you aren't then you can have the chair."
Remy sits back, "Me? Oh no. I'm fine. I'm more than comfortable. I'm gonna stay here with you."
Stephanie looks at them, "Is there something that I'm not getting that's going on?"
Sam shakes his head, "No. Why do you ask?"
Stephanie sighs, "Um... I don't know it just feels uncomfortable here now. Is everything okay?"
Remy sighs, "Nope everything is fine. Right Sam?"
Sam nods, "Right."
The three watch the movie.
David and Lucy fall onto the floor.
She start tearing off his clothes.
He is removing her outfit.
She kisses his neck, "God! This is just what I needed after today. I knew there had to be something to look forward to."
He smiles, "Well I'm happy that I make you happy. At least in some way you know?"
She climbs over him, "Let's just keep this simple. There are no feelings involved. No emotions, or problems. Just a quick one night stand and then we're done."
He starts to unhook her bra, "What if I want this to be more than a one night stand?"
She unbuckles his jeans, "Well then I guess that you my friend are setting yourself up for a great disappointment. Because there is only one thing that I need from you."
He grins, "Well I guess that will have to do me for now. Until you come to your senses. No pun intended.'
She puts her hand on his mouth, "No more talking. From now on the only sounds I want to hear from you is moans and my name!"
The two begin to make love.
Spaulding Mansion:
Cassandra is sitting out in the back yard.
She's staring out to the property. It's all so beautiful and it is all her's too.
She takes a deep breathe, "This is all for you Tammy. I know that you can't be here with me. But I know that you are the only person who would understnad this."
She hears a sound.
She turns around to see, "Hello? Is someone there? Hello? I heard a noise what the hell was it?"
She starts looking around.
No one appears to be there.
She keeps walking.
She calls out, "Mark Guillespie? If that's you, you son of a bitch you better be afraid!"
She keeps looking.

Above on the balcony the mysterious woman is staring down at her. Cassandra is unaware of her.
The woman sees a statue that is standing on the edge and gives it a great big shove.
Cassandra looks up to see the statue flying down right towards her.
Michelle walks away from Danny, "You know what I just... I'm really busy right now so if we could talk about this another time that would just be great for me."
Danny sighs, "Michelle. I'm sorry but I just want you to know so we can tell the kids."
She turns to him, "Is that really why Danny? I mean honestly is that the reason?"
He nods, "Well what else is there?"
She scoffs, "Come on! You just want to make sure I know that you and Marina are taking the next step in you relationship. Okay well I get it Danny. All right?"
He shakes his head, "That is not what this is about Michelle. I'm not trying to hurt you."
She walks over to him, "Really? Then why are you denying this Danny huh/ Anser that!"
He is confused, "Denying what?"
She sighs, "What we have. You know that you still love me just as much as I love you yet you still play with Marina's emotions. And that is messed up Danny!"
He looks down, "That is not ture Michelle. I am over you. I really am this time."
She puts his chin up, "Say that to my face."
Danny tries but he can't.
The two lean closer and kiss.
Reva Bend:
Reva is worried, "Jonathan? What is it? Is something wrong with Sarah? What is going on?"
Jonathan shakes his head, "She's fine Mom. But it's not about that. It's about Lizzie."
Reva is confused, "Lizzie? What do you mean? What is going on with Lizzie, Jonathan?"
He sighs, "She met Aubrey Reva."
Reva gasp, "Oh my God! Does she know now? Does she know that you and Sarah are alive?"
He shakes his head, "No. She has no idea. Aubrey has been using our new lsat name. And Lizzie had no idaa. And Lizzie was going by McCabe or something? Is she with Colin?"
Reva nods, "Yeah. They are dating. I don't know exactly how serious it is but I swore him to secrecy."
Jonathan paces, "We can't trust him Reva. To many people know about this now. I'm worried."
Reva hugs him, "We are going to settle this. Okay? Trust me."
As they are hugging they see a flash from the window.
Jonathan looks out, "What was that?"
Reva is confused, "I have no idea."
Little do they know someone is watching from the bushes!
Beth and Phillip recieve a HUGE shock!!!
Josh surprises Reva
Cassandra faces a possible death
Michelle and Danny try to fight their feelings
David wants more from Lucy
Rocky makes a shocking decision

Spaulding Enterprises:

Beth and Phillip are walking through the halls.
Beth looks at the pictures of all of the CEO's of Spaulding Enterprises. She stares at Cassie's, "Never will I ever understand how she could have managed to take everything from this family."
Phillip sighs, "Well I guess sometimes it feels like maybe we deserve it after all of the harm we've caused."
Beth turns to him, "I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear you say that Phillip. Because you know that's not true."
He sighs, "Beth, I just don't want to hurt Cassie. She has been hurt by this family enough."
She scoffs, "Excuse me have you forgotten what she has done to us this year? She took the company, she took our home, she is going after everyone in this town and everyone is fair game for her."
He nods, "Remind you of anyone?"
She sighs, "This is not the same as you. You were sick and confused. And Cassie is...."
He turns to her, "Cassie is sick. She has been like this since Tammy died and now she is taking it out on everyone else."
Beth shakes her head, "If we can forgive you then why can't you forgive yourself?"
He sighs, "Not everyone has forgiven me and they have no reason to at this point."
Phillip walks away.

Spaulding Mansion:

Cassandra is going over some remodling plans for the house.
Edmund walks over, "Wow you certantly are making quite a few changes aren't you?"
She nods, "Well this house still reminds me of the Spauldings. But soon this will be the Winslow Mansion. And the Spauldings will be nothing but a distant memory."
He sighs, "Cassie, you really need to think about this. I know you are dead set on getting your revenge on the Spauldings but hasn't this gone on long enough?"
She turns to him, "What the hell are you talking about? Why would you even ask me that?"
He tries to calm her down, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean that the way it sounded. I just mean that I want you to be free of all of your anger and your pain. I want you to be happy again."
She smiles, "I am happy. I have everything. Alan has nothing. This whole mansion is all mine. This whole town is going to be groveling at my feet soon enough. What isn't there to be happy about?"
He nods, "I guess your plan is working out perfectly? I mean everything you wanted is coming true."
She grins, "And this is only the beginning. Next I am going to go after the Lewises."
She walks into the next room.

Reva Bend:

Reva is sitting on her couch.
She can't stop thinking about making love with Josh and what this could mean for them.
There is a noise at her door.
She gets worried.
She picks up a bat and walks slowly too it.
She pulls open the door.
Reva immidently drops the bat.

Jonathan is standing there, "Hi Mom. You gonna hit me?"
She cries, "Oh my God! Jonathan? Your really here? Oh my God! This isn't just a dream."
He hugs her, "I've missed you like crazy Mom. It's been over a year since we last saw each other."
She nods, "How's my special little Granddaughter? How is little Sarah doing Jonathan?"
He grins, "She's great she's gotten so much older. She's walking, talking, she's just like her Grandma Reva!"
Reva is all smiles, "Oh and Aubrey. How is she? Have you two ever officially..."
He shows his ring finger, "Yeah we got married last spring. I didn't think I'd ever get married again after Tammy but Aubrey and I are great parents to Sarah. You know?"
Reva sighs, "What about Lizzie? Have you thought about her?"
Jonathan nods, "Yeah. That's one of the reasons why I am here to see you. We are in some trouble."
Reva is worried.


Michelle is walking down the hallway.
She's getting ready to go on her break.
Danny walks over, "Hey I was wondering if we could talk really quick? If you have time?"
She nods, "Is this about Robbie or Hope?"
He shakes his head, "No. It's about Marina and I. I have some news for you Michelle."
She scoffs, "I really don't want to hear all of this Danny okay? It's just to soon for me."
Danny sighs, "Listen. I'm not trying to be rude or upset you at work but this is the only way to get ahold of you latley and I have to tell you this Michelle."
She walks away, "I don't have a whole lot of time Danny so you might want to try again later."
He follows, "Listen could you just give me a minute please? Okay Marina and I are moving in together."
She sighs, "Okay well I hope she has fun with you at the Beacon but I got to say it's gonna get crowded."
He shakes his head, "No. We actually.... we bought a house. We got a home together."
Michelle is taken back by this news.

Old Museum:

The apartment hasn't been the same now that Marina and Marah have moved out.
Sam sits with Stephanie, "Hey. I was wondering if you wanted to go out later and get some coffee?"
She nods, "Oh sure. I'd love to go. But when were you planning on going out Sam?"
He smiles, "Uh well how about now? I mean I have some free time and you don't seem busy."
She sighs, "I'm sorry but I promised that I'd watch a movie soon and it's about to start."
Sam is confused, "Who did you make a promise too?"
Remy walks in, "Hey has the movie started yet? I just made the popcorn and everything?"
She smiles, "It's about too. So you promise that I'm going to like this one Remy?"
He nods, "Oh yeah I think this one is right up your ally, it's got action but it can be sweet at times."
Sam is surprised, "Oh hey Remy."
Remy smiles, "What's up Sam? Are you planning on watching the movie with us today?"
Sam gets up, "Uh maybe later."
Sam walks to the other side of the room but can't keep his eyes off of how cozy Remy and Stephanie are getting.


David walks into one of the rooms.
He looks around, "Did someone call about a disturbance in here? Hello? Anyone here?"

Lucy walks over wearing a sexy lingerie, "Well I don't know about you but I'm feeling pretty disturbed."
He sighs, "I should have known that calling a detective to check out a disturbance was suspicious."
She walks over to him, "I've had a very very stressful day today. And I was kind of hoping that you had one too."
He sighs, "My day has had a lot of stress but something tells me that you didn't invite me over to talk about it?"
She shake her head, "No. I need someone to help me relieve my stress. And think about something else. You were good at that before and i think it could work again."
He sighs, "I don't know Lucy. It was great before but doing it again could complicate things."
She start to unbotton his shirt, "Oh don't you think you are the man for the job? Or not?"
He stares into her eyes, "You bet your ass I'm the man for this job Lucy Cooper!"
He picks her up and the two kiss.
Spaulding Enterprises:
Beth walks over to Phillip, "I know that you feel guilty for everything that has happened to this family. But you can do so much to make up for it all now right?"
Phillip turns to her, "Okay Beth your gonna have to explain because I don't understand."
She smiles, "You can save this family. You can take back the company and make the Spaulding name something to be proud of for us. That has always been your goal."
He sighs, "I don't know if that is even possible now Beth."
She holds his hand, "You can make this up to your family. Lizzie and James have already forgiven you. And now you can have a new start with Penelope."
He shakes his head, "What about Zach? He doesn't want anything to do with me. He's fine with Gus as his dad. And Emma? She doens't even know me. Olivia has probably told her horror stories and now she only knows Bill as her father. I don't know if I can fix any of that."
Beth hugs him, "I'm so sorry that you have to go through this with your children but you can still do something for them whether they apreciate it now or not."
Phillip walks away to think about this.
Old Museum:
Sam can't stop staring at Stephanie and Remy.
The two are chatting on the couch.
Sam makes his move, "Hey you know what guys? I think I might want to watch the movie after all."
Stephanie smiles, "Oh great."
Sam drops himself right in between them.
Remy stares at him, "Are you comfortable there Sam? I mean the chair might have a little more room."
Sam shakes his head, "Nah. I'm pretty comfortable. But if you aren't then you can have the chair."
Remy sits back, "Me? Oh no. I'm fine. I'm more than comfortable. I'm gonna stay here with you."
Stephanie looks at them, "Is there something that I'm not getting that's going on?"
Sam shakes his head, "No. Why do you ask?"
Stephanie sighs, "Um... I don't know it just feels uncomfortable here now. Is everything okay?"
Remy sighs, "Nope everything is fine. Right Sam?"
Sam nods, "Right."
The three watch the movie.
David and Lucy fall onto the floor.
She start tearing off his clothes.
He is removing her outfit.
She kisses his neck, "God! This is just what I needed after today. I knew there had to be something to look forward to."
He smiles, "Well I'm happy that I make you happy. At least in some way you know?"
She climbs over him, "Let's just keep this simple. There are no feelings involved. No emotions, or problems. Just a quick one night stand and then we're done."
He starts to unhook her bra, "What if I want this to be more than a one night stand?"
She unbuckles his jeans, "Well then I guess that you my friend are setting yourself up for a great disappointment. Because there is only one thing that I need from you."
He grins, "Well I guess that will have to do me for now. Until you come to your senses. No pun intended.'
She puts her hand on his mouth, "No more talking. From now on the only sounds I want to hear from you is moans and my name!"
The two begin to make love.
Spaulding Mansion:
Cassandra is sitting out in the back yard.
She's staring out to the property. It's all so beautiful and it is all her's too.
She takes a deep breathe, "This is all for you Tammy. I know that you can't be here with me. But I know that you are the only person who would understnad this."
She hears a sound.
She turns around to see, "Hello? Is someone there? Hello? I heard a noise what the hell was it?"
She starts looking around.
No one appears to be there.
She keeps walking.
She calls out, "Mark Guillespie? If that's you, you son of a bitch you better be afraid!"
She keeps looking.

Above on the balcony the mysterious woman is staring down at her. Cassandra is unaware of her.
The woman sees a statue that is standing on the edge and gives it a great big shove.
Cassandra looks up to see the statue flying down right towards her.
Michelle walks away from Danny, "You know what I just... I'm really busy right now so if we could talk about this another time that would just be great for me."
Danny sighs, "Michelle. I'm sorry but I just want you to know so we can tell the kids."
She turns to him, "Is that really why Danny? I mean honestly is that the reason?"
He nods, "Well what else is there?"
She scoffs, "Come on! You just want to make sure I know that you and Marina are taking the next step in you relationship. Okay well I get it Danny. All right?"
He shakes his head, "That is not what this is about Michelle. I'm not trying to hurt you."
She walks over to him, "Really? Then why are you denying this Danny huh/ Anser that!"
He is confused, "Denying what?"
She sighs, "What we have. You know that you still love me just as much as I love you yet you still play with Marina's emotions. And that is messed up Danny!"
He looks down, "That is not ture Michelle. I am over you. I really am this time."
She puts his chin up, "Say that to my face."
Danny tries but he can't.
The two lean closer and kiss.
Reva Bend:
Reva is worried, "Jonathan? What is it? Is something wrong with Sarah? What is going on?"
Jonathan shakes his head, "She's fine Mom. But it's not about that. It's about Lizzie."
Reva is confused, "Lizzie? What do you mean? What is going on with Lizzie, Jonathan?"
He sighs, "She met Aubrey Reva."
Reva gasp, "Oh my God! Does she know now? Does she know that you and Sarah are alive?"
He shakes his head, "No. She has no idea. Aubrey has been using our new lsat name. And Lizzie had no idaa. And Lizzie was going by McCabe or something? Is she with Colin?"
Reva nods, "Yeah. They are dating. I don't know exactly how serious it is but I swore him to secrecy."
Jonathan paces, "We can't trust him Reva. To many people know about this now. I'm worried."
Reva hugs him, "We are going to settle this. Okay? Trust me."
As they are hugging they see a flash from the window.
Jonathan looks out, "What was that?"
Reva is confused, "I have no idea."
Little do they know someone is watching from the bushes!
Beth and Phillip recieve a HUGE shock!!!
Josh surprises Reva
Cassandra faces a possible death
Michelle and Danny try to fight their feelings
David wants more from Lucy
Rocky makes a shocking decision
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