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Episode 121: Pronounced DEAD

Matt P.


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Nan unlocks her door just in time to see her sister Anna Lee, pushed down to the ground by Carlos who was about to open the door that leads to the secret room where she is hiding Jenny and London. In a bid to stop him from finding her victims, she hollers out to him, trying to distract him.


What the hell is going on here? Carlos what’s the matter with you? Why did you push my sister down like that?

Carlos, is sidetracked for the time being from the noises he heard from the behind the door. He looks at Anna Lee who layed helpless on the ground and realizes what he had done to her. He kneels down next to her to help her get up.


I am so sorry.

Anna Lee:

I hope so. You almost knocked me out cold.


Anna Lee what happened?


Carlos came over for you. He heard my movie playing in the other room and freaked. I don‘t know what was he thinking man handling me like that.


Oh I see. You and your scary movies.


Must be some scary movie.

Anna Lee:

I’ll say.


Again I am really sorry I roughed you up. I just have been on edge lately.


Carlos, I need to speak with my sister. Can you and I speak in private later?


I need some fresh air anyway and we do need to talk.


Let’s try that new Indian restaurant that just opened up right around the corner from campus.


Sounds ok to me. I’ll get us a table.

Carlos walks out of Nan’s house. Nan breathes a sigh of relief.


Thank God I came in when I did. He almost found Jenny and London. It would have been over for me.

Anna Lee:

You’re right. Listen Nan, I have been doing a lot of thinking and-



That’s scary.



I have been doing a lot of thinking and I think it’s time for me to leave Point Palace. Things are too crazy here for me.

Nan pauses to think of her sister leaving and decides it is a great idea.


Anna, I think you are making the right decision. I don’t want my only sister I have left getting hurt by the cruel people here in Cody. Besides, you shouldn’t be caught up in my schemes any more. I’ll take care of them myself.

Nan engulfs her sister in a hug.

Anna Lee:

I’m going to miss you Nan. I really am.


I’m going to miss you too. I want to say thank you so much for everything you have done for me. I’ll never forget this.

Anna Lee smiles from ear to ear.

Anna Lee:

I am glad I could help. That’s what family is for.

Anna grabs her suitcase and opens the door. Before she makes her exit Carlos finds her and lightly pulls her to the side.

Anna Lee:

What? No reservations?

Carlos looks down at her suitcase.


Going somewhere?

Anna Lee:

Indeed I am. I am leaving Cody for greener pastures. Good luck with Nan.

With that Anna Lee brushes past Carlos. Carlos with a bewildered look on his face enters Nan’s house.


You wanna tell me what that was all about?


My sister felt it was time for her to move on. She realized there was nothing here for her. I thought I was meeting you?


The place is packed. It’ll be an hour but that’s okay because that gives me plenty of time to tell you that what happened between us was a mistake.

She walks over closer to him and takes off his jacket.


Is this a mistake?




Nan is impressed with his emotions and creeps behind him. She blows on the back of his neck ever so gently. Carlos closes his eyes as the cold wind caresses one of his weak spots.


That feels good.


Let me ask you again. Is this a mistake?

She walks in front of him and looks in his eyes. He gives in to her seduction.


No it isn’t. I need to feel better right now.

Nan leans in and kisses him as Jenny and London are forced to watch the latest episode of “The Nan Show” in their secret room.

- - -



Pronounced Dead!

Series Creator & Executive Story Consultant:

Matt Politylo

Written by:

M.L. Cooks

Logo Designer:

Mary Zimmerman

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Back in the secret room, Jenny was unable to watch her captor seduce her boyfriend. She turns away from the screen.


I don‘t even think she has this place bombed. It‘s so sci fi and over the top. Even if she did, she‘s putting her own life at risk by always being here. These bombs could explode at any minute. They‘re not real. If so they would have been gone off by now. Nan is one sick Bitch but we heard a click and nothing happened .


That’s just the tip of the iceberg. And let me tell you, it’s one hell of a big iceberg.



You know, we almost had Anna Lee. She was going to let us go free.


I know. Until Nan showed up.


Now the good sis is gone and there went our chances of freedom.


There has to be a way out of here.

She looks back up at the TV screen and sees Nan smiling while Carlos picks Nan up and carries her into the bedroom. Jenny wipes a tear from her eye.


We’ll get out of here. We have to keep trying. And when we do you can go after Nan for all the rotten things she’s done. This stunt right here really takes the cake.


He’s the only that can-


He can do what?


Carlos is the only one that can save us now.

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Ava is sitting in the technology room of the library. She is typing away on a computer trying to find information on her client Bobbie. Professor Strope startles her.


Professor, you scared me.

Professor Strope:

I’m sorry Ava. How are you this evening? You’re here kind of late. Doing some studies for a class?

She leans down to see what Ava was doing on the computer.

Professor Strope:

ODD, ADHD. These are things Bobbie has been diagnosed with.


Uhm yeah. I wanted to do more research on Bobbie to see what some of these letters mean.

Professor Stope:

You could have come to me.


Well I’ve heard of ADHD but I am baffled by what ODD means.

Professor Strope:

It’s Obsessive Defiant Disorder.


That explains why Bobbie can’t keep her mouth shut sometimes.

Professor Stope:

So you’ve noticed.


Bobbie ran her big mouth over how I felt about somebody.

Professor Stope:

I see. Well how did Bobbie find out about these feelings you had?


I guess she over heard me talking about them or she is a brilliant people reader.

Professor Strope:

Well it’s no place of yours to get mad at her. You need to be careful what you are saying around Bobbie. Besides she doesn’t have that much longer left.


What do you mean?

Professor Strope:

I said to much. How dumb could I be? I am preaching to you about what to say and not say and here I am opening up my big trap. Ava, please ignore what I just said.


No, I don’t think so. You just can’t say something like that and then expect me to forget about it. I want to know what your last comment meant!

Professor Strope takes a deep breath before speaking to her.

Professor Strope:

Bobbie has a deadly disease. And please I beg you, keep this to yourself. I’ve said too much, if you will excuse me I must get going.”

Ava is left with the fact that her client whom she’s become attached to is dying. She wipes a tear from her eye and pulls out her cell phone and dials Nate’s number. It goes straight to voice mail.


Nate, please I really need to talk to you. If you could call me back as soon as possible, I would appreciate that. I really need a friend.

She hangs up her cell phone, wipes another tear that fell from her face and leaves the Tech Room.

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Nate notices that he has a voice mail. He was so much into his work that he didn’t hear his phone go off. When the caller ID shows that Ava was his missed call, he almost shuts it off but decides to listen.


She needs a friend.

Nate hangs up his phone.


Well I need a girlfriend. Not just a one night stand.

Nate looks at his phone.


Maybe it could be with her.

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Bryan walks into S.R.’s hospital room. Nothing seems to have changed condition wise for S.R. He listens on as S.R. keeps saying Blake’s name.


What is it you want to tell Blake? I already know I bet. The truth about Marli. She’s a fraud and she’s been lying to dear old Blake the entire time they have been together. Hope Crayno. Is that even her real name? Come on S.R. wake up. Wake up so you can tell Blake everything you know.

S.R. continues to repeatedly say “Blake must know.” Bryan hears the door slam and turns around to see Marli.


Well well, look at who it is. Marli, I mean Hope, or better yet, what name are you using today?


Excuse me?


Oh, I know the truth. Or lack thereof.


I don’t have time for this. I only came to check on- Forget it, I don’t have to tell you anything.

She tries leaving the room but Bryan grabs her arm to prevent her from leaving.


Take your hands of me!


Not so fast. I need to have a few words with you.


Well I don’t want to hear anything you have to say. You’re bad news.


No worse than you. So tell me, what is your real name anyway?


I don’t know what your talking about.


Don’t play dumb. I did a little digging and I know you faked your own death. And you assumed another identity. Why Hope?


You need to leave this alone. You have no idea what you’re getting yourself involved with.


Oh I do, and I’m never afraid of a good challenge. As soon as good ole S.R. wakes up, he’s going to tell Blake everything.”


I doubt that happens.


How can you be so sure?


What do you want from me?


Blake doesn’t have to know this little secret if you decide to become my Vice President when Point Palace is handed over to me.


In your dreams. You’ll never wrestle control from Blake.


I wouldn’t be so sure. I am done playing games Marli. I want an answer now! Either you become my VP or Blake will know the lying trollop you are. There’s an upcoming board room meeting that you better be attending. I want your answer there. Remember you can either have it all or lose it all!

Bryan exits S.R.’s room as Marli looks at the comatose patient.

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Sky leans on the counter of The Palace Café as Ginny walks over to help her.


What’ll be mate?


Black coffee, no sugar or cream.


You look like your dog died.


No just my heart.


I know how that feels. I’ve experienced heart ache with- Some guy named Owen.


I don’t know Owen.


Yeah. He left me to be with some ugly bitch.


Sorry to hear. My girlfriend left me for a diseased infested man.


Oh you mean Ava and Nate?


How do you know about that?


Word travels fast around these parts. There are always people gossiping.


Well I kind of messed things up.


How so?


I don’t even want to get back into it. I rather leave it in the past and forget about it.

Ginny hands her an iced coffee.


What is this?


I figure an iced coffee would do you more good then some black stale old coffee we have here. It’ll cheer you up.

Sky looks into Ginny’s eyes and smiles at her.


You know you are really nice.


Thanks. You are too.


It seems we have a lot in common. We both have been hurt by the people we love.


Yeah but I had a man and you had a…

Ginny pauses, not really knowing if she should say the world girlfriend or not.


My girlfriend. I am not ashamed of myself.


Well that’s good. I didn’t know.


I would like to help you know.


I’m sorry, what was that?


Ginny, I’ve been watching you for a while. Even when I was with Ava. I like what I see.


Oh my.


I hope I am not coming on too strong for you.



No, I don’t think so. I never had-


A woman hit on you?




Is this too much for you?


No. Not at all.

Sky is surprised. Unbeknownst to them, Tanisha is around the corner, kneeling down behind the counter listening to Ginny’s foray into the lesbian world.


She must be desperate. She couldn’t have Owen now she’s gonna turn gay.

Tanisha snickers to herself. She can’t wait till the next time she gets to confront Ginny over this.


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In Dylan’s dorm room, Carrie comes out the kitchen with some snacks. She sits down next to Dylan on the sofa.


I made some pizza rolls for us.



Yay, great.


What’s the matter baby?


It’s my crazy ass family. My over the top mother. My newly found homosexual father.


Things did get out of hand.


You’re telling me. I still can’t get over the fact that my mother made me believe my father was dead all these year. Just to cover up the fact that he’s gay. What kind of mother does that? It should have been up to me and my siblings if we wanted a father in our lives.


You’re right. We both have some messed up families.


You’re right. I really don’t know if I can forgive Lana for this. This really takes the cake for sure. I find my dad after all these years of believing he bit the dust, now he‘s back from the dead and he‘s queer. This is so much to deal with.


It’s going to be ok. We are getting married soon and none of our crazy family members will stop us from tying the knot.


I agree which is why I don’t think our families should be there. Lana and Juliana are bound to get into a catfight or my mom will just find some way to turn things around and make it about her. That’s how she’s been all my life.


So no family then?


No parents. Ryley, Vi, Jason, and our friends. That’s it!


It will be hard to tell the others not to show up.


Carrie, let’s elope.

Carrie looks at her fiancée surprised.

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Jace is sitting in his cell having rampant flashbacks of Will and Alicia. His thoughts are interrupted when a police officer comes by and unlocks the bars.


I’m being released?


Yes sir. Someone posted your bail.


That must be my girlfriend Alicia. Gotta love a woman’s guilt.


No sir. It was a man.

Jace is really confused at this point but it all makes sense when he walks out to the waiting area and see Alicia standing there with Will. Alicia runs over to him and hugs him.


Are you ok?


I’m out of that hell hole so yes. But I am confused. They tell me you didn’t post my bail.

Will walks closer to the couple with a big smirk on his face.


You’re right. I posted it.


Isn’t that great?


After everything that has happened Will posted your bail.


You should have left me in jail because I just might check myself back in.


Well that’s a fine how do you do. At least put a smile on your face. I was nice enough to bail you out.


Well I certainly didn’t ask you to. And if the shoe was on the other foot, I know I could not have done what you did.


Jace, calm done. I mean I was shocked at first as well and I even thought it wasn’t necessary. I was going to get the money myself but-


Well, I had a change of heart. What can I say?


I’m not buying it. You’re just trying to make yourself look like a champion in front of my girlfriend.


I don’t have to do that. She knows how much of a drunken jerk you are.


Isn’t that how we got here in the first place? I think we should leave Jace!


I agree. See you around Pazner. That sounds like one of Hitler’s Tanks. Who name’s their child that?

Jace wraps his arm around Alicia to exit. Will watches them.



It’s only a matter of time before Jace does himself in for good. And I will be there to pick the pieces. I just hope that Rena doesn’t blab!

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Alley opens her door to head off to talk with John. She sees Marissa standing before her in the door way.


What the hell are you doing here?

Marissa barges right in past Alley uninvited.


I just came to gloat and tell you how happy it makes me feel to know you and my brother are broken up.


Get the hell out of my room, I didn’t invite you here.


Oh no honey, I’m not going any where. I’m here to make sure you stay away from my brother.

Alley, slams her door, so hard that some pictures fall of the wall.


Ohhh, I’m shaking in my boots.


I try really hard not to hate anyone but you make it so easy for me. You know sometimes I even think you have an attraction for your own brother the way you have been plotting and scheming all these months to break us up.


You sound so ridiculous. But I guess that’s what a desperate woman does. Just face the fact Alley cat. You lost and I won. I brought some champagne so that I can toast up.”


I really hate you. Are you that bored you have to transpire against me?”


You don’t deserve my brother Miss Alley Cat. Where’s your champagne glasses darling? I don’t want to be rude.

Marissa heads off to the kitchen.


You know, I have been waiting for this moment for a long time.

Alley throws her purse down to the ground. Marissa, ignores her by turning her back to Alley.


Oh yeah and what moment is that?

She says reaching up into the cabinet and pulling down two flutes. Alley charges after Marissa. Alley grabs the bottle of champagne and busts it off of the kitchen counter. Marissa’s head.


Get out!


You stupid Bitch. I paid good money for that!

Marissa kicks Alley in her knee cap with her stiletto heel and Alley yells out in pain. Marissa pulls Alley down to the ground and gets on top of her to begin choking her.


I’ll kill you Alley Cat. You’ll never see John again!

Alley tries to release herself from Marissa firm grip but it doesn’t work. Alley punches Marissa in the face. Alley gets up to grab the broken handle of the champagne bottle. She puts Marissa in a headlock and threatens to use it against her. Marissa bites her hand making Alley drop it. The two roll around on the ground until Alley gets up to take advantage of her newly gained upper hand and grabs onto Marissa’s head with one hand and makes a fist with the other and begins to pound on Marissa’s head.




Alley pushes Marissa into the wall. Marissa slaps her across the face and pulls more of her hair. Alley retaliates by grabbing Marissa’s hair again and pounds her head into the wall. Marissa lets out a deathly scream and elbows Alley in the stomach. Marissa is now free.


You little skank. You think you can take me on. You got the right one today honey.


I’m from Colorado!

Alley punches Marissa in the jaw and Marissa returns the favor by punching Alley in the eye. Then the two come at each other like two raging bulls and begin to tussle with one another. Each one trying to take the other girl down to the ground just as John walks in. He sees Alley and Marissa fighting before noticing Alley’s dorm room trashed.


Hey stop that!

He rushes over to the fighters and pulls Alley off of his sister.


What the hell is going on?


She attacked me John. The crazy psycho came at me with a champagne bottle. I could’ve been blind!


Oh I wish. I’d gladly kick your ass again.


Stop it Alley. This is ridiculous.


But she-


Come on Marissa. I came over here in hopes that we could work something out but this is just so…you!

Marissa leaves with John consoling her wounds, she turns around and blows a kiss to her opponent.

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The next day, Blake parks his Pontiac G6 in the parking lot of Cody memorial Hospital. As he gets out the car he retrieves his cell phone and calls Marli. It goes straight to voicemail.


Hey. Sorry I have been distant. I have been super busy taking care of matters at the campus and fending off Bryan. But listen, I really need to talk to you so when you get a chance please call me. Bye.

Just as Blake hangs up his phone he’s inside the hospital and is about to approach S.R.’s door. He opens it to find the room empty. Blake is confused. He walks out to the nurse’s station and approaches Nurse Stephanie.


Excuse me.

Stephanie turns around.


You look very familiar.


I get that a lot. But what can I do for you?


I’m looking for someone who was in the room right there. At least I thought he was. Blake says pointing in the direction of S.R.’s room.


Is he out for test or something?



Oh, I’m sorry. He died a few hours ago.

Stephanie walks away leaving Blake stunned.


Recommended Comments

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Well This was a great ep but I did write it so I guess I can't judge. I wish some of the readers would have commented. Feed back would have been nice. I was so glad to FINALLY be able to write my for my fav series. I was a little intimadated at first but it was all good. I was very happy to write that catfight scene with Marissa and Alley. It was so funny when Alley said I am from coloroado. When I wrote it, I used "I'm from the Bronx. I used that to give Alley a little hoodness to her. It is a common hood phrase so when I read it I was dying laughing.

I also used Shelia a the nurse, a take on Shelia Carter of B&B and Y&R That's why Blake said she looked familiar.

I would love to write a show down between Nisha and And Ginny. I am really looking forward to that story

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After reading Alley's "I'm from Colorado" it's so her. She would say something like that. I've been toying around with a final catfight between Ginny and Tanisha.

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WOW - It always interesting to see how another writer would do on a running series, which they have to fill in - working on someone else's foundation... But right of the bet, on the opening scene I started seeing M.L.'s style right before I realize it was him down on the credit...

And I like it, it was good, didn't fail the usually line of Point Palace Classicness, and yet bring his own style to the show... I know M.L. tried hard not to go to the details of Carlos and Nan little scene there...

My only problem concern was that Anna Lee's sudden's leave which could have be little more develop... but knowing these crazy TWINS who knows whats under her sleeves....

Marli and Bryan was interesting...

lol- Nice done!

Oh Wait Marrissa and Alley - classic soap, always enjoy a good catfight!!!!

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