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AOTH Episode#9: The Mission



Downtown Salem,

The Salem Inn

Mike and Alexis look at each other in shock. She gets up and begins to put her clothes on.


“God this can’t be happening.”


“Why didn’t you tell me Jeremy was your son?”


“Was I supposed to? We never got that far and aren’t you the one who said this was a one night stand? “


“I can’t believe we just did this?”


“Jeremy is already so pissed at me.”


“He can’t find out about this?”


“DO you know what you are asking me to do? I can’t lie to my own son. And I can’t let my son be with some one who is going to cheat on him.”


“It’ not like Jeremy and I are official or anything. We are just dating so no I didn’t cheat on him. What would you have to gain by telling Jeremy about what happened here? He already doesn’t want to have anything to do with you. If you tell him about this you can kiss Jeremy good bye.”


“Don’t try and manipulate me. Especially where my son is concerned.”


“It would be a disaster if you told Jeremy about this. As far as I am concerned I don’t know you and have never met you. If you decide to tell Jeremy now, I’ll just deny it and say you were trying to break us up. Imagine how he would feel then? SO the choice is yours doctor.” She walks out of the hotel room.


“Damn it. What the hell do I do now?”



Episode: 9, The Mission

Written by: ML Cooks

Warehouse District,

Will walks into an empty warehouse and he meet up with Destiny.


“It’s about time you showed up. We can’t stay here long, you should see all the home less people walking around her looking at me and your daughter crazy.”


“I am doing the best I can. I bought Arianna some baby food. I’ll feed her and then we’ll make our next move.” Will follows Destiny over to his daughter. He smiles when he sees her. He picks her up and holds her. She’s just sound a sleep. He talks to her

“You’re mother would be so proud of you little one. You’re my angel Ari. I’ll never let no one hurt you. I’ll never let no one take you away from me. You’re mother would want us together.” Will sheds a tear as he thinks about his daughter’s mother. Destiny, feeling his pain as well wraps her arms around the family.

“She would be proud William. She was my best friend and She told me everything. And she told me she wanted the three of you to be a family. No matter what.”


“And we will be, Me and my little Arianna. I know she’s watching down on us with a smile on her face.” A tear strolls down his face “At least I hope she is”


“I really don’t want to break up this happy moment but we need to plan or next move. We can’t stay here any longer. Our only option now is your father’s house.”


“I can get a room for tonight. I took Jan’s credit card.”


“Oh yea, even more charges now on top of kidnapping.”


“No one is going to take my daughter away from me.”


“Well then we need some help. Arianna’s parents are hot on our trail.”


“Alright, fine, let’s go back to my dad’s house.”


“It’s for the best. If we want any chances of you keeping this beautiful little girl, we can’t do it by ourselves.”

Will puts his daughter in the stroller and he motions Destiny to follow him as they head out the warehouse and heads back over to the Spears mansion.

Meanwhile, at

The Spears Mansion

Jan walks down the stairs and Lucas is waiting for her.


“You look worried, is everything ok?”


“No, my son is missing again and I just found Greta outside foaming at the mouth. I want answers damn it. Did you and Greta have a fight?”

Jan tries to brush past him and she walks into the living room and over to her purse. She looks inside and looks for her credit card to order a pizza for her and Lucas. She rummages through her purse and realize it’s missing.

“Damn it!”

Lucas, walking over toward her,

“What’s the matter?”


“Seems your son is missing again and so is my credit card.”


“What are you trying to say?”


“Can’t you put two and two together? Your son stole my damn credit card.’


“My son is not a thief, and how dare you imply something like that?”


“How do we know? Will has been gone for how long? We don’t know what he’s capable of now. He ran away and there is no telling what he will do for money.”


“I will not have you talk about my son that way.” Then suddenly Jan passes out. Lucas rushes over to her and kneels down next to air and he calls out her name. She doesn’t respond. He pulls out his cell phone and calls for an ambulance.

University Hospital

Marlena walks into Nicole’s room as Nicole was trying to buy time to keep her lies going. Marlena is a bit surprised to see Faye, and Brandon.

“Oh my, what is going on?”


“That’s what we are trying to figure out Marlena. Its nice to see you again.” He says giving her a hug.


“Well it looks we have every one we need for the truth. Come on Nicole, out with it. Who’s your mommy?”


“Sami, don’t start your vial words again. I will not have it today. You’ve hurt me and Tony enough already.”


“No but really you have to listen. There seems to be discrepancies as to who Nicole’s mother is.”

Then out side their room, they hear Mike Horton, listening to a paramedic’s report that Greta Von Amberg has been bit by a raccoon.

Nicole panics and think to herself

“What the hell is Greta doing here? She is going to ruin everything. Everything is going against me. I have to do something.”


“Oh dear, Greta, I’m going to go out and see if there is anything I can do. I still want answers when I get back.” She leaves.

Faye turn around to look at her daughter

“I don’t know what games or plots you got going, but it ends here. It seems you got a lot of explaining to do.”


“I’d second that.”


“I can’t wait to hear this.”


“Get the hell out before I call security.”


“Sami" "Yes please, leave me and my family alone so we can figure this out.”

“Alright fine. I’ll just be out side.’ Sami walks past Brandon but he stops her.

“Can I help you?”


“Why are you acting like this?”


“Because I don’t know you, DUH!?”


“Do you honestly not know who I am?”


“That’s what I said.” Sami then turns around and coldly walks out the room leaving Brandon to wonder what is going on with Sami. He then turns around and looks at his sister.

“Alright out with it.”


“Fine, you want the truth, here it is…..”

Jan is then rushed into the hospital

Marlena rushes over to them

“What happened?”


“I don’t know. We were having a heated discussion and she just collapsed. She had a fight with Greta Von Amberg.”


“Yes, she was just brought in. SO many strange things are happening tonight.” Marlena instructs the medical team to check out Jan.

Not long after that, Anna and Tony rushes up to Lucas and Marlena


“Tony, thank God you’re here.” She looks at Anna.

“What is she doing here?”


“We are on a mission Marlena.”




“We are going to prove once and for all if Nicole is really your missing child.”


“Oh Anna please, give it up.”


“Marlena you really need to hear what Anna is talking about. She might be really onto to something. You saw Faye and that man in there.”


“Faye? Wasn’t that Nicole’s mother, or was?”


“It all makes sense.”


“Marlena we need to know for ourselves. We have to find out if Nicole is really our child.”


“If Nicole is not our child then what?”


“I already believe I know who your real child is”


“I can’t wait to hear this.”


“Jan Spears!” Marlena is stunned.


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