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#75 Monday, July 14th



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#75 Monday, July 14th

Aaron arrives McGregor Inc., looking for Anna, but Yvette is in her office.


Aaron: I'm looking for Mrs. Anna McGregor.


Yvette: She had to take care of some business at one of the stores, I'm just

holding down things here until she gets back, I'm Yvette McGregor-Browne. You look familiar?

Aaron: Aaron McGregor.

Yvette: Wait a minute, you're Aaron as in Dad's little brother Aaron?

Aaron: I guess you wouldn't recognize me right off, we haven't seen each other since grade school.

Yvette: This certainly is a surprise, it's good to have you back. What brings you to town?

Aaron: Business. As soon as I heard about the takeover, I thought I should come back and

help my brother's family fight to get M.I. back.

Yvette: Well, it certainly is welcomed, we need all the help we can get.

Aaron: I've been trying to find some sort of loophole to get around this takeover.

Yvette: Our corporate litigator John Phelps has been looking for one as well, you might

want to work with him a little.

Aaron: I think it would be best now if we tried to find out more about the internal structure

of Lightner, past history and anything else.

Yvette: What good would that do?

Aaron: It's best to attack the heart of the problem.

Yvette: Ah, I understand now. Makes perfect since.

Aaron: Here's my card, tell your Mother what I said and tell her to give me a buzz.

Yvette: Will do.

Aaron: Great.

Yvette: It's great having another McGregor in town, this family needs more strength.

Aaron: Absolutely. You have a good day.

Aaron leaves.


At Number 37, Cassandra is meeting with Sterling.


Cassandra: What is it you want now?


Sterling: I'm only here to make sure my deal is still secure.

Cassandra: It is as long as things don't fall apart.

Sterling: Like I said before, I need a guarantee of security if I'm going to be in on this.

Cassandra: We'll talk after things get settled.

Sterling: I think we should talk now, especially after I dummied up that fake study to throw

off that nosy John Phelps.

Cassandra: You'll be rewarded for that.

Sterling: It's the last thing I'm doing though, the SEC has wanted to nail me for a long time,

I can't keep giving them fuel.

Cassandra: Were all in this together, if you want to make a profit you'll stick with it.

Sterling: I'm not trying to back out by any means, I'm only going to limit my actions so I don't

draw anymore unneeded attention.

Cassandra: Fine, but we have a deal, if I need you to do something else, you better be prepared to do it.

Sterling: Far be it from me to be a deal breaker.

Cassandra: Good, just as long as we are clear on everything we will be just fine.

Sterling: Perfect.

Cassandra: Now you're sure you covered your tracks on that fake study?

Sterling: You and I have the only discs that could incriminate us.



Edmund is at Stephen's office.


Edmund: I want to thank you again for helping draw up the custody agreement, it's really the one that works best.


Stephen: I was glad to do it, but I called you over here to give you a little advice.

Edmund: Sure.

Stephen: You ought to be cautious of Leigh, her sudden change of heart seems a little suspect to me.

Edmund: I think she just finally realized that dragging the boys through a long custody battle wouldn't

do them any good.

Stephen: Perhaps, but I'd still be careful.

Edmund: I'm trying to keep positive, things are finally going my way.

Stephen: I've taken a lot of custody cases in my time and I've never seen a person have such a

quick reversal in attitude.

Edmund: I know you are concerned, but I'm taking this one step at a time, I'm sick of worrying.

Stephen: That's fine, but you're treading a little close to rose-colored glasses territory.

Edmund: Look, I'm not naive, I know Leigh has schemed in the past. This time I'm hoping she's really

turned over a new leaf.

Stephen: I'm not trying to rain on your parade, but this all seems too good to be true.

Edmund: You really think so?

Stephen: I'm just saying be careful and don't let your guard down. The minute you do it leaves you

open to a strike.



Aaron and Andrew are in the back towncar.


Andrew: Did you speak with Anna?

Aaron: She wasn't there, I spoke with Yvette.

Andrew: Yvette. She was always most like me, so I know she took right to the plan.

Aaron: She was very open to it.

Andrew: That's great. Did you see anybody else?

Aaron: Nope.

Andrew: I'd really like to know how the others are doing

Aaron: I think all of this would be better if you were doing it.

Andrew: Let's not start that again.

Aaron: All right, I was just saying.

Andrew: My family is a mess right now. One son is trying to take the company from my wife and my other children.

And to think, all this drama stems from me being a fool when I was young.

Aaron: What's done is done, all you can do now is live for today.

Andrew: Anyway, what did Yvette say?

Aaron: She said I should talk with John Phelps, he's some sort of litigator.

Andrew: I remember him, he was a good friend of ours some years back.

Aaron: I'll give him a ring later then, see if I can get a meeting.

As they stop at an intersection, Cassandra is in the lane next to them, she glances over and sees Andrew.

Cassandra: Andrew? It can't be.

Before she can get a good look, the light turns green and traffic begins moving again. As Cassandra continues driving, she looks puzzled.

Cassandra: How could it be?




Recommended Comments

  • Members

Sup Redd, Sorry its taking me so long to read. Things are so hetic. But I see you Changed the blog name..Why SO/ The new Logo looks nice.

Another good episode. This batle for the take over is really heating up and involving so many people. I love the storyline esp now since Andrew is back. One night of pleasure can leave u with a life full of pain as Andrew is finding out.

I am also glad Steven is talking some sense into Edmund. I hope he toakes heed to it. Another great episode Redd and as always the dialog was top notch.

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  • Members
Sup Redd, Sorry its taking me so long to read. Things are so hetic. But I see you Changed the blog name..Why SO/ The new Logo looks nice.

Another good episode. This batle for the take over is really heating up and involving so many people. I love the storyline esp now since Andrew is back. One night of pleasure can leave u with a life full of pain as Andrew is finding out.

I am also glad Steven is talking some sense into Edmund. I hope he toakes heed to it. Another great episode Redd and as always the dialog was top notch.

Thanks for reading and I'm glad you liked the episode. I changed the name of the blog, because I wanted a title that had more of a soap opera like feel to it.

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