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LIS Episode#258: Kate's Back



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Downtown Salem

Chaos erupts as it is revealed that Kate Roberts is alive and well! Billie’s face pales, and she screams in horror! Kate’s eyes shift from Vivian to Billie, and she kicks Valentine and Vivian out of her way as she walks off of the stage.


Move! I need to see my daughter!


This has gotta be a trick…a dream…a nightmare…no…I saw YOUR BODY! I buried you!


Billie, it is me. Your mother. That bastard Tony DiMera tried to kill me, but I’m alive and well. I survived! I hope all of you hear that, KATE ROBERTS SURVIVED! I was saved by a few individuals, who I probably shouldn’t tell you about, just in time. I don’t know what was put in my casket.

Billie, shaking

This can’t be…its impossible!!!

Billie then, from exhaustion and shock, faints but is caught by Forrest in time.


This is a trick! Something my aunt concocted to frighten us all!

Kate, laughing and motioning to Vivian

Does that look like the face of a woman who could be behind this?! And NO ONE can duplicate me. I’m the one and the only Kate. And since I am, I hope all of you are ready to let the true games begin! Because now that I am back, I WILL be getting back into the fashion business, and I won’t be kind.



Episode: 258, Kate’s Back!

Written by: Tara Smith

Downtown Salem

At the fashion show, so many are still in shock over Kate being alive. Victor gets up from being at Celeste’s side and stomps over to Kate.


This is absurd! Tony’s alternate personality shot you and you were declared dead at the DiMera Palace in Italy.


Oh please, Victor, this is Salem. Very few people have ever actually died.


I can’t believe this. How could you even have survived a gun wound long enough to be secretly taken and saved?


Well, I believe it was shortly after I was carted off, but of course how can you expect me to remember?


I want a DNA test! I have to know you are Kate!


I already have one for you-

Sirens are heard, and suddenly many paramedics and police officers rush in from all of the 911 calls when Vivian and Valentine were fighting. Some people even begin to get evacuated from the building, and Valentine snaps out of all that’s happened to finally speak.

Valentine, pointing to Vivian

Oh, officers! She’s right here! The woman who did all of those criminal acts around Salem and attacked me just now!

Forrest and Nicholas both give a confirming nod at the officers, and they rush and pull Vivian up. Vivian stares at Kate, trying to recover from the shock.


You….if its really you…you’ll regret this…


What the hell did I do?


You organized this whole thing…you must have…oh, ALL of you will pay! That includes you, Valentine! And you too, Celeste! And Peter as well! You haven’t seen the last of me!

Vivian is dragged out of the stage room, and Valentine and Celeste are taken to get checked out by the paramedics.

Bo and Hope’s House

Bo leans on the wall, watching Hope closely while she holds and plays with Pamela and Addie. He walks over and sits down with her.


So, how you doing?


I’m glad to be back home, I guess, and with my daughters…even though I know that won’t last for long.

Bo, sighing

Yeah, I know…

Hope looks at Bo, and slowly rests her head on his chest, while his fingers run through her hair. A few tears come out of his eyes, and she breaks out in tears, both of them knowing what is coming.

Downtown Salem

Outside of the fashion show, Valentine and Celeste are both on stretchers, getting checked out. Celeste slowly awakens, and looks around.


Dahling, what is going on?


Well, that ravagous sister of mine mauled me! But not to worry, she’s finally been arrested, and put right where she belongs. Oh, and Kate Roberts is alive.


My cards told me of this. I should be shocked, but I’m really not and do not care. However, I am glad that Vivian Alamain is finally gone. She was too much of a problem to me.


Well, not anymore! Ding Dong the witch is gone.

Paramedic, interrupting

Well, Miss Heart, I think any injuries you sustained were minor. You are free to go.


Oh, why thank you ever so much!!!

Valentine stands and then looks at Celeste.


It was very enjoyable working with you, Celeste Perrault. I’ll call you again if I need anything. Ta Ta!

Valentine walks away as Celeste rolls her eyes at Valentine simply kicking her to the curb, but does not care now that Vivian is in jail.

Inside, Elvis walks up to Peter, who is looking around the empty stage.


What are you doing here???


Nothing you need to know about. Now come on, lets get out of here before anything else happens. We’ve got bigger things to take care of. I don’t think Father needs us worrying about the Alamains or Kiriakis’s so much.


I’m with you there. I have gotten so sick of all of them.


Now that this sham is over with, we should be done with them. Lets go.

Peter nods in agreement and both then leave, heading back to the DiMera Mansion.

Back outside, Forrest walks up to Kate.


Okay, how much did Vivian pay you? Because I can double it for you to confess.


For the last time, I am the actual Kate Roberts! Here, look at these DNA results, privately conducted by Salem University Hospital!

Kate pulls out the results of a DNA test, and gives it to Forrest for him to look over.


Fine, but I’m going to have these checked to see how legitimate they are.


As you wish, but don’t use up too much money. I’ve been watching the business world for quite some time now, and I know you are about to be taken over by Victor. That’s why I’ve returned to reclaim my position in Alamain.


Billie has filled that position now.


Fine, then I’ll take the place of Valentine Heart. You can kick her out and re-hire me.


Excuse me? I just hired Valentine a week or two ago.


Forrest, I have been watching everything happen during this show, and Valentine has not demonstrated any potential to be an efficient executive. You kicked out one of your aunt’s, you can easily do the same to another. And I’d recommend it. You need someone to help you fight Titan, and I used to be married to Victor, and unlike Vivian I am sane. I know how Victor thinks. You and I worked together last year, we can work together again.


Fine, I’ll see what I can do…once I find out if you are really Kate or not. Then we’ll see.

Kate, as Forrest walks away

I guess we will.

Kate then walks over to where Billie is lying, still unconscious, and looks down at her daughter…

Bo and Hope’s House

Bo and Hope sit for a long time, simply holding each other, and Bo is in deep thought, going back and forth on what to do, and what he should and needs to do. Slowly, Hope sits up, and looks at him.


Fancy Face, I…


Yes, what is it?


I think…its time.

Hope is, like Bo was a moment ago, very silent as a few more tears came out, before taking a deep breath.


I…guess you’re right. I’m not going to run this time, I’m going to face the consequences.


Good…and I’m proud of you for that, Hope. As much pain as I am in right now, I am.

Bo then stands, and begins to sob himself although he tries to keep it hidden from Hope’s view, and grabs handcuffs off of the table, and turns to Hope.


Hope Brady, you are under arrest…


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