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AOTH Episode#3: Father and Son



Spears Mansion

Jan raises an eyebrow at seeing Will on her back patio, and does not know he is Lucas’s son.


Who the hell are you and how’d you get into my house?

Will, looking at Lucas

You didn’t tell her about me, Dad? I’m Will Roberts, Lucas’s son.


Ohh, wait, I’ve seen you in pictures before…don’t think I’ve ever actually met you.


Will…no…its impossible. Where the HELL have you been?!


Is that really any of your business? You obviously never bothered to look for me.


Lucas, what are you talking about?!


Back before you and I got close, after my mom’s death and right as EJ Wells died, Will went to Colorado to stay with his great grandparents for awhile in Colorado, and he was supposed to attend school there. But then he decided to run away, and I’ve had to send out investigators for months to look for him.


Yeah, well, I decided to come back to finally face my parents…but I see that you’re too busy kissing your new psycho girlfriend.


Excuse me? Lucas, why did you never tell me?!


You were pregnant, and then when you gave birth, I was going to tell you but wanted you to be happy with Bentley. And besides, its not your issue, its mine. And now that my son is home, I’m not going to let him disrespect you like this, and I need to deal with it.


Of course. We finally get engaged, and JUST like with Shawn, something bad happens. Yeah, I see where this is going.

Jan then storms into the house, and Lucas for a minute wants to go after her, but then turns to look at Will, ready to handle his son.



Episode: 3, Father and Son

Written by Tara Smith

Salem University Hospital

Nicole, although not quite ready to speak yet, looks on in shock at Greta Von Amberg standing above her. She remembers how she got Jan to get her out of town on Christmas Eve of 07, and never expected her to return.


Ohh, so I’m enough to wake you up from your coma? Wonderful! Because Nicole, I may have been willing to put up with you last time, but not this time. You’ve bullied me long enough. Oh, and you are a DiMera now? I seriously doubt that.

Nicole, trying to speak


Nicole’s vitals begin to go up, and Greta tries to shush her with her finger .


No, don’t speak. I don’t think people should know that I’m back just yet. Soon, they will, but not now. And as much as I hate to say this, I don’t want you to die just yet.

Nicole’s vitals calm down, as she tries to breathe, and even shakes at looking up at Greta.

Chez Rouge

Anna and Tony walk in to the restaurant, and choose a table to sit down at. After they order their drinks and food, Anna begins to speak.


You know, Tony, I really never thought you’d speak to me again after what happened at Stefano’s funeral.


At the time, I can’t say I didn’t think that, either. However, I am not so angry anymore, and things are better now. I am growing close to my daughter, and even Marlena. Its wonderful, despite Kristen and Peter still hating me…and there is some other news, too.


And what is that?


Stefano’s alive.

Anna, gasping

Are you kidding me?! He was in a coma, and the hospital said he died…he was supposed to be under their watch! How did he cheat death this time?


I don’t think its something you want to know, Anna.


Of course I want to know, Tony. This man is a danger to us all.


Elvis Banks DiMera, my younger step-brother, and…Renee…kidnapped him. Yes, Anna, she’s alive.


Renee…as in…the Renee? The Renee who killed my baby? Our child? The Renee who went after us, specifically me, for months? I thought Andre killed her!


So did I, but…she’s alive. Just stay away from her, my dear, please. She’s nothing for either of us to worry about.


Well, you two aren’t…you know…


Together? Anna, oh please! Right now, my top concern is my daughter.

Anna, thinking to herself

If she even is your daughter…

Spears Mansion


Now, Will, who do you think you are, believing you can just run away like that?


Why do you care?! You and Mom didn’t even care. I called both of you when I got back here, but no one answered! I had to go to Aunt Julie, who’s in jail, to find out where you might be!


We’ve been busy. Your mother has been trying to get over the death of EJ, and she’s also had a family crisis with Nicole Walker. I have been trying to help Jan, a mother and fragile woman, take care of her new baby.


So you’ve got a new kid now? And you forgot about me for Jan FREAKING SPEARS?! She’s a psycho! She locked Shawn in a cage!


No, Bentley is Shawn’s son. And I know she’s done some bad things in the bast, some that are unforgivable. But I’ve been helping her through it, and she’s really a better person now. Lets get back to you, and what you’ve been doing this year.


I said its none of your business! Get off my back!


No, I won’t. I need to know where you’ve been and what you’ve been doing. NOW.


You don’t. Because, after this short time I’ve been back, I already know that you’re not my father anymore.


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