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LIS Episode#255: Alamain Conflict



Bo and Hope’s House

Hope looks at Bo, seeing her husband for the first time in over a month. Bo is astonished, almost not believing what he’s seeing. He slowly walks towards her, and she stands perfectly still.


Hope…is it…really you?


Yes…Bo, its me…the real me.


I was beginning to think that you were gone for…good.


At one point, I…thought that to, and intended on it. But speaking to someone made me realize that…I needed to come back. I’ve been preparing myself for this moment: I’m turning myself in.


We’re not going down there yet…I don’t know if I even can right now, we need to talk first, and I mean really talk.


I know, I know. Listen, Brady: I’m sorry. I’m sorry for running off like I did, I’m sorry I kept the secret from you, I’m sorry at how much I had outbursts.


This time, I don’t think an apology can cut it, Fancy Face. I mean, I just want my wife back…I haven’t seen my wife in a long long time. And you killed a woman, you hid it, you became an alcoholic.


I stopped smoking all that crack, I got rid of the pipe and all that I had left on my way back to Salem, as hard as it was at first. I’m trying to stop drinking, which is harder but I’m trying. And I am still getting over Shawn’s death, because right after I got over Zack’s death then he died and…our lives have been horrible.


Are you?? Are you really trying to stop? Or is this just another lie? And believe me, I’m still trying to get over the fact that our boys are gone, and I haven’t been myself since then either. But you…you’ve turned into a whole other person.


I realized that in my time on the run. And I came back so I could become the real me again…and face the consequences. I know you’re going to have to arrest me, so lets get it over with now, so its not any harder on the both of us than it already is.



Episode: 255, Alamain Conflict

Written by Tara Smith

Downtown Salem

At the fashion show, Elvis and the Mysterious Person are still inside the figure’s office.


I can’t believe you didn’t call this whole thing off when Nicole was shot.

Mysterious Person

Elvis, you must be going soft. Nicole is nothing to call my grand show off for.


I guess, you may be right. It just seems odd…but then again this is your supposed master plan.

Mysterious Person

Just watch and learn. The best is yet to come. I have something huge in store for this town. All of these businesses will be rocked to their core.

Across the building, Forrest pulls all of the Alamains and Billie into a private room, and shuts the door and locks it.


That’s it. I’m calling an emergency meeting right here, right now.


What is it, Forrest?? I have bigger things to take care of!


No, no you don’t. I said this before, and I’ll say it again: its time to get serious, Valentine. And you too, Nicholas. If we want to save our company, and our entire fortune and name, we are going to have to stop horsing around and get to it. We’re making it way too easy for Victor to snatch Alamain away from us.


And look who’s talking! You were out their sucking on Billie’s neck only a couple of hours ago!


But I was able to get ahold of myself. You and Valentine both have sexually come on to people who we are against, and especially you, Nicholas. You’re not doing us any good at all by trying to have sex with her! But then again, I shouldn’t expect anything less. I’ve heard about you and Kate, all those years ago.


Would you shut up? This is no better than Aunt Vivian was here!


I only kissed that Kiriakis guy because I thought it might help us keep the company! And Nicholas, why do you have to mention that old bag?


Because YOU won’t let it get better. You continue to act cocky and stupid. And Valentine, that’s not the way you handle things in this business, damnit. I can fire you as easily as I hired you.


So now you’re blaming me for Alamain’s problems? You are really starting to show your true colors, Uncle Forrest. You want control of the company but when it starts to fall apart you always blame someone else. First it was Aunt Vivian, now me. I’m really starting to wonder why I even tried to help Alamain to begin with.


Maybe I keep blaming my family because its always my family’s fault! Vivian was a manipulative witch, Lawrence won’t show his face, and now you and Valentine want to romantically engage with Victor and Belle, our top enemies.


It was a one time kiss! Won’t you listen when I tell you I did it for you?!


That’s it, I’ve kept quiet long enough! Everyone needs to shut up and get a grip. And I mean everyone. Even you, Forrest.

Bo and Hope’s House

Bo walks towards Hope, half shocked at what she just said.


So, you really have changed, haven’t you? But you can’t expect me to just arrest you on the spot, I’m not that cold, Hope.


Oh Bo, I know. But I just want to get it over with. Because what more is there to talk about?? And we’re just going to make this harder every minute that goes by.


I was ready to do it back before you went on the run, but now, just seeing how you may have really changed for the better…I don’t know, I’m not sure if I can do it.


But Brady, you’re going to have to. Just please, do it! I’ve accepted the fact that things can never be completely happy with us again after all of this, and I know you know it, too. I see it in your eyes that you haven’t completely forgiven me for all of this.


That’s another thing I can’t do, Fancy Face…its going to take awhile…I mean you still killed Gina and lashed out and kept it all from me. But at the same time, I’m so proud of you. You came back, you really came back…and you remind me of the wife I actually love, not the wife I had a few months ago.


I understand, Bo, I do. And whatever you all do with me, I am going to try to get better. I promie you.

Maggie walks out of the kitchen, but she gasps slightly to see Bo and Hope together and talking, and quickly goes back into the kitchen to give them some privacy.


Just please believe me when I say I want to get better, and am going to try and am trying.


And I’m going to try to believe you…its hard, after how much you lied, but I…will…try.

Downtown Salem

At the fashion show, Celeste walks up to Victor, who is sitting alone in one of the empty rooms. He is drinking a glass of champagne to celebrate the launch of Bella. He looks up to see Celeste.


Ahh, Celeste…just in time. I was wondering where you were earlier. Belle was wonderful. Titan has returned strong.


I’m sure, dahling. It is just excellen, you have done so well. It is such a shame I didn’t get to know you before this.


No, it’s a shame I didn’t get to know you before this. However, I’m happy that I know you now. And the future is much brighter than it has been in a long time.


That is oh too true…Victor, I have a question for you.




This small relationship that we have had over the past several months…are you serious about it?


What do you mean? Of course I am. You have no reason to doubt me.


I know, dahling, I know…its just it feels like you and I only barely talk, and have dinner once every several weeks. And I know that recently before you and I began seeing each other, you were with that other woman…Victoria Lord.


Viki? Yes, I will admit that I still did have feelings for her for some time. But she left me. I got over her through you. You have no reason to even think about her now. Now the only one I even think about romantically is you.


Dahling, I am so sorry for bringing this up, but it just seems like you are always in some type of entanglement with Alamain, or dealing with your ex-wife.


Oh, that’s what this is about, isn’t it? Its not about Viki, or even me being busy. Its about Vivian Alamain, a woman I never even loved.


You must understand, Victor. Vivian is always around us, or you, or even me…just lurking. Always trying to take out everyone who gets in her way of getting to you! Just the other day she was trying to get into Titan, and you let her come here!


Celeste, again, I have absolutely no intention of letting that gold-digger into Alamain. I just let her come here to stop her ramblings. You don’t need to be concerned about her, she can do absolutely nothing to our relationship.

Celeste, sighing

Fine, Dahling. I do understand and will believe you.


I don’t think you do, but alas, I cannot fix that. Unfortunately, this was only a momentarily break I could take. I must get back out into the stage area.

Victor then stands up and walks out, but not before kissing Celeste. She watches as he leaves, and once again sighs…

Back in the private room that the Alamains are in, everyone looks in shock at Billie shouting at them.


Now listen, I haven’t even been working here long and I’m already getting sick of this inside fighting. Do you guys just not know how to be a family?! All I ever see when I’m around all of you at once is fighting! And if you want Alamain to be successful and live on, then you have to learn to work together.


And Billie, you know that I’m trying! I have to lead this business, but I can’t if they keep acting like this! Nicholas has a girlfriend who’s one of our top problems, and Valentine isn’t taking any of this seriously!


Look, I see your point, but who cares if he is dating her?! Its not like he’s feeding her some type of private information, and if you don’t understand that, then you ARE just like Vivian! You should know how it feels to be constantly harassed for who you are with.


I’m not harassing him, damnit!


Maybe not yet, but I know that you will be. I can just see it in your eyes. I really thought you’d be better, but the minute that you finally get what you want, you start acting like a jackass.


That’s it. Get out. You will never speak to me like that, do you understand?

Billie, interrupting

No, Forrest, I’ll leave. Because obviously none of you know what teamwork means, and it makes me wonder if this business should be sold to Victor.

Billie then stomps out of the room, and Forrest sighs and calls for her to come back, and when she doesn’t, he runs after her himself. Valentine simply shrugs as she leaves the room, while Nicholas rubs his temples, stressed out by all of this nonsense.

Valentine walks along the halls, and bumps right into Celeste. Celeste jumps, but then sees its Valentine. She rolls her eyes slightly before speaking.


Oh, its only you.


Yes, it is me. And I think its time we put our plan into action before anymore crazy things happen around here.


Yes, I agree, dahling. Its time for Vivian Alamain to fall, because she will not ruin my happiness. She almost gotten in my way once, and she won’t do it again.


Oh, that’s right she won’t. This will be such a huge blow to her, Celeste, I promise you that she’ll be stuck in the gutter forever. Right where she belongs.


Exactly. I am sure she will never take anything from either of us after this, if what you say you have in store for so big.


Indeed I do! Again, just trust me.


Unfortunately, I will have to. Now lets go.

Valentine then turns with a laugh, and she and Celeste set off. They head towards the stage area, both of them hell bent on destroying the great Vivian Alamain…


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