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Episode 116: Rude Mates

Matt P.


Kendall OR Greenlee...  

51 members have voted

  1. 1. Which Character Do You Prefer?

    • Kendall
    • Greenlee

- - -Carrie100.jpgDylan100.jpg

Carrie was floored when she looked at Dylan who was holding the expensive diamond engagement ring in front of her.


Yes…yes Dylan I’ll marry you.


I thought you’d say something like that.

Dylan slides the ring onto her fourth finger. He stands up and romantically kisses her.


This is what you’ve been doing behind my back.


Yeah I wanted to surprise you.


You really did.


You know I’ve been down right spontaneous lately because I want to live every day of my life. We’ve been through a lot and anyone who can nurse me back to life, is definitely the one whom I want to give all of my happiness to.


Well you did the same for me.


You know what’s coming next though?


I get to turn into a Bridezilla?



That and the fact that we get to tell the whole school that we’re getting married!


I already have a big mouth. Let me handle that.


I love you.


This ring proves it but I don’t need a diamond to show off what we have. I love you too Dylan and I can’t wait to be your wife.

Carrie pulls Dylan in for a long kiss while still admiring her new ring.

- - -


Episode 116:

Rude Mates

Executive Story Consultant & Series Creator:

Matt Politylo

Logo Designer:

Mary Zimmerman

Guest Starring:

Victor Alfrieri from A Hand of Hearts and Diamonds

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Outside of Carrie’s room, a tall man dressed in a dark black business suit, drags Victor’s body into a black limo. Juliana was sitting in the back seat observing her passed out brother.


Thank you Vincenzo.


He should wake up within the next twelve hours, fourteen tops. I didn’t expect the shot to be so loud.

Vincenzo shuts the door, which signals the driver to drive off.


(to Victor)

You can’t harm yourself anymore. There’s no way I’ll let you see Carrie again. You’re going to be cured of this sick obsession that you have with her.

Juliana lightly touches Victor’s cold face.


When you wake up, we’ll be home, and you’ll never come here again. I won’t allow it! I’m sorry it had to come down to me tranquilizing you but you’ll see it’s for the best.

Vincenzo clears his throat after overhearing Juliana.


(to Vincenzo)

The family means everything to me. If you judge me, I’ll kill you.

Vincenzo looks off and ignores her threat but sees in her eye, a gleaming tear, which was brought on from her inflicted family pain.

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Sky was enraged with anger after opening the door to find Nate in bed with Ava. She was practically seeing red.




Nate is shocked and confused when he sees Sky standing in the doorway. Ava slowly gets out of bed to cover herself up with the sheets.


How does it feel Sky?


Can someone tell me what’s going on?


You’re trying to infect my girlfriend! Haven’t we already been down this road before.


(to Sky)

Just for your information but she invited me over here.


Is that true Ava?


Of course it is.


Why the hell would you do this to me?


Oh come off it. I wanted you to see what it was like to be hurt and lied to. Better yet, what’s it like to be used!


I never used you.

Ava slaps Sky across the face.


You’re lying right now! I know about everything. I know that you had my car brakes tampered with so that I’d hit you. Are you seriously that desperate?


I think I’m going to go.


That’s a good idea. Too bad you didn’t take the hint a while back.


He’s not going anywhere because he’s the one that I want. Not you.

Ava pulls Nate close into her and kisses him passionately. Sky starts hitting Nate and tries pulling Ava off of him but instead is pushed into the wall by Ava.


I want you to get out or I’ll have you arrested for what you did.


But…what about all of the good things I did for you? I saved your life and-


And you made me feel like a criminal just so I can be guilted into being with you. Get out of my life Sky. I don’t care if we pass each other on the street or if we run into each other at the café, we’re not together, and we never will be. It's all because of you!

Tears were coming out of Sky’s eyes but she looks at Ava and then at Nate. There was nothing she could do, she was found out and caught. Feeling defeated, Sky walks out of Ava’s bedroom. Ava hugs Nate who shoots her a confusing look.

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The next morning, students and professors were passing through the courtyard of the school. Blake walks hand in hand with Marli.


I actually have some really interesting news.


Oh yeah? Like what?


My best friend Dylan is engaged.


Congrats to him. I don’t think you've introduced us yet.


I’m sure you will meet him soon. We’ve been invited to the wedding.


Sounds like fun. I enjoy dressing up if the occasion’s right.

Someone comes up from behind Blake and Marli and taps on Marli’s shoulder. It startles her a bit.


Excuse me?

Before she could turn around, the voice sent quivers down her spine.


Can I help you?


Hope? Hope Crayno is that you?


No. I’m sorry you must have me confused with someone else.


No way. It’s me, S.R. Reardon!


I…I don’t know you. Sorry.


Cut the crap Hope-


Look pal she said she doesn’t know you and her name isn’t Hope, it’s Marli.


I didn’t tap on your shoulder.


(to Marli)

You want me to get security?


That sounds like a good idea.


(backing off)

Alright maybe I do have you confused. I’ll leave you two alone.

Blake puts his arms around Marli and they continue to walk.


Are you okay?


Yeah I’m fine. That guy was such a creep.

The couple walks off but Bryan was close by witnessing everything. He smiles and walks up to S.R.


I saw the whole thing.


Then maybe you could’ve heard that I’m leaving them alone. I don’t need any trouble so screw off!


Whoa you need to calm down. I’m not your enemy, in fact I could be your best friend.




Yes. Obviously you know that girl and I need some information about her.


What’s in it for me?


Lots and lots of money. I can make you a rich man and you might just do the same for me.

Bryan puts out his hand for a deal shaker and S.R. smiles as the two shake on it.

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Alley walks to John’s room, knowing full well that he wasn’t there but figured that Marissa was. Before knocking on his door, she calls his cell phone. He answers on the second ring.


Hey you.


Hey yourself. What are you up to?


Getting doors slammed in my face. I’ve been going to all of these photography places to get a job but after the gallery fiasco, they don’t want to employ Larry Flynt junior.


I’m sorry to hear that John but you kind of know who to blame for that.




Him and your sister. She was obviously the mastermind behind-


I’m in a bad enough mood as is so I don’t want to argue over her. I’ll see you later.

John hangs up with Alley. Alley tiptoed her way to the front door. She was right about to knock, until she heard Marissa talking to someone. Alley peaks her head into the window to see that she was on the phone, while holding onto baby L.J.


I’m not worried about their clientele, I’m worried about my business. If she’s not pulling in the money that I want then she’s cut.

Alley accidentally trips on a branch which Marissa hears.


Let me call you back but damn it if I’m losing money, no one will want to deal with me! I mean no one!

Marissa opens the front door to investigate but sees that no one’s there.


(to L.J.)

Your aunt’s going crazy but that’s what a business can do to you. Especially when you’re running something like I am.

Marissa shuts the door and Alley has a big grin on her face.


Well, well, well. Whatever it is you have going on, I'll for sure expose you.

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At The Palace Café, John tips Ginny who notices that he seems down.


What’s wrong?


Family and relationship problems. It could be worse, it could be domestic.


I’m sure whatever problems you’re having, they’ll be fixed sooner than you know. I’ll get you a refill.

Ginny notices Tanisha walking in with Agatha.


Speaking of problems, I need to take care some of my own. Be right back John.


We’re here to discuss with you what terms we feel should be taken to go after ownership.


That’s very good and well Agatha but I think I need to talk to Tanisha alone.


(to Agatha)

Don’t worry Aggie, this place will be ours!


It better be because I don’t tolerate shady liars.

Ginny takes Tanisha aside so that they could talk privately.


I want to make this professional as possible so I will refrain from calling you every name in the book, well except for bitch. Deal?


I know this place like the back of my hand. I can do ten times as much as any other employee here. Yet you’re hell bent on revenge. Even after the fact that you got everything you wanted.


Oh now I get it. You’re still jealous over what I have. I do have to say that my long distance relationship with your ex is going very well. His hearing has practically come back to him and he still only has eyes for me. At least that’s because of the heightened senses thing.


Maybe I am jealous but if you want the café to go to Agatha just to spite me, then I’m willing to back out on one condition.


Name it.


You give up Owen. You break up with him and you break his heart. That way we can truly be together. Not only would you have full ownership of this place, you’ll get rid of me, because I’ll live with Owen and I guarantee we’ll have a happily ever after!

Ginny pats Tanisha on the shoulder and leaves her to think about her offer.

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Later on in the evening, Nan was in her editing room which was only lit by her computer monitor, watching videos of the past days. One video catches her eye. Jenny almost escaped until she was stopped by Anna Lee. Nan was shocked by what was going on. She smiled when she saw that Carlos was calling her. She pauses the video to answer.


I was just about to call you.


Beat you too it.


You did.


I’ve been studying my lines for Blue Crystal and wanted to know if you maybe wanted to get together.


You’re asking me out?


Don’t look too much into it. I’m still with Jenny. Except, you seem to be the only friend I have around here these days. Other cast members are busy or-


I understand. Any luck reaching Jenny?


I keep calling her but she ignores my calls. We did go through something really serious so it’s understandable that she wants to keep her distance.


A dinner date sounds great Carlos. I’ll make you dinner over here. Bye.

Nan hangs up with Carlos and makes sure to have the conversation taped for Jenny’s eyes. Nan looks into the camera to film another part of her torture show.


What will Jenny say to break Carlos’s heart? Easy. A fake e-mail account with Jenny’s name on it will tell Carlos how she’s moved away. Next on The Nan World.

Nan turns off a camera when she sees Anna Lee eavesdropping in the doorway. Nan kept focusing on her editing equipment.


I saw what you did. It was very smart to pull a gun on her. I wouldn’t have blamed you if you had to use it.

Anna Lee:

Jenny told me something very interesting.


Of course she would. She’s desperate to escape.

Anna Lee:

Maybe it was a little bit of desperation or trying to survive but it kind of struck a chord with me.


Just ignore her.

Anna Lee rushes to her sister and grabs her so that she was facing her.

Anna Lee:

She told me that that I needed to demand the truth about Tracie!


I don’t know what you or that crazy hag are talking about.

Anna Lee:

Don’t you lie to me about our family. What happened with Tracie?

Nan is silent until Anna Lee shakes her.

Anna Lee:

You better start talking or I’ll release Jenny and make sure that her boyfriend knows exactly what you did!

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Jenny sat on the floor, eating the meal that Anna Lee had prepared for her. She kept watching the flat screen monitor that had replayed daily episodes of ‘The Nan World.’


Please…no more!

Jenny throws her empty plate at the screen, only making a dent.


Fine. I give up, you win Nan. I’ll let you have him.

Jenny slaps herself across the face.


I must be going crazy.

Jenny begins to laugh hysterically.


I’m going just as nutso as that psychopath!

Jenny stands up and looks around the room. She goes into the bathroom area where she starts up a shower. Jenny began to run her head under the water to wake herself up. Once she does, she begins to hear something interesting coming from another room.


What the-

Jenny presses her ear next to the wall and hears what sounds like heavy breathing followed by beeping noises.


This could be my escape.

Jenny returns to the main part of Nan’s lair and grabs her metallic fork. She walks back into the bathroom and ever so quietly begins to pound on the wall. Trying to make a hole on the other side with each stab.

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Will’s apartment complex was throwing yet another party which Will had decided to go to. Except this time it was being thrown in Jace’s room. Jace had already been drinking when he noticed Will. Jace blocks the doorway.


You’re not invited.


Free country dude.


You’re not welcome. Take a hint.


Why do you gotta be a dick? I’m here just trying to have a good time and you have to be dickish about it.


Are you calling me a big dick? That’s what Alicia calls me when I’m in bed with her.

Jace tries shutting the door in Will’s face until Will overpowers him.i]


I kissed your girlfriend!

Jace stopped dead in his tracks.


What did you say?


Alicia and I kissed and it was one of the most amazing kisses ever!


You son of a bitch!

Jace turns away from him before punching him in the face. Will retaliated by punching him back. Both guys tried nursing their bloody mouths before going after each other as the other housemates watched. Jace punched Will in the stomach. Will headbutted him and threw him against the wall. The other housemates were too scarred to break it up.

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Outside of Jace and Will’s apartment complex, Alicia was on the phone with Rena.


Did you make your decision?


I did. I know which guy I want to be with.


It’s good to end it and whoever you choose, I’m down with it. I know what I got myself into. We’ll still be friends regardless.


Let's talk later when things have cleared.

Alicia hangs up with Rena. When she opened the door, she heard the commotion going on upstairs. Alicia also heard the smashing of a beer bottle and watched Will falling backwards down the steps unconscious.




Alicia looked up and saw Jace breathing heavy as he was shaking his head at her.


Recommended Comments

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NICE JOD!!! Its good to see the show back on the lineup again... Very good episde... WOW - Victor surprised appearance, very moving... can't wait to see how he shakes thing at PP....

MAN Love the scene between Carlos and Nan... Good stuff... I am actually looking forward for this relationship... Love the Triangle... and Jenny scene was just poetic... Classic soap moment... Can't believe carlos is turning to Nan so easily; but I am sure Anne Lee wills stop thing shortly - and WHO's on the other side of wall? What will Jenny find, her freedowm or another one of Nan's Captive!!!

OOOOhhh Finally Marli is getting interesting or show I say "HOPE" - man, this is going to a fund Summer.

Great Episode, well writtten FIVE GREAT STARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Wow It's so good to have my favorite blog back. This was a great episode and I have a lot to say so let's get it cracking

All that talk about dicks. And Dickish, I was cracking up, I never heard that one and I'll have to use it. I bet Jace do got a big one, lol, looks like he do. But I know you don't like talk like that so I'll keep it moving,

Ava and Skye and Nate. Skye got what she had coming to her and I loved every minute of it. It was also good for Nate because in reality she played him to get back at Skye so in a sense she killed two birds with one stone. I wonder if Skye will try and get revenge and I wonder how Nate will react to being played for once. I think this would be a good time for James to come back and shake things up.

What kind of name is SR. And I wonder it Marli honestly does not know WHO SR is. This is starting to get interesting. And of course Bryan is always at the right time and right place. That's what I love about him But question, it would be nice to know where does Bryan get all his money from.

And I see Alley is about to turn the table on Marisa. Bout damn time.

Aggie is so stern, it cracked me up and it was such a treat to read all about my favs in this ep. Ginny was smart in tying in T's relations hip with Owen with the café. I wonder what T is going to do now. I loved T's comment about the senses and what not,. She has the best things to say at times. I do miss Owen and Hope he can return.

Nan is so crazy. I so love this plot with Jenny in the lair. I do to wonder who is in the other room. I also am kinda of surprised Carlos is taking to Nan so fast. He know she always up to know good.

Very good job, very well written, and I wonder how long we gone have to wait until the next ep.

And yes we can do a cross over. Let me know what you talking.

PS How to you ever so quietly pound on a wall?" LOL May be she can dig into the wall with the fork.


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