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LIS Episode#254: Bella's Back!



Downtown Salem

Inside the fashion show building, many models continue to walk down the runway as photographers and some of the highest executives in Salem watch, the drama of the shooting calmed down now as Nicole has been rushed to the hospital. Belle stands behind the curtain at the back of the stage, readying herself to launch the new face of Bella Magazine.


I hope I can do this…all of Salem is going to be watching…and of all things my sister was just shot! I should be at the hospital with Mom, but I can’t leave Titan and Victor hanging.


And now, the highly anticipated and long-waited for…re-launch of the famous Bella Magazine! The new face of Bella is its new lead model: Belle Black!


That’s my que…

Belle then puts on a nice smile, still nervous on the inside, and she begins her walk down the runway. She puts her hands on her hips as photographers anxiously take pictures over and over, and she gives a wink at a few. Forrest and Billie closely watch, as do Victor and Justin at the other side of the room. Belle flips her hair and reaches the end of the runway, then turns around and continues to walk along the runway.

Victor continues to watch and smirks, Bella Magazine finally being officially back.


Watch out, Alamain, because Titan has returned and its better than ever…



Episode: 254, Bella’s Back!

Written by Tara Smith

Salem Police Station

Bo is visiting Julie in her holding cell, and she is trying to plea with him to let her out for helping Hope when she was trying to hide the murder of Gina.


Bo, please, I’ve been in here long enough! You have to understand why I didn’t tell you about Hope in the beginning! She needed to do it herself, in her own time! And I didn’t expect her to get so out of hand, but in the end she did tell you, and I’m sure she will return! Hope is not the kind of woman, whether she is smoking those drugs or not, to leave you hanging!


Julie, she’s been missing for weeks. And if you had told me back when she confessed to you, she may have never started drinking, smoking, or never even left Salem.


I know why you are mad, I really do. And you should be, but I just want you to look at this from Hope’s point of view for a minute!


Hope and I are husband and wife, she should have trusted me, but she never did. Instead she sneaked off and killed Gina, then hid it for months. And now, I need her to come back so we can work this out. That is part of why I’ve put you in here.




You deserved to be arrested, and believe me I was mad at you, but I was also using you as bait to get her back to Salem. If she didn’t get too far, she may have heard about it because how large this case has been, and its been hitting the news stands all over.


So I was just your pawn?!?!


No, you needed to be put in here, but it wasn’t the only reason why. And if you want me to be honest with you, you do have a chance of getting out eventually.


Thank goodness!!! I’m not happy about you using me, but at least I may be able to get out. I just pray Hope is alright, wherever she is.

Bo and Hope’s House

Hope slowly walks up to the doorway of her house, seeing no one else is around. She gently touches the door handle, evemn crying a little, wondering if this will be the last time she even visits her own house. She opens the door, peeking in. She sees Maggie with Pamela and Addie in her arms, also with Jan’s son, talking to herself.


I hope Abe is alright…I only got to briefly see him last night, and he still hasn’t woken up…if only I could be there right now, but Mike has told me no and my family probably needs me right now too.


Aunt M-M-Maggie???

Maggie’s eyes widen and looks to the doorway in shock, silently staring at her niece!!!



Maggie jumps up and puts the twins down for a moment, then rushes and hugs Hope! Both of them finally let their tears pour out and just remain in their arms.


You’re finally home…oh Hope, you’re finally home…

Downtown Salem

Belle is just finishing her runway walk, and goes back into the shadows, but not before blowing one last kiss at the audience. Many in the room clap as the show moves on to its next model, and Victor gives an approving nod to Justin. Across the room, Forrest and Billie still stand together.


Well, it looks like they’ve gotten themselves off to a good start. Belle’s been one of the best received models that we’ve seen today.


True, but we still have our own, and many others. We’re not even that far into the show yet, so don’t worry.


Hey, where the heck is Valentine? She said she’d be late but I haven’t seen her since early this morning.


Probably horsing around somewhere. She does need to be here but I can worry about her later. We need to watch Victor, Vivian, and that guy who looks like Victor’s new sidekick. He’s been with him this whole time, and I’ve heard over the past day or two that he’s gotten a new right hand man, maybe his nephew or something. But Victor is acting way too smug about his re-launch.


Victor’s not one to get too cocky, Forrest. I am not saying we should panic or anything, or that we don’t have a chance, but I think we really need to gain an edge and quick, because I’m sure he’s got much more than what we just saw. If we don’t stop him now, he’s going to get just what he wants: Alamain.

Elsewhere, Valentine and Celeste are still in their small hallway while the fashion show goes on. Valentine files her nails a little as she waits for Peter, while Celeste watches her closely. Valentine looks up and sees Peter waiting for her off in the distance, and she smiles.


Celeste, darrrrrrrling, excuse me for a minute, will you?


Fine, if you insist, dahling.

Valentine then walks away, and over to where Peter is. He sighs lightly as he looks on at Valentine.


Glad you could show up. I hope you are ready for an eventful day, because I’ve got loads of work for you.


I can’t believe you are making me do this. Do you know what type of damage this could not only do to Vivian, but to me?


You are a DiMera. You’ll rise again from the ashes! However poor Vivian is not that strong, so she’ll never rise again, not after this. And it really shouldn’t be that hard.


I’d suffer disgrace from all of Salem!


Like that hasn’t happened before? Hello, Jungle Fever?!?!


That wasn’t my fault and you know it.


Oh just quit your whining! Now you can either expose that one stormy night with the hag, or I can tell everyone about our many, many nights. Its your choice, but I hope you can make the right one.

Peter, sighing again

Okay, what do you want me to do?


A little later, just wait for my signal. Trust me, you’ll know what it is when you hear it.

Valentine then gives him one little pat on the chest and chuckles as she walks off, however not back to Celeste, and heads out into the main interior of the building as Celeste and Peter both wait…

Belle returns to her dressing room, and Nicholas is soon to follow. She gives him a small smile, and he grins back at her.


You were great out there. Really amazing.


Shouldn’t that make you unhappy? Because technically we are rivals.


When it comes to you, who cares? I can’t hold back, and even with all that chaos we had earlier because of the shooting, you were stunning.


Yeah. I wish I could be down at the hospital, but I need to stay here for Titan and my sake. After all the deaths and near-deaths the last few years, it’d be hard to watch another.


You’re right about that. But maybe I can make you feel better…

Belle and Nicholas then lean in to kiss, but suddenly Forrest and Billie walk up to the doorway of the dressing room!


Making out with the enemy, Nicholas?

Nicholas, pulling back from the kiss

Uncle Forrest, you know Belle and I are in a relationship right now. Don’t start kicking up a problem about every single thing like Aunt Vivian did.


I am not Vivian, but when we are in such dire straits, I do not approve of you always being with someone working directly for our top competitor. I don’t mind if you two are in a relationship, but don’t cling to each other every five minutes.


Excuse me?


No offense, Belle, you are a very sweet girl but again you do work for Victor, and are the new face of Bella.


Forrest, are you sure you are not being just a little bit too harsh on them?


In times like this, I have to be.

Victor and Justin then walk in to congratulate Belle, however Victor scowls when he sees the Alamain’s inside.


What are you all doing here? You have no business with us.


We were just leaving. By the way, Victor, congratulations on your launch of Bella Magazine.


Thank you. That reminds me: Forrest, Billie, Nicholas…we’ll all have to meet soon to discuss my buyout of Alamain.


There won’t be any meeting, Victor: You haven’t bought all our stock yet and you aren’t going to.


I’m sure we can come to an agreement on all of this which will benefit both sides.


I am sorry but I am buying out Alamain, whether any of you like it or not. You all have been thorns in my side for too long, and Alamain does have some useful models that Bella could use.


Our company is almost flat broke, what could you possibly want with it besides several models?


Ohh Billie, my dear, you’ve been out of the fashion business for far too long. If I may be frank, my goals are none of your business.


They are when you are messing with my family’s company.

Victor, laughing

It won’t be for long, son.


Could all of you stop for a few minutes, please? This is no better than when Aunt Vivian was still here!


I agree. Victor, Belle, I think we should go.

Out of the blue, Valentine walks in, and looks around at everyone in the room. Victor glances at her and smiles, extending his hand.


Ah, you must be Valentine Heart, the new business executive at Alamain.


Why yes, I am. And you must be the infamous Victor Kiriakis.


Indeed. I regret to inform you, Miss Heart, that you won’t be in the company for long…soon, I will be buying it out.


Awww, that’s so sad…are you sure you want to put poor little me out of a job?


I’m sure you’ll find something else.


Well maybe I could convince you to make a different decision…now come here, give your momma some sugar!

With that, Valentine then jumps right onto Victor, pulling him into a kiss!!!

Bo and Hope’s House

Maggie and Hope sit down on the couch, and Hope holds her aunt’s hand.


Hope, we all thought you’d never come back….Julie’s in jail, Bo has been searching and searching, and your twins have missed their mother.

Hope, looking at Pamela and Addie as she slowly picks them up

Oh…my daughters…I can hold my daughters again…


Yes, you can…I think we’re all so happy to see you…you look like you’ve been through torture.


In some ways, I have been. Its too long to explain where I was and what happened.


And I don’t care. Seeing you alive and well is enough.

Hope, looking down at Jan’s son

Who’s that?

Maggie, smiling

Hope…this is your new grandson.

Hope gasps as Maggie picks the infant up, and shows him to Hope…she looks down on it and sobs some, remembering Shawn.


I can’t believe that I was so absorbed in what I did that I wasn’t able to find out my grandchild had been born…


Well, hopefully that is in the past now…you have let everything go, haven’t you?


I’m making a true effort not to drink or smoke, and I got rid of my pipe…I want to put this whole thing in the past, but first I have to face Bo and the police.


Unfortunately, yes. But now you have made a big step by just coming back, and soon, it will all be over.

Downtown Salem

Victor throws Valentine off of him, and she falls right onto the wall! She gets up and brushes herself off.


Well! It was worth a shot though.


Miss Heart, I will not tolerate that. If you think sexually harassing me will help you and your family at all, you can think again.

Forrest, intervening

I am sorry for that…sudden move. Now, lets get serious, shall we?


There is nothing more to discuss. Now, leave my model’s dressing room. She has much more work to do during the show.


Fine, but we’ll meet again.

Forrest, Billie, Valentine, and Nicholas all then walk out. Nicholas looks at Belle one last time before leaving, and she looks at Victor and Justin.


Now that that is over: Well done, Belle! You have proved yourself to be the true face of Bella, and from how that walk looked out there, we are off to a smashing start. Alamain will not pose a problem to us for much longer.


Thank you, I did my best, even with the family crisis. And hopefully I’ll do better when I go out there again later.


I am sure you will. And no matter how much I hate her, I give my best wishes to Nicole and your family.




Just keep pointing your head up like you have been, Belle, and everything in the business, and outside the business, will be fine.

Justin and Victor then leave as Belle goes to get her next dress on…

Bo and Hope’s House

While Maggie is in the kitchen getting Hope something to drink, Hope walks around the living room, and she slowly walks over to a cabinet, and then pulls out …a bottle of alcohol! She looks at it, and is tempted to take a drink, and almost pops it open, but then she turns and tosses it into the trash! She takes one last look at it, remembering how much she has been drinking the past several months, and then hears someone walk in…she turns around to see Bo!


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