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Episode 115: Shotgun Proposal

Matt P.


Kendall OR Greenlee...  

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  1. 1. Which Character Do You Prefer?

    • Kendall
    • Greenlee

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Marli was freaked out by her newly unwrapped present. On the floor, was a teddy bear with a basketball uniform but the bear was bloody. She quickly scooped up the present and went back to her room. Marli gets on the phone to her mystery caller.



I…I got something in the mail. It was a gift. A horrific looking teddy bear. I think he knows where I am. The teddy bear is wearing basket ball gear. Just like Tim. He was the star basketball player and he’s dead.


That’s impossible. We moved you to an area where no one from Reno could find you.


Well it’s not good enough if I’m getting threatening gifts.

Marli gets a knock on her door which startles her.


Someone’s here. I’ll call you back.

Marli answers the door to find Blake standing in front of her with a smile on his face.


I couldn’t wait so I thought I’d surprise you.


You definitely surprised me.


Are you okay? You seem a little…shaky.


Not at all. I mean, I'm fine. Just fine.

Blake looks at her dresser and notices the bloody teddy bear. He begins to examine it.


What is this?


I have no idea. I got it in the mail. Seems like I have a stalker.


I’m sure I have a pretty good idea on who’s behind this.


You do?


Yeah. That son of a bitch Daniels! He’s trying to scare you off to get to me.


I won’t let him. Not in the least!

Marli leans in and buries her head into Blake’s chest. Blake smiled with warmth because he was able to protect someone again. All Marli could think of was the teddy bear and its macabre message.



If only I could tell you the truth.

- - -


Episode 115:

Shotgun Proposal

Executive Producer & Series Creator:

Matt Politylo

Logo Designer:

Mary Zimmerman

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While having a day off from filming, Carlos paces around his room. He calls Jenny’s cell phone again but hears her voice mail and promptly leaves a message.


You know what Jenny…I honestly don’t know want to say.

Carlos hangs up. He throws the phone across the room out of anger and frustration. Carlos gets a knock on his door, he answers it to find Nan with a plate full of cookies.


May I come in? I baked you these.



Nan walks in and at how distraught Carlos is.


How are you holding up?


Not so well. Jenny isn’t answering my calls and we’ve been through so much already. Now you’re back in our lives and I just have a little inkling that all hell will break loose.


Hopefully you believe me when I tell you that I’m a changed person. I know that I did some bad things in the past but you’re the only person who ever saw that I was pure. You can’t deny that. I’m a better person because of you.


That’s really sweet of you to say.


I’m sure Jenny will come around. It might be a lot for her to know that her mortal enemie is alive but I want her to see the good in me. The good that you always saw.



What’s in these cookies? Poison? Sleeping drugs?


Take a bite and find out.

Carlos takes a bite of a chocolate chip cookie.


You didn’t have to do this. What with you trying to clear your name, I didn’t know how you had time to bake.


It’s a little secret skill I guess. I need to go but if you want to talk, come find me. I’m always here to listen or to make you food.

Nan gives Carlos a friendly kiss on his cheek. She stands up and leaves. When she’s fully away from Carlos’s room, Nan pulls out a mini camera that was hanging from her purse.


See that bitch? Your boyfriend thinks I’m sweet and before you know it, I’ll be giving him tons of sugar!

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Marissa makes lunch for John when he wakes up after partying long and hard with Alley. She filled the plate with sandwiches and poured them Iced Tea.


I would say morning sunshine but it’s the afternoon. You must be living the life of a rock star.


Ever since you moved in it’s been like a soap opera.


Let’s talk about last night. I honestly had nothing to do with it.


You should explain this to Alley.


Call her over here and I will.


No need. She spent the night.

Alley walks into the kitchen with a long tee shirt that covered her skimpy pink bikini bottom underwear.


Explain to me what?


Marissa was just about to tell us why the picture that I wanted to show was switched to porn. It's funny how the first picture I ever took of Alley turned into something that Larry Flynt photographs!


That is something that I would love to know too.


I found out that Antonio had done it. As John’s manager and sister, we’ve dropped all ties to him. I already have more respectful clients to deal with.


Thanks sis. It’s sad that it had to end like that.



John exits to use his bathroom leaving Marissa and Alley alone.


You look like a whore right now.


I believe that Antonio had something to do with it but it was obviously a two person operation.


Keep it up. That mouth of yours is going to run your ass out of John’s life.


Oh no it’s not honey. You came to my school which means you’re on my territory. I’ve dealt with stupider skanks than you but I’m the number one bitch here. Get that through your head that I know this game and there's nothing you can do about it!

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Rena, Alicia, and Jace hang out at The Palace Café. Jace places his arms around Alicia.


See there is a place that doesn’t have alcohol.


Yep. Instead it’s a little thing called caffeine.

(to Rena)

Where’s your boy toy?


Right behind you.

Will sits next to Rena and kisses her cheek.


Glad you can make it.


Likewise. What were you all talking about before I came?

Will looks at Alicia who quickly looks away which Rena picks up on.


Swinging. Alicia and I wanted to see if we could swing with you guys. You know, have group sex.


Please excuse Jace’s disgusting sense of humor.


It’s probably all of the porn he watches.


In speaking of which, Alicia you want to go and make a private video in my room?

Alicia rolls her eyes.


Bye guys.

Alicia stands up to leave but before she exits, Rena catches up to her and pulls her aside.


What’s up?


I know.


Know what?


I saw you and Will kiss.


That was just a spur of the moment thing. It really meant-


Look you need to choose who it is you want. It’s not fair to the both of them and it’s not fair to me. I saw the looks and I could feel the tension. I'm not a fool.


Babe are you coming or what?


Give me a second.

(to Rena)

Please don’t tell Jace. I promise that I’ll deal with this as soon as possible.

Alicia exits with Jace. Rena sits down with Will.


What was that all about?


I just made Alicia realize that she has a decision to make. If you’re lucky, you might just be rid of me after all.

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In Nan’s secret room, the door creaks open and Anna Lee gives her dinner.

Anna Lee:

Enjoy. I cooked it myself.


Thanks. Can I talk to you for a second? Please just leave the door open.

Anna Lee:

You better not run.


I won’t. I just wanted to tell you that I was in your position at one time. Your sister used to boss me around.

Anna Lee:

Nan does no such thing.


Don’t let her do this to you. You seem to be the good Sheridan. Considering what happened to Tracie.

Anna Lee:

Tracie? What about Tracie?


I think that you should talk to your sister about that but I feel as if…

Jenny grabs the door open and tries to make a run for it until Anna Lee tackles Jenny to the ground.

Anna Lee:

I thought I could trust you but that was a mistake!


Let me free. Please!

Anna Lee:


Anna Lee backhands Jenny across the face. Jenny grabs onto her hair and flips her over. Jenny lunges after her again and both girls knock over a lamp that was next to the living room couch. Anna Lee kicks Jenny in the mouth. Jenny stands up and tries leaving again but Anna Lee grabs her leg to bring her back onto the floor. Anna Lee looks around and finds Nan’s gun. She grabs it and aims it at Jenny.

Anna Lee:

You’re going to get back into that room and enjoy that dinner.


I’m sorry for what I did. You’re being brainwashed.

Anna Lee:

Shut up and march!

Anna Lee pushes Jenny back into the room and locks the door.

Anna Lee:

What do I need to know about Tracie?

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Ava calls Sky who answers her cell phone on the second ring. She was happy that it was Ava calling.


Hey you. Do you want to come over?


Actually I was wondering if you want to come over to my place.


Sure we can do that.


Great. I’ll leave the door open. You won’t have to knock or anything.


See you soon babe.

Ava gets a knock on her door. She answers to find Nate with flowers.


What are these for?


These are for you. I was thinking that maybe we can rub them all over our bodies.


Such a romantic.


I know you’re making a sexual transition so I’m trying to keep it interesting.


You really are a nice guy.



Actually I’m a whore.


That too. Why don’t you get undressed and I’ll meet you in my bedroom.


Yes ma’am!

Nate goes into Ava’s room and strips down to his boxers. Ava sees Sky pull up to her parking lot. Ava then jumps on top of Nate to make out with him passionately. They roll around the bed kissing and groping. Ava then hears the door open. Sky walks in and sees Nate and Ava.



What the hell is going on here?

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Carrie was in deep thought about the conversation that Victor had with her earlier. The conversation that she was sure not to tell Dylan about.


Maybe it would be best if you just go back to Lexington.


But I’m still in love with you.


We can never be.


So that makes us a mistake? Everything that we went through, was for nothing? All because of Juliana.


I think about you too but I can’t think of you in that way. I’m sorry Victor.

Carrie ends her flashback when Dylan is standing in front of her.


Did you get in contact with your mom?


I did. She can’t wait to meet you.


Yeah I can’t wait to meet her too.


What all did you talk about with her?

Carrie bites her lip.


Nothing really.


Can you by chance lend me a hand with something?


Sure. What’s do you need?


There’s something in the bedroom I needed to move. It’s a two person operation.

Carrie walks into her bedroom and finds lit candles in the shape of a heart on the floor. In the center was a small black box.


Go ahead and open it.

Carrie obeys. Inside was an engagement ring. When she turns around Dylan is on one knee.


Will you marry me?

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Outside of Carrie’s room, Victor was spying on the two of them. He saw Dylan proposing to Carrie.


I have to do something about this.

Victor reaches into his jacket and takes out his gun. As the moon was shining, a gun shot goes off.


Recommended Comments

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Wow good episode. I was not expecting Miss Lee to get rowled up like that. Poor Jenny. I know Miss Lee is going to figure out about Miss Ann and I cant wait. Nan is so devious with her camera. And all Carlos could say was " I don't know what to say" I was cracking up.

OO I LOVE YOUR BANNER DUDE. Very nice. You know blue is my fav color.

We got a lot of movement in a few storyline this ep

Like Jace and nem. I was surprised to see Rena tell Alicia bout what she saw and I wonder now what she is going to do. Jace is starting to come off as a jerk sometimes. I am till rooting for Will and Rena.

I LOVE THE AVA STUFF OMG Skye is going to go berserk. I felt Ava to the fullest and it serves Skye right.

Oh And I bet if Jace loses Alicia to Will he will kill him.

And I thought Dylan already met Carrie parents? But damn Vic went crazy on dat ass. He truly needs so help. He need to talk with Abe and then maybe pray with Sister Pat. But a VERY GOOD EPISODE.

Glad to see you back and congrats on the acting gig. I know a star :D

PS YES, people stay dead in Pasadena. Chris is one of them... B)

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Oh shucks M.L. you know I love your comments. Sometimes that's the motivation I need when I'm feeling "blue" like my banner.

I think you meant Carrie meeting Dylan's parents. Carrie briefly talked with Lana (Dylan's mom) last episode but they haven't met in person so that was what Dylan meant. Which of course has to be hidden the fact that Carrie told Lana that Dylan had cancer. Also, we learned that Dylan's father had died but it's something that Dylan doesn't like to discuss.

You spite me by killing Chris...the only good person in Pasadena!

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OMG!!!! POINT PALACE is BACK!!! AN I am loving... Couple things I really like about this episode... First off it was well done, move nicely, and kept interesting throughout the episode.... Big Surprise, Little Miss ANN, isn't so little anymore... Like I said before, she is someone to watch out for, and I believe she more dangerous tha her sister Nan; after seeing the way she handled Jenny, well - lets just say she is my new favorite GIRL... Now things will only get interesting in the sherridan apartment, now that the question of Tracie's coming up.

second, the scene with Marissa/John/Alley was lovely and sharp... Here's marissa playing nice girl with her brother, and the meant Bicth with brother's girlfriend - wow, what not to love. I can't wait to see how it all play out - and personally John should ask marissa to move out, but since the baby is getting so close to her, it would be a really bad move on his end to kirk her out - so he is stack, and goes with the ride.

OH YES, REVENGE is SWEET - can't wait to see what Sky do, and what will Nate do when he finds out that Ava plays him to get back at Sky.... Hey it might backfire on AVA... Hope now!!!!

Another Great Episode... as always!!!!

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