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Episode#244: Custody



Julie knocks on Bo’s door. Bo answers


“Have you found her yet?”


“No, Hope just ran out of here like a bat out of hell. I’ve called everyone we know and no one ha seen her.”


“Oh Dear” She says entering the house.


“This could of all been avoided. You should have came to me when Hope told you she killed Gina. Do you know I walked in on her smoking crack at Titian?”


“What!? Crack? Please tell me it’s not true.”


“Thanks to you. Now Hope ha run out and I have no idea where she is. She’s has become a fugitive on the run.”


“Fugitive? You’re going to turn her in?”


“I have no other choice. She committed a crime. In fact, I could get you too?”


“I beg your pardon?”


“Complicity. Julie Williams you under arrest”



Episode: 244, Custody

Written by: ML Cooks & Tara Smith

Down town Salem

3rdCircuit Court.

Peter Blake with his adopted sister Lexie enters the courtroom. Lexie looks at Abe sitting with his lawyer Ji Min Kim. Lexie and Peter take their seats.


“All rise. Judge Fitzpatrick presiding.”

The Judge enters the room as everyone stands up.


“You may be seated. We are here today in the hearing of custody of Theodore Carver. Are Alexandra Craver and Abe Carver present?


Yes, your honor. My client, Alexandra Carver, is accounted for.


My client, Abraham Carver, is also present. We are ready to begin, your honor.

-At Alamain Inc., Billie walks into Forrest’s office and Forrest looks up from his desk and smiles at her. He says this is a pleasant surprise, and strokes her cheek as she says she still remembers his offer that night at the Titan party, and Forrest asks if she’s made a decision. Billie then smiles as well and says yes, she will take her mother’s position. Forrest grins and exclaims “Excellent!” but both of them turn around to see a wide-eyed Vivian! Vivian then says:

Vivian: No, hell no…NEVER! I will not let this spawn of Kate Roberts enter this business!

-At the Titan building, back to normal despite the chaos caused by the storm, Alexis sits at her desk and is just finishing with a call as Jeremy walks up. She laughs and asks if he has another appointment with Victor, and Jeremy says he came to see her. Alexis asks why he would want to see her, and he asks her if she’d like to go out sometime.

-Julie looks at Bo in complete shock after he tells her she is under arrest, and Julie exclaims to him that she hasn’t even done anything! Bo tells her that she knew about Hope’s murder of Gina for several months and she didn’t say anything, and Julie tells him that’s because Hope had to confess to it herself! Bo says that the law is the law, and grabs some hand-cuffs out of his pocket and begins to say that she has the right to remain silent and anything she says can and will be held against her and that she has a right to a lawyer, and if she cannot afford one she will be provided one as Julie looks on in shock…

-Judge Fitzpatrick then says “Lets begin”, and tells Ji’Min to present his case. Ji’Min stands and tells the Judge that his client feels that Lexie is an unfit mother, and is terrified for his son after Lexie’s brutal murders of Tek Kramer and Nikolas Cassadine. Peter then objects, and points out that Tek sexually assaulted Lexie and Nikolas was going to kill her father, and that Judge Fitzpatrick watched Tek’s murder only a few months ago and saw that she was innocent. Ji’Min then responds:

Ji’Min: Yes, but she also had an affair with this man. She cheated on her own husband, and this isn’t the first time she’s been heavily attracted to another man besides her husband. My client’s own son, Brandon Walker, for example. This kind of woman does not need to be raising a child, your honor.

Peter: Miss Brooks has not committed adultery in nearly two years, she has moved past this issue.

Ji’Min: However, we must also not forget another crime of hers. Last year, she kidnapped her mother and began to due work for her criminal father, Stefano DiMera, such as trying to kill many friends and family.

Peter: My client may have helped her father, yes, but she never directly assaulted anyone and her mother did not press charges for the kidnapping. She also assisted Shane Donovan in capturing Mr.DiMera, and saved many people’s lives in Italy.

Ji’Min: True, but she also has committed crime against children themselves. She tried to keep Bo and Hope Brady’s own son from them, this obviously shows she cannot raise a child properly.

Judge Fitzpatrick: I see, I shall take all of the points made into consideration. Mr.Kim, what type of custody is your client pursuing?

Ji’Min: Full custody with no visitation rights from Miss Brooks, your honor.

-Forrest tells Vivian it shouldn’t matter to her, she will soon have nothing to do with this business. He says to her that he is still working on getting her removed from Alamain, and soon she’ll be gone. Vivian laughs and says to Forrest that he has been trying for some time now, but obviously has yet to succeed. She tells him and Billie that she is un-stoppable, and she will wipe the floor with both of them.

-Alexis snorts at Jeremy and asks if he just wants to get her into bed, and Jeremy asks her why he’d want to do that, even though he wouldn’t exactly be completely closed to the possibility. Alexis tells Jeremy that she knows his type, she knows them all too well. She then goes on to say that she’s been in a lot of relationships in her lifetime, and a low-life so she knows what they’re all like.

-Down at the Salem PD station, Bo has Julie in cuffs and she is being booked. Julie screams that this is an atrocity, and Bo says he hates to do this but she aided his wife in something terrible, a crime, and he has to. She growls to him that she thought he’d at least understand, and as she is dragged away she shouts that now she understands why Hope went on the run!

-At the coutroom, Lexie looks in shock at Abe after Ji’Min announces Abe want Lexie to have nothing left to do with Theo, and she immediately stands and screams “YOU CAN’T DO THAT TO ME!!!!” and Judge Fitzpatrick yells “ORDER!” and Peter tells Lexie to calm down and this is only making things worse, and Ji’Min tells the Judge that this is EXACTLY why Abe does not want Lexie anywhere near his son, and Judge Fitzpatrick looks at both Abe and Lexie and then says:

Judge Fitzpatrick: I am declaring a recess for this trial while I consider all of the points made so far.

Judge Fitzpatrick then stands and walks out of the courtroom, and Lexie is about to get up to go confront Abe but Peter manages to gently hold her back and he snaps:

Peter: Are you mad, Lexie?! What you just pulled may have cost you your son!


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