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Episode#243: Rufus!



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Written by: Tara

Episode#243: Rufus!

-In downtown Salem, Celeste and Valentine walk into Ji'Min's office, and he welcomes them both but looks at Valentine, and Valentine asks what is he looking at, and Ji'Min answers that he's a bit surprised she showed up here. Valentine then says:

Valentine: Well I was Stefano's main lover and I heard you called Celeste down here to discuss the will, and I am obviously in it, aren't I?

Ji'Min Well, Miss Heart…actually…you do get some things, but you get the least out of everyone on this list.

Valentine: WHAT?! This can't be possible! I mean, my Stefano loved me! That will must be tampered with!

-At the Carver household, Lexie says to her son "Oh, Theo-" and tries to run to hug him but Abe stops her by gently grabbing her arm, and she hisses to him in a low tone "What the HELL do you think you are doing?!" and Abe whispers back that when he says he doesn't want her near his son, he means it. He walks over to Theo and picks him up, and tells him he and Lexie were just talking a bit louder than they should have. Theo tells him that he knows he and his Mommy were fighting, and says that they have been fighting for a really long time over and over.

- "Sami" tells Marlena that if she doesn't want to "tolerate" her any longer, than just get out of her life. Marlena sighs and says to "Sami" that at this point, after all of those years of trying, she wouldn't mind giving up now. She says she has so many problems to focus on right now, she just can't deal with her anymore. She says to "Sami":

Marlena: Sami, I'm so sorry, you'll know I always love you…but if you can't mature…I just give up. I can't deal with you anymore.

-Bo slowly peeks into his and Hope's house, and sees Hope still alone on the couch, holding Pamela and Addie as she continues to sob slightly, and a few more tears come out of Bo's eyes as he wonders how he can tell her he has to turn her in. He tries to keep himself together as he opens the door and walks in, and Hope looks up at his teary face and is silent, and they exchange a stare full of tears like both of them knows what is going to happen, then Bo says:

Bo: Fancy Face, its time we talk…I've had some time to think about you killing Gina…and…I don't know how to say what I have to tell you.

*Life in Salem Opening: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eo2A7rZhZGA *

-Helena and her thugs stalk Steve around Salem, and they watch him closely. Helena smirks and tells them the time for them to make their move is so close she can taste it, and she then says that EJ must be looking down on her proudly now. She whispers "Did you really think you could get away with killing my son, Steven? My heir?" and she looks back to her thugs and says:

Helena: Once he gets into an area where no-one can see and we can do it quietly…we will put our plan in motion.

-On the edge of Salem, a tooter booter slowly edges along the road. A woman sits inside driving it, and briefly glances at the sign that says they are entering the small town of Salem. She brushes her hair back and many people walking around on the sidewalks take notice of the car driving into Salem, not use to seeing such vehicles, and many wonder who it is…ArquetteAlexis455035520.jpg

-Ji'Min says that it seems the will hasn't been touched at all, and reveals to Valentine that…Celeste gets most of the royalties! Valentine looks at Celeste in shock as Celeste pretends to be stunned, and after a moment of pure silence, Celeste says:

Celeste: Mr.Ji'Min…are you sure? I never thought I would be the one to receive most of Stefano's belongings.

Ji'Min: Its true, Ms.Perrault. All of his children have trust funds set up for them, as do you and his grandson Theo, and Tony has the deed to the DiMera Mansion here in Salem, while you receive rights to use his private jets at any given time, as do his children. You also have the deeds to Maison Blanche, Aremid, the DiMera Palace, and any other locations, no matter what they are, that Stefano owned unless noted otherwise, and also any other royalties all go directly to you.

Valentine: THIS CAN'T BE TRUE! She was just his servant, why would he leave everything to HER?!

Celeste: Because, most likely when Stefano wrote this will, I was his most loyal subject, and the only one who knew everything about him, Dahling. You were just another lover.

Ji'Min: Miss Heart, you have received a gracious small trust fund from Stefano. However, it is not nearly as large as any of the others.

Celeste: And what about the DiMera Business, Mr.Ji'Min?

Ji'Min: Tony has been named the Executive in Charge.

Valentine looks at both Celeste and Ji'Min in shock, and screams in anger as she gets up and storms out of the office in a huff…

-Lexie tells Theo that sometimes Mommy and Daddy fight like that, and its nothing to worry about. Theo asks why, and Lexie tells him that its just how things are sometimes, and once again assures him that everything is fine. Lexie slowly, watching Abe closely, leans in and kisses Theo on the forehead. Abe tells Theo he's going to take him back upstairs, and Theo says okay. Abe slowly walks up the stairs and exchanges one last glance with Lexie, but continues on. Lexie watches them leave, and in anger she stomps out of the Carver house…

- "Sami" growls at Marlena and tells her to go if she wants to give up on her so easily, and Marlena is about to argue but Nicole tells her that this trash is not worth her time. Marlena looks at Nicole and is silent for a minute, but then she says "You're right, Nicole. Lets go." and then Nicole smirks at "Sami" as she and Marlena leave. Marlena walks down the halls of Salem Inn, she and Nicole heading for the exit, and wonders what has caused Sami to revert to her old self so suddenly…

-Hope stands up and puts Pamela and Addie back down into their playpens, and asks Bo what they have left to talk about, and that she said everything she could say last night. Bo tells her that he didn't say everything he had to say, and Hope asks what he means, and what more could he have said. Bo then sighs, and answers:

Bo: Hope, you killed a woman. I don't know what the crack and alcohol has done to you over these past several months, but I can't just forgive you for that.

Hope: Bo, I thought you understood! But you don't and that's why I kept it from you for so long! I should have known…

Bo: See, THIS is what the drugs do to you! They cause you to act like someone who's not you. And I do understand, Hope. You don't think the thought crossed my mind to kill Gina when we finally found her? But this isn't just about us, it involves the law now.

Hope: Wait, Bo, please…Brady…no…you can't be saying what I think you're saying…

Bo: Y-y-yes…Fancy Face…I have to turn you in…

Hope: NO! NO! I NEVER THOUGHT YOU'D DO THIS TO ME! NEVER! I knew you'd be upset, but not this…YOU are the one that has changed! I won't go to jail, Bo! That's one thing I will never be able to take!

Bo: I'm a police officer! And even if I wasn't, I can't just let this slide like its nothing, no matter what Gina has done!

Hope: Oh please, Brady…I'm sorry, but I won't go to jail. I WON'T!

With that Hope suddenly pushes her way past Bo, and darts out of the house…

-Valentine rushes through the streets of Salem in anger, and Celeste runs after her after leaving Ji'Min's office. Celeste mutters to herself "Why are all of Stefano's lovers always so temperamental and unstable?" and she chases after Valentine, and finally catches up to her and asks what is wrong. Valentine responds to her that her lover, the man she gave a lot of her life to, left her nearly nothing. Celeste then says:

Celeste: Valentine, Dahling, you were just another random lover of Stefano's like Lee, Kate, Helena, and Lord knows who else. All that gives me an advantage is that I was also his loyal servant.

Valentine: But we had this special bond, we-

Suddenly, a woman walks up to Celeste and Valentine, and Celeste stares at her oddly…and she asks "Excuse me, Miss, but are you…a man dressed in drag?" and Valentine looks at Celeste in shock, and the woman ignores the question and says:

Rufus: My name is Rufus, and I'm a woman just like you two ladies., no matter what you say, so don't try to preach a sermon to me or decide my gender. All I have is a question.

Valentine: Um, you know, I don't think I have time for some lunatic to talk to me.

Rufus: I should've known you two would be low-down bitches like in Pasadena.

Valentine: EXCUSE me?! I am VALENTINE HEART, and you will show me some respect!

Rufus begins to turn and walk away, but Valentine grabs her by the shoulder and turns her around, but as she tries to move her hand away it gets caught…in Rufus's fake breast! Suddenly it pops, and Valentine lets out a shriek of horror and faints while Celeste stares in shock, and Rufus quickly runs off…

-Steve continues to walk around Salem, as Helena and her thugs follow, and he says to himself that this is taking too long and he should probably take a shortcut through an alley, and Helena is able to hear him and motions for her men to hide at the other side of the alleyway. Steve begins to walk down the alley as Helena watches with a grin on her face, and suddenly as he reaches the end of it…her thugs come out of hiding and knock him out! Helena walks over to his motionless body, and tells them that they know where to take him. They slowly pick him up and carry him off, and Helena takes out her cell phone, dials a number, and says:

Helena: Phase I of our plan is complete. Meet me down at the Pier…your part in this has come.

-At the DiMera Mansion, Lexie arrives and stomps down into the basement and into the secret area, and Elvis and Renee both comment at how she is back quick. Lexie looks at her sister and brother, and then straight at Elvis, and she says:

Lexie: I've decided to take you up on your offer. I want your help with getting custody of my son.

-Hope drives through Salem, looking desperately for Suga. After glancing around the streets and a few alleyways, she decides to check the Pier and warehouses. She runs frantically through the Pier and sees no one, and then as she heads towards the warehouses she bumps right into Suga. Suga sees Hope's heavy breaths and says "Whats wrong, Ma?" and she tells her that she did something horrible a few months ago, and now her husband wants to turn her in for it. She tells Suga that she just CAN'T go to jail, and Suga flashes back to stabbing Dahila for Natalia in Pasadena and tells her she knows how it feels. Hope then says:

Hope: You're the only one who can help me now, Suga. I can't go to my family, my husband, or anyone else in this town.

Suga: Don't worry, Ma. I won't let 'em get ya. We can leave this place together.

Suddenly both of them hear someone approaching, and they turn around to see…RUFUS! Rufus looks at Suga, and says "I think you're Suga. The Suga from Pasadena. and Suga's eyes widen for a moment at him, and then she says:

Suga: Maybe, and who do ya think you are?

Rufus: I'm Rufus, I've come with a proposition for you. I'm willing to pay you a lot of money if you come back to Pasadena with me to help me out with something. Don't worry, I'm not here to turn you in.

Suga: You want me to go back to that rat-hole town now? You better be paying me a lot of money, boy…or, girl.

Hope: …The hell?

Rufus: Trust me. I may not look like much, but I can give you a lot of cash.

Suga: Well, then, as long as my friend, Ma here, comes with me…lets high-tail it out of this place.

Rufus: Fine, then.

As Rufus turns and motions for them to follow him, Suga says to Hope:

Suga: Well, Ma, looks like we're gonna go to Pasadena. twocopy.jpg

Follow Hope to Pasadena, To follow her story, tune into S.T.E.A.M......!

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