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Jenn vs. Jodie! Episode79



Kendall OR Greenlee...  

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    • Kendall
    • Greenlee

Pasadena City Jail12824943_551f054d6c.jpg


"Shut your damn mouth. You're giving me a headache."


"lord have Mercy where is my holy water when I need it." She then looks at Alexis

"How could you kill your own flesh and blood? Then you lied about it? You're going straight to hell you she devil!"


"Sister p82-1.jpgPatterson, I didn't know I rammed into Sabryn's car. It was a dark and stormy night."


"Save it for Oprah honey. I am glad my son won't be going out with you any more. You're a cold blooded killer and you would have to kill me first before I let you back in my son's life. It's a good thing I won't have to worry about that since you'll be in here for a long time."


"I would not count on that. It was an accident and my lawyer is working on getting me out of here."


"That may be but you will not be with my son."


"Don't you ever close the big mouth of yours? You're always harassing somebody."


"Don't talk to me you fruit basket. I am doing the Lord's work right now. How dare you speak to me like that?"


"I can's believe you have kids. What man in the right man would start a family with a loud crow."

Pat, looking up toward the ceiling

"Lord give me strength not to beat the sweetness out of miss Jelly Bean here. Lord I want to do good by you, but the fagots keep testing me." Pat closes her eyes and then looks at Dre.

"My third eye is telling me something."

Rufus, laughing

"You look like you got a third eye."

Pat, looking at Rufus

"I better not ever see you in the streets. Lord help me and you if I do." Looking back a t Dre

"My third eyes is telling me your innocent. Some body is setting you up."


"Finally, some one knows what I am talking about. Tell that third eye thank you Sister Patterson."


"No, you thank the Lord. The Lord gave me my right eye to do his work. I speak the truth. That's all I know how to do. Dondre you're innocent, and I am going to help you find the person that did this to you."

Kevin, Karim,mp05-1.jpg and Abe all walk into the holding area and are stunned at what Pat just said.


"Ma, what are you talking about? No one set Dondre up. He kidnapped Sharan."


"You better listen to your mom boy."


"You can shut the hell up."


"It's true Kevin. Dondre did not kidnap Sharan, my third eye never lies."

Lisa and Kiko come walking to the holding are as well.

lisa.jpg"She's right. That third eye didn't lie this time. The charges against my client have been dropped."


"No! NO! NO! You got it all wrong. I was there in the house when he took Sharan."


"The D.A. has dropped the case due to lack of evidence buddy."


"I told you. But you would not listen. Why would I kidnap the woman I love?"

Abe unlocks Dre's holding cell. Kiko and Dre hug.


"It's good to have you out man."

Kevin, has a look of madness on his face as he keeps having flashbacks of all the things Dondre has done to get with Sharan, The romantic breakfast at the beauty shop, making love to Sharan, she called out his name, and he remembers Ria telling him she caught Dre and Sharan kissing at Ashley's funeral.


"Enjoy this freedom while you can. It's not going to last long."


"Says who?"


"Watch you're back." Kevin says as he leaves the police station. Karim follows him. Abe unlocks his wife cell as well to release Rufus and Pat.


"It's about damn time. I can't wait till we get home. We are going to pray all night. I can't believe you arrested me." She slaps him.


"Thank you Sister Patterson for believing in me."

Sister Pat then slaps Dondre. Dondre is stunned

"Don't talk to me when I am angry boy." She rolls here eyes at everyone and leaves the police station. Dre looks at Abe

"You better get your son in check. He gone fu(k around wit me and get hurt." Then Dre begins to walk out with Kiko following. Abe shakes his head in frustration. Rufus who is still there, gets bold and says

"It looks like you need a hug?" Abe looks at Rufus and walks away.


"I was just trying to help. Oh well I guess. Pasadena has so many fine men. I'll have to sample them all" She says with a smile, leaving the Police station as well.


Episode: 79

Written by : ML Cooks and Matt P.

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The Dressing Room

Jodie and Jenn stare each other down


"Aint no one making no deals here unless it's through me. I am the pimp here."


"This isn't about you DC. It's about me and my life. You shouldn't have come here. I told you I am done with that life."


"You owe me some money hoe.'


"Yes hoe, give your pimp the money you owe."


"So Jenn brought you here DC?"


"yes she did."


"You just don't stop do you Jenn? Are you that miserable that you have to try and ruin my life too? Why are you doing this to me? "


"Because I just don't like you. Mike and Ty are so smitten by you but I'm not. I want you out of our lives."


"So what do I have to do for you not to expose me?"

Before Jenn can answer they hear

"Oh hell to the nall" Ria says approaching the triothdru_pink.jpg


"There you go girl. I like how you left me high and dry yesterday at the airport."


"What? Ria you went to Cleveland too?"


"DC you can shut the hell up you fat bastard."


"You was calling me big daddy last night."


"What the hell are you doing here? I told you to stay away from me in Pasadena!"


"And you two had sex."


"Jealous she had sex with your pimp?" Jodie with tears in her eyes, messing up her eye liner, runs off to the bathroom.

DC looks at Ria

"What do you say we go somewhere in a quiet corner and get busy."


"In your dreams." She says walking away.


"I'm get you again lil momma. Feisty thang." He says walking onto the show area.

The Fashion show begins with some club music in the background playing and the lights flash of all colors on the runway. The first model walks out and struts to the music.models.gif

Sabryn, standing next to Nataliasaoudgaot0d070520052225uy0.png

"How hideous. So tacky. No class whatsoever ever."


"Jealous ones still envy I see. If I wasn't pregnant. I would love to have a few rounds with you in the boxing ring you."


"It's a deal. After we have our babies , it's a date. I 've been waiting to show you who's really boss."


"Bryan knows who's boss" She coolly says walking away.


"That's the second weird comment that dumb BITCH made. " she says wondering what is Natalia is talking about. As Sabryn walks back over to Bryan, The lady in red follows her.

Dre and Kiko arrive at the Fashion show.


"I hope I can snatch me up a lady in here. It's been so long since I got my d!ck wet.'


"That's all you think about is sex."


"I can do that." He says looking at some of the models. Then Ria walks out and seductively walks down the runway.


"Isn't that your ex?"


"Something like that. Listen bro, you said you had something to tell me about momma."


"Yes I do. This not the place to talk to you about her. After the show we'll talk"


"we better man. You been putting this off since I've been in jail."

Next to arrive at the Fashion show are The Hutchins men, Karl and Ty. They make their way into the crowd and looks at the beautiful models walking down the runway. Ty looks around in the crowd and looks to see who he sees.


"So have you talked to Daniel?"


"No 0000034379_20061020195038.jpgI have not. Lauren has been hovering around him."


"Well what the hell are you waiting for? We have to find Mona or she will ruin everything.'


"I know what I am doing. Damn, leave me the hell alone. Why don't you go on vacation or something? Don't you get bored hovering around your son. Go find a woman or something."


"How bout I have a go round with Jenn. She is mighty pretty."


"Karl, I wish you would leave Pasadena. You're in my way."

Making their way into the fashion show next are Abe and his wife Sister Patterson Williams.


Look at those sluts showing all that skin."


"Their models. That's their job."


"Don't talk back to me simple bastard. Arresting me like you crazy. I am a church woman. Miss Jenkins was not to happy when she found out you arrested me."


"You deserved it."


"Don't argue with me. Don't make me pull out my holy water."


"If any one needs holy water I t's you." he says walking away. Pat pulls her holy water out and begins to chase Abe with it.

Diego also arrives at the Fashion. He looks for Natalia. He spots her in the crowd and approaches her.


"Hey Doctor. Thank you for coming to support me."


"In your dreams. I need to have a word with you."


"Oh not now. I am running a fashion show.'


"I don't give a damn about that. Or should I tell Mark you paid Suga to stab Dahlia."


"Dahlia is dead and gone. It won't even matter now. Besides, if you expose me now, I'll take you with me. You knew I paid Suga and yet you didn't do nothing. So your just as guilty as much as me."


"How would Mark feel about you paying Suga off? I think I'll tell him right now."


"You can't he's not in town."


"Liar. He's right there." he says pointing at Mark walking over to them.mortim09.jpg

"It's time Mark finds out what type of woman he got pregnant."

DC mingles in the crowd. He bumps into Abe.


"Excuse me." Abe turns around and sees DC.

Don, is that you?"


"Little brother. It's good to see you again." They hug just as Ria and Sister Patterson walks up to them.


"Don't you ever leave you fat Bastard!"


"Victoria, how dare you talk to my brother like that?"


"Say what?"


"This is my younger brother, DC" Ria faints as Sister Patterson looks at DC with a very strange look in her eyes.

"Oh my God NO! DC can't be here. Is this a sign my God is sending me. Is it time for the truth to come out?" She thinks in her mind.

Jodie hears a knock on the bathroom door. She rushes to open it to find Jenn with a smug smile on her face.


May I come in?


You're not welcome. Get out!

Jodie tries slamming the door in Jenn's face but Jenn lets herself in anyway.


Are you deaf?




Why are you here?


I came by to warn you that by the end of the fashion show, your reputation will be just as tarnished as that whorish past of yours.


What are you talking about?


Ahh, Jodie, or should I say Jo Ho, Was that the name you used when you were a dirty slut exchanging your body fluids for money?


You bitch!


Well I'll be on my way. If you walk out on that runway, everyone will find out your a slut bucket. Ta ta dear.

Jenn heads for the door but Jodie pulls her hair as Jenn's body falls to the ground. Jodie twists and turns her head until Jenn kicks her in the face with her high heel. Jodie flails back into the wall. Jenn springs up and is ready for action. Jenn lunges for Jodie and starts to strangle her. She then throws Jodie over her couch and onto her glass coffee table, breaking it. Jenn jumps over the couch to attack Jodie but Jodie sweep kicks her ankle to bring her down to her level. Both women roll around on the glass, pulling each other's hair and screaming. Jenn gets up to head for the door again but Jodie grabs onto her leg to trip her. Jodie looks around and sees a knife sitting on the kitchen table. Jenn notices it too but Jodie's quicker when she grabs it. Jodie places the knife in front of her throat as she tugged onto her hair.


What are you going to do kill me? Go ahead and do it. Mike will still find out how filthy you really are.


I learned some things while I was on the street. Here's a message for you, don't screw with me!

Jodie opens the bathroom door and with all her might, throws Jenn out. Jenn trips to the ground as she watches the door slam in her face. All Jenn could do was laugh in victory.


Recommended Comments

  • Members

OMG - THIS EPISODE IS FULL WITH ACTIONS/DRAMAS/ AND SURPRISES - DON and ABE are brother... wow - didn't see that coming at all - The fight between Jodie and Jenn was nice, love it... FIVE STARS!!!!!!!!!!

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Hmmm...doesn't that cat fight look familiar? Very nice episode and I can't believe that DC and Abe are bros. More bros and hoes to look out for.

If Jenny really wanted to get back Jodie, she should've walked down the runway herself but what she did was mean enough. I'm all for team Jodie here because Jenn's a mess but that always makes for a good read.

Seems like everyone's a blackmailer in Pasadena and I'm sure that Diego will learn the ways of how to do it properly. Although he's going up against the Queen of Mean so the doctor better watch out.

Hopefully this comment makes it. You know I'm a die hard STEAMer!

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